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Hey, I'm Flora. ^^ Um.. I've never done a PbP Exalted Game, or for that fact, any Pb

P that actually involved dice, though I have done forum roleplay before. I can't wait to get into a game.

I love Abyssals and Sidereals, and am soon going to start my own game (around a table) as soon as the current one I'm in ends. Night caste ghost-blooded who's secretly (really not-so-secret) working for the Lovers Clad.
It's fine. You'll pick it up quick enough.

There are dedicated Abyssal and Sidereal games running at the moment, but both are running with more than a full compliment of players. So are most of the games here, come to think of it.

That aside, welcome to the forums. Why don't you just save time and hand over your soul now? It's much easier in the long run. :twisted:
Coyotekin said:
Cyl, Nobble, Tome, and Haku are running games right now. So is Arthur, but it is in a different language other than English. I would reccomend contacting them after you have looked into their games and seeing what interests you.
What am I, chopped liver? I'm just the Storyteller in the longest running game on the PbP forum, thats all!
florastar said:
Hey, I'm Flora. ^^ Um.. I've never done a PbP Exalted Game, or for that fact, any Pb
P that actually involved dice, though I have done forum roleplay before. I can't wait to get into a game.

I love Abyssals and Sidereals, and am soon going to start my own game (around a table) as soon as the current one I'm in ends. Night caste ghost-blooded who's secretly (really not-so-secret) working for the Lovers Clad.
One thing that I've taken to doing in my game, what most of us have done actually, is at the top of the post, put your character's name, then the story portion of what you're doing. Have fun and be descriptive; its the best way to earn those stunt dice for Essence recovery! Then, at the bottom, list the game mechanics of what you're doing along with any die rolls that are required.

Sorta like, "I run through the room with blinding speed, and just before I get to my target, I twist my body to run up the wall and celing and sommersault down behind the Dynast, and let fly with a crippling strike from my blade!"


Spending 6 motes on my Dexterity Excellency and activating Graceful Craine Stance.

Then insert some die rolls for your way-cool acrobatic flip and melee strike, followed by a 'Any stunt dice? :) '

It works for us. You'll get the hang of it quickly.
Sherwood said:
Coyotekin said:
Cyl, Nobble, Tome, and Haku are running games right now. So is Arthur, but it is in a different language other than English. I would reccomend contacting them after you have looked into their games and seeing what interests you.
What am I, chopped liver? I'm just the Storyteller in the longest running game on the PbP forum, thats all!
I wouldn't even give you to my cat :lol:
Welcome new soul. :)
I'll remember that comment the next time I need to figure out which character in my game gets stepped on by an angry behemoth! :twisted:
Sherwood said:
I'll remember that comment the next time I need to figure out which character in my game gets stepped on by an angry behemoth! :twisted:
Dude, aren't you keeping up? The Behemoth is actually a Greater Elemental Dragon in disguise. :twisted:
Yay, I'm a newbie too.

May eventually run a game, but currently running one IRL that's taking all of my limited creativity.

Interested in playing any game where I can run a Solar or Abyssal, should have Terrestrial and Lunar in about 4 weeks (darn special order shipping time! Getting Scroll of the Monk in the same shipment though, ~yay~)
Okay, so perhaps I did things a bit backward by trying to join a game and then posting here. I'm too used to forums where game threads tend to look like this:

(1:00) DM: Here's my game! I have six slots. Would anybody like to join it?

(1:02) Player 1: ME! Here's my sheet!

(1:05) Player 2: ME! Here's my sheet!




(1:22) Player 19: ME! Here's my sheet!

(1:26) DM: Okay! I'll take players 4, 8, 13, and 17! I forgot to mention, I promised my two best friends spots. Thanks for your interest, everybody!

... er. Which is perhaps an overly long way to say "I saw a game opening and scrambled to get an application in."

Anyway. Sidereals are by far my favorites, but I've got all of the MoEPs and I'm generally open to playing anything. I'm still generally learning the system and setting, since there are about... 19 too many books for me to remember everything from them.
Hahahahaha.... that does sound alot like the game offerings around here as well...

Too many people want to play and not enough to run... yeah.
Welcome one and all. We shall feast upon the sweet nectar of your soul.

Or, just let you post with us. One of those, at least. 8)
In an attempt to reduce my karmic burden in my next life, I shall open up Lunar Fury to a couple of new players.

The initial game was all Lunars, but I now have a Pc that is a Solar.

Currently, the Circle has a whopping big load of Furry Pcs, one Solar Pc, two Solar Npcs, a Abyssal Npc, and a Elder Lunar Npc.

A quickie story summary is this: Now that the Empress has gone MIA, the Fae are trying the invasion-thing again, but this time, they have demons added to their forces from a ancient artifact they found. At least one Third Circle demon was summoned, possibly more. The group is now getting ready to sneak up to a Fae behemoth that is being used as a moble fortress (like Mask Of Winters' Juggernaut) and kill it.

Character creation rules for the newbies: Make up a character as usuall, but then add an additional 100 xp. Remember, the Lunar Pc's are the core group and are sizably expierenced, so make any character capable of getting along! I will not penalize a player for killing off another pc if it is done in character.

I would submit ideas for approval before going through the whole write-up process.
Sherwood said:
Character creation rules for the newbies: Make up a character as usuall, but then add an additional 100 xp. Remember, the Lunar Pc's are the core group and are sizably expierenced, so make any character capable of getting along! I will not penalize a player for killing off another pc if it is done in character.

Laughter doesn't have 100xp.
Quit yer yammering! PM me how many ya got, and I'll give you a early christmas present, since Laughter was one of the original Pc's in the game.

Of course, none of that would be a problem if you hadn't let some silly thing like real life get in the way of your gaming! :wink:
How many newcomers without a game do we have around here ?

I could open a game if there are still players without a game.
cyl said:
How many newcomers without a game do we have around here ?
I could open a game if there are still players without a game.
My second game is still accepting players at the moment. They've got about... a day to let me know they're interested in joining before I pick the final roster.
Tome said:
cyl said:
How many newcomers without a game do we have around here ?
I could open a game if there are still players without a game.
My second game is still accepting players at the moment. They've got about... a day to let me know they're interested in joining before I pick the final roster.
List of new members...


Slime Node



gatherer818 - 1 game

florastar - 1 game

erendiox - in theory in Tome's game

Grey - 1 game

Morninglight - 1 game

Xormis - 1 game








If you want, I can do a mass e-mail to everyone, Tome. Ditto Cyl, assuming you wanna start a new game.
Enter : StarHawk

Why Hello there! Some of you might know me as StarHawk from other exalted forums such as or perhaps as StarHawk from other wiki's such as the Exalted Wiki, or the White-Wolf Wiki, or perhaps the WoD wiki....

Being said I'm StarHawk. Commonly known as StarHawk, or Mary, depending on how well you know me. I lurk, I lurk well. So while I never post, I keep an eye on things. As it stands right now I am not in a PbP game at all, but joining one would be okay, as long as I can play something I enjoy. I spend a lot of time on Wiki's so if at all possible, a lot of my stuff will be there. I am most interested in : Night Caste Solars, Moonshadow Caste Abyssals, Changing Moon (Half Moon in other cases) Lunars, or Fire Aspected terrestrials, I do not play Sidereals, they are plot twists only in my book. I love the Dowager, and if at all possible I want to play an exalt that was once upon a time one of her "children". And I own every book published yet (as well as some of the PDF exclusively material)

So that's the short and long of it.

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