Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural

I made this character and I want to use him in an RP, tell me if he too stronk. :D

I'll copy and Paste him in a second then I will format it to fit your skelly.
Name: Xerath Estrius (Pronounce Zehr-ath)

Nickname: Xer

Gender: Male

Race: Abkurian

Sexuality: Hetero


Human Form:

True Form:

Age: He had just landed on Earth. He was about 18


-Aether Manipulation.

-Levitation, he uses it to move around in his true form.

-Slight Telekinesis, he can control his aether so well that he can imbue it to things and move them around.

-His True Form, is pure aether with rocks that have attached themselves to his body. That is his weight for his true form. Physical attacks don't hurt him but "magical" attacks could almost kill him if they don't hit his rocks.

-He will be released if his rocks are destroyed, his body will be set free into the atmosphere. So no more Xerath.

Past: He had recently landed on Earth in his true human form. He remembered everything about his life on Abkur, but doesn't tell anyone. He was a very happy child and had a great life as did all Abkurians. Until one day that his family had caught a new disease that was turning Abkurians into aggressive beings, rather than their usual peaceful selves. He was forced to kill them with his natural ability to manipulate aether and he had a talent for it. He eventually had to leave his home planet because the High Council thought that he had just gone rogue and banished him from Abkur. He was sent to Earth on a small podship that was destroyed on impact. He has no idea if his people are safe from the disease.

Personality: Xerath is a wise and intelligent individual who understands things very quickly, hence why he wasn't that confused when he landed. He is an excellent strategist and fighter, he is able to understand patterns and determine his opponent's next move from this. Although, he is still learning English so it is hard for him to communicate with the team. Other than that he is a rather quiet man and he likes to not speak other than when he is in combat. He usually complies to whatever anyone asks him as long as it will benefit someone.

Weapon: He uses chains as weapons.
xD he is a gorgeous man. Can't be helped. It's like with Natalie Dormer for some people, she's very attractive to make people who are straight have crushes on them.

Shut up GS! I use Dylan for my own characters sometimes too.
Ok. I shall just have him land with no intention of going to the school but he's already there or whatever.

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