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Fantasy Night Caller ((group rp version))

Katlyn covered her ears with her hands as she heard the howling winds from outside. She started to sob harder, she had no idea what was happening. From the screams outside she knew it wasn't good. She heard a roar, which made her more scared.
-Hisses and gets pushed off of him from the winds. Spreads wings out keeping self steady as shakes out scales. Growls at as lowers head.-
Katlyn stumbled to a window, her childlike curiosity getting the better of her. When she looked out she was taken aback at what she saw. Two creatures were fighting, and she recognized the dragon as the one who killed her brother. Anger made her vision red as fear was consumed by anger for her dead brother.
Surahgol quickly ran towards the dragon while it was steadying itself, ramming his head against it before turning into human form to run and hide. The wall of fire he set up around the burning village must be nearly extinguished by then so he ran towards an intact house in hopes of some villagers he could eat without wasting time on the annoying dragon that was getting in his way. @chewy91 @GoldenWolf
Katlyn quickly ran and ducked into a dark corner of the house as she saw him running towards the house. She hoped he wouldn't come in, she was holding back tears now. She swallowed the hard lump back from her throat and bunched a small fist, narrowing her innocent eyes. (( @Verdas and @chewy91 I guess ))
Surahgol quickly ran into the house, nearly breaking the door down and expected at least a small family to be huddled up in the house, too afraid too go out, and was not expecting a small girl from outside the village. (@GoldenWolf @chewy91 writer's block so posts are gonna be short.)
Surahgol looked at Katlyn in disappointment and ripped the door out of it's hinges, tossing it at the girl but missing and sighed. "I was expecting something different... I don't see any need to answer your question. Are you from this village?" He asks. @GoldenWolf @chewy91
Katlyn jumped and let out a small squeak as the door crashed into the wall next to her. "M-my mom said n-not to talk to strangers." She said defiantly.
-Growls and shakes out scales as looks around for him, sniffing ground and opening mouth slightly to try and find his scent.-
"Well you're talking to one now." Surahgol replies, and took a peak outside to see if the dragon found out where he was yet. "If you are from this village, then where are the others? The owners of this house?" He asks the little girl. @chewy91 @GoldenWolf
-Grumbles a little and stretches wings out slightly looking around as raises head from ground. Tail lashes around thumping loudly on ground-
Surahgol heard a loud thumping and guessed it was the dragon. "None of your business." He answers, picking up a piece of splintered wood off the floor of the house that was broken off the door, strengthening it to make it almost hard as steel and tested the tip to see if it was sharp enough. "Don't make too much noise. Actually, stay completely silent." He says to the little girl. @chewy91 @GoldenWolf
-Growls and goes near the houses looking around and sniffing around near the walls of houses-
Katlyn swallowed hard and nodded tensely. "Silent." She sat in the corner and wrapped her arms around her legs, holding them to her chest.
Surahgol peaked outside again and immediately stepped further back into the house, hiding behind the wall. He saw the dragon sniffing the walls of a house right next the to the one he was in. @chewey91 @GoldenWolf
-Gets to the house hes in and inhales deeply. Growls low slightly and looks into the house putting head along the wall as looks through the window of house.-
Surahgol grabs the girl's arm and pulls her out of the dragon's line of sight, staying completely silent and hoping the dragon didn't notice his movement then, since he did not want to waste anymore energy on a pointless fight, though as he hided, he began to realize that it would've been much easier if he had just ignored the man and took off with a few villagers. @chewey91 @GoldenWolf
-Catches a small movement and growls low as shifts against the wall puts claw along the building and tries to moves wall with claws-
Katlyn whimpered and squeezed her eyes shut pressing against the wall and hoping the monster didn't see her.
Hearing the dragon clawing the wall, Surahgol got to the window and began thrusting the splintered wood at the dragon outside and then threw it like a spear before going outside and changing back to his real form. "What are you fighting me for anyways? This is a waste of time." He asks the dragon. @chewy91 @GoldenWolf
-Hisses and flinches as shakes the wood from scales and glares at him.- I want you to leave this village. - Snaps and raises wings-
Katlyn stood completely still in the house. Her feet were tugging to go to the window and watch them, but she stood still.
Surahgol hisses back at the dragon and breathes flames threateningly, scorching the ground before him. "Why don't you leave? I came here first. You're letting the villagers escape by making me waste my time here." @GoldenWolf @chewy91

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