Nightmares Alive

*rune smiles*rune: allow me*he waves his hands and cross has a new set of clothes on(yes, adventurers wanted book 3 alex did that for himself and 6 others so i can do tht lol)

(Well im bi in rl and now so is rune^_^)
[Damian's just gay. I made him that way. Not sure why.]

Damian kept staring out the window, seeming to be in some sort of a trance.


I looked up at the sky, it was to storm. I love storms, and I love insane, giggliness that I am. I love myself, but not in the sick way some people do. I mean, I do wanna be loved by someone, but, not just anyone, someone that's just as nuts as me! I laughed at myself again, and then raised my sword, and it was struck by lightning. Ah, lightning is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo refreshing. I loooooooove it.
(Eran doesn't have an interest yet xD )

Eran came out and yawned loudly. He stretched his arms up and his tail straightened for a moment. He saw Damian in a trance, and decided he wanted to have some fun. Eran snuck up behind Damian and screamed,"BOO!"
"HOLY--" Damian just about yelled then turned around to see Eran. He overly dramaticly gasped and said, "Peasant! You nearly made my precious head hit the ceiling!"


For some odd reason, I really wanted bbq now. So I decided to find an old bbq joint, I found one, and basically left everyone there in bloody shambles. Shall I go into detail? Of the food's flavour? Yes, I shall. It was, just, uh. It was the BEST bbq ever. Sadly, I had killed the cooks. Oh well. Barbee que is good enough a price for the loss of life.
(So far,Cross doesn't and probably won't have any interest XP)

Cross looked out the open door and watched the storm,he didn't the water but just the sounds.The booming of the thunder mixed with the sound of drops constantly falling to the ground,he enjoyed them very much.
*rune walks outside the rain not hitting him* rune: SALINOR!* a dragon lands on the ground in front of me, huge compared to most dragons*rune: youve grown

Salinor: or youve shrunk*the dragon laughs*rune: there is some truth in those words my friend(ches, rune is friends with a dragon....he has only one fear and dragons arent one of them)
Eran laughed crazily,"What's with the old-timey talk, Damian?" Eran asked, then strutted around the room," And I am no mere peasant, your majesty!" He sharp teeth shone, Eran showing them off in a egonistic manner.


I walked outside, and flipped my red hair back in the rain, and stood there for a second, letting the rain try to wash the crimson, and warm, liquid you call blood off of my body. I, personally, call it beauty liquid. That's because it's crimson, and I like that color. I decided to go back to that inn thing, and walked inside, and plopped my wet carzy self down on the couch.
Salinor: would you like to go troll hunting? I saw where they where on the way over here

Rune: YES! i need to satisfy my bloodlust.....trollsblood feels amazing*salinor wispers into runes ear for a few minutes and flys off, rune runs into the forest to kill the trolls, bathe in their blood and swim in their hoards of teasure laughing like a maniac*
"Am NOT!" Eran growled and stuck his tongue out childishly. "Sir King Damian!" He mocked, bowing down, his tail flicking this way and that. Eran's red eyes shone gleefully.
*rune walked back into his cottsge with everyone licking the blood ofc his fingers*rune: i love to hunt trolls...there evil so i can satisfy bloodlust without killing people....wich is great...also.....theyve got hoards of wealth!
((I don't like to randomly pop in... so yeah... I'll make a charry soon~ What's happening? :D ))
(everyones at a cottge rune made)

"YES KING DAMIAN SIR," Eran said, pretending to hokd a sword and swung around. His tail accidently slashed a part of the couch and Eran said a quick sorry.
"We can fix thy throne." Damian said and poked the couch. "ALL BETTER." THen he ran outside and into the woods, getting a hairbrush, glue, and finding a blanket. After ten minutes he came back soaking wet, and tired. "GOT SUPPLIES FR SURVIVAL. MY KINGDOM MUST LIVE ON."

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