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Fantasy Night Caller ((group rp version))

"Interesting. I think I should like to know more about your kind perhaps." She looks towards the forest before back to Surahgol. "They're in the forest, heading deeper in."
-Growls a little bit and stumbles back slightly. Shaking head scales out as eyes burn. Looks away toward ground as blinks repeatedly shaking out scales as glares at up at the creature.-
Katlyn kept watching as a newcomer appeared on a horse. She pressed her face to the dusty glass, trying to get a better look. Anger and fear forgotten, she was in complete awe watching the creatures communicate. (( @chewy91 xD ))
Eclipse pulls out an arrow and removes her bow from her back before turning towards the dragon and nocks her arrow. Pulling back on the string she takes aim and lets the arrow fly towards the dragon's shoulder.
-Glances over at the newcomer, hiss and tail lashes as the arrow sinks into shoulder flesh. Growls and raises wings defiantly. Turning to her slowly, snarls as takes a few pace near, lowering head, lips drawn back.-
Eclipse shrugs as she stares at the dragon coming towards her. Well she has the dragon's attention now and watches as it snarls and hisses at her. Backing up as the dragon begins walking towards her before turning and walking back to her horse. Surveying the ruined village, it's obvious she won't get any human food here.
Katlyn decided this was a good time to get away, while all the creatures and people were distracted. She silently creeped over to the door and pushed on it, letting in creak open slowly. Katlyn stepped out on her tiptoes and started to sneak away, towards the smoldering coals.
The black horse snorts and tugs back at the reins as it hears movement. One eye searches and spots the girl trying to leave. Pawing at the ground with a hoof, the horse lets out a sharp high-pitched whinny as it tries to get its master's attention. Eclipse hears her horse's cries and casts a look at the stallion as she walks over to the house where she tied him up.
Katlyn looked over, hearing the horse. She had always loved animals of all kinds, horses included. She was temped to go over, but she turned and continued walking until she came to the last remaining embers.
Eclipse unties her horse's reins and gets on. Backing the horse up away from the house, she turns and sets off back for the forest, guiding the hose carefully over the embers on the ground.
Katlyn took a small step onto the embers, but quickly drew her foot back. The coals had singed a black mark on her hide shoes/boots. Katlyn shifted, wanting to get across and away from all the destruction.
The horse continued being guiding by the halfbreed rider sitting his back as Eclipse guided him towards the forest. She'd need to find somewhere else to gather food and maybe she'd come come across a bandit or something to feed off of. With her natural looks from her mother and her age, it was easy for her to lure fools to her side by pretending to be lost.
Katlyn wavered at the edge of the embers, steeling herself to run across. She inhaled, the exhaled deeply. "Ok, let's do this." She muttered to herself. She quickly ran across the smoldering embers and coals, the heat singeing the bottoms of her feet through her shoes. When she got to the other side, near the forest, her shoes were blackened and burnt. She looked up toward the forest, the dark branched looming in front of her as dusk started to settle over the land.
Once the horse got to the edge of the forest, Eclipse spurred it into a run, the wind making the horse's mane and tail as well as Eclipse's red hair streaming behind them as the wind blew past them.
((Hey Golden my computer is being an total asshole and totally kicked me off of my chewy account on my whole laptop. So now im using administrator (not the best thing in the world.) So i cant skype you....)) @GoldenWolf
(( I honestly don't know. It was perfectly fine at your house then when i got to mine, it wouldnt let me log into my account.)) @GoldenWolf

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