New Version of Anathema

Okay, I admit it. I'm a total n00b when it comes to things Java and downloading the proper Java to run Anathema. On the Anathema page, it says you need to download Java Version 5.0 or later, Version 6.0 for the Windows version. I do, indeed, have Windows, but when I went to the Java download page, I didn't see a Version 6.0 (for Windows or any other OS). I'm also at a loss as to which program is actually the Java Runtime Environment. I see a Java EE, a Java ME, a Java SE, but no Java RE. So when I go to and go to the Downloads A-Z, I get a Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5.0, but no 6.0. I don't know which Java program I need to download to get the program working. Can anyone help a clueless n00b? Please?
Vanman said:
I'm also at a loss as to which program is actually the Java Runtime Environment. I see a Java EE, a Java ME, a Java SE, but no Java RE.
This is because Sun's terminology sucks and they use more acronyms that the U.S. Military. The "E" in some acronyms actually means "Edition".

"Java ME" is the Java Mobile Edition (I think). A small Java runtime for portable devices. Your mobile phone might care about this, but you don't.

"Jave SE" is the Java Standard Edition. This is usually the one you want.

"Java EE" is the Java Enterprise Edition. It includes the Standard Edition, and adds a bunch of stuff to handle J2EE, which is a Sun acronym meaning "crap I will never care about or use". Usually, you don't need this, but it is the most "complete" version, so some people download it for that reason. A few even actually use J2EE.

All of these editions contain a version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

All of these packages usually come in two flavors: an "SDK" version and a "Runtime" version. To add to the confusion, Sun sometimes calls these by different names. The Software Development Kit (SDK) version is what you need if you are programming. It is a superset of the Runtime version, containing the source for the standard Java libraries and some additional .jar files. Unless you want to program, the Runtime version is what you want.
Vanman said:
I do, indeed, have Windows, but when I went to the Java download page, I didn't see a Version 6.0 (for Windows or any other OS). I'm also at a loss as to which program is actually the Java Runtime Environment. I see a Java EE, a Java ME, a Java SE, but no Java RE.
While Flagg's advice covers your problem in full extent, I'd like to use this opportunity to improve the Anathema website.

Could you tell me at what point you felt lost and didn't know how to go on? Which sites and pages thereon did you visit?

Thanks in advance

wordman said:
This is because Sun's terminology sucks and they use more acronyms that the U.S. Military.
Also, it seems that sometimes Java v1.X and Java vX are synonymous. My linux build of Java "6" is called "1.6"
True for all versions where X >= 5.

Prior to that, it was "Java v1.X" only, but for marketing reasons they chose to label the versions as vX to the outside world and as v1.X internally.
UrsKR said:
Vanman said:
I do, indeed, have Windows, but when I went to the Java download page, I didn't see a Version 6.0 (for Windows or any other OS). I'm also at a loss as to which program is actually the Java Runtime Environment. I see a Java EE, a Java ME, a Java SE, but no Java RE.
While Flagg's advice covers your problem in full extent, I'd like to use this opportunity to improve the Anathema website.

Could you tell me at what point you felt lost and didn't know how to go on? Which sites and pages thereon did you visit?

Thanks in advance

I went to the main Anathema page. I then clicked on the Download link on the main page. When on that page, I ran into problems because of the Java Runtime Environment. I know my Java needs to be updated, so I clicked on the Jave Runtime Environment link, knowing I needed to download version 6. That's where I got lost. Being a n00b at this sort of thing, I didn't really know where to go to get Java Runtime Environment version 6. I mean, there's Java SE, EE, ME, FX and NetBeans IDE. No JRE, no nothing. I then clicked on the See All link, but that didn't help very much. So I went to the Sun Download Center, but that was even more confusing. So I clicked Downloads A-Z and the choices there just spun my head. That's when I came here.

You might want to put in what links to click to download the appropriate Java. Those who know what they're doing can skip it, but people like me would be greatly appreciative for those links. So that's where I went and that's where I am. Hope this helps.
Excellent advice, thanks for the effort of providing so much detail.

I have updated the link to point to the end-user site at instead of the developer site

Of course, it's a bit late now and you know what to look out for this time, but maybe you could have another look.

Do you think this new site would have left you less confused?
Much less confused. It pretty much says it's going to install just what you say needs installing on your website. I haven't yet had a chance to install Java and won't do that until tomorrow. But I'll let you know how it goes once I do. But as far as Java goes, I think this is just what us n00bs need. Thanks so much!
You know, whenever I see this thread at the top of the board, I always think it's about an announcement from WW about rules for Infernal Exalted.
Now that we have the most glorious designer posting here... do you happen to have an ETA on the lunars coverage with anathema?
or support for all the styles in Scroll of the Monk....or at least someone can show me where that particular update is.
Okay, it's all installed! Thanks for everyone's help. It's one of the reasons I keep coming back.

And I agree with Safim and CI - we want more more more!!!!!! Particularly Lunars......

Safim said:
Now that we have the most glorious designer posting here... do you happen to have an ETA on the lunars coverage with anathema?
Could I invoke the right to remain silent? Or at least my right to legal counsel? A phone call? Anything? ;)

We haven't started working on 2E Lunars yet. And I'm sorry to tell you that we will not do so for some time. In fact, we haven't worked on anything you are waiting for in the last three months.

Please don't think that Anathema is dead or that we had abandoned the project, it's just that we're working on stuff that takes time. Much time.

To return to your question, if you forced a date out of me at spearpoint, I would give something like "Q2/2008", or "when they are done", whatever occurs first and suits you better.

or support for all the styles in Scroll of the Monk....or at least someone can show me where that particular update is.
Jontu Kontar, at, provides a plugin with most of the styles.
I will soon release a minor update to Anathema including the Charms from the MA pdf expansion, but the missing styles from the main book take more resources than we have available at this point.

I am talking to someone who (is willing and) might be able to contribute to the program in one way or another, and this could be one of the things I pitch to him (or her. Stupid internet names).

I guess both of you feel kind of let down, and it hurts me to see you guys hung out to dry, waiting for these essential features. Least of all I want to disappoint your faith in our program.

I sincerely hope that whatever our efforts might yield is worth your wait.

Thanks for your support

UrsKR said:
To return to your question, if you forced a date out of me at spearpoint, I would give something like "Q2/2008", or "when they are done", whatever occurs first and suits you better.

Ah well. Can't have it all, I guess. I know when we'll get it, in fact.

Right before the release of Exalted 3rd Edition......


the fixed version is finally up. I'm sorry it took so long. All bugs I knew about are fixed. There are few new features, and none of them were written by me, which brings me right to the topic at hand:

As of this day, Anathema is no longer closed. We are accepting contributions in form of code, and will review whatever you send us. Of course, individual submissions might be rejected, but I'll at least let you know why.

All future release containing external submissions will be clearly marked as such, and people will always have the choice between old-school Anathema and expanded editions.

Contributions might be dropped without further notice if we deem it necessary at any point in time if we deem it necessary.

I hope the new version is to your liking

uteck said:
I finally got the items form Oadenal's Codex's added to the Equipment database.  Now to update my sig.
Just a reminder, if you have made changes to your equipment file, make a backup of it first before using mine to save your changes.
I was hoping to get some help here from someone in the know. I've downloaded Uteck's equipment database. I followed the instructions on his website, and saved the file to the Equipment folder in the Repository folder in the Anathema folder. But I can't get anything to load. When I go to the Repository Browser, no Equipment option appears. And the Import option is looking for a zip file. Which Uteck's file isn't. So I guess my question is how do I get the information from Uteck's file into Anathema?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The repository browser doesn't deal with equipment (yet). To install utecks database, you have to put the file into the equipment folder in the repository folder in your Anathema folder - just as it says on his site, "Anathema/repository/equipment/".

The folder and an empty equipment file are automatically created when you start Anathema for the first time, so now after you launched it once you shoulnd't have a hard time figuring out where to put it.

In other news: The mac version is up as well. Thanks wordman!
D'oh! Okay, I feel like a real idiot. I changed the name of Uteck's file when I downloaded it. As such, the program didn't recognize it. Once I put the right name on the file, everything's hunky dory. Thanks for the help!

I do have one other question. Is there a way to get artifact effects from non-combat artifacts to show up on the printed version? I have a DBcharacter with a set of hearthstone bracers but the 3 dots in dodge the artifact gives isn't reflected on the character sheet. Is there any way to modify this?

Loving the program, btw......
Changing the filename will break the program, that's right. Sorry, I would have pointed it out if I had thought of it.

Non-combat artifacts aren't supported in the current versions. Best you can do is enter them without any stats, so they appear in you "possessions" on page 2.
Technically, the bracers give you 3 dice to roll for Dodge, not dots.  It's the same rules as stunting your Dodge.
If I may, I'd like to suggest some things about Anathema.

1. Congratulations, pal, keep working on it. Your software if amazingly good.

2. It will someday have support for images in the Story screen? It could be good.

3. When I try to copy text from my Exalted e-books, the program can't deal with it. Anathema transforms the text in dots.

4. You could (if you have already, sorry) make some tool to associate Characters and Series. That way, you could save them together and print them in the same PDF. That would certainly be nice.

5. Some other text edition options. Maybe align and lists.

6. The print tool is extremely useful, but it could get even more so if you allowed the user to select some preferences about it (like number of columns, font type, style and color, align). Maybe these could come together with item 5.

7. A quick link to the exalted wiki. Maybe to both of them.

Thank you for the program.
3. When I try to copy text from my Exalted e-books, the program can't deal with it. Anathema transforms the text in dots.
This usually happens when the PDF is made from a scan, so the whole thing is an image.  The Adobe reader has an option to save as text, so it will convert the PDF into a text file, no pictures or nice formatting, just text.  If the file that is made has no text, then the PDF was made by scanning pages and will not be able to separate out the text.

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