New Version of Anathema

Now I can't see any Charms at all, not in the charater or the Charm Tree.  Perhaps I should downgrade to Java5?


Just installed Java5 and it is the same.  No Charm trees are visable at all.
I cannot reproduce the problem over here.

Sure, it takes ages till the Charms show up, but I'd credit that to my ancient system.

Do you get any exceptions in the program or on the console?

Do the Charms show if you wait until "nothing happens" (that is, until the program/PC appears to have stopped doing anything) and then try to switch to another tree?
I waited over a minuet and still saw nothing.  I unzipped it into a fresh directory and it would not even come up all the way.  The window formed, but was gray and nothing else was there to click on.

Here is the output from the command line:

java -jar anathema.jar
Mar 25, 2008 3:55:09 PM configure
INFO: logging system initialized
Mar 25, 2008 3:55:09 PM configure
INFO: application root is /tmp
Mar 25, 2008 3:55:09 PM <init>
INFO: got SAX parser factory -
Mar 25, 2008 3:55:09 PM configure
INFO: configured, stopOnError=false, isValidating=true
Mar 25, 2008 3:55:10 PM register
INFO: plug-in and fragment descriptors registered - 13
Mar 25, 2008 3:55:10 PM initApplication
INFO: integrity check done: errors - 0, warnings - 0
Mar 25, 2008 3:55:10 PM initApplication
INFO: application plug-in is net.sf.anathema.core
Mar 25, 2008 3:55:10 PM activatePlugin
INFO: plug-in started - net.sf.anathema.core@1.3.0 (active/total: 1 of 6)

I unzipped it in the old directory and it will come up, but after a few minuets I still don't see any Charms.  If I switch between Exalted versions in the Charm viewer then the list with Exalts only shows "---" in either directory I run it from.  I did have to switch back to Java6 to get the fresh install to even come up all the way.
Hmf. That's weird (read: I have no clue).

I'll be back at work tomorrow, so I can give it a try on our free-for-all Linux PC. Maybe I can generate some insight there.
Speaking about long response times, were we?

I finally got myself a linux system (doing private stuff at work proved not to be my thing) and was able to fix this problem.

I hope to have a new release (with this and other bugs fixed and something quite similar to Lunar Exalted in it) ready by the end of the year.
UrsKR said:
Speaking about long response times, were we?
I finally got myself a linux system (doing private stuff at work proved not to be my thing) and was able to fix this problem.

I hope to have a new release (with this and other bugs fixed and something quite similar to Lunar Exalted in it) ready by the end of the year.

How closely will the things that resemble Lunars resemble Lunars?
I'm not implementing them myself, so I can't say for sure yet. From what I've seen so far, they'll have most stuff from the book, but no support for wyld mutations yet (and hence, no customized beastform).
Um, itsn't that kind of an important part of most Lunar concepts? Don't get me wrong, I love the program, but it seems that would be a big thing to leave out.
I've thought a bit about mutations in Anathema. There are a lot of ways to do it wrong, and no clear way to do it totally right. Particularly when you look at differences between editions and the fact that anyone can gain mutations, not just lunars. And, it is likely that Graceful Wicked Masques will make it even more complicated, since raksha have their own mutation complications.
What are the issues, exactly? Why can't you just add a tab "Mutations", have them listed and make it possible for players to add them to their sheets?
Basic support could be added, and the actual mutations could be in the form of plugins, like the SoTM stuff.
The issues were mostly subtle and not immediately obvious. Naturally, I've forgotten them all now. One had something to do with the way that "mutation points" weren't actually used the same way in different contexts, and that the "limit" of how many points you could buy worked differently in different cases. (Like, it creates an Essence cap for some people but not others, or something.)

Not to mention that some Fair Folk charms could be purchased as mutations, but others couldn't. And that adjurations messed with the limits.

Meh. Don't remember.
If you limit the rules to the ones that affect Lunars, it shouldn't be so hard.
Like I said "there are a lot of ways to do it wrong". That would be one of them. Even if you aren't going to build everything now, designing something in a way that you can foresee ahead of time will screw you later is just bad design.
Have there been any updates to the program recently?

I also apologize in advance for getting anyone's hopes up by moving this thread to the top.
After installing Mac OS X Leopard, Anathema stopped working.

I redownloaded it and it still just says:

Application start fail

Error: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError

Is it a coincidence? Is there anything I can do?

Thanks in advance
Torak said:
After installing Mac OS X Leopard, Anathema stopped working.
More trouble with the useless splash screen. (Seriously, do apps still use splash screens?).

I've been waiting to fix this problem for a new release of the product, but that hasn't happened for a while.
I just downloaded Anathema and it's saying that the template doesn't exist for a 2nd Ed. Abyssal. Do I need to download a plugin of some sort or is there another issue I'm unaware of?
The issue is Anathema hasn't been updated in over a year I believe. As much as I like Anathema, I switched to EdExalted. Its up to date with everything but Glories and the recent Errata. Plus its more customizable than Anathema. You can add Charms, adjust starting packages, even change Caste abilities if you wanted to. Plus it adds in all the fiddly bonuses (like Hearthstone Bracers, Charm specific buffs, etc) which Anathema doesn't. Only draw back is I hate the look of it and it isn't as intuitive as Anathema.
I'm sorry for the long silence.

Unfortunately, this is only a status update:

We finally got around and faced reality: We don't have enough time to handle Anathema and are handing over Anathema to a new crew, headed by Craig Bishell.

To everyone here who waited and wished, to everyone who helped us make it better: Thank you, and good bye.

I've posted more thoughts and "Thank you"s elsewhere. I'd be glad if you read them.

Thank you.


Thanks for your efforts over the years, Urs. And thanks for the code, both for writing it and letting it move on without you. Too many products die off because the their creators keep the code to themselves. Heck, the original Exalted Compendium almost suffered such a fate. So, thanks for leaving your work for the world to play in. (And, also, belated thanks for the advice on trains to Hamburg; it really helped and was totally the way to go. Beer on me if you are ever in the States.)

I've contacted Scott Olson about getting the Mac specific hacks I made a month or so back into the source trunk. Sounds like that will happen when they do some syncing of their own (looks like they initially forked the stuff they did thinking it was the most recent version when it actually wasn't, so they are merging). When they cut a new build, I'll Macify it. What my involvement will be beyond that, I'm not really sure.

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