New Version of Anathema

Dear Arthur,

let's see what I can do for you.

It will someday have support for images in the Story screen? It could be good.
Could you add some more detail to this idea? Do you wish to add images to the printout? Should they appear within the text, or on extra pages?
You could (if you have already, sorry) make some tool to associate Characters and Series. That way, you could save them together and print them in the same PDF. That would certainly be nice.
That's something we wanted to do from day one and never got to. I have recently investigated new ways of managing this, and am confident it will finally see the light of day somewhen next year.
Some other text edition options. Maybe align and lists.
Nice idea. Never thought of it.
The print tool is extremely useful, but it could get even more so if you allowed the user to select some preferences about it (like number of columns, font type, style and color, align). Maybe these could come together with item 5.
I assume you imagine to format the text on screen, with colors set to certain parts of the text and styles etc. differing throughout? That could be done, but it's a thing for a far future. If you want fully fletched styled text-editing, there are far more powerful tools available. (As you well know, I guess)

7. A quick link to the exalted wiki. Maybe to both of them.
Uh? Like, where to put said links?
Thanks for using Anathema and thanks again for your suggestions. I hope we'll some day get around to dealing with some or all of them.

Thank you for answering!

1. About the images, I meant for printing, yes. I was imagining the user adding the image in the story editing, both as true images and as background, if he wished to, and it appearing fully formated in the print along with the rest of the text.

2. About the wikis. I as imagining a search tool for the wiki(s), maybe at the bottom of the screen, that opened on the user's default browser. Other option would be a tool that allowed you that, by clicking on a word, displayed the option "Search on Exalted Wiki". It's not extremely necessary, but simplifies the Storyteller's life, sometimes.
I doubt we'll handle either of this. Both (the images far more than the wiki search) are quite complex features, and features that I have never missed at that.

Maybe someone else is interested and would like to deal with them?
A suggestion I have (that may be available and I just don't know how to do it) is the ability to add custom charms to the program. I love the program, but if I make any custom charms I have to keep track of the exp spent with negative exp and write in the charm every time I print a new sheet.

Also, are the Virtue Flaws not functioning, or am I just not seeing how to select them?
Yeah, custom Charms. :(

There's no easy way to add them, but if you go over to and read the entries from the very beginning, JontuKontar will tell you how to add some the (slightly) hard way.

Depending what you mean with "function", you can select your Virtue Flaw on the second page in the "Advantages" section. *If* your charactertype has a flaw, obviously.
Hmm...I don't know why I couldn't get it to work before. And you don't seem to be able to go back and add it after you convert to Exp either....

How coding/programing intensive is JontuKontar's method of adding charms?
Hmm...I don't know why I couldn't get it to work before. And you don't seem to be able to go back and add it after you convert to Exp either....
How coding/programing intensive is JontuKontar's method of adding charms?
You can open the file in a text editor and make the changes to your virtue flaw there.

           <RootVirtue name="Valor"/>
           <Name><![CDATA[Foolhardy Contempt]]></Name>

This section is towards the end of the file.
And you don't seem to be able to go back and add it after you convert to Exp either....
Well, yes. Anathema tries to stick to the rules as closely as possible.

How coding/programing intensive is JontuKontar's method of adding charms?
Not at all. All you need is a zip-tool and a text-editor. An understanding of XML helps, but isn't mandatory.
<Model templateId="SolarVirtueFlaw">


                      <RootVirtue name="Valor"/>

                      <Name><![CDATA[Foolhardy Contempt]]></Name>  


So like this? and just change the root virtue and name of the flaw to whatever is correct?
Looks alright to me. Mind to write the Virtues exactly as they are in the books and capitalized, otherwise bad stuff will happen.
Dudes and Dudettes,

it's our third year in this line of work, and here's my birthday present to you:

The first release in the Outcaste Series, in which we accept contributions by people outside the core team.

Our first major contributor, Onii, brings along support for all the spells in the Black and White treatises. Meanwhile, I've added a template for Threshold Outcaste and fixed a bug or two.

Please note that the external code is not largely untested. I believe it to work, but it may be gone without prior notice and could not be supported in future releases of Anathema that come without the "Outcaste" tag.

Enjoy the celebrations while they last

'team', eh? :P

Albeit the impression you might get from our public presence, we've been two people (+translators+artist+wordman) at this all along, albeit Sandra is keeping a very low profile
Hullo, everyone,

I just dropped in to let you know that we have a brand new bug tracker in place.

It's much less of a burden than the old one, and I'd appreciate if you used the new system to report any findings instead of the clunky old monster.

Or wishes, even.

Since the new system doesn't distinguish between the two, we're effectively ending our lockdown on feature requests. We are busy with our schedule as is and probably won't do anything about them right now, but I guess it's a good thing to know what you're hoping for.

There is no registration required and the URL is simple as well.
Seeing this thread pop up on my Not Read list reminded me I haven't given my thanks for this program yet.  It's adaptable for keeping track of the ST notes for just about any kind of chronicle I run, be it Exalted or something else.  It's quite handy, and I deeply appreciate all the effort you've put into it and for sharing it with the community at large.

I wish it could do more, maybe customize how the PDF lays itself out, add character images, edit certain qualities of the character sheets after making it an experienced character, but I know that would require a hell of a lot of work, and I can get by on the basics with few problems.

Thanks again for Anathema. I love it. :)
[Obligatory complaint about Anathema not supporting 2E Lunars or Sidereals yet]
obligatory rebuttal citing illness and much cooler and more interesting sub-projects.

illness forces brevity.
Take a look at me now:

Anathema Outcaste R2, with Lookshyans and Bugfixes (and neither Lunars nor Sids)

In other words: We're still alive, but barely, at least on this end of the program. Two persons and one weekend per week is far to little to make meaningful progress.

Sorry for the long wait


P.S.: Wordman, I'd greatly appreciate if you could prepare a Mac release of this one. People have explicitly asked for it.
UrsKR said:
P.S.: Wordman, I'd greatly appreciate if you could prepare a Mac release of this one. People have explicitly asked for it.
That would indeed please very much.
UrsKR said:
P.S.: Wordman, I'd greatly appreciate if you could prepare a Mac release of this one. People have explicitly asked for it.
Will do, though it will take me until tomorrow morning to get to a spot where I can do it.

Maybe wait another day or two, someone said there was an issue with Charms that made the problem unusable and I'd like to have a look at it's reproducability.

For now, good night.

So there actually is a problem in the version I uploaded: On my system, characters can't learn charms.

The display *looks* alright, but when I click a charm, nothing happens except for the cursor going back to the open hand. Bad stuff.

What's worse, this only happens outside of the development environment, when I run the built version.

Can any of you confirm this problem? What OSs/Java versions are you on?

Thanks for your help

UrsKR said:
So there actually is a problem in the version I uploaded: On my system, characters can't learn charms.
The display *looks* alright, but when I click a charm, nothing happens except for the cursor going back to the open hand. Bad stuff.

What's worse, this only happens outside of the development environment, when I run the built version.

Can any of you confirm this problem? What OSs/Java versions are you on?

Thanks for your help

Yep, the new version will not let me add or remove a charm.  I am running Linux (Ubuntu 7.10) with Sun Java 6.  I tried with an exsisting character and making a new one.

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