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Fantasy Nightfall


Noctis looked at Mei and shook his violently. "Hell no! I'm trying to get a hero's help to take her down! Why makes you think I can take her?!" Noctis looked at Akuma and sighed. "I do however have something I could send up here though to keep her occupied." He walked over to the opened manhole and shot three times. Minutes a large Rat came out and it is twice the size of the other ones that came out before. "Get me that hammer." The large Rat ran after Akuma at incredible speed and attempted to swipe at her.


Loretta watched as large creature came at her and swung at her. She dodged every attack without get touched once. "My turn." She swung her hammer into the Rat's stomach and lifted it up in the air and swinging it over head. "Annnnd you're dead." Wrong. The Rat got up and went after her again. Loretta put her hammer on her back sideways and pulled her revolvers and started shooting at the Rat and missed half her shots. "How!? I never miss!" She was truly confused on how she missed but that didn't stop her from fighting.

Natasha Bankfoot


Natasha gave a frown.

"This is childish!" She muttered, lifting her sword, she armed her right hand with her second sword, a light blue handled blade that was inlayn with small rubies below the hilt.

Bullets were annoying but for the most part, they wouldn't leave a scratch on her lovelies. Launching forward, she came up behind the 'rat', long brown hair swaying behind. She slid to the side and let her feet leave the ground. Her weight shifted and she landed firmly to the right of her target.

Asha lashed out, aiming her smaller sword for the barrel of her attackers left revolver. Disarming her was Asha's priority.

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Sylar seemed to have spaced out for a second. All of a sudden, there was craptons of stuff happening! As his vision cleared and the night came into focus, he saw everyone standing around like a bunch of useless shits. a major fight going down. A couple new people seemed to have joined the fight. "Quick analysis... Dafuq?!"

Sylar's monocle rapidly flashed, being annoying af. This angered him greatly. He rushed at the nearest person, a lady with a giant op hammer and a couple of pistols. Apparently someone else was mad, too. Another chick was attacking her in what looked like a mediocre disarmification attempt. Jumping into the air, he slashed at her (Loretta) with his Shanking Claws.

#doubleteam @TheSaiyanKami
(So giant family emergency has come up and I won't be on/ able to post at all for the next few weeks so here's a quick post just to let you guys get back to business...)

Everest looked at his watch and saw he had a new email, opening it he cursed and using the intercom for the store said,

"Emergency just came up, there's a hospital about 5 minutes down the street. I just contacted them, they won't ask any questions.... now get out of here."

@Syfyre @Jinx


Another day had passed and again, Marc was in front of the Count's castle. He wondered if he should become a villain just so that he can enter the castle...but he shrugged the idea off. His old man would literally smack the idea out of his head. "But when would I be able to see you again?" He wondered aloud as he looked up at the dark and daunting castle. He really wished the Count would just suddenly appear in front of him.

The Count..


He stood viewing the city through the his hidden glass eyes, it seemed more heroes had come to try their luck. He chuckled madly to himself, they would soon fall or succumb to the darkness. However one hero caught his eye. A young man with a Mohawk was attacking one of his best right hand men; Mei. He was intrigued, was there such a person who could keep up with Mei? He tapped his fingers, forming a devious plan in his head. A wide grin formed under his mask. Even without seeing it, anyone nearby could feel the malice hidden behind the mask.

Later on he prepared to put his plans into action. He walked at the door, cape draped over him. He cast his gaze spotting a hero. "Ah perfect" he whispered and in a blink of an eye came a hair width close to them. "Little boy don't you know that trespassing private property?" he asked quirking an eyebrow.

@AddictedtoPaper /Marc
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Marc's eyes were deceiving him. That must have been the case. Why else would THE COUNT be standing right in front of him? And so close too... "Wow, I must really miss you if I'm hallucinating like this." He said as he eyed the Count with a look of interest. But he looked so real. Marc raised an eyebrow as he then realized that the Count had spoken to him. His eyes widened just a bit as he came to the conclusion that the Count was really in front of him. He really hoped he wasn't wrong and that this wasn't a hallucination. "I am aware of that, sir Count." He replied as he tried to contain his feelings of joy. "...But really. It's an honor to finally meet you in person." He said, smirking a bit happily.

@ScarletHood /the Count

(I thank you for bringing the Count into the rp :,) )
As Everest's voice finished it's quick address, Ryan sighed. "What's with this guy?" He asked as he turned to Cathrin. A look of alarm crossed his face as he noticed the growing blot of blood covering her shoulder, it's crimson hue a stark contrast to her now pale skin. "Shit, okay, no time. We've got to get you to help." Without waiting for a response he pushed open the door and pulled her outside and down the street towards Nightfall Medical Center. It might be too much for her to run, Ryan thought and looked back at his boss. He came to a quick decision and switched his backpack to one arm before pulling Cat into a fireman's carry over his other shoulder.

"This is going to hurt, so sorry about that." Ryan said before breaking into the fastest run he could with the load he had. Between his hurried breathing he let out a short laugh. "I'd better get a raise for this." He muttered with a smirk. After a few minutes that seemed like hours, the two burst through the door. Ryan wasted no time in going up to the startled receptionist. "She needs help; bullet wound in the shoulder. She's lost a lot of blood." He said quickly between gasping breaths, stumbling over his words in his growing panicked state.

The resident made a call over the intercom before directing Ryan back towards the emergency room. A group of doctors and nurses met him on the way and took Cathrin from him, placed her on a gurney, and attached an IV to her arm. They wheeled her away but refused to let Ryan follow. "You can see her when she's stable." A doctor said as the hero shook his head. "No, I need to make sure she's fine." Ryan wouldn't budge on the issue until he was told he would just get in the way. After a moment he relented.

"Fine." He sighed in a defeated tone. "But I'm waiting right here." Without another comment he leaned against the wall and slid down into a sitting position, letting his backpack fall beside him. The full weight of the night's event hit him as he stared down at the floor. A rustling from Sunshine could be seen in the fabric of the bag, but Ryan barely registered it. Concern and exhaustion took over his mind.

Cathrin couldn't do much when Ryan picked her up, she didn't have the energy to to anything. "We'll see." She said with a slight chuckle, she was still the same even with the injury she had and all the blood she had lost. She didn't say anything, or do anything, he whole body felt num, her mid went fuzzy and she didn't even know what was happening when they got to the hospital.

When her mind became normal again she was in a hospital bed and she saw doctors around her, she looked around for Ryan a little worried. She layed there as one of f the doctors put a needle in her arm, she saw them take out the bullet and put it in a tray. The doctors where done and stitched her arm up and cleaned the wound.

After awhile of that they brought her out of the room on the gurney and took her to a room. "Know, do you need anything miss?" One of the nurses asked. "Yea, the guy that brought me here. Can you bring him to me?" She asked feeling a little uncomfortable without someone she knew with her.

The hum from the hospital lights buzzed in Ryan's ears as the time passed. After they'd taken Cathrin off he opened his backpack so that Sunshine could poke his head out but didn't allow the cat to leave. He registered the blood on his shirt from Cat's wound but ignored it; he didn't exactly have a spare change of clothes. The florescent lights buzzed on as he fought sleep, the same thought surfacing in his mind from time to time. I need to be able to protect people. To make a difference here.

A nurse came by but wouldn't come too close. "Cathrin asked for you." She started, eyeing his oddly due to his blood stained attire. "Um, if you need a spare shirt, we have scrubs here." Her second statement almost went unnoticed as he stood up quickly, his exhaustion pushed to the back of his mind. "Oh-" He looked again at the red spot on is shoulder, a mirror of Cat's. "Yeah, that would be great."

After changing into the new shirt he followed the nurse to Cathrin's room and smiled in relief. "You're looking much better." He said simply as he set his bag on a seat nearby. The smile turned into a smirk. "Not going to keel over on me now, are you?"

The nurse hovered in the doorway for a moment before saying, "She can leave soon as well. Though you might want to avoid any gunfights in the near future." She left with Ryan staring after her in stunned silence. I guess living in this city gives everyone a morbid sense of humor, he thought sadly. Maybe I can change that. He turned back to Cat. "At least you won't be stuck here for long." He muttered, not quite sure of what else to say.


The Count..


A dark chuckle came from the Count, this young boy amused him. Yet he could not afford to waste any more time. He conjured up a little black box. Then handed it to the boy saying in a strange voice, "Could you deliver this to a girl? She has purple eyes and two black pigtails, I think she's quite near my castle..."


Then in the blink an eye, he dissipated in wave of black smoke.

Reappearing in his castle, he activated the giant digital screens in the front of the buildings in the city. His face could now be seen by anyone. "I have challenge for all those heroes, get the black box and I allow you to duel with me, but you must kill the fellow hero holding it" He gave a mad chuckle and the screen blacked out.

@AddictedtoPaper /Marc

Noctis watched as everything went down. A rat jumped out and whispered in his ear before jumping back into the sewers. "Shit." He ran towards Akuma, Natasha and Sylar but instead of joining he jumped over them all and ran towards the hospital. Once he made it there he didn't even bother going to the front desk, he straight to Cat's room and when he got there he nearly busted the door down. He stood there out of breath. He tried to act like nothing happened but something obviously did happen. "Cat. Are you alright? I came has soon as I heard. I am sorry I couldn't help with bullet but I heard some stuff going on and had to help."


Loretta saw the girl try to disarm her but quickly switched to her hammer and killed the Rat then jumped back just in time to avoid being attacked from both attackers. "You guys are going to have to do better then that." She then switched her hammer out for her scythe/sniper ((let's just call it a scyper)) and stood there. "I will not do anything until I'm ready." Just then the count appeared on every building. "I'm ready." Loretta ran towards the castle but instead of killed the hero with the box she swung her scyper, twice, at the gate and left a hole tall enough for her to get through. "Count. I'm ready to fight."

@ScarletHood @Syfyre @Jinx


"Wait!" Marc yelled, but he was too late. The Count had disappeared from his sight just as quickly as he had appeared. As he stood there, now alone, he cursed under his breath. He should have done something to make the Count stay longer. Marc's hands tightened around the little black box that was now in his hands. Looking down at it, he wondered what it was that the Count would want him, a hero, to deliver to some girl that he imagined to be the pigtailed girl that he encountered earlier. Just then, he heard the Count's voice from the city. "...So he's playing that kind of game, huh?" Marc mumbled as a cunning smirk formed on his lips. Oh, how the Count never fails to amuse Marc.

"Then that means that if I deliver this box to that girl, then I will get to see you?" Marc thought aloud as he looked up at the castle. He stuffed the little box into his jacket pocket and began making his way back to the city. But before he took a step towards the city, he quickly jumped back to hide behind a tree as a figure ran up to the castle's gates and sliced it with a scythe-sniper thing. Now that was trespassing...

Marc stayed hidden behind the trees as he observed the figure with the dangerous weapon. Perhaps he would have to make sure to stay alive first before finding the girl.

@ScarletHood /the Count

@TheSaiyanKami /Loretta

The Count..


The Count turned to the new comer, "Oh dear now I shall have to call the repairs again..." He gave sigh and shook his head. Then with a simple wave, dark shadows traveled under the figure. Then long black tendrils pushes up away from the black mass, wrapping themselves around the person. Those tendrils would be unbreakable and if he tried could squeeze this girl to death in seconds.

Instead he looked at her. Then tilted his head and said, "I said to kill the boy and get the box silly child." Then without a second thought the shadows flung the girl out of the castle and into the city.

Sylar saw crazy sniper lady fly past him and back into the city. "Coward," he muttered under his breath. He bounced after her, a deathly look in his eyes. A small chink was heard and Sylar's exoskeleton boosted him forward to maximum speed. Sylar dodged this way and that. "What are you, a man, or a mouse?"

When Loretta was flung back into the city she landed on her feet and slid backwards. She saw a villian run at her and she sighed. "I'm neither man nor mouse." She switched her scyper for her hammer and slammed it against the ground causing a large pot hole to be created. "I'm Akuma." Akuma watched the villians movements and noticed an odd pattern. When the villian went left she swung her hammer downwards to the right hoping to at least get the villian knocked away so she can get the box.



Marc let out a soft whistle as he watched Loretta (he doesn't know her name yet, but just for the sake of clarifications) get flung back to the city. Would the Count have done the same to him if he tried? Marc nonchalantly shrugged. Guess he'd have to play along for now. He then began silently walking towards the city in search of the pigtailed girl. Perhaps he should try his best for once...just for the Count. A small smile formed on his lips and he picked up his pace.

Sylar swore and leapt right, narrowly missing being crushed. He quickly pulled Dawn out and threw it at her while she swung. ((For clarification dawn is a small dagger)) Then, silently, he pulled a trigger on his left hand and crouched. "The f*** is an akuma." A glint in the reflection of his monocle gave away the presence of...a hero? He took a quick glance and noticed the black box the Count had talked about.
"Where'd you run off to?" Ryan asked heatedly as Noctis burst into the room. He wanted to hit the man but knew it would do no good and sighed instead. "Well she's fine now, no thanks to..." His voice trailed off as the Count's boomed across the city: "I have challenge for all those heroes, get the black box and I allow you to duel with me, but you must kill the fellow hero holding it"

"Was that him?" Ryan asked after the voice faded and the room was thrown into silence. It's all just a game, isn't it? he thought to himself. Who would attack their own? Even to get at the head of this god-forsaken city. "Wait, there are other heroes in the city?" He spun towards Noctis quickly as he asked, a half baked plan forming in his tired mind. "Where? Who?"

@TheSaiyanKami @Jinx ((A little groggy, but hey everyone!))
Cathrin saw noctis burst through the door. "Umm hey, and it's kewl." She said, she stopped and listened to the counts voice and sighed. "Him and his games." She chuckles. "I feel for the hero that has the box." She said laying back on the bed.

She listened to what Ryan said and shook her head. "You know Ryan, heroes are every where. I was one once but eh I quite and you know the rest." She said sighing, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

@Syfyre (sorry it took a while and for it being short and all over the place, Writers block!"h

Loretta smiled when Sylar asked what an Akuma is and threw a small dagger which she side stepped. "Let me put it in a way only you would understand." She charged at Sylar with her hammer. "A fucking demon!"


"Well I'm sorry I couldn't help. I was too busy worrying about the hero that was going to attack Mei. As for heroes, there is the one with the box, the one that was going to attack Mei, and I think that's it. Oh and if you look out that window then you'll see a woman with a giant ass hammer trying to kill a villian. And everyone is in the streets that are worth noting." Noctis then looked at Cat. "It isn't cool. I should've helped you but I didn't. And you two gotta remember. I know who's a villian and who's a hero."
Sylar highjump hacked. Wow. Much physics. So antigrav.

Sylar released the pin with a chink, soaring upwards into the air. He spread out his arms and legs in a gliding position, retrieving Dawn. "I'm atheist. And also, you'll need something faster than that if you wish to hit me." Formulating ideas on paths to victory, Sylar crouched and stared at hammer lady. Then, with delicate precision, he bounded toward her. As he got within around five meters, he jumped over her and rushed towards the hero with the box. *FNAF Jumpscare scream*

Mei Xun


"I'm not saying I wanna shoot you, I just wanna kill you that's all"

Mei felt something was off. Slowly she released her gun scythe from the Heroe's neck. Then she heard his voice; the Counts. She sighed internally to herself, before running off to the direction the castle, guessing she was needed there. However bumped into yet again another person.


Paige Skye

Paige sat by her window, looking outside at the scene before her. Her grey eyes watching the people who passed by and what not. "All so innocent." she simply said, moving some pink hair from her face. Her hair was mid-back length but she would always wear it up in two buns on the sides of her head. Yawning softly, she ran her hands through her hair and then got up from her window seat, walking to the bathroom and brushing her hair, putting it up. "I have some work to do..." she said softly, finishing her hair and getting dressed into her normal outfit, which contained her dress, sleeves and stockings. (As in picture) followed by a collar.

"Oh how I wish you can see me now, mom. I'm just like you." a grin appeared on her face, letting out a small giggle and putting on her flats before heading out the door and into the world "I cause so much chaos you'd praise me each time."
At Noctis' comment, Ryan's eyes brightened. "Say Cat, think you'll be alright without us for a bit?" As he spoke, he picked up his bag and started rummaging through it before pulling out his stun knuckles and sliding them into his pockets. Sunshine climbed out and stretched, looking like he'd been put through a tumble cycle on a dryer. "If this is all a game to him, what happens if we break the rules? Ya know, take the box or whatever from the other hero without killing him." He explained his short sighted reasoning to them as he geared up.

Ryan's eyes briefly rested on his unfinished device, a few wires now knocked loose again from the running around, but otherwise the trinket was undamaged. He sighed and closed the bag. I'll just have to deal with it later. "So what do you think?" He asked the two of them as he slung the backpack onto his back.

@Jinx @TheSaiyanKami (Sorry guys, working full time so I have a lot less time. Will be posting when I can, but I'm out Saturday through sometime on Monday)
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