Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural

Am I allowed to join? *bows*

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Name: Leia Kurokaze

Age: 19

Gender: female

Species: Yuki-onna

Appearance: a tall, petite-framed girl with long white-acqua hair stiled in a ponytail and hot pink eyes. Wears a white kimono with a light blue obi and goes around barefoot. Her complexion is white as snow, and her expression is flat most of the time.


She has no half mesures. At all. She continuosly switches from one edge to the other, firstly being too quiet, then being too loud, being too friendly from being extremely suspicious, and so on... she tries to set a personality for herself, but doesn't look like it works. Also, other than being this moody, she is really indecisive. She'll always make others do decisions rather than herself, and will accept it no matter what.

She likes to dance and sing, as she dreamed to be a singer before she died from getting lost in the snow and reborn as a Yuki-onna.


Manipulation of snow: she can lift and move something like 70kg of snow.

Manipulation of ice: she can lift and move ice with her mind. She's also capable of freezing things

Ghost powers: passing trough things and invisibility stuff. Actually, these are the abilities she almost never uses.


Fire weakness: near to a campfire, she will start to melt.

Exorcism tools: she's a ghost, and as a ghost can be exorcized.

Hot weakness: if its warm or sunny, she will feel sick


She is always dressed in white

She likes to shove piles of snow on people. Many are died from freezing this way.
AkyaWolf said:
Am I allowed to join? *bows*
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Name: Leia Kurokaze

Age: 19

Gender: female

Species: Yuki-onna

Appearance: a tall, petite-framed girl with long white-acqua hair stiled in a ponytail and hot pink eyes. Wears a white kimono with a light blue obi and goes around barefoot. Her complexion is white as snow, and her expression is flat most of the time.


She has no half mesures. At all. She continuosly switches from one edge to the other, firstly being too quiet, then being too loud, being too friendly from being extremely suspicious, and so on... she tries to set a personality for herself, but doesn't look like it works. Also, other than being this moody, she is really indecisive. She'll always make others do decisions rather than herself, and will accept it no matter what.

She likes to dance and sing, as she dreamed to be a singer before she died from getting lost in the snow and reborn as a Yuki-onna.


Manipulation of snow: she can lift and move something like 70kg of snow.

Manipulation of ice: she can lift and move ice with her mind. She's also capable of freezing things

Ghost powers: passing trough things and invisibility stuff. Actually, these are the abilities she almost never uses.


Fire weakness: near to a campfire, she will start to melt.

Exorcism tools: she's a ghost, and as a ghost can be exorcized.

Hot weakness: if its warm or sunny, she will feel sick


She is always dressed in white

She likes to shove piles of snow on people. Many are died from freezing this way.
((I should have mentioned, we prefer pictures, but they can be anime or actual people))
Name: D'Amore Tepes

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire

Appearance: ( ), but with sharp teeth (canines are especially long) and bound to a wheelchair.

Personality: Kind, always looking to help out, honest (though not always in the best of ways), despises fruit and vegetables.

Powers: Haemokinesis and all variants thereof, mild umbrakinesis (shadow control).

Weaknesses: Is wheelchair-bound because he is paralysed in his lower half. Because of his age, he is a novice in umbrakinesis (he's oddly talented at haemokinesis, for the record). Can sometimes be annoyingly kind. Also suffers from chronic fatigue.

Other: Suffers from paraplegia, so is bound to a wheelchair. Is especially fond of his computer science classes. He came out as asexual when he was fourteen, but is heteroromantic. His diet consists entirely of meat, the rarer cooked, the better. Keeps an airsoft Kalashnikov replica strapped to the side of his wheelchair.
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ThatsAPaddling said:
Name: D'Amore Tepes
Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire

Appearance: ( ), but with sharp teeth (canines are especially long) and bound to a wheelchair.

Personality: Kind, always looking to help out, honest (though not always in the best of ways), despises fruit and vegetables.

Powers: Haemokinesis and all variants thereof, mild umbrakinesis (shadow control).


Other: Suffers from paraplegia, so is bound to a wheelchair. Is especially fond of his computer science classes. He came out as asexual when he was fourteen, but is heteroromantic. His diet consists entirely of meat, the rarer cooked, the better.
Most people would say that you wrote too little on the personality section but that is ok because in this rp character development is more important. Well...just complete his 'weaknesses' section and he should be fine to go.
All three of us will deal with character sheets and it only takes one approval from either one of us for a character to enter. If another one of us requires editing still then they'll tell that person through pm. If we do all three it would take to long to wait for all three to check and that person wont be able to rp.

( @TheGodSnake @Azure Sky )









Curvaceous and tall (5’9”), with four pentagrams seemingly branded into her skin, on both her palms and the middle of her sternum. She wears gloves to conceal the ones on her hands.



Sly, sharp tongued, and cunning, Lilith is not someone people are typically drawn to, despite her nature. She’s is patient to the point it borderlines psychotic, and her temper is impossible to set off, no matter how hard anyone tries. She rarely loses her cool, and is able to calmly analyze a high stress situation and act accordingly because of this. Despite her tough, near unbreakable shell, Lilith is very caring towards those who are very close to her, and protects them to the best of her ability.


  • Master at hand to hand
  • Necromancy
  • Dream walking
    The ability to enter the dreams of other’s. Lilith is skilled enough that she can enter daydreams.

[*]Influence the decisions and thoughts of men

[*]She can shift into the ideal appearance of any person


  • Suffers from PTSD and insomnia
  • Occasionally has vivid hallucinations
  • She can only summon the dead for a maximum of 10 minutes before she completely expends her mana
  • She has severe claustrophobia and nyctophobia
  • Lilith is missing her lower right leg from the knee down (she has a mechanical prosthetic powered by enchantments)


  • Lilith has a shadow demon named Astaroth contracted to her. Astaroth is technically formless and can make himself into whatever shape he chooses, as he is a shadow, but usually, he appears to be 7 feet tall, slender, entirely made of shadows, and has horns curling away from his head. His fingers are long, very sharp claws.

CelticSol said:








Curvaceous and tall (5’9”), with four pentagrams seemingly branded into her skin, on both her palms and the middle of her sternum. She wears gloves to conceal the ones on her hands.



Sly, sharp tongued, and cunning, Lilith is not someone people are typically drawn to, despite her nature. She’s is patient to the point it borderlines psychotic, and her temper is impossible to set off, no matter how hard anyone tries. She rarely loses her cool, and is able to calmly analyze a high stress situation and act accordingly because of this. Despite her tough, near unbreakable shell, Lilith is very caring towards those who are very close to her, and protects them to the best of her ability.


  • Master at hand to hand
  • Necromancy
  • Dream walking
    The ability to enter the dreams of other’s. Lilith is skilled enough that she can enter daydreams.

[*]Influence the decisions and thoughts of men

[*]She can shift into the ideal appearance of any person


  • Suffers from PTSD and insomnia
  • Occasionally has vivid hallucinations
  • She can only summon the dead for a maximum of 10 minutes before she completely expends her mana
  • She has severe claustrophobia and nyctophobia
  • Lilith is missing her lower right leg from the knee down (she has a mechanical prosthetic powered by enchantments)


  • Lilith has a shadow demon named Astaroth contracted to her. Astaroth is technically formless and can make himself into whatever shape he chooses, as he is a shadow, but usually, he appears to be 7 feet tall, slender, entirely made of shadows, and has horns curling away from his head. His fingers are long, very sharp claws.


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