Next Marvel [Inactive]


Elder Member
LunaRenee submitted a new role play:

Next Marvel - The next generation of MARVEL is here now.

What if the MARVEL universe had a new generation of heroes, mutants, or villains?
To carry on the legacy of the Avengers, X-Men, ect.

Welcome to the Next Marvel Universe!!!

SHIELD and Xaviers School for Gifted Youngsters are gathering new recruits and you have been chosen by them.

Your power may be passed on from a relative who was/is part of the MARVEL universe or it could be a special talent that has been bestowed upon you.

The new heroes must come together to stop the apocalypse...
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LunaRenee updated Next Marvel with a new update entry:

Setting: Stark Tower/ Xavier's School

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Casper hopped out of one of Tony's private jets in Washington DC because SHIELD had requested her presence at the SHIELD Headquarters for some sort of meeting.

Casper stepped inside the Headquarter building to see lots of SHIELD workers nicely dressed walking around. "Miss Stark, lovely to see you again. As you know I am Nick Fury and this is agent Coulson. I see that you received our message. The meeting will proceed in the conference room once the others arrive here" and with that the two men walked off. 'Others?!' Casper thought to herself.
Maria found herself stumble down a road in the city, her mind felt like it had been through a blender. She needed juice before she could do anything else, she run into a nearby alley sensing a open electrical source there. She found a power box, pulling of its lid and placing both her hands on the exposed wires. The electrical current coursed through her making her jolt until there was no more she could carry. She stumbled back to the wall behind her, before sliding down to sit and taking a deep breath.

Her mind settled allowing to assess her situation, she knew nothing about were she was or, more to the point, anything of the outside world. She need a plan of action, thinking back to her training. First she needed clothing, she noted she was dressed noticeably differently to others on the street a big no no on blending in. A source of food would be good and, finally and more importantly, information about anything and everything. She got up to her feet walking towards the main road and looked around. Food and Intel could be gained from a nearby convenience store, she had no money so she had to steal it. Simple enough as for clothing, a few clothes set out to dry on the second floor balcony of an apartment building. It was quite the climb but do able. She took another deep breaths before rushing towards the apartment.
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Marcus was excited. As a matter of fact, he was practically bouncing around the room. He was finally going to be sent out to do something helpful. He had been educated and trained for years, and finally, they were letting him assist.

He had no idea what it was they were having him do, though. All he knew was that everyone was supposed to meet in the conference room. He wasn't sure if he was expected to have all his gear or not, so he pulled on his charcoal grey suit, strapped on his hip holsters, and went to the conference room to wait. He arrived first, and leaned up against the wall to wait for the others that were coming. He tried his best to contain himself, but couldn't help but show a small grin.
Casper looked to her right and noticed a boy who looked a bit familiar who looked like he was about to burst with excitement. "You just won the lottery or something cause you are smiling like an idiot?" Casper said smirking at the boy leaning against the wall.
"You could say that." He replied, blushing a little. D***. He needed to work on his stoic face. Think like Fury, think like Fury.

There. The smile subsided, leaving a blank stare plastered to his face. There, much more SHIELD agent-like, he thought.

"So.. Uh, who are you, Miss?" He asked, trying to sound serious.
Scott had been down at the boxing studio, showering after his workout. He had graduated to the big leagues about 10 fights ago and was racking in the dough, he had adjusted very well to his abilities and had the cripple (Xavier) to thank for helping him get a better grip on them. He felt unstoppable and he planned on sitting on the top of the boxing circuit and reaping the benefits. After washing up and getting dressed, he grabbed his back-pack, and checked his messages and noticed he had a message from Shield Guy. By the time he got to his black Kawasaki Ninja 1000 ABS in the parking lot his phone rang, and as he looked down to see Shield Guy two black SUV's pulled up on each side of his bike. He the phone up to his ear and pressed 'Answer', "Hey! Sorry I haven't bee-" he was cut off by the man on the other line, who informed him that he would be escorted to a jet to meeting up with the others. He hung up the phone and a man ushered him to get into one of the SUV's, he knew he could easily resist these men and go on his merry way, but he opted not to make any bigger waves than he already had. As he sat in the back seat of the SUV they pulled off and he simply stared out the window, the whole time wishing that he had never accepted Shield's offer. He just wanted to do his own thing and they were severely messing with his ideal way of life. The SUV pulled into the runway a little time later, and he slowly moved from inside the SUV to inside the jet. "Enjoy your ride." One of the men in black suits said as he climbed the steps of the jet. He quickly took the first seat and stared, with a look of irritation on his face, out the window. "Can we go ahead and leave please!" He barked at the pilot. "One moment, sir. I believe you may be having company on this ride...we'll just wait a few more minutes while I check and see."
"Im uh. Uh." He stuttered, his gaze shifting from her to the floor. He had expected other.. normal, agents. Not you know.. big league-rs. He hoped he had been the right choice for all this.

"Marcus. Agent Marcus Gavin." He finally replied, managing eye contact again. Smooth, Marcus. For a guy in a suit you're managing to look like a five year old.
Casper jumped off the couch where she was sitting and walked over to Marcus and said "Ah yes, of corse. If I am correct you too are a rescued orphan as well? Oh, sorry if I sound like a stalker. Tony hacked into Fury's file a while back and we found your file." Then Casper added "By the way buddy, confidence is key here. Try not to act nervous or people won't take you seriously." Noticing that the future agent was acting timid around her.
He was a bit taken aback by her knowledge of him. He didn't show it, instead just giving a curt nod. "Yeah, that'd be me." He said, shrugging slightly. "In my defense, I was expecting regulars, not people like.. you." He replied, hoping that it didn't sound like he was categorizing her. She seemed nice, but she was a whole different animal as far as he was concerned.
Brooklyn laughed to herself as she shot through the street and grabbed the killer by the collar. She heard him yell out in surprise as she turned the corner and pinned him to the alley wall. "Hate to break it to you, but your killing spree has come to an official end," she stated, releasing him as the sound of sirens approached. "When the feds get here, tell them to keep up. They'll know who caught you," Brooklyn added. She socked him in the jaw, knocking him out just as a police car swerved in their direction. With a glittering smile, Brooklyn waved at the cops and dashed off in the opposite direction.

A buzz sounded in her ear, her communication chip alerting her of an incoming message. An automated female voice informed Brooklyn of a meeting being held at SHIELD, and that her presence was needed. Brooklyn sighed, and altered her course to head in SHIELD Headquarters direction.

It took less than thirty seconds for Brooklyn to run to the HQ, and casually stroll into the building without being recognized by the public outside. She combed her fingers through her windswept hair, and checked the time. Early, as usual. Brooklyn headed to the conference room.
Casper laughed at Marcus's comment "People like me? Marcus, if you plan on making it here in SHIELD you are going to have to get used to dealing with people like me." Caspian replied and turned to see who had just walked into the room. It was a girl.
After getting clearance to take off they left, and Scott closed his eyes to catch a little nap. The next time he opened them was when he was being shaken awake and asked to get into yet another SUV. He sat silently as he was taken to SHIELD HQ and once he arrived he was told where to go. He sighed and placed his hands in his pockets as he entered into the building and slowly made his way to the conference room. "Such a chore."

He made his way into the conference room and saw that there were others that were already here. He slowly went and found a seat away from them, slouched down in his seat, and rested his head back against the seat. I could be doing so many other things right now. This whole protect and serve thing is overrated, he thought to himself as he placed his hood over his eyes and closed them.
"Well I'm more used to norm--" He stopped himself, biting his tongue. He was way in over his head. He should just leave, say he was sick, have some other person take this one.

No. No. He couldn't do that now. Because now there were three people in the room who had seen him. One of them knew who he was, and he had heard of the other two. He wasn't able to just walk out now. Think like an agent, Marcus. You can do this.

He sighed and nodded to the two newcomers. "Hello, everyone. I'm Agent Marcus Gavin. As of yet, I haven't been informed of the reason for this meeting, but I will be the SHIELD agent attached to your mission. I hope we all get along." He said, rattling off a watered down version of briefings he had heard before.
Casper gave Marcus a thumbs up after he spoke aloud to the others. "Yo, dude in the back get your ass over here so we can find out why the hell we are here!" she yelled at the mysterious boy with his hood on sitting alone in the far corner of the room. Casper then turned to the girl and said "Now you must be Rodgers kid. You probably already know who I am" ((sorry if my character comes off as rude, I'm just trying to make her like Tony Stark)).
Brooklyn smirked at the SHIELD agent after he made his little intro, then turned to Casper. "Yeah, I know who you are. You're a lot like your father," she replied, knowing the Stark pride all too well. She glanced at Marcus as well as the hooded guy, and said, "Just in case you didn't get the memo, I'm Brooklyn Rogers. Daughter of Steve Rogers, more famously known as Captain America."
Scott lifted his hood and looked to see who had yelled for him and when he saw who it was he smiled and on hearing the other girl's introduction he grinned again. "The Stark Princess and Captain Do-Gooder's daughter," he stands up and moves up until he is in the row behind the others and takes his eat. "At least this won't be as much of a drag as I thought it was going to be earlier." He was speaking more out loud than to anyone specifically, and slowly slid back down into the position he in at the back of the room.
"Stark Princess?!?! And just who exactly are you Mr. Anti-Social Hood Man?" Casper retorted quickly. "Ive never seen or heard of you before and I know basically everyone that has anything to do with SHIELD of the Avengers" she added standing up.
"The princess has a point. I don't think I've seen you in SHIELD's records. You from X's Academy?" Brooklyn inquired of the hooded boy. She had made herself comfortable by sitting down in a chair and propping her feet up on the table.
"No surprise you haven't heard of me then, since this is the first time I actually decided to show up or participate. I just wasn't in the mood to debate with anyone or get preached at today. Anyway the name is Scott, Scott Pierce, but my dad was Cain Marko, also known as Juggernaut." He pulled his hood back over his head. He was going to say something about how this whole thing was a drag, but felt that it wouldn't really go over that well since he was sitting in the conference room of SHIELD HQ.
Marcus sighed. Right, right. He had heard about how the abnormals were generally hard to live with.

He coughed loudly to get their attention. "Keep the bickering to a minimum, please. I'd prefer if we all sort of managed to get along with each other, or at least until we're all here and can see just who we hate the most." He said, rolling his eyes.
"Spoken like a true uptight SHIELD agent," Brooklyn quipped at Marcus. She turned her attention back to Scott. "Juggernaut, huh? So I suppose this makes you the brute of the team?"
"Ohhhhh Miss America is getting feisty." Casper scoffed and laughed remembering all the things Tony has told her about Steve. Casper layer down across a couch with her hands behind her head. Her phone rang alerting Casper that she had just gotten a text, she looked to see who it was, when she saw it was just Peter Parker she rolled her eyes, and quickly replied to the text.
Maria making a running climbing on to a trash bin. She then leaping off it, pressing the ball of one of her feet and pushing of it to extend her jump and get to hang on the first floor window. She repeated the jump movement off the window to get to the second floor window. From there it was a simple shimmy to the balcony were the clothes where, picking up a pair of jeans, a tshirt and hoody. She quickly change before leaping of the balcony, running static electricity through her hands using them as thrusters to slow her fall.

Once on the ground, she raised the hood over her head before entering the convenience store. She moved quickly firing bolts at the stores cameras, frying them in an instant before moving to the shop counter.

"Mutan..."Was the only thing the shop keeper managed to she send a shock through him. The few patrons screamed and scurried for the exit as she fired more bolts towards them to guide them on their way. Knowing there is bound to be some security coming, she went shopping immediately taking small chocolate bars and other such food stuffs she could fit in her pockets. Other stuff she took where a couple of magazines and newspapers she saw anything remotely interesting before running out the door. To where she didn't know.

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