Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural

Metaphysics said:
Name: Morde Blackwill
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Human, Mage



Personality: Cold and calculating. He is a smart and mostly calm individual who holds a dark power within him, causing him to shun almost everyone around him in fear of their safety.

Powers:Magic in general but he has a very...specific affinity.

Blackwill Codex: His abilities are centered around this cursed book. Bound by dragon hide submerged in demon blood with paper pressed from hellebore an passed down from generation to generation, this book immediately makes sure that any spell he casts is twisted into a darker version, empowering it but slowly damning his soul and corrupting him. Using a spell from the pages of the book does the same only at higher rate. While he can recover slowly from the side effects, using magic repeatedly or continuously will cause him to be possessed by an elder demon and slowly be consumed by the book like the rest of his ancestors.

Weaknesses:Using magic too much.

Other: While he doesn't show it, he likes sweets and kittens.

Layla van Fenrir


Ancient, but otherwise unknown






6’1”, built slender and elegant but strong. Her arms, back, and a portion of her torso are covered in black tattoos that move as if they were alive. These are symbols of present and former contracts she has made. The ring finger of her left hand is missing, as it was cut off many years ago.


Human Form


Dragon Form (True Form)


With an appearance that draws eyes, Layla is an intimidating figure just by presence. She is known in the human world as a wealthy aristocrat, but among supernaturals, Layla is a ruthless, cold-blooded enforcer that makes sure no being step out of line, lest they face her wrath. Though she is loyal and caring (for the most part) to her family, Layla is an apathetic person who would rather uphold law above her own emotions and morality, and holds true to that, even if it comes to her family. However, she is not as cold and uncaring as everyone would like to believe, as her hot temper is easily triggered.


  • Speed (Fast enough that at full speed , she disappears. However, she only moves that fast in her human form)
  • Strength (Her strength is the same in dragon form and human form, so in her human form, it is staggering)
  • Shape-shifting (Only between human and dragon form)
  • Durability (She is capable of taking copious amounts of damage, and she can cover her human body in nearly impenetrable scales for protection.)
  • Fire-breathing
  • Master swordswoman
  • Flight (Only in dragon form)


  • If she doesn’t keep up a constant enchantment, she is very heavy
  • Her scales conduct electricity very well, making her weak to it
  • Her shifting between her forms causes her agonizing pain, so she prefers to switch back and forth the least she can.
  • Temper
  • The cold at best makes her uncomfortable, but at worst can cause serious damage to her insides


  • Isabella’s grandmother
  • History Teacher
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Name: Tien Lung

Age: 11

Gender: Male

Species: Jiang Shi



Personality: Tien shows little to no emotion on a regular basis.

Powers: Uses magic kung fu, can materialize axes out of nowhere, balances on anything, and can stick to ceilings.

Weaknesses: He has one arm, he's a zombie, an old man is trying to cut his head off.

Name: Haru Nitsu

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Kitsune




Personality: She's very quiet and mysterious. She doesn't talk often and usually just walks away from things depending on the situation and if she needs to help or not. She tries to avoid others and their problems and can often be found in the library or the forest. She hasn't been known to stay in one place long aside from the library and the forest.


- Master Swordsman

- Super Speed

- Duplication

- Illusions

- Teleportation

- Spells


Talking to others

Being herself

Name: Grimm (He has no need for a last name.)

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Species: Deity of Torture

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/a9e273ca8e344445205e48eb6802afec.png.b70a609e88b5b1f4d8f0ff6172227acc.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38043" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/a9e273ca8e344445205e48eb6802afec.png.b70a609e88b5b1f4d8f0ff6172227acc.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/317867-bigthumbnail.jpg.e6a86ec80c29f6c6cb1818e9745b3bce.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38049" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/317867-bigthumbnail.jpg.e6a86ec80c29f6c6cb1818e9745b3bce.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Self satisfying. Takes joy in others sorrow and torture. Schemes a lot. Does things for self gain and curiosity.

Powers: Can summon weapons. Gains more strength from damage. Manipulate negative feelings. Can keep torture victims alive for extended time.

Weaknesses: Positive words about him.

Other: Teaches health/ ways the body works in battle and taking and dishing out damage.



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(Sudden Grim appears DUNDUNDUN. Sorry- I'm really dramatic ^^)
Light said:
Name: Grimm (He has no need for a last name.)
Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Species: Deity of Torture

Appearance: View attachment 93821

View attachment 93832

Personality: Self satisfying. Takes joy in others sorrow and torture. Schemes a lot. Does things for self gain and curiosity.

Powers: Can summon weapons. Gains more strength from damage. Manipulate negative feelings. Can keep torture victims alive for extended time.

Weaknesses: Positive words about him.

Other: Teaches health/ ways the body works in battle and taking and dishing out damage.
xD accepted. Teaches Health? Interesting.
Name: Tyler (i'm not good with last names. i would put somthing like Brown. someone come up with a last name plaz. ;_ ;)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Shadow Angel. (somthing i made up :D )

Appearance: Tyler has deep black hair, with a slight brown color when it's in light. his eyes are a mix between green and blue, but more to the blue side, and less of a turqouisey color. he usualy wears somthing black or dark on his upper body, most of the time a hoodie.and, he normally wears jeans, sometimes scruffy, sometimes not, on his legs, and your run- of- the- mill- trainers. (IDK why the -s ok? xD ) He looks like a normal person.

When his wings are out (from him not folding them flat to his back to hide them) they are quite shadowy, and translucent (see through, but you can still see them too.)

Personality: Well, most of the time he's kind and helpful, and easy to make friends with, but he is bad at talking to someone at first, and he's not the one to start conversations with random people. as you get to know him he talks alot more.

Powers: Well... He can:

  • Fly/Hover (W/O the use of wings)
  • Hide his wings, being as they're not solid (as to why the hover) on dark colors.

Also he can absorb types of energy, like electricity, fire and all that stuff. he can absorb it to use it later, so it's more like he stores it.

Weaknesses: Well... alot. he has a high chance to get hit by lightning in a strom, because... well... noone knows. it supercharges his absorbtion ability, being as he absorbs the lightning. he has a limit to how much he can absorb, and he dosen't work for god, so he tries to avoid other angels.

Other: he hides that he's an angel, and even if you can sense angels it's hard to sense his angelic side. when he's alone he usualy stops, being as it's hard to hide...
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Taykillz said:
Name: Tyler (i'm not good with last names. i would put somthing like Brown. someone come up with a last name plaz. ;_ ;)
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Shadow Angel. (somthing i made up :D )

Appearance: Tyler has deep black hair, with a slight brown color when it's in light. his eyes are a mix between green and blue, but more to the blue side, and less of a turqouisey color. he usualy wears somthing black or dark on his upper body, most of the time a hoodie.and, he normally wears jeans, sometimes scruffy, sometimes not, on his legs, and your run- of- the- mill- trainers. (IDK why the -s ok? xD ) He looks like a normal person.

When his wings are out (from him not folding them flat to his back to hide them) they are quite shadowy, and translucent (see through, but you can still see them too.)

Personality: Well, most of the time he's kind and helpful, and easy to make friends with, but he is bad at talking to someone at first, and he's not the one to start conversations with random people. as you get to know him he talks alot more.

Powers: Well... He can:

  • Fly/Hover (W/O the use of wings)
  • Hide his wings, being as they're not solid (as to why the hover) on dark colors.
  • Manipulate shadows.

Also he can absorb types of energy, like electricity, fire and all that stuff. he can absorb it to use it later, so it's more like he stores it.

Weaknesses: Well... alot. he has a high chance to get hit by lightning in a strom, because... well... noone knows. it supercharges his absorbtion ability, being as he absorbs the lightning. he has a limit to how much he can absorb, and he dosen't work for god, so he tries to avoid other angels.

Other: he hides that he's an angel, and even if you can sense angels it's hard to sense his angelic side. when he's alone he usualy stops, being as it's hard to hide...
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Kairon_the_tiefling_bard_by_pepacs.jpg.b99bb0f9a0928ac08a918abebbf108a1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38286" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Kairon_the_tiefling_bard_by_pepacs.jpg.b99bb0f9a0928ac08a918abebbf108a1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: Cecilio Di Pietra

Age: sine he was last awakened. 12 years. Natural age : 272 years old.

Gender: Appears male but gargoyles don't really have a gender do they?

Species: Gargoyle

Appearance: A 'chiseled' and lean physique with a well cut jaw and defined features upon a relax, almost never changing expression. Long back hair that he usually lets loose and out to breath with odd tendency for it to not move even when he is walking or running. his skin has a almost unnatural hazel color to it, always on the darker side of the tint.

Personality: He's very calm and collected man, always giving his opinion about the subject he is studying or the situation at hand, almost to a fault. His master's imprints have left a pattern of friendliness and almost disturbing warmth towards strangers and people e considers friends. He was built and given life to be the replacement of his master's deceased son. Cecilio who died back in the late 1700 hundreds to the devastating fever and wave of pestilence that swept the land. His master, Cecilio's father was a warlock, a sage, a man dedicated to the study of demonology and the relations between demons and humans; When Cecilio passed away, his father was devastated by the fact that no amount of magic could bring his son back to life, so he was approached by a demon with a bargain: " Bring me the soul of two pure children and i will bring forth in return a son that will never leave your side, a son that will not die and will be faithful to you till the very end and so did the man do.

He brought forth through unspeakable acts of desperate cruelty two sacrifices for the daemon. Who in return kept his end of the deal, creating from a fragment of their essence a gargoyle, a living a breathing one that would be a splitting image of the old man's once beloved son. The creature was young, giving the man a chance to relive to good and golden years of fatherhood he'd so coveted...

But one should no better than to bargain with a Daemon, for when the time came for the boy's 21 birthday the demon returned, claiming the man's soul as a new interest to the bill for the prosperity and happiness they had enjoyed for so long. The gargoyle was turned to stone, to awaken at an arbitrary later date set by the demon. The man was then dragged back to the abyss with his 'business partner' but not before giving the child he'd grown to love one final gift...Tho in all forms he was alike Cecilio, mind, body, heart and was equally kind and caring as the deceased child, the creature lacked a soul.

And so forth before being dragged back in to Tartarus, the man casted this one spell on his beloved son. If he ever were to find someone to bind himself to, like he'd done to his father; He would be granted a soul, and be free to live his life with the person he chooses with out fear of him returning to the endless slumber of the gargoyle.

Powers: Cecilio is immune to diseases and most types of magic, beneficial or damaging. He doesn't need to sleep nor eat. He does so out of pleasure for the wonderful tastes and smells of food. He can sprout wings and fly at amazing speeds like most gargoyles can, though he does not suffer from the weakness of stone that most do, he cannot enter places that have been blessed by a figure of holy authority and true faithfuls/

he is exceptionally strong and fast, his skin although soft to the touch is capable of turning as hard as any metal and he is able to engulf his entire body in flames.

Weaknesses: Like said before, holy symbols and thing blessed by the church are very painful to him, one of the drawbacks of being created by a demon and also his will seems to faulter when someone orders him to do something, his will is malleable and he can be easily controlled by creatures of female nature ( The demon that created him was indeed a succubus)

Other: He is still trying to get used to the current times, he does not understand technology very well and as such he isnt very good with all things digital, he still carries around an old wind up pocket watch to tell the time and to him most things electronic are the work of magic.



  • Kairon_the_tiefling_bard_by_pepacs.jpg
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BrewMaster said:
View attachment 94276 Name: Cecilio Di Pietra
Age: sine he was last awakened. 12 years. Natural age : 272 years old.

Gender: Appears male but gargoyles don't really have a gender do they?

Species: Gargoyle

Appearance: A 'chiseled' and lean physique with a well cut jaw and defined features upon a relax, almost never changing expression. Long back hair that he usually lets loose and out to breath with odd tendency for it to not move even when he is walking or running. his skin has a almost unnatural hazel color to it, always on the darker side of the tint.

Personality: He's very calm and collected man, always giving his opinion about the subject he is studying or the situation at hand, almost to a fault. His master's imprints have left a pattern of friendliness and almost disturbing warmth towards strangers and people e considers friends. He was built and given life to be the replacement of his master's deceased son. Cecilio who died back in the late 1700 hundreds to the devastating fever and wave of pestilence that swept the land. His master, Cecilio's father was a warlock, a sage, a man dedicated to the study of demonology and the relations between demons and humans; When Cecilio passed away, his father was devastated by the fact that no amount of magic could bring his son back to life, so he was approached by a demon with a bargain: " Bring me the soul of two pure children and i will bring forth in return a son that will never leave your side, a son that will not die and will be faithful to you till the very end and so did the man do.

He brought forth through unspeakable acts of desperate cruelty two sacrifices for the daemon. Who in return kept his end of the deal, creating from a fragment of their essence a gargoyle, a living a breathing one that would be a splitting image of the old man's once beloved son. The creature was young, giving the man a chance to relive to good and golden years of fatherhood he'd so coveted...

But one should no better than to bargain with a Daemon, for when the time came for the boy's 21 birthday the demon returned, claiming the man's soul as a new interest to the bill for the prosperity and happiness they had enjoyed for so long. The gargoyle was turned to stone, to awaken at an arbitrary later date set by the demon. The man was then dragged back to the abyss with his 'business partner' but not before giving the child he'd grown to love one final gift...Tho in all forms he was alike Cecilio, mind, body, heart and was equally kind and caring as the deceased child, the creature lacked a soul.

And so forth before being dragged back in to Tartarus, the man casted this one spell on his beloved son. If he ever were to find someone to bind himself to, like he'd done to his father; He would be granted a soul, and be free to live his life with the person he chooses with out fear of him returning to the endless slumber of the gargoyle.

Powers: Cecilio is immune to diseases and most types of magic, beneficial or damaging. He doesn't need to sleep nor eat. He does so out of pleasure for the wonderful tastes and smells of food. He can sprout wings and fly at amazing speeds like most gargoyles can, though he does not suffer from the weakness of stone that most do, he cannot enter places that have been blessed by a figure of holy authority and true faithfuls/

he is exceptionally strong and fast, his skin although soft to the touch is capable of turning as hard as any metal and he is able to engulf his entire body in flames.

Weaknesses: Like said before, holy symbols and thing blessed by the church are very painful to him, one of the drawbacks of being created by a demon and also his will seems to faulter when someone orders him to do something, his will is malleable and he can be easily controlled by creatures of female nature ( The demon that created him was indeed a succubus)

Other: He is still trying to get used to the current times, he does not understand technology very well and as such he isnt very good with all things digital, he still carries around an old wind up pocket watch to tell the time and to him most things electronic are the work of magic.
Name: Lana Sinclair

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Angel





Due to a magic related “accident” when she was young, Lana is unable to feel a wide range of emotions because they have been mostly blocked away from her heart, so in a sense she really doesn’t have much of a personality. She comes off as cold, blunt, and rude around other people because she cannot understand, cannot connect with them and often speaks in a monotone, perhaps even robotic voice. As if that wasn’t disturbing enough, she’ll often try to mask her lack of emotion with a false, cheerful, yet transparent façade. While very intelligent and gifted, she is very socially awkward and can get herself in trouble around those of her own age with a few poorly chosen words. It’s no surprise that she has never had very many friends.

Although, in recent years the seal around her heart has weakened slightly, resulting in her being able to express a little curiosity, and in some cases even pain…

Who put that seal on her remains a mystery. All Lana can remember is red eyes and horrible darkness. She doesn't know why her parents sent her to this school exactly either.


· Can heal by touch (in exchange for some of her energy)

· Somewhat skilled with swords

· Fast and agile (mostly during her angel form)

· Massive amount of stamina that allows her to keep fighting until her body gives out or if her injuries become too severe (in angel form)

· Telepathy

· Can manipulate light magic and use it in different ways depending on the situation


· Her powers are extremely weakened while she is in her human form and it takes a lot of energy to be able to use them. She’s pretty helpless.

· Exposure to darkness/ demon magic (especially in her “human” form)

· Arrows and not being able to use her wings

· Poor knowledge of social cues.

Other: She is interested in reading and taking walks.
[QUOTE="Aura Of Twilight]Name: Lana Sinclair
Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Angel





Due to a magic related “accident” when she was young, Lana is unable to feel a wide range of emotions because they have been mostly blocked away from her heart, so in a sense she really doesn’t have much of a personality. She comes off as cold, blunt, and rude around other people because she cannot understand, cannot connect with them and often speaks in a monotone, perhaps even robotic voice. As if that wasn’t disturbing enough, she’ll often try to mask her lack of emotion with a false, cheerful, yet transparent façade. While very intelligent and gifted, she is very socially awkward and can get herself in trouble around those of her own age with a few poorly chosen words. It’s no surprise that she has never had very many friends.

Although, in recent years the seal around her heart has weakened slightly, resulting in her being able to express a little curiosity, and in some cases even pain…

Who put that seal on her remains a mystery. All Lana can remember is red eyes and horrible darkness. She doesn't know why her parents sent her to this school exactly either.


· Can heal by touch (in exchange for some of her energy)

· Somewhat skilled with swords

· Fast and agile (mostly during her angel form)

· Massive amount of stamina that allows her to keep fighting until her body gives out or if her injuries become too severe (in angel form)

· Telepathy

· Can manipulate light magic and use it in different ways depending on the situation


· Her powers are extremely weakened while she is in her human form and it takes a lot of energy to be able to use them. She’s pretty helpless.

· Exposure to darkness/ demon magic (especially in her “human” form)

· Arrows and not being able to use her wings

· Poor knowledge of social cues.

Other: She is interested in reading and taking walks.

[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Accepted

Thanks. :) So what's been happening in the rp so far? Should I read some of it or...?

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