Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural

((PEACHYPANTS IN THE HOUSE, Sorry it took so long it took longer than expected))

Rin Motoharu

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Half human and the other half is from some kind of living skeleton; A creature that has the looks of a human but has the ability to remodel his bones without pain.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/tumblr_mhk39qJpQH1rclnago1_500.jpg.29aa799747a49341879d21771d3a8ebf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37733" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/tumblr_mhk39qJpQH1rclnago1_500.jpg.29aa799747a49341879d21771d3a8ebf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-Black hair, blue eyes and both his ears are pierced. His body is tall and slim, more lean than skinny. He's about 6'2" tall. He is almost always dressed in black.

Personality: Rin is a fairly social guy who likes a good talk. But he prefers to have one really close friend rather than a bunch of acquaintances. When you first meet him he will probably seem pretty mean and cold, but he's a good guy deep down. Despite his cold surface he is a caring guy who puts anyone's needs in front of his. He may have a really hard time decribing what he feels. Even though he's feeling so sad that his heart is about to break or if he loves something so much that his heads spins at the very thought of it, the words seem to glue to his throat. There is simply no way for him to explain himself. So to sum it up he's a caring, rather silent and sweet guy who is incapable of explaining.


-As I said, Rin is able to bend and break his bones as he wish. The bones can be used as deffense or offense or simple tools to make the ordinary life a little easier. Rin can also create bone out of thin air as well as releae bones from his body to use as bullets or arrows. Once a bone is taken away from his arm for example, the arm would be just skin and muscles that would be dangling from his limbs until a new bone is created.

-Speed is another one of his traits, he's a fast one and used to compete in it when he was younger.


-For a starter he cannot, without exceptions, touch something warm. A fire, a candle or even a cup of tea would hurt him.

-Also not that good with physical health, not the strongest in the group.

-Extreme fear of balloons, no reason for that but he can't be near a balloon without a panic attack or something similar.


-He's a terrible shopper, he once gave his mother a jar of sand for her birthday. If you ask him to buy a sweater for you, expect the most hideous sweater you'll ever see.

-He's close to a genious. He loves to study and has lately become a straight A student.


Name: Mai Akane

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Kitsune or Huli Jing; A spirit form that takes the form of a human girl. Once in her spirit form, her body is reshaped into a white fox with nine tails and peach colored marks and tattoos on her fur.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/tumblr_mflybhctjZ1rgtt7co1_500.png.cd2003ba36eed2855496b90c70fbd9bc.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38453" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/tumblr_mflybhctjZ1rgtt7co1_500.png.cd2003ba36eed2855496b90c70fbd9bc.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A tiny person, both because she is short as hell and that she is as thin as a stick. She has no trouble eating, it's just that she was born that way. Her hair is pale blonde, almost white, and her eyes are very light blue.


Mai is very shy and lacks the skill of confidence. Allthough she loves to hang around people she seems to be very bad when it comes to first impressions. She is very kind and caring, often puts other's needs in front of her own. Can be a bit of a cry-baby, easily scared and so on but she'll be tough when she feels the need to be.


-Healing abilities, she can heal prett much any wound, except for herself.

-Really fast, speed is her forte.

-Can probably crawl through any space if needed.


-Not strong at all, very weak when it comes to physical strength.

-Can't see during th night. She needs to have a candle of some sort with her.

-Not to much help during battles, more needed afterwards to heal wounds and injuries.




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CelticSol said:
I'll post my character in about an hour or so. Still doing some Christmas stuff.

(Sorry this took so long!)


Simi (Vel’tira of the Venari)


  • Biologically: 20
  • Chronologically: Unknown




Charonte Demon

  • Known for their strange, overly luminescent eyes and the ashy white, almost grey pallor of their ice cold skin (caused by their black blood, which gained it’s colour by the raised amount of carbon in their blood), the monarch-ruled Charonte demons are an incredibly rare race of demons who inhabit the ninth layer of Hell. Each Charonte receives a single special capability at a random age, which can vary from turning invisible to raising golems out of rocks or inanimate objects. Their eyes are a result of the inky darkness of the layer, and they have perfect vision in the dark. However, the Charonte are also known for one another, somewhat odd factor; they lure in their prey by shapeshifting and posing as children. Amongst demons and some more knowledgeable humans, they are known as the ‘Peter Pan children’, as they can hold their child form indefinitely.
    other info:
    Charonte, for the most part, eat souls, but many (Simi included) will devour the physical body of their prey.
  • Each Charonte receives a single special capability at a random age, which can vary from turning invisible to raising golems out of rocks or inanimate objects.
  • Their eyes, which will glow in and out of the dark, are a result of the complete lack of light of the ninth layer, so they have perfect vision in the dark.


Height: 5'9"


Note: Simi has black tendril-like tattoos from the right side of her waist, over the right part of her ribs, and covering her right arm and shoulder. They turn red if she is manipulating her blood.


Simi is, for the most part, calm, composed, and seeming very formal and respectful to those that offer her the same respect. She speaks politely, but can be very harsh if she thinks someone is looking down on her or disrespecting her or Isabella. However, if Simi is upset, it is not only hard for her to calm down, but her explosive, near psychotic bursts of rage and violence are hard to handle and harder to contain. She is fiercely protective of Isabella, and Simi always will step into a fight if she thinks Isabella is threatened.


  • Incredible strength and speed (capable of easily shredding apart metal with her bare hands, but she is much stronger than she is fast)
  • Capable of seeing in complete darkness
  • Can easily remain in very cold temperatures for an indefinite amount of time
  • Hand to hand and sword combat
  • Can manipulate the carbon in her blood to mutate her limbs
  • Advanced regeneration (She could heal a large gash in a few days)


  • Fatally weak to holy objects to the point where she can’t walk into the grounds of a church without getting violently ill
  • Heat, fire and bright light weaken her, as the ninth layer is a pitch black, arctic wasteland.
  • Incapable of anything involving magic
  • Water of any kind will cause her skin to burn and char
  • Mentally unstable and prone to flashbacks
  • Blind in her right eye


Aroura said:
Name: Karia
Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Alchemist

(she is the one in red)

Personality: She is the silent type but could care less as long as she is the higher up of course she cares deeply for her sister as long as she is out of harm everything is fine.

Powers: She is able to transform one object to another by taking the particles of that object and re-arrange them into another object so an branch can become an sword if she wishes.

Weaknesses: Her greed for power will always make her weak for she wishes that she had both powers to help her and her only find the philosopher's stone for eternal life.

Other: She has the transmutation circle already tattooed on her hand because drawing it would take too long.

Name: Sabrina

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Alchemist

(she is the one in blue)

Personality: She requires a lot of entertainment and is sort of an free sprit and very happy go lucky you can feel the vibes of excitement coming off of her and she is not afraid to become up close and personal with you.

Powers: She holds the power to change the age of an object like ice into water back into ice or an camp fire into ashes.

Weaknesses: She cant use these powers for life or death of living beings so she is limited on what she can use her time arc powers for .

Other: She has paper charms that she can either throw at or place on the idem to cast her power.
Peachypants said:

((PEACHYPANTS IN THE HOUSE, Sorry it took so long it took longer than expected))

Rin Motoharu

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Half human and the other half is from some kind of living skeleton; A creature that has the looks of a human but has the ability to remodel his bones without pain.


View attachment 93161

-Black hair, blue eyes and both his ears are pierced. His body is tall and slim, more lean than skinny. He's about 6'2" tall. He is almost always dressed in black.

Personality: Rin is a fairly social guy who likes a good talk. But he prefers to have one really close friend rather than a bunch of acquaintances. When you first meet him he will probably seem pretty mean and cold, but he's a good guy deep down. Despite his cold surface he is a caring guy who puts anyone's needs in front of his. He may have a really hard time decribing what he feels. Even though he's feeling so sad that his heart is about to break or if he loves something so much that his heads spins at the very thought of it, the words seem to glue to his throat. There is simply no way for him to explain himself. So to sum it up he's a caring, rather silent and sweet guy who is incapable of explaining.


-As I said, Rin is able to bend and break his bones as he wish. The bones can be used as deffense or offense or simple tools to make the ordinary life a little easier. Rin can also create bone out of thin air as well as releae bones from his body to use as bullets or arrows. Once a bone is taken away from his arm for example, the arm would be just skin and muscles that would be dangling from his limbs until a new bone is created.

-Speed is another one of his traits, he's a fast one and used to compete in it when he was younger.


-For a starter he cannot, without exceptions, touch something warm. A fire, a candle or even a cup of tea would hurt him.

-Also not that good with physical health, not the strongest in the group.

-Extreme fear of balloons, no reason for that but he can't be near a balloon without a panic attack or something similar.


-He's a terrible shopper, he once gave his mother a jar of sand for her birthday. If you ask him to buy a sweater for you, expect the most hideous sweater you'll ever see.

-He's close to a genious. He loves to study and has lately become a straight A student.


Name: Mai Akane

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Kitsune or Huli Jing or whatever you'd like to call it. Basicly she is a spirit fox who has taken the form of a human girl. In her spirit form she is a white fox with nine tails and red paintings and tattoos all over her fur. When in spirit form she larger than an ordinary fox but not taller than 3" from head to ground. Her eyes also seems to glow when in her full form.


View attachment 93168

-She's a tiny person, not just that she is no taller than 5'1" but she is also very thin built. Might look like a child at first glance. Her eyes are very light blue and her hair is so blonde that it almost looks white.

Personality: Mai can be quite shy and silent. She tends to blush a lot when she first meets someone. But behind the shell there is a sweet and kind girl. There is hardly a time when she is seen acting selfishly. She may not have very good advices but she is a very good listener. Complain about anything to her and she will surely hear you out. As I said many see her as an irresponsible child who couldn't care less about the serious stuff, but times come when she is able to focus all her energy into something. That mostly happens when she is about to help someone.


Healing is her main strength. She is able to heal close to any wound, but she is not able to heal herself.

-Very graceful and flexible since she is so small. Can pretty much fit anywhere.


-She is also not a strong girl, rather weak when it comes to physical strength.

-To be honest, not that fast either.

-She is not to very much help during battles, more needed when it comes to picking up the pieces and healing wounds.

Other: Spends most of her time watching movies or tv-series. She loves to go out for a walk in the middle of the night, especially when it's starry outside.​
All accepted~
Name: Kuro Hayashi

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Species: Demon

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.43ab7818ff8f0074b682f6af007fba74.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37740" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.43ab7818ff8f0074b682f6af007fba74.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Calm, Sadistic, Cunning, Selfish, Friendly most of the time


-Magic Cards, each of his cards has a special effect/ability that will be triggered when thrown/upon contact/timed, such as freezing upon touch (or burning), exploding, and even teleporting to a set or random location.

-He can also make other items besides the cards have different effects and abilities by adding his blood to it, usually done by making his finger bleed and letting some of the blood drop on the selected item and setting the effect/ability.

-The cards can be used in close combat as they are sharper than knives and are very durable, despite their weak, paper-thin appearance.


-Crosses make him dizzy and drain his energy.

-Church Bells sound like nuclear explosions an inch away from his eardrums, causing excruciating pain.

Other: Loves to play "games" with other people and is the teacher of magic.

Is making a teacher char allowed? If so I plan on changing my cs (if i is accepted) age and make it the teacher of magic.



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Verdas said:
Name: Kuro Hayashi
Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Demon

Appearance:View attachment 93176

Personality: Calm, Sadistic, Cunning, Selfish, Friendly most of the time


-Magic Cards, each of his cards has a special effect/ability that will be triggered when thrown/upon contact/timed, such as freezing upon touch (or burning), exploding, and even teleporting to a set or random location.

-He can also make other items besides the cards have different effects and abilities by adding his blood to it, usually done by making his finger bleed and letting some of the blood drop on the selected item and setting the effect/ability.

-The cards can be used in close combat as they are sharper than knives and are very durable, despite their weak, paper-thin appearance.


-Crosses make him dizzy and drain his energy.

-Church Bells sound like nuclear explosions an inch away from his eardrums, causing excruciating pain.

Other: Loves to play "games" with other people.

Is making a teacher char allowed? If so I plan on changing my cs (if i is accepted) age and make it the teacher of magic.
(Accepted and yes

Peachypants said:
((Ooh I was also wondering about that owo A teacher would seem fun c: ))
teachers are allowed since Alezander and Sebastian are teachers as is Elizabeth.)

(Sebastian is gay if you guys didn't know.)



(Cozmarieno L' Demidove)








<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c140428fe_anime_render_68_by_michelleurs-d7nzvf8(1).png.5158b985789cbcd3a86832f6d89e8ca2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39172" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c140428fe_anime_render_68_by_michelleurs-d7nzvf8(1).png.5158b985789cbcd3a86832f6d89e8ca2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c1222e233_Silvergreen.jpg.bdfa474962ac3568fded687e7bc706d6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37757" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c1222e233_Silvergreen.jpg.bdfa474962ac3568fded687e7bc706d6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Calm, Calculating, Sarcastic, Odd, Spontaneous, Awkward.


Manipulates the elements

(Water, Fire, Air, Light/Dark)


Her flexibility, She has a lack of nerve connectors to allow her to feel pain.

While seeming like a thing of luck, she is fair skinned and could be badly wounded but feel like a healthy child.


Her constant companion is a pair of headphones, Don't ask; She wont tell.



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Name: Natalya Volkov

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Species: Aswang. This is a creature that originally hails from the Philippines. A mythology about creatures that are able to literally suck the souls out of living beings. They do this to keep themselves fed, much like the vampires drink blood to cure their thirst. Their full form is a hideous sight. The skin become grey and the eyes turn completely black. They also have a set of fangs and large, pointed ears. However, since close to every Aswang except her are considered villains, this has become one of her major secrets.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/lawl.jpg.ae42165d04906afd24ab2a42210b6fce.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37747" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/lawl.jpg.ae42165d04906afd24ab2a42210b6fce.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-She is fairly tall and a little bit more muscular than most women.

Personality: Natalya is a strong and independent woman. She is more masculine in her way of acing. She is as I said strong and would not hesitate to hit you in the face if she thought you needed a good punch. I'd advise you to do as she tells you. Her words are law. If she tells you to shut up, you shut up. If you talk back to her she will literally kick you out of the room. But even so she tends to be quite caring, as long as you don't get on her bad side. She might consider you weak, but she has high expectations of everyone.


-As said, she is able to suck the souls out of living beings. But she rarely uses this, mostly because it would reveal her true form.

-Hand to hand combat is her main focus. She is physically strong and knows it.

-Also knows quite a lot about different guns, always carries one in her belt.


-She can't run fast.

-Anyone with magical abilities would have the upper hand against her.

-Not good when it comes to swimming either.

-Allergic to peanuts.


-Combat teacher (If allright?)

-Up until a year ago she was in the army. Spent a long time there, several years, she even made it to 1st Lieutenant. But afterwards she decided to pull back and become a teacher, the humans discovered her secret.

-Used to practice different kinds of martial arts during her years in school.

-She has spent a little too many years alongside the humans who later stabbed her in the back. She now hates the humanity completely.

-Comes from Russia if you couldn't tell by her name.​



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Scheani said:



(Cozmarieno L' Demidove)








View attachment 93205


Calm, Calculating, Sarcastic, Odd, Spontaneous, Awkward.


Manipulates the elements

(Water, Fire, Air, Light/Dark)


Her flexibility, She has a lack of nerve connectors to allow her to feel pain.

While seeming like a thing of luck, she is fair skinned and could be badly wounded but feel like a healthy child.


Her constant companion is a pair of headphones, Don't ask; She wont tell.

Peachypants said:

Name: Natalya Volkov

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Species: Aswang. This is a creature that hails from the Philippines. A mythology about creatures that are able to literally suck the souls out of living beings. They do this to keep themselves fed, much like the vampires drink blood to cure their thirst. Their full form is a hideous sight. The skin become grey and the eyes turn completely black. They also have a set of fangs and large, pointed ears. However, since close to every Aswang except her are considered villains, this has become one of her major secrets.


View attachment 93194

-She is fairly tall and a little bit more muscular than most women.

Personality: Natalya is a strong and independent woman. She is more masculine in her way of acing. She is as I said strong and would not hesitate to hit you in the face if she thought you needed a good punch. I'd advise you to do as she tells you. Her words are law. If she tells you to shut up, you shut up. If you talk back to her she will literally kick you out of the room. But even so she tends to be quite caring, as long as you don't get on her bad side. She might consider you weak, but she has high expectations of everyone.


-As said, she is able to suck the souls out of living beings. But she rarely uses this, mostly because it would reveal her true form.

-Hand to hand combat is her main focus. She is physically strong and knows it.

-Also knows quite a lot about different guns, always carries one in her belt.


-She can't run fast.

-Anyone with magical abilities would have the upper hand against her.

-Not good when it comes to swimming either.

-Allergic to peanuts.


-Combat teacher (If allright?)

-Up until a year ago she was in the army. Spent a long time there, several years, she even made it to 1st Lieutenant. But afterwards she decided to pull back and become a teacher, the humans discovered her secret.

-Used to practice different kinds of martial arts during her years in school.

-She has spent a little too many years alongside the humans who later stabbed her in the back. She now hates the humanity completely.​
Accepted and Elizabeth is the combat teacher but she can be the combat teacher for the younger students.
Yes Mam'! But wait, who would be teacher for the younger students, Natalya or Elizabeth? Sorry, didn't quite get that (•⌂•)
Name: Aeliana

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Elf/Human hybrid



Personality: Stubborn and loyal, she acts more like a big sister than a friend. She helps her friends out as much as she can, even to the point of jumping in for them during a fight. She sometimes has a tough time with conversation and social interaction, but she has good intentions. Talk of romance freezes her up and causes her to flee the scene. She is not afraid to attack you if you bug her.


Increased senses



longer life span

Her whip is laced with a virus/poison that infects the body and causes senses to dull and body functions to weaken.

Weaknesses: Does not really have a power per say. She freezes up on talk of romance and is afraid of ghosts.

Other: Her favorite food is anything sour and is trained in hand to hand combat. Also don't try to give her a handshake, she has a vice grip stronger than a boa constrictor.
Federoff said:
Name: Aeliana
Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Elf/Human hybrid



Personality: Stubborn and loyal, she acts more like a big sister than a friend. She helps her friends out as much as she can, even to the point of jumping in for them during a fight. She sometimes has a tough time with conversation and social interaction, but she has good intentions. Talk of romance freezes her up and causes her to flee the scene. She is not afraid to attack you if you bug her.


Increased senses



longer life span

Her whip is laced with a virus/poison that infects the body and causes senses to dull and body functions to weaken.

Weaknesses: Does not really have a power per say. She freezes up on talk of romance and is afraid of ghosts.

Other: Her favorite food is anything sour and is trained in hand to hand combat. Also don't try to give her a handshake, she has a vice grip stronger than a boa constrictor.
Name: Piotr (Peter) Compton

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Demon


Personality: Piotr is a talkative smart ass jokester. He likes to think he is funny, but can come off as more of an asshole than anything else. He is loyal to his friends and is rarely angry. He is easy going and tends to go with the path of least resistance. He often finds himself in trouble, and cannot refuse a dare. He doesn't like to fight, and will try to talk a person out of fighting, friend or foe.

Powers: Can teleport any distance, but must know where he is going, either via picture or by having been there previously.

Weaknesses: The rest of him is basically human.

Other: Can often be found doing funny dances.
Name: Azula Draconius

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Drakoneus (Dragon person)


Half form:


Full dragon:


Full human:


Personality: she's very mysterious and quiet. She likes to be on her own and tends to horde shiny things and likes warm things. She can be very loyal and very dominate when threatened and gets very protective of those she care about.

Powers: flight, fire breathing, ice, lightning, darkness, water and voice mimicry. Can copy any sound and change into anything.

Weaknesses: being grounded, being in her human form, chained down.

Other: she shifts into her dragon form when angry.


DrCompton said:
Name: Piotr (Peter) Compton
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Demon


Personality: Piotr is a talkative smart ass jokester. He likes to think he is funny, but can come off as more of an asshole than anything else. He is loyal to his friends and is rarely angry. He is easy going and tends to go with the path of least resistance. He often finds himself in trouble, and cannot refuse a dare. He doesn't like to fight, and will try to talk a person out of fighting, friend or foe.

Powers: Can teleport any distance, but must know where he is going, either via picture or by having been there previously.

Weaknesses: The rest of him is basically human.

Other: Can often be found doing funny dances.
Name: Ulysses Ireman

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Mythical Morphling


Personality: Very friendly and talkative with people but doesn't really enjoy earthly animals. As he is very kind he also has a fiery hot temper that doesn't burn out very fast. Finally, he likes having chats with the voices in his head .

Powers: Capable of morphing into mythical creatures.

Weaknesses: Gains the weakness of whatever he turns into and had an ad version to nutmeg.

Other: He likes candy.
Seraph said:
Name: Ulysses Ireman
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Mythical Morphling


Personality: Very friendly and talkative with people but doesn't really enjoy earthly animals. As he is very kind he also has a fiery hot temper that doesn't burn out very fast. Finally, he likes having chats with the voices in his head .

Powers: Capable of morphing into mythical creatures.

Weaknesses: Gains the weakness of whatever he turns into and had an ad version to nutmeg.

Other: He likes candy.
[Name] Lief Heathstone (Lee-af Her-th-sto-neh)

[Age] Unknown

[Gender] Male

[Personality] Leif is an extremely smart, quiet and blocked off person at first glance. He loves to lurk around secluded places, and treats his own space as a sacred ground, nobody is allowed in and nobody is allowed out except Leif. If Leif takes you to a place of his own or shows you one of his belongings, to him, you are like royalty. When in combat Leif is focused, determined and will often play 'trickster' with his enemies to confuse them, as this is his favorite strategy. Leif loves reading books to the point where he gave up someones life for it, best beware of that. Leif's favorite food is any kind of sweet, lolly or piece of candy. He says they give a nice sensation in his mouth, and that sweets are a good time waster when waiting for something. Out of the three classes Leif can transform into, his favorite class is the Rune Slayer because it fits well with his preference for the 'trickster' strategy.

Leif was born in an age of conflict, war was waging across nations, planets and heck, even galaxy's. As his mother and father were perishing due to dangerous cyber viruses on a distant planet, they sent him to one of the peace planets, Earth. It took hundreds of light-years to reach earth, over those years, data was implanted into his mind, his brain was programmable matter. He had also time traveled into the past at the speed he was going, a rip in the fabric of spacetime formed. By the time he reached earth, he had already had defense protocols and incomplete form information implanted in him. (Yes, it takes THAT long to program a humanoid.) Lief's emotions were mixed up, he kept glitching out, until he came across a school. The school fixed him and bound by his programming, he was forever in debt to them.




Lord Knight(Attack):


Infinity Sword(Speed):


Rune Slayer(Magic):


[Race] A Programmable Humanoid


Can hack into any computer system, or better yet, he can transport his physical form into an electronic device.

+Can switch between forms at will

+A certain program allows him to bend the laws of physics but its extremely dangerous as it could alter reality.

+He has over ninety-six-billion terabytes of memory in his core processor (Brain).

+His body is virtually indestructible.

+Can teleport and fly.

+He doesn't need to breathe.

+Can shapeshift.

+He is

-Whoever manages to touch the back of his neck with five fingers becomes his master due to pet programming, and he is also bound to them for eternity.

-There is a chance, in combat that his drives could overheat, and he could shutdown for an entire day.

-When bending the laws of physics, he could easily kill himself by making, one, itsy bitsy mistake.

-If his master dies, his self destruct protocol will immediately initiate... blowing up half the planet.
TooLazyToLogIn said:
[Name] Lief Heathstone (Lee-af Her-th-sto-neh)

[Age] Unknown

[Gender] Male

[Personality] Leif is an extremely smart, quiet and blocked off person at first glance. He loves to lurk around secluded places, and treats his own space as a sacred ground, nobody is allowed in and nobody is allowed out except Leif. If Leif takes you to a place of his own or shows you one of his belongings, to him, you are like royalty. When in combat Leif is focused, determined and will often play 'trickster' with his enemies to confuse them, as this is his favorite strategy. Leif loves reading books to the point where he gave up someones life for it, best beware of that. Leif's favorite food is any kind of sweet, lolly or piece of candy. He says they give a nice sensation in his mouth, and that sweets are a good time waster when waiting for something. Out of the three classes Leif can transform into, his favorite class is the Rune Slayer because it fits well with his preference for the 'trickster' strategy.

Leif was born in an age of conflict, war was waging across nations, planets and heck, even galaxy's. As his mother and father were perishing due to dangerous cyber viruses on a distant planet, they sent him to one of the peace planets, Earth. It took hundreds of light-years to reach earth, over those years, data was implanted into his mind, his brain was programmable matter. He had also time traveled into the past at the speed he was going, a rip in the fabric of spacetime formed. By the time he reached earth, he had already had defense protocols and incomplete form information implanted in him. (Yes, it takes THAT long to program a humanoid.) Lief's emotions were mixed up, he kept glitching out, until he came across a school. The school fixed him and bound by his programming, he was forever in debt to them.




Lord Knight(Attack):


Infinity Sword(Speed):


Rune Slayer(Magic):


[Race] A Programmable Humanoid


Can hack into any computer system, or better yet, he can transport his physical form into an electronic device.

+Can switch between forms at will

+A certain program allows him to bend the laws of physics but its extremely dangerous as it could alter reality.

+He has over ninety-six-billion terabytes of memory in his core processor (Brain).

+His body is virtually indestructible.

+Can teleport and fly.

+He doesn't need to breathe.

+Can shapeshift.

+He is

-Whoever manages to touch the back of his neck with five fingers becomes his master due to pet programming, and he is also bound to them for eternity.

-There is a chance, in combat that his drives could overheat, and he could shutdown for an entire day.

-When bending the laws of physics, he could easily kill himself by making, one, itsy bitsy mistake.

-If his master dies, his self destruct protocol will immediately initiate... blowing up half the planet.
Hmm... Interesting.

Name: Morde Blackwill

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Human, Mage



Personality: Cold and calculating. He is a smart and mostly calm individual who holds a dark power within him, causing him to shun almost everyone around him in fear of their safety.

Powers:Magic in general but he has a very...specific affinity.

Blackwill Codex: His abilities are centered around this cursed book. Bound by dragon hide submerged in demon blood with paper pressed from hellebore an passed down from generation to generation, this book immediately makes sure that any spell he casts is twisted into a darker version, empowering it but slowly damning his soul and corrupting him. Using a spell from the pages of the book does the same only at higher rate. While he can recover slowly from the side effects, using magic repeatedly or continuously will cause him to be possessed by an elder demon and slowly be consumed by the book like the rest of his ancestors.

Weaknesses:Using magic too much.

Other: While he doesn't show it, he likes sweets and kittens.

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