New Sins [Inactive]

Dina motioned down in her lab, and let the woman pet her. "Sure you can live with me if you would like, miss," she assured her. "My place isn't much, but I will gladly let you feel at home," she told her.
Luke frowned slightly at the tone of voice. Did he not like his brother? Shrugging, the red haired familiar figured Karoku would tell him if he ever wanted to, and if he didn't, it was probably none of Luke's business anyway. "We're here," he said, stopping at the portal to the mortal realm, waiting for his Sin to go through first.
Karoku took a deep breath before stepping through the strange portal that connected the two realms... He put his hands inside of his pockets and looked around the area, instantly being able to tell where the tall hospital was located.

"I'm going to need your support for this..." Karoku said quietly as he began walking towards the hospital..

Upon walking into the lobby area, a couple nurses that were standing about rushed over to him. They asked all sorts of questions, coming up with the conclusion that Karo seemed to be doing better than okay.

"Ichirou will be here shortly..." One of the nurses told him. Karoku nodded and gulped, reaching for Luke's arm.

"Sorry about all of this... I just don't like my brother that much..." He mentioned...

I love him but... Hate him all the same... He thought bitterly.
"Of course. Do you have a problem with that?" Not that it mattered. It was one of the many rhetorical questions that coloured Cethin's life. He looked around the kitchen, watching Lasarra cook but quickly grew bored. He tapped his fingers on a counter, the setting nostalgic; it reminded him so much of his mother's kitchen at home. She loved food, cooking up different cuisines with such skill it astounded father. He'd never run out of praises for her. Cethin never did eat any of her food. It disgusted him to eat something from her hands. Hands that had been busy doing something else last night. Father's such a fool, ah.

"Is there anything demon-like I can do?" The Sin asked finally. It was a question he should've asked at the meeting yet it had slipped his mind. Whoops.
Lasarra paused, as he answered her question. His demand to get rid of all the red had been so... Sudden. So, seemingly out of nowhere.. She looked down into the pot she had on the stove, consisting of her (not-so)famous Red-Skinned-Potato, Radish, Tomato, and Beef stew. Wish a sigh, she produced a pair of tongs from the drawer beside her. He couldn't even see inside of the pot.. How did he know what I was cooking? And what's his' problem with red? She decided it was best not to ask, and began picking all of the red out of the stew, as her Sin had commanded her to.

Looking up from her pain-staking task, she hesitated. "Well... You could always try doing something... Err... Wrathly," she replied, lamely, not knowing how to answer his question. She quickly turned back to her "chore" of removing all of the red from the stew, deciding she would have been better off not answering him, at all.
Naria blinked, quite and silently surprised with the sudden reactions of Ren. I can't do that, she wanted to say. And before she could think of any response, the head demons started speaking. It seemed that Ren even forgot about the commotion he started earlier. She figured that it was all right. And the head demons even seemed happy about it. Well, someone as prideful as Naria's master now, was indeed needed.

She listened to everything stated by the head demons, but most of her focus was still with Ren, of course. He'd have to choose where he would want to live. She somehow hoped he wouldn't ask about where she would live, though. There seemed to be no reason to tell a story of how she separated herself from particularly everyone in the demon realm, especially the small community that she grew in, and was hated for being a half-demon. But of course, if he insisted...

Dismissing that thought, she followed Ren who just went outside of the hall, and silently watched with those scarlet-red eyes of hers, the blood that remained on Ren's head and fingers.
"I think they will look perfect on you," Naria spoke, referring to the horns she knew he would have, and transformed back to her (kind-of) human form. "Where do you decide to live?," she asked curiously, opening the hall's doors slightly so both of them could enter once more.
Well, Cethin hadn't seen inside the stew; he'd been referring to the furniture and decorations littering Lasarra's home. Did x-ray vision come with being a demon? However, after having seen the red, the Sin would've insisted his Familiar get rid of it all the same. But, she'd done it before getting an order. She almost knew what he wanted before Cethin needed to say it.

"That's so sweet." The Wrath Sin cooed, seeming less Wrath-ly and more Damsel-y. So intimidating, huh? But, Cethin had learned his Familiar was trustworthy enough. Not so that he'd be sharing his deepest, darkest secrets but to the point he could lower 10% of his guard. After all, keeping up an evil facade all the time was hard work. He moved beside her, pulling out another pair of tongs and continuing to remove the red bits from the stew. ugh, disgusting.
Still not realizing the Sin had been referring to the decorations, and not the stew, she continued picking. Out of the corner of her eye, Lasarra saw another pair of tongs reach into the pot, helping her to remove "the red". She quickly looked up, surprised to see her Sin aiding her in her task.The kind act seemed quite out of character for him.. "Umm.. Oh, my Sin, are you.. Uhh.. Are you feeling alright? I've got this. Go ahead, and just relax." Offering a genuine smile at the offer of help, she added, "what would you like to do, after supper?" Lasarra had only been sharing this vessel with Vixen for a couple of years; just long enough to witness the previous Wrath's death. She wasn't really sure of how this whole Sin/Familiar relationship was supposed to go, and quite frankly, didn't know exactly what they were supposed to do. She'd tried asking Vixen on multiple occasions, but the wolf spirit had simply ignored her.
Why yes he was feeling quite well. Temperature normal, no coughs, no STDs and the like. Well, it would be helpful for Wrath to know how he might die. The concept of death did fascinate him. Cethin's best friends were corpses, after all. Rosie, Leo, Ulli. There was a whole long list. They were high maintenance friends though, the Sin thought grimly. And he'd neglected to take care of them as of late, opting to massacre cute couples. The corpses would be rotting away now...

"Let's start a war. There are always some countries angry at another. Silly little governors. As if they win anything from
not going to war. Pacifists are the disease of the modern world." Hidden politics; Cethin didn't delve further into that. He figured it would be too much to start a war. Such a large scale event of significant value would have to be approved by the head bosses he supposed. Ha. Head bosses, he still couldn't look at them that way.

"Do we need to get permission or can we wreck havoc while eating lunch? It'll make this dreadful stew taste much better, no offence."
Lasarra did take offense, but did her best not to show it. She'd always received compliments on her stew, and was quite proud of it, up until that point. Her mood falling a bit, she turned to him, "well, you are Wrath. If you choose to inspire people to act on your Sin, I can't imagine you'd need anyone's permission..."
"Oh, he is but he wouldn't admit it." Blood put in earning a head shake and a barely noticeable light scowl from Bone. "And British is right." Kicking his feet up on the table and answering the question even though it wasn't really directed at him.
Jordan occupied herself quickly, rummaging through the pantry to see what she had. "Is there anything in particular you'd like? I have noodles, rice, vegetables. I think I might have some shrimp or chicken in the fridge..." She put a pot of water on the stove since she figured she would need to boil something, whatever it was. Cooking was something that Jordan liked and felt comfortable doing, plus it sort of relieved stress sometimes.
Zeen tried to hold his laughter in at Blood's reply and Bone's scowl,but hearing that he was right Zeen looked to Blood confused."Eh....Oh...."He had covered his mouth actually not realizing he had said that out loud,but then quickly uncovered it looking more confused as he laid back in his chair."Really?.....No way...." He didn't know demons here would have anything like that from the human world,especially a big dude."How?...Why?....ummm..."He paused kinda lost in his own questions,"....Is there a german demon?...."
Unfortunately, Cethin hated food and even the world's best stew could do little to change that. He didn't comment on his Familiar's sudden mood change. It was barely noticeable, just a slight dullness in her eyes as she turned to him. He just went on smiling, it did well hiding every type of emotion except insanity. Lasarra just made the Sin's heart light up, put bluntly. Almost everything she said harmonized with the Wrath's own thoughts. "I see. Is that stew done yet? You seemed super hungry earlier."
Lasarra looked down, having forgotten the stew in her own thoughts. "Oh. Yeah. Sure," she replied, turning the stove off. She quickly grabbed two bowls, and, as the stew was pretty much just soup at this point, she poured some into a bowl, presenting the bowl to Cethin. She wasn't sure why she was feeling so down, suddenly. Pouring herself some of the stew, as well, she sat down at the table, urging Vixen to take control of the vessel once again. She didn't feel like talking much, at the moment. As it turned out, Vixen's spirit was resting, and all the mental prodding in Hell didn't seem to be doing any good. Turning her attention back to her sin, she attempted to make conversation.

"So, now that you're officially Wrath, what would you like to do?" She asked, curious to see exactly what they were going to do.
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"Sleep around with humans, of course." Cethin played with his spoon, twirling it slowly in the rather liquified paste. He scooped some up, levelling it to his mouth and licking it a bit. He finally set it down, letting the spoon clank against the bowl. His mind seemed to be miles away, lost in a haze. The Sin finally snapped out of it, settling his gaze on his Familiar.

"What about we find another Sin and do something... Fun." He drawled, leaning back on his chair, causing it to balance on only two legs.
Lasarra nodded in agreement. "Yes, alright. That sounds just fine. I'm sure Vixen will be pleased to know it." The thought of spreading sin all throughout the world sickened her. Why did she have to be stuck in this body with this stupid wolf-thing? And not just any stupid wolf-thing, the one and only stupid wolf-thing that happened to be the familiar of the Sin known as Wrath. She nodded once again, repeating herself, "yes. That sounds just fine."
"You don't sound fine." The Sin couldn't help but be amused at her speech; almost like a broken record. He dropped the chair forward, leaning towards her. He placed a cold hand on her forehead, appearing rather thoughtful. "You appear to be sick. Can't have my sidekick sick. It's all the saliva spreading that you're doing." He reasoned, getting up. He didn't feel a fever, but was wont to act otherwise. Cethin hadn't shown any consideration when his mother had fallen ill after a miscarriage. He'd laughed, in fact. Maybe it's because she's a stranger. Bad reasoning; the demon didn't give a shit about others at all.

"Do you want me to carry you to bed or can you manage?" He was back to his sarcastic, dry self.
Lasarra managed a light laugh. "I'm fine, really." She stood from the chair, and began washing the dishes. Inside her mind, she felt, with some relief, Vixen begin to stir. She would be wanting go get out and spread Sin, alongside her master. After finishing the few dishes that needed to be cleaned, and making sure everything was back in its proper place, she turned again to Cethin. "Well, Vixen's ready whenever you are, Milord." Lasarra awaited the Sin's response, hoping he was ready as well, so she could retreat to the deeper reaches of her mind, for the time being.
"Excellent, I'm sure your place will be fine." The sin of lust stood, brushing off imaginary dust, "So? Shall we begin the job? Lust is a very... Passionate thing after all."
"Well, it wouldn't be fair to Muffinz if I up and left." Ren said, with a cocky smile. He forgot about the blood, beginning to focuse on the next task at hand, and himself as always. "Although, I know you also wanna live with me."

He measured reasons in his mind, and made a list of perks.

If he decided to stay here in wherever, than he could spend more time with Naria and get more attention than he would back at his house.

But, there was Muffinz, and Ren really didn't want to just leave the stray, it wasn't like anyone else was going to take the cat in.

And, getting his own house didn't seem at all worth it. Empty house, less people, less attention. Unless, he were to invite a bunch of other people to live with him. But, all in all, to much work, not enough awesome.

Crossing his arms, he nodded. "So, this is what we'll do." He said. "I'll live with you. . .in my house. I can't just leave Muffinz there all alone, now can I? I mean, what kind of lord of awesomness would just take away the blessings of his company? Not one like me, that's for sure."

"But. . ." He said, as he made sure his hood was on straight. "I would like to know what it's like where you live. Maybe I'll change my mind if it sounds interesting."
"I'm not really picky, just hungry make something that doesn't take too long." Dean said sitting down at the table. And pulling a deck of playing cards from his pocket began to shuffle them every way he knew how. He liked the feel of the cards passing through his fingers. This wasn't his nicest deck but it was his favorite, because it was the first deck he'd ever gotten.

Blood laughed again at Zeen's confusion barely able to keep from crumpling over in laughter. Bone wrote and held up his notepad. Please, excuse Blood he always has gotten a kick out of confusing people. We're kind of the welcoming party so we know much more about the human realm, far off places, and rare things then most demons. One of those includes human games. Blood's probably one of the least uptight demons you'll meet big five or not.

Once Blood got his breath back he sat up. "Bone that's rude, keep from probing the new blokes thoughts please." Bone shrugs a bit. "Yeah, we've got some Jerrys around 'ere. Our janitor is one of 'em, and then there's the group of Alps we hadda quiet down yesterday, and while he's not technicly a demon the Krupus stops by so often.
Jordan did just that- she decided just to make some chicken, rice, and vegetables to cover all the bases. She focused on cooking mostly, only looking up occasionally since she didn't have much to say. She noticed Dean had a deck of cards and was confused for a moment, since she didn't think she had any. Must be his, she decided. Jordan didn't know much about cards. the only game she knew how to play was solitaire. Sad, right? "So what do you want to do in order to spread greed?" she asked as she brought the food over to the table.
Zeen smiled," sweet,I hadn't been able to practice in a long while so this should be fun..."he crossed his arms as if thinking and then chuckled." Ya heard of Skeletor?" He asked with a big smile on his face wanting to test their knowledge of the human world,and being one who's traveled all around most of his life he also knew quiet a lot.

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