Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural

ok here it is: electricity is something itself. fire is heat. combining those he can get plasma in which is a stronger form and more deadly for of electricity. with fire his limit is depends on his pysical health. but where it can come from is his mouth ears hands and feet .

with electricity he can change the direction of where lightning hits, as well as send lightning through his own finger tips.
(ik, Will do so soon, finishing a report)



Kyle O'Connors








Blood Wolf

Appearance: 5'9"​
the Black one is him normally<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.9dcd02f15aa2e5b0a4fcc0fbed91f880.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39623" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.9dcd02f15aa2e5b0a4fcc0fbed91f880.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> white is his vampiric form​
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.525e802cbef6ce838e565745c7e06ae9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39624" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.525e802cbef6ce838e565745c7e06ae9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kyle is quite nice, or tries to be. He hates hurting people and doesn't fight.

His vampiric form is often sadistic, but still shares a bit of the kindness.

Currently, neither forms understand what is going on, both share control even if one of them is dominating the body if all they know currently is that they have an extreme thirst for blood but Kyle doesn't allow them to drink any because they might kill someone.


Heightened senses - hearing, smell, night vision and longer distances, and more in depth taste

Extreme strength - due to both the wolf and vampire contributions

Faster - he can run up to 20 MPH in a human or vampire form

Multiple Forms: can freely shift into his wolf form, he and the Vampiric form battle for dominance, when he is able to make peace with it, he will stay in the vampiric form but have a personality that is a combination of both.

Immunity to sunlight - the wolf side gives him complete immunity to sunlight


He doesn't want to hurt people so he doesnt like to feed, and when he enters the school will have gone three weeks as a new Vampire without feeding once, making him incredibly weak and thirsty



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Name: Paige The Sketchbook

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Species: Physical Manifestation of Creativity


Personality: She is very energetic and very crazy. She is willing to make friends with and trust to easily. She always is trying to do something creative. She is very odd and most people avoid her due to her strange appearance. She, at times, seems judgmental because she will tell someone if they are not creative.

Powers: Paige has a pencil that she uses to draw an object and it will magically appear. She doesn't like to use it that much because it is physically straining on her.

Weaknesses: Non-creative things, the color green.

Other: She is very good at drawing.
Samus said:
Name: Paige The Sketchbook
Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Species: Physical Manifestation of Creativity


Personality: She is very energetic and very crazy. She is willing to make friends with and trust to easily. She always is trying to do something creative. She is very odd and most people avoid her due to her strange appearance. She, at times, seems judgmental because she will tell someone if they are not creative.

Powers: Paige has a pencil that she uses to draw an object and it will magically appear. She doesn't like to use it that much because it is physically straining on her.

Weaknesses: Non-creative things, the color green.

Other: She is very good at drawing.
Name: Valencia Knight

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Species: Ash and smoke elemental

Appearance: tall and voluptuous with flowing black hair, a strikingly beautiful face, and pitch black eyes. She usually wears business clothing and a pair of stylish glasses.

Personality: Cruel, vindictive, manipulative, and icy.

Powers: illusion based smoke magic, cunning, tactical knowledge, willingness to destroy or kill, master manipulator, and a genius level intellect.

Weaknesses: not physically strong like her brother or sister.

Other: Vallen’s older sister.


Name: Valentine Knight

Age: 13

Gender: female

Species: Ash and smoke elemental

Appearance: Short and slim with a pixie cut. She’s very slim and wears frilly yet form fitting clothing made of black material and usually wears some form of hat. red eyes.

Personality: A complete sociopath and sadist. Her willingness to inflict harm and regard for no life but her own and her sisters makes her extremely dangerous.

Powers: immense strength packed into her tiny form she can create a repertoire of weapons she sis skilled with and has strength on par with her brother.

Weaknesses: cannot use magic or create golems or illsuions. Tends to get too caught up in a fight.

Other: Vallen’s younger sister.
StarKeeper said:
Name: Valencia Knight
Age: 26

Gender: Female

Species: Ash and smoke elemental

Appearance: tall and voluptuous with flowing black hair, a strikingly beautiful face, and pitch black eyes. She usually wears business clothing and a pair of stylish glasses.

Personality: Cruel, vindictive, manipulative, and icy.

Powers: illusion based smoke magic, cunning, tactical knowledge, willingness to destroy or kill, master manipulator, and a genius level intellect.

Weaknesses: not physically strong like her brother or sister.

Other: Vallen’s older sister.


Name: Valentine Knight

Age: 13

Gender: female

Species: Ash and smoke elemental

Appearance: Short and slim with a pixie cut. She’s very slim and wears frilly yet form fitting clothing made of black material and usually wears some form of hat. red eyes.

Personality: A complete sociopath and sadist. Her willingness to inflict harm and regard for no life but her own and her sisters makes her extremely dangerous.

Powers: immense strength packed into her tiny form she can create a repertoire of weapons she sis skilled with and has strength on par with her brother.

Weaknesses: cannot use magic or create golems or illsuions. Tends to get too caught up in a fight.

Other: Vallen’s younger sister.
Accepted but Valencia can't be a student.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Accepted but Valencia can't be a student.

((neither will be students, but actually acting in the shadows))
( Alright. Grimm can easily sense plotting and stuff like this but he wont say a word. He'd be amused to see what would happen.)
I was thinking of introducing a guardian type character (Alexander Zero) and a villain (Slayer)

Name: Alexander Zero

Gender: male

Species: human (superhuman precisely)

Age: 24

Occupation: guardian of the academy


#Personality: Alexander is a quiet individual and rather introverted,but he is not anti-social.He rarely passes up a good opportunity to learn something new, especially abstract concepts. This information isn’t usually absorbed for any planned purpose as with dedicated studying,he simply likes to study what he finds fascinating.He is an excellent brainstormer,analyzing problems from every angle to find the best solutions.Despite his cold analytic side he is also quite insightful, seeing through dishonesty and disingenuous motives,he steps past manipulation.He sees how people and events are connected, and is able to use that insight to get to the heart of the matter.

#Flaws: when he is angry or furious he tends to become insensitive ,intolerant and merciless and although he is seen as calm and quiet ,he can be angered quite easily most of the times.He doesn’t let the negative emotions get the best of him ,having a great amount of self-control,but when his irritation becomes too much for him to take, he snaps.Also ,because of his powers and higher than average intelligence,he tends to be arrogant sometimes,especially around people he considers intellectually inferior to himself.


#Dark Daikatana:Call of the Hunted (sword)-a wierd completly black katana (except the edge which is red),it is imbued with dark magical power which enhances it’s sharpness and is highly durable.However Alexander gets a highly ominous feeling from it and prefers not to use it most of the times,keeping it hidden in a safe place at the Moon Light headquarters.Only he knows where it’s hidden.

#Radiance Strike(dagger)-completly white and glowing,doesn’t cut the opponents but it steals their vigour and stamina little by little with each strike.


#Superhuman physiology-many times stronger,faster and durable than a normal human in peak condition.He can pulverize a building with a few punches,moves at supersonic speeds(max speed=mach 5) and is durable enough to barely survive city-destroying attacks.

#Close Quarter Combat Expert- Alexander is an experienced fighter ,being highly proefficient in krav maga,aikido and taekwondo while also being a skilled sword and dagger user.

#Equalizer-an instinctive ability which only activates when his opponent is better than him physiologically(stronger and/or faster and/or more durable) and it makes him equal to his opponent from that particular point of view.If he fights multiple opponents who are stronger than him then Alexander’s physiological characteristics become an average of the combined strength,speed and durability of those respective foes.

#Dual Edge-an ability Alexander can activate for 6 minutes every 3 hours,after it deactivates it causes him a temporary(about 20 seconds) feeling of sickness.His body generates a red aura and he is able to absorb half of any type of attack directed at him ,which is then transformed in red energy with which he can counterattack in the form of energy blasts.He needs to be hit by any type of attack for this ability to work but he cannot absorb attacks that are too strong for his body to handle.He usually uses it when he fights opponents considered by him to be his equals or stronger than him.

#Very high regeneration ability-can even regenerate lost limbs and organs in 4 minutes.But if he is severly wounded before he is able to fully regenerate he has high chances of dying.

#Time Breaker-this ability makes him immune to the time altering abilities of others.

#Paradox Effect: an ability that he can use once a day. When it is unleashed it remains active 2 minutes,the eye color of the user becomes glowing red and he can create two paradoxes of almost any kind,but after the effect wears off it causes him excruciating amounts of pain.His 4 most powerful paradoxes are [schrödinger’s cat] which lasts 30 seconds; it gives him the ability to teleport on short distances and makes his body resist to any type of attack but,at the same time,he still feels pain from those atacks and by combining this with his speed(with which he can create afterimages) he gives the impression of being 'everywhere and nowhere'/omnipresent ,[Rule Breaker] a 'one-punch' type of skill : a concentrated energy punch that can greatly harm his opponents regardless of their layers and/or types of defence,but the effects of this skill last for only 1 punch and it does NOT have 100% accuracy ,[Pain Killer] an ability that makes him feel no pain and/or fatigue,regardless of his physical or mental condition,for 1 minute(note:it does not heal his wounds or eliminate his physical/mental fatigue,it only makes him 'unaware' of them) and [Error Damage] a skill which requires the user to touch the opponent and once physical contact is made ,the user can swap the damage he suffered with the damage the opponent suffered.

#Dimensional Walker-by leaving an 'A' symbol ,which ony he can see, in the places he visits ,Alexander is capable of creating interdimensional 'doors' that lead him to those places, but he can be followed as the dimensional rift closes after 10 seconds.

(P.S. the weaknesses are mentioned in the description of the abilities)


One of the founders of the Moon Light organization which deals with everything a normal human can’t handle.After destroying an item called 'The Sphere of Chronos' he absorbed some of it’s power and gained the ability Time Breaker.He once met the extremely powerful interdimensional being known as The Void Dragon and by winning against it in a mind game ,the dragon,impressed by his mental strength and tenacity, gifted and thought him how to use 2 abilities:Paradox Effect and Dimensional Walker. He was recommended to the Academy as a guardian.



Name: His true name is unknown, he calls himself The Slayer

Species: Unknown, looks like some sort of monster , although he is belived to have been human

Age: unknown

Gender: probably male

Personality: Slayer is an enigma from many points of view, including psychological traits. He doesn't get angry,upset or sad and he only becomes happy or excited when he is about to devour another being. He is a proefficient killer, and his main desire is to slaughter and absorb his opponents. His facial expression never changes.

Powers & Abilities:

#Photokinesis-he can control light , which he generates from his left hand. He can use it for photon blasts, creation of solid photon objects, generation of illusions and for turning invisible.

#Darkness Manipulation-the user can create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows, through the use of his right hand. By itself, darkness is mostly used to cloud everything into it, but by accessing a dimension of darkness it can be channeled to a variety of effects, both as an absence of light and a solid substance: he can also create and dispel shields and areas of total darkness, create constructs and weapons and teleport himself through massive distances via shadows.

#Supernatural condition- he is strong enough to lift 30 tons, fast enough to reach Mach 2 (680 m/s), powerful enough to destroy a medium-sized car with a punch, agile enough to barely dodge supersonic attacks and durable enough to resist the explosion caused by a hydrogen bomb.

#The Beast Within-devouring ability. The Slayer has something like a mouth with sharp teeth in the zone of his stomach. Darkness comes out of it when it opens as well as a pair of glowing red eyes and it can absorb upp to 3 attacks at the same time, using them to replentish his stamina if he is tired or improve his vigour. If his opponent is on the verge of death or already died then the mouth can absorb him and improve the Slayer's physical condition with 10% of the opponents physical capabilities if they were still alive while absorbed or 5% if they were dead.

#Advanced Time Lock- he exists outside of time and therefore he is immune to time altering (time stop/freeze, time acceleration or deceleration) and age-based powers. Because of this power he doesn't need to sleep, eat,drink or even breathe.

#Abyss Mind- Trying to read his mind is like trying to dive into the abyss. He is also highly resistant to illsions and he is almost impossible to control through mind controlling abilities.

#Portal generation- he can generate 2 portals a day , to travel whereever he wishes

#Dagger & bow expert user- He is highly proeficient in using daggers and bows while also having very good accuracy.

>>Weaknesses: Many attacks from multiple opponents will overwhelm him. He also has no advanced senses or danger perception so he can be sneaked upon. The Slayer also has very little combat knowledge and experience (with the exception of his expertise with daggers and bows).

Bio/Brief History: Not much is known about him. His origin and real name are unknown. The only things that others know about him are his powers and his desire to slay strong creatures for the purpose of devouring them. Why he has such a desire is also unknown.



What do you think?
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[QUOTE="Azure Sky]I was thinking of introducing a guardian type character (Alexander Zero) and a villain (Slayer)
Name: Alexander Zero

Gender: male

Species: human (superhuman precisely)

Age: 24

Occupation: guardian


#Personality: Alexander is a quiet individual and rather introverted,but he is not anti-social.He rarely passes up a good opportunity to learn something new, especially abstract concepts. This information isn’t usually absorbed for any planned purpose as with dedicated studying,he simply likes to study what he finds fascinating.He is an excellent brainstormer,analyzing problems from every angle to find the best solutions.Despite his cold analytic side he is also quite insightful, seeing through dishonesty and disingenuous motives,he steps past manipulation.He sees how people and events are connected, and is able to use that insight to get to the heart of the matter.

#Flaws: when he is angry or furious he tends to become insensitive ,intolerant and merciless and although he is seen as calm and quiet ,he can be angered quite easily most of the times.He doesn’t let the negative emotions get the best of him ,having a great amount of self-control,but when his irritation becomes too much for him to take, he snaps.Also ,because of his powers and higher than average intelligence,he tends to be arrogant sometimes,especially around people he considers intellectually inferior to himself.


#Dark Daikatana:Call of the Hunted (sword)-a wierd completly black katana (except the edge which is red),it is imbued with dark magical power which enhances it’s sharpness and is highly durable.However Alexander gets a highly ominous feeling from it and prefers not to use it most of the times,keeping it hidden in a safe place at the Moon Light headquarters.Only he knows where it’s hidden.

#Radiance Strike(dagger)-completly white and glowing,doesn’t cut the opponents but it steals their vigour and stamina little by little with each strike.


#Superhuman physiology-many times stronger,faster and durable than a normal human in peak condition.He can pulverize a building with a few punches,moves at supersonic speeds(max speed=mach 5) and is durable enough to barely survive city-destroying attacks.

#Equalizer-an instinctive ability which only activates when his opponent is stronger than him physiologically(stronger and/or faster and/or more durable) and it makes him equal to his opponent from that particular point of view.If he fights multiple opponents who are stronger than him then Alexander’s physiological characteristics become an average of the combined strength,speed and durability of those respective foes.

#Dual Edge-an ability Alexander can activate for 6 minutes every 3 hours,after it deactivates it causes him a temporary(about 20 seconds) feeling of sickness.His body generates a red aura and he is able to absorb half of any type of attack directed at him ,which is then transformed in red energy with which he can counterattack in the form of energy blasts.He needs to be hit by any type of attack for this ability to work but he cannot absorb attacks that are too strong for his body to handle.He usually uses it when he fights opponents considered by him to be his equals or stronger than him.

#Very high regeneration ability-can even regenerate lost limbs and organs in 4 minutes.But if he is severly wounded before he is able to fully regenerate he has high chances of dying.

#Time Breaker-this ability makes him immune to the time altering abilities of others.

#Paradox Effect: an ability that he can use once a day. When it is unleashed it remains active 2 minutes,the eye color of the user becomes glowing red and he can create two paradoxes of almost any kind,but after the effect wears off it causes him excruciating amounts of pain.His 4 most powerful paradoxes are [schrödinger’s cat] which lasts 30 seconds; it gives him the ability to teleport on short distances and makes his body resist to any type of attack but,at the same time,he still feels pain from those atacks and by combining this with his speed(with which he can create afterimages) he gives the impression of being 'everywhere and nowhere'/omnipresent ,[Rule Breaker] a 'one-punch' type of skill : a concentrated energy punch that can greatly harm his opponents regardless of their layers and/or types of defence,but the effects of this skill last for only 1 punch and it does NOT have 100% accuracy ,[Pain Killer] an ability that makes him feel no pain and/or fatigue,regardless of his physical or mental condition,for 1 minute(note:it does not heal his wounds or eliminate his physical/mental fatigue,it only makes him 'unaware' of them) and [Error Damage] a skill which requires the user to touch the opponent and once physical contact is made ,the user can swap the damage he suffered with the damage the opponent suffered.

#Dimensional Walker-by leaving an 'A' symbol ,which ony he can see, in the places he visits ,Alexander is capable of creating interdimensional 'doors' that lead him to those places, but he can be followed as the dimensional rift closes after 10 seconds.

(P.S. the weaknesses are mentioned in the description of the abilities)


One of the founders of the Moon Light organization which deals with everything a normal human can’t handle.After destroying an item called 'The Sphere of Chronos' he absorbed some of it’s power and gained the ability Time Breaker.He once met the extremely powerful interdimensional being known as The Void Dragon and by winning against it in a mind game ,the dragon,impressed by his mental strength and tenacity, gifted and thought him how to use 2 abilities:Paradox Effect and Dimensional Walker. He was recommended to the Academy as a guardian.



Name: His true name is unknown, he calls himself The Slayer

Species: Unknown, looks like some sort of monster , although he is belived to have been human

Age: unknown

Gender: probably male

Personality: Slayer is an enigma from many points of view, including psychological traits. He doesn't get angry,upset or sad and he only becomes happy or excited when he is about to devour another being. He is a proefficient killer, and his main desire is to slaughter and absorb his opponents. His facial expression never changes.

Powers & Abilities:

#Photokinesis-he can control light , which he generates from his left hand. He can use it for photon blasts, creation of solid photon objects, generation of illusions and for turning invisible.

#Darkness Manipulation-The Slayer can create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows, through the use of his right hand. By itself, darkness is mostly used to cloud everything into it, but by accessing a dimension of darkness it can be channeled to a variety of effects, both as an absence of light and a solid substance: one can also create and dispel shields and areas of total darkness, create constructs and weapons and teleport one's self through massive distances via shadows.

#Supernatural condition- he is strong enough to lift 30 tons, fast enough to reach Mach 2 (680 m/s), powerful enough to destroy a medium-sized car with a punch, agile enough to barely dodge supersonic attacks and durable enough to resist the explosion caused by a hydrogen bomb.

#The Beast Within-devouring ability. The Slayer has something like a mouth with sharp teeth in the zone of his stomach. Darkness comes out of it when it opens as well as a pair of glowing red eyes and it can absorb upp to 3 attacks at the same time, using them to replentish his stamina if he is tired or improve his vigour. If his opponent is on the verge of death or already died then the mouth can absorb him and improve the Slayer's physical condition with 10% of the opponents physical capabilities if they were still alive while absorbed or 5% if they were dead.

#Advanced Time Lock- he exists outside of time and therefore he is immune to time altering (time stop/freeze, time acceleration or deceleration) and age-based powers. Because of this power he doesn't need to sleep, eat,drink or even breathe.

#Abyss Mind- Trying to read his mind is like trying to dive into the abyss. He is also highly resistant to illsions and he is almost impossible to control through mind controlling abilities.

#Portal generation- he can generate 2 portals a day , to travel whereever he wishes

#Dagger & bow expert user- He is highly proeficient in using daggers and bows while also having very good accuracy.

>>Weaknesses: Many attacks from multiple opponents will overwhelm him. He also has no advanced senses or danger perception so he can be sneaked upon. The Slayer also has very little combat knowledge and experience (with the exception of his expertise with daggers and bows).

Bio/Brief History: Not much is known about him. His origin and real name are unknown. The only things that others know about him are his powers and his desire to slay strong creatures for the purpose of devouring them. Why he has such a desire is also unknown.



What do you think?

I like the guardian, I have a character named Alezander tho. And we don't need any more villians but they have yet to discover that some students have been massacred.)

Hmm, the others can adress him as mister Zero or Al. Zero to avoid confusion.

Oh too bad for Slayer...he would have been one hell of an opponent even for Elisabeth or Axel.

@Soul OMU

Should I change Alexander's name? I can change it to Iskandar (persian version of the name Alexander).
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[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Hmm, the others can adress him as mister Zero or Al. Zero to avoid confusion.
Oh too bad for Slayer...he would have been one hell of an opponent even for Elisabeth or Axel.

@Soul OMU

Should I change Alexander's name? I can change it to Iskandar (persian version of the name Alexander).

Up to you.
I'm done with the guardian-type character. Here he is:

Iskandar Zero

Gender: male

Species: human (superhuman precisely)

Age: 24

Occupation: guardian of the academy


#Personality: Alexander is a quiet individual and rather introverted,but he is not anti-social.He rarely passes up a good opportunity to learn something new, especially abstract concepts. This information isn’t usually absorbed for any planned purpose as with dedicated studying,he simply likes to study what he finds fascinating.He is an excellent brainstormer,analyzing problems from every angle to find the best solutions.Despite his cold analytic side he is also quite insightful, seeing through dishonesty and disingenuous motives,he steps past manipulation.He sees how people and events are connected, and is able to use that insight to get to the heart of the matter.

#Flaws: when he is angry or furious he tends to become insensitive ,intolerant and merciless and although he is seen as calm and quiet ,he can be angered quite easily most of the times.He doesn’t let the negative emotions get the best of him ,having a great amount of self-control,but when his irritation becomes too much for him to take, he snaps.Also ,because of his powers and higher than average intelligence,he tends to be arrogant sometimes,especially around people he considers intellectually inferior to himself.


#Dark Daikatana:Call of the Hunted (sword)-a wierd completly black katana (except the edge which is red),it is imbued with dark magical power which enhances it’s sharpness and is highly durable.However Alexander gets a highly ominous feeling from it and prefers not to use it most of the times,keeping it hidden in a safe place at the Moon Light headquarters.Only he knows where it’s hidden.

#Radiance Strike(dagger)-completly white and glowing,doesn’t cut the opponents but it steals their vigour and stamina little by little with each strike.

Abilities & Weaknesses:

#Superhuman physiology-many times stronger,faster and durable than a normal human in peak condition.He can pulverize a building with a few punches,moves at supersonic speeds(max speed=mach 5) and is durable enough to barely survive city-destroying attacks.

#Close Quarter Combat Expert- Alexander is an experienced fighter ,being highly proefficient in krav maga,aikido and taekwondo while also being a skilled sword and dagger user.

#Equalizer-an instinctive ability which only activates when his opponent is better than him physiologically(stronger and/or faster and/or more durable) and it makes him equal to his opponent from that particular point of view.If he fights multiple opponents who are stronger than him then Alexander’s physiological characteristics become an average of the combined strength,speed and durability of those respective foes.

#Dual Edge-an ability Alexander can activate for 6 minutes every 3 hours,after it deactivates it causes him a temporary(about 20 seconds) feeling of sickness.His body generates a red aura and he is able to absorb half of any type of attack directed at him ,which is then transformed in red energy with which he can counterattack in the form of energy blasts.He needs to be hit by any type of attack for this ability to work but he cannot absorb attacks that are too strong for his body to handle.He usually uses it when he fights opponents considered by him to be his equals or stronger than him.

#Very high regeneration ability-can even regenerate lost limbs and organs in 4 minutes.But if he is severly wounded before he is able to fully regenerate he has high chances of dying.

#Powerful Psychic Barrier-he is highly resistant to telepathy ,mind control and emphatic abilities (such as hypnosis and illusions), but his mind is not impenetrable and a highly powerful telepath can break through his mental barrier, but with very high difficulty. A rather obvious weakness of this ability is that allies which can use telepathy will also find it very hard to communicate with him using the power.

#Time Breaker-this ability makes him immune to time altering abilities and age manipulation.

#Paradox Effect: an ability that he can use once a day. When it is unleashed it remains active 2 minutes,the eye color of the user becomes glowing red and he can create two paradoxes of almost any kind,but after the effect wears off it causes him excruciating amounts of pain.His 4 most powerful paradoxes are [schrödinger’s cat] which lasts 30 seconds; it gives him the ability to teleport on short distances and makes his body resist to any type of attack but,at the same time,he still feels pain from those atacks and by combining this with his speed(with which he can create afterimages) he gives the impression of being 'everywhere and nowhere'/omnipresent ,[Rule Breaker] a 'one-punch' type of skill : a concentrated energy punch that can greatly harm his opponents regardless of their layers and/or types of defence,but the effects of this skill last for only 1 punch and it does NOT have 100% accuracy ,[Pain Killer] an ability that makes him feel no pain and/or fatigue,regardless of his physical or mental condition,for 1 minute(note:it does not heal his wounds or eliminate his physical/mental fatigue,it only makes him 'unaware' of them) and [Error Damage] a skill which requires the user to touch the opponent and once physical contact is made ,the user can swap the damage he suffered with the damage the opponent suffered.

#Dimensional Walker-by leaving an 'A' symbol ,which ony he can see, in the places he visits ,Alexander is capable of creating interdimensional 'doors' that lead him to those places, but he can be followed as the dimensional rift closes after 10 seconds.

(P.S. the weaknesses are mentioned in the description of the abilities)

Brief History:

One of the founders of the Moon Light organization which deals with everything a normal human can’t handle.After destroying an item called 'The Sphere of Chronos' he absorbed some of it’s power and gained the ability Time Breaker.He once met the extremely powerful interdimensional being known as The Void Dragon and by winning against it in a mind game ,the dragon,impressed by his mental strength and tenacity, gifted and thought him how to use 2 abilities:Paradox Effect and Dimensional Walker. He was recommended to the Academy as a guardian.


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Name: Avalon Faervel

Age: 800, but looks like he is 30 years old

Gender: male

Species: primal elf (strongest elven race)

Occupation: discipline enforcer of the academy



Personality: Avalon is a rather laid-back guy and an extrovert. He likes socializing, especially with energetic people and he is not arrogant about his intelligence, knowledge or power, in fact he likes sharing his knowledge with others and using his powers to help people without expecting something in return. He is rather perceptive and a great analyst who can come up with quick solutions even for the most difficult problems, regardless of their type.

#Flaws-While he might seem like a nice guy, Avalon also has a rather cold side. He gets angry at those who disregard his opinion or do not take his advice , acting merciless towards them. He also greatly dislikes people who lack energy or desire to do anything, considering them worthless and treating them badly. When he gets angry he becomes highly sadistic.

Powers and abilities:

#Supreme Immortality- the power to never age and recover from almost any injury, having an extremely advanced level of healing, but not only . Because of this natural ability Avalon exists outside of space-time continuum and therefore is immune to time altering (time stopping, accelerating and/or decelerating as well as immunity to the effects of time travelling), age manipulation, space altering and reality warping. He also can't die (injuries may be inflicted, but complete annihilation is impossible) and has no need to eat, sleep, drink or even breathe.

#Supernatural physiology- Avalon is immensely stronger, faster and more durable than normal members of his species and normal humans. He is strong enough to lift up to 100 tons, fast enough to reach supersonic levels of speed as well as agile enough to dodge supersonic attacks and durable enough to resist explosions caused by hydrogen bombs.

#Locked state- Alavon's physical, mental and spiritual state as well as his powers cannot be altered in any way, meaning that the state of his body, his mind and his spirit cannot be weakened, strengthened or modified in any way by outside forces (this includes the nulification of the effects of drugs, bacteria and viruses as well as all types of poison, venom and toxins as well as the fact that his spirit/soul cannot be absorbed) and it is also impossible to weaken, strengthen, seal,modify or eliminate his powers. He is also immune to the manipulation of gravity.

#Extensive all-rounder knowledge- because of the many hundreds of years he has lived and his thirst for knowledge Avalon has high-level knowledge in an extremely vast number of fields.

#Close quarter combat master- throughout the years Avalon has mastered most martial arts and fighting systems as well as weapon mastery and thus creating his very own martial art.

#Mystic Aura- Avalon can surround himself in an emerald green aura which doubles his strength, improves his durability five times, gives him the ability to fly at hypersonic speeds and also the ability to hit anything and anyone regardless of their nature or state.

#Mystic Blasts- he can emit blasts of esoteric emerald green energy of various power, which can affect or damage any type of being or object.

>>Because he is an elf , Avalon also has enhanced senses ( especially his eyesight and hearing) and he can see clearly in the dark.


Because of the fact that he disconsiders lazy people or those who lack motivation, he subconsciously underestimates them and some people might take advantage of that if they try to fight him ( by pretending to be lazy). He also hardly changes his first impression on people and his mystic blasts can exhaust him if they are overused. As mentioned before, his locked state is a double-edged blade because while he can't be weakened neither he or anyone else can strengthen his body,mind, soul or his powers.

Brief history: Avalon was born in the Amber Sky village of the Eidorien forest. He was the strongest member of the village being able to use all types of magic and like any primal elf he had a highly extended lifespan. His thirst for esoteric knowledge made him learn every magic book in the village and consequently every spell. One day he found an old book with a very peculiar spell and decided to try it. The spell changed his physiology and made him many times stronger,faster and more durable while also giving him control over mystic energy, making him completely immortal and locking his state completely, but at the same time made him lose his ability to use magic forever. He initially fell in a depression because of this , but as time passed he realised that he was in fact a lot more powerful than he was before, gradually understanding how to control his new mystical powers through training and battle experience and as such he changed his ways from a mage to one of the strongest elven warriors. He lived many hundreds of years and he is currently a discipline enforcer at Night Dale Academy.
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