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Fantasy Night Caller ((group rp version))

((Back)) -Growls low, lowering head slightly as glares at spreading wings out more.- I made a promise to my self to protect the village, sense I caused a death from here. -Snarls and flexes claws into dirt underclaw.-
Katlyn couldn't resist the temptation, her childlike curiosity getting the better of her. She walked to the window and saw the two creatures, it looked like they were communicating.

((HA, communicating.. @chewy91 you know what i'm talkin' bout lol, hint: Dinosaurs))
Surahgol growls in impatience since the dragon wouldn't leave the village and let him do as he pleases. He used his magic on himself once more, greatly improving his strength before getting closer to the dragon. @chewy91 @GoldenWolf
-Hisses and backs away, keeping distance as raises wings in defense. Lowering head and arching long back, lashing tail along the ground.-
Surahgol suddenly began running towards the dragon, leaving deep tracks in the ground and leapt, planning on getting on top of the dragon. He glanced at the house and saw the girl watching them. @chewy91 (@GoldenWolf your character made me think of this:)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/1351013_t.gif.744d6301faa11ae19cb2cf6c2aad025b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57315" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/1351013_t.gif.744d6301faa11ae19cb2cf6c2aad025b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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-Eyes widen a little in surprise and hesitates for a second before backing away a few paces avoiding the creatures leap. Rearing up on hindlegs would fall back down hard digging talons into his shoulders. As pins to ground.-
((Lol)) Kate continued watching, almost in a trance-like state from watching the two creatures fight.
Sitting astride a black horse, a thirteen year old girl watched as villagers came running towards her. Screaming about dragons and some creature called a Ziz. She'd never heard of a Ziz before it sounded like some huge bird of some kind, maybe a relative of Griffins? Knowing that a dragon's fire could kill her, not to mention the horse she rode, the girl turned the horse around and began escorting the villagers into the forest that bordered the small village. She could come back tonight if the two creatures were gone and see about getting whatever food hadn't been destroyed.
Surahgol got up quickly after getting pinned to the ground due to the boost in strength, though he still did struggle a little with the dragon pinning him down. He quickly breathed fire at the dragon's face. If it won't harm her, it will at least blind the dragon temporarily. @chewy91 @GoldenWolf
Eclipse led the human villagers a few miles into the forest before her horse snorted and pawed a hoof at the ground. The half-vampire, half-human teen made watched the humans flee deeper into the forest before turning back to the village and setting the horse at a gallop soon emerged from the forest and into the village proper.
Surahgol turned his head after he stopped breathing fire and saw a girl on a horse from afar and it appeared to be an outsider. The flames around the village had died and there was nothing more than hot, scorched earth where the flames were once, and some burnt trees. He knew not to underestimate any outsiders, especially after the man he fought earlier and sent a small tornado towards the outsider's direction. @chewy91 @golden @eclipsehowls
The horse let out a whinny as the tornado came towards it and bolted while the girl let out a hiss of annoyance. She allowed the horse to have its head as it ran but then jerked on the reins and forced the horse to continue into the village, guiding it carefully through a few destroyed homes. Stopping the horse in the center of the village, Eclipse stared at Surahgol in surprise. She had never seen a creature like him before or else her father would have told her of them. Not sure how much of a threat the creature before her was, Eclipse just sat there, the wind ruffling her horse's mane and her hair as she let her eyes wander from the Ziz to the destroyed village.
Surahgol opened his mouth and bright red flames emerged as he breathed fire at the outsider, but only as a warning not to get close or get burnt to death. He was annoyed by all these outsiders interfering. Especially at the dragon who had let most of the villagers escape, leaving nothing more than just a few burnt corpses to eat, since the animals in the forest he lived in were either too small or too hard to find. @eclipsehowls @chewy91 @GoldenWolf
Growling, Eclipse yanked back on the horse's reins though it was unnecessary as the horse reared up on its bag legs before backing up, the whites of its eyes showing. Fire was one of the ways she could be killed and she had no wish to die by immolation. Laying a hand on the beast's neck, Eclipse turned the full force of her gaze on the Ziz before her. "There's no reason for that. I'm just here for food, probably same as you and the dragon are," she said.
"If you're here for food, then help me get rid of this annoying dragon. She's just here to stop me from killing the villagers. If you do help me, maybe I'll let you have any leftovers in the village." Surahgol replies, gesturing at the intact house that may have food. @eclipsehowls @GoldenWolf @chewy91
Eclipse glanced at the dragon, considering carefully. She was at the moment being pursued and thus needed her strength if she was to continue running. Plus the horse needed food, water, and rest for a few days to possibly a week to fully recover. However there was also the thought that the Ziz would just kill her after helping kill the dragon, assuming the dragon didn't kill her first. Hunger won out and she dismounted the horse and led it across the ground to the intact house before tying it outside. "Why is a dragon protecting humans?" she questioned.
Surahgol growls. "The dragon claims that she is protecting this village since she accidentally caused the death of one of the villagers outside, though I'm certain she's just trying to trick everyone to get all the food for herself." He answers, sniffing the air as he smelled something unusual about the outsider. @eclipsehowls @chewy91 @GoldenWolf
Eclipse raises an eyebrow as she listens carefully before scoffing to herself. "The human was probably nothing more than food. What are you? You look like a Griffin."
Surahgol shook his head. "I'm a Ziz, though my kind looks similar to griffins, have you ever seen a griffin breathing fire?" He turns his head to the outsider. "Did you see any villagers outside? I'm certain they've escaped since the fire died down." @eclipsehowls @chewy91 @GoldenWolf

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