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Fandom NieR Automata character creation


New Member
A- Attacker (Bear in mind this is an obsolete model)
B- Battler
E- Executioner
G- Gunner (Also an obsolete model)
O- Operator
S- Scanner

YoRHa Android Format


Assembly Date:

Physical Appearance:


Weapons: (Please consider the model you selected when picking weapons. IE, a Battle type being a walking arsenal makes sense. Not so much a scanner)

Plug-in Chips/Combat augments: (See above. A Battle type likely wouldn't have hacking chips. A Gunner or Attacker model probably on't have state of the art chips)

Pod Number:

Pod Weapon:

Pod Skill:

Resistance Android Format


Assembly Date:

Physical Appearance:


Weapons: (Much more limited than YoRHa androids obviously)

Machine Format


Assembly Date:




Small Stubby
Small Flyer
Medium Flyer
Medium Biped
Medium Quadruped
Goliath Biped
Name: YoRHa Type. A No 64, (Attacker) A64
Origin: Nier: Automata
Gender: Male

Assembly Date:7. 29, 11940ee32db66a377435c1f6a4d4d3de018c921dc14ec_hq.jpg

Hight: 5'8

Personality: A64 is cold merciless killer, that's have no problem of killing innocent Machine-lifeform or YoRHa android either if they were to cross him. He is lazy and rather impulse when a crazy strong Android or Machine-lifeform come along. He usually laid back and observer his surrounding, and love a good show that would let him get to know how other Android fight. Unlike other YoRHa unit's he does like to talk way much even to his pod this usually becomes a distraction cause he will yell at his pod for no reason.

Affiliation:YoRHa (Formally)

Status: Deserter

Pod: 225
Pod: Weapons: Gatling gun
Pod programs: Al30: Bomb
Age: Unknown
Classification: Android
Abilities:Can go into a Berserker state that's boosted all attack and speed. When A64, enters this state his more powerful.

When A64, evade he deployed a holograms of himself after he stop evading they will explodes cause damaged to his opponent's, and Machine-lifeform.

Weapons equipment: Type-40 sword and Cruel Blood oath

Plug-in Chips
Weapon Attack up+4
Critical up+4
Ranged Attack up+3
Shock Weave +3
Taunt up +3
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YoRHa Android Format

Designation: Unit number 10, Scanner model number 9. He would to be called tens.

Gender: Male

Hight: 5'5

Assembly Date: February 29,

Affiliation: YoRHa

Physical Appearance: 910 is a 165cm that is 5'5 ( Including boost) his eyes are light blue and hair color is red.

Personality: 910 is programmed emotional but kind and formal personality. He have a desire to study machines and how they work like all scanner but he will carry out his mission and hold off his own desire for the glory of mankind.

Weapons: Type-40

Plug-in Chips/Combat augment: Movement Speed up +8 Weapons Attack Up 5 Shock Wave 5 Hijack boost +6 Stun +8 Combust +8 Auto Heals +5

Pod Number: 184

Pod Weapon: Laser

Pod Skill: Mirage,Laser, Gravity, Scanner, P Shield

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