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Fantasy New Oasis: Four Heavenly Kings — The B-Sides

Hiachi Ito
The Hard Way
NOPD, West District
Post-Arc 3, Timeskip 1 | June 4, 2022 | Daytime
Hiachi, Mugen
An overcast sky covered New Oasis like a thick blanket, no end in sight. The endless gray trapped the pressure in the city, lending to a tense feeling. Hiachi certainly felt it—or maybe, it had less to do with meteorology and more to do with the man she was sent to work with.

When she had caught a glimpse of him in the Tigers HQ, she already concluded that she wanted as little to do with him as possible. Every hair on her skin had stood up in his static presence. He was far taller and stronger and had a combative potential, so it wasn’t even a question. Any chance of her getting on his bad side wasn’t worth it. Mugen and his group of lackeys would stay as far away from Hiachi as possible.

So it was only natural that the very next day, Hiachi was expected to go on an espionage mission with him. It sounded like any other mission Camila would have sent her on; Some Tiger company had gotten into some legal trouble, and she had to steal back information from the police station that had reports of the incident. Everything on the company was to be erased or brought back to Camila. And take usual precautions, like taking five times the information that she was there for so it wouldn’t be obvious what was being taken.

So why was Mugen here? Unrelated reasons. Camila wanted to test him, and that was the end of that. What were tigers if they didn’t jump at the opportunity to tip the scales in their favor?

She was supposed to show him the ropes, or something like that. Hiachi doubted he needed her help. Hell, this was more a test on her than him. To see if she could get through the mission without cracking under his voltaic gaze.

Hiachi pinched the sleeves of her jacket to air them out. The clouds trapped the humidity on land, and even without the sun, it felt grossly hot. But she had to get used to it, as long as her scars remained.

She didn’t know where or how Mugen was getting there. All she knew was that it was up to her to stand in the rendezvous point that had been decided for the both of them—a bench in a park two blocks away from the NOPD. She cracked her knuckles, finger by finger before she ran out of joints. She didn’t know where he was, and she secretly hoped he wouldn’t show up. The tense feeling was getting to her.

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Play With Fire
Random Street, South District
Post-Arc 3 | May 5th, 2022
Hiachi, Vulken

The sudden screaming that blasted out from the girl Vulken was carrying in his arms prompted him to immediately stop in his tracks. For a second, he had a look of utter confusion on his face as he stopped and stared at the screeching girl for a moment, before he finally realized that she was probably doing it because she had almost been attacked by multiple grown men, only to be subsequently swept up and carried away by another one– none of which she knew.

Makes sense.

He-Hey!” He pleaded with her, snapping his head back for a second to see if they had lost the HP-assailants who had been chasing them for the past few blocks. Luckily, there were no longer any superpowered sore losers on their trail– so, he gently crouched down to allow her to stand on her own two feet rather than lie in his forearms. With a hand calmly planted on the dark-haired girl’s shoulder, he opened his mouth to share some comforting words. “Relax, okay?! They’re gone. It ain’t like I’m kidnappin’ you or nothin’, so chill–

Suddenly, Vulken’s eyes nearly popped out of his skull when he came to the realization.

Y-You… don’t think I’m kidnapping you.. right?

His hand shot off of the scruffy girl’s shoulder to prevent any bystanders getting the wrong idea. Now, he held a reassuring pose, doing his absolute best to avoid a kidnapping charge when he was simply trying to do his good deed for the day.

Cause I ain’t! I was just tryin’ to help you get away from those guys. Don’t tell me… were you there with your parents or somethin’ and I just snatched you away from ‘em?” His mind sank further and further into despair, and after a few more seconds his face was now buried in his hands, muddled with ‘guilt’. “Oh, fuck me… I’m so fucked…

He shot up from within his palms, now looking at bob-cut with a desperate half-smile. “Heh. Uh... name’s Vulken. I wouldn’t tell ya my name if I was kidnappin’ ya, right?

He extended a cautious hand out to her, hoping to get a friendly and reassuring shake back.


miki miki
Shady's Motel, Phoenix HQ, South District
Hector, Zane

“Take more than this to kill me.” Hector grumbled under his breath, looking up at Zane. He wanted to stand up right now, face to face with the one who got under his skin with only a few words, but he remained seated, eyeing the equipment around him. He’d have to settle for being looked down upon. Though knowing how Zane probably relished in doing so made his blood boil further. “You’ve missed a lot.”

Hector swallowed a lump in his throat. He shouldn’t have felt so on edge.

“Or maybe you haven’t. I didn’t think I’d be seeing you again, but clearly you’ve been keeping tabs. Guess I’m not gonna find out who told you about this though, am I?”

It didn’t surprise him that word was spreading, but this far? Something wasn’t right. Another addition to the list of issues to sort out. But firstly, he had to focus on the man in front of him. C’mon Hector, you’re the leader. Get it together.

”It doesn’t matter right now, you didn’t just come here to see if I’d die, did you? Best tell me now what you’re wasting my time for.”

Drunk Walk Home
Alleyway, Central District
I forgor 💀
Hiachi, Tar

“A! A, you’re nearly there Hiachi.” They pushed their gun forward, bonking Hiachi ever-so-slightly. Was this Tar’s way of being friendly? Their face didn’t look any friendlier than it did before. Tar did quickly realise one flaw. The game seemed perfect in their head, and was living up the expectations so far. Making this poor girl guess letters when she could hardly stand up was gold. Unfortunately, a key aspect was forgotten. Hangman was a very visual game, and though Tar was more than willing to make a representation of the dead stickman out of her, they realised she knew nothing about his name to guess. Where was the A? How many letters? Tar didn’t have pen or paper.

“Are you listening, Hiachi? There are three letters.” They held up three fingers. “Blank, A, Blank. So you better guess the other two correctly, Hiachi.” They took the gun away for a moment and circled around their prey. “Keep going, Hiachi.” Guess she’d have to keep up in her head.

Hiachi Ito
Drunk Walk Home
Central, Alleyway
Pre Arc 3 | May 9, 2022 | 1:13 AM
Hiachi, Teddie
She was living in a fever dream. Playing hangman with a monster from her nightmares. Maybe she was dreaming, but the breath that was caught in her throat was far too real.

Blank, A, blank. How the hell did she get it right? Blind luck. But now she was put under the pressure of her previous success. She didn’t wanna get it wrong.

He was circling her. Like she was a bleeding seal on a melting iceberg and they were a killer whale. The horrifying imagery of the documentaries she remembered sent chills through her veins.

Blank, A, blank. It’s a name, a three letter name. What kind of name was that!? Consonants were normally in the middle of three letter names. What was the most common consonant?

Hiachi didn’t remember. Hiachi didn’t remember and she was on the stand. She couldn’t recall it. She couldn’t recall anything before this abomination knocked her over and almost burned her arms off.

The adrenaline was dulling, but the panic wasn’t. She felt tired. She wanted to lay down on the ground and take a nap, even though that was probably one of the worst moves she could make at that moment.

“F…Fuckin…” Hiachi couldn’t think. Her heart was in her throat and she rubbed her eyes so she wouldn’t cry; so she could see again. Her fist was marked by the jagged rocks in the asphalt. “Nightmare…”

What was she talking about? She hung her head in shame, like they were some sort of authority she had to apologize to. “S-Sorry.” She tilted her head back and forth, trying to tilt the blood flow in her brain along with it. “...X?” Her voice wavered. X was a risky letter. There were names like Jax or Max, but that was only two. The chances were small.

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Drunk Walk Home
Alleyway, Central District
I forgor 💀
Hiachi, Tar

Tar only laughed again in response to the apology, they did that a lot. They found a lot funny about the girl. Even funnier was her latest guess. X? X???

“X… X…”

They held a glove to their chin, with a mock-thoughtful expression. “Hmm… X…” They dragged the facade on another few seconds, before pointing the gun at Hiachi’s arm, pulling the trigger.


They bellowed in her face, looking at the damage. It was now that they had full confirmation that she was no average human, and Tar couldn’t help but be disappointed that blood wasn’t gushing onto the floor. But this did make things more interesting, it meant they could toy with her for longer. The fragility of NPs was as inconvenient as it was fun to play with.

Hiachi Ito
Drunk Walk Home
Central, Alleyway
Pre Arc 3 | May 9, 2022 | 1:15 AM
Hiachi, Teddie
As a kid, Hiachi didn’t know what gunshots sounded like. She thought maybe they were similar to fireworks, and that’s why they made her jump in the night. When she heard her first real gunshot, she quickly learned the distinction. They were loud and sharp, and couldn’t be mistaken for anything else.


White noise rang in her ear, but she could hear them shouting at her over it. Wrong.

He shot her arm. Her arm burned. Her mind raced and raced because she had never been shot before and surely, if she couldn’t get out of there soon, she would be dead.

She turned to look at her arm, and it wasn’t bleeding. She didn’t believe it at first. Did they miss? She had felt the burn, it definitely felt like it hit her. It felt like a bruise was forming on her upper arm. She felt all over her arm and confirmed that she wasn’t just feeling things.

She couldn't’ ponder it in length, but the best theory she had was that it came from being an HP. Her vision hadn’t been the only thing enhanced—she could also run faster, lift more, go on for longer.

Hiachi wasn’t bleeding. But she was hyperventilating, and not bleeding didn’t mean she was safe. He still could harm her, kill her as he had demonstrated before.

She didn’t wanna guess again. His voice was terrifying when he shouted with glee. She had to guess again, but she forgot the alphabet. What were the letters again? A, B, C, D, E, F, G; H, I, J, K, L, M…

“...N?” That was a safer letter. A good ending letter.

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Drunk Walk Home
Alleyway, Central District
I forgor 💀
Hiachi, Tar

“Hiachi, Hiachi… ARE YOU EVEN TRYING?”

Another bullet, this time into her other arm. Even if it wasn’t so satisfying, it was still fun to watch her struggle. Even though the rules of the game were clear, one limb for each wrong letter, nobody said they had to follow them. They sent another bullet into her arm. Guns weren’t part of Hangman anyway, so they could wing it a little.

“WRONG! THAT’S WRONG, IDIOT!” They yelled louder, more frenzied this time.

The pitter-patter of footsteps echoed in the distance from an adjoining street, but it didn’t seem that Tar heard them.

“Try again. Try again.”

Elias Yumin
St. Steinburg's Maiden Voyage
July 1st, 2022 | Post Arc 3, TimeSkip 1
The Open Seas (Day 0), below deck
Elias, Zach, Taka, Yushui, Kairong(?), Hiachi, Tak, Sebastian
St. Steinburg's Maiden Voyage

Below Deck, Outside One of the Cargo Holds

When Elias asked if the Tigers had any questions, he hadn’t expected one of them to fall to their knees in a dramatic display of gratitude, voicing questions that could only be considered rhetorical. But then, Elias was quickly learning to expect the unexpected when it came to Tak. Shishido Takakazu–a rookie who’d joined the gang around the same time he did and possessed the potential, Ante-Up. Only idiots hired people without doing a background check on them, after all.

Elias got to experience how fast and how strong his fellow Albino Tiger was when the unkempt man moved to shake him, face twisted in ugly tears. Happy tears? Regardless, pale hands reached up to steady the fists that gripped his collar, scanning memories even as Tak shook him. Had Elias felt any malicious intent from Tak, he would've shredded the memories - in pure act of self-defense, of course. One didn't survive in the HP underworld by being nice.

Fortunately he'd felt no aggressive intent from Tak's dramatic behavior.

Straightening his shirt as soon as Tak let go, Elias dusted away any wrinkles and smiled kindly at the man that stepped back to salute. His tearful declaration that he would give his life to protect the ship a heartwarming display . "I appreciate it,"

What else was there to say?

Tak was an idiot, but an amusing one, and Elias didn't didn't dislike idiots. Or, more accurate to say, he appreciated hard workers that didn't do things in halves. Businesses wouldn't do nearly as well without them. He hadn't expected the intense gratitude either, but he supposed, judging from the memories he'd obtained, Tak rarely experienced such generosity.

Or rather, riches.

The taste of wealth was what drew people into the Albino Tiger gang and, once they were in, getting out was no easy feat. Not that some hadn't managed it.

"Hey, Bub!" Ronald Crawford cut in between Elias and Tak. "Get yer own wa--buddy!"

Eyebrow raised Elias watched the NP he often attended Tiger parties with, the cousin of a friend, of a friend, of a former blind date, puff up and glare menacingly at the HP like a Tiger staking his claim. Or a fat house cat, really.

" Ain't nobody gonna do their job 'n protect this ship better than me so don't fuckin' jinx anything with yer life–"


“Wonderful!” Elias intervened, bringing his hands together before the idiot NP Tiger could further egg the idiot HP Tiger. It wouldn’t end well for Ronald; Their consitutions were simply too different…for now. He worked with Valerie Steinburg, Chessmistress of the Sable Serpents for a reason, after all. And, now that the St. Steinburg was constructed, their deal was complete. “Such sublime enthusiasm! I knew it wasn’t a mistake to count on gang friends for this job.”

Dragging Ron back by the collar, Elias continued. “I don't want to keep you all here longer than necessary, so just contact me if you encounter any problems.” Via security radio, his number on the bottom of their work schedules, etc. “There’s a party that’ll be held this evening in the main ballroom,” every evening really. “Unless you’ve been scheduled shifts tonight, feel free to attend and have fun.” Each of the hired Tigers were given different ‘jobs’ and security rotations depending on what they preferred.”Otherwise, resting or checking out your assigned cabins is a good idea”

Or whatever they liked to do on cruises.

Ron muttered something intelligible. “By the way, what did that Grant chick say when you invited her?”

“Luxury cruises aren’t her scene,”

If friendship with Araminta Grant were as easy to buy as Tak’s gratitude, Elias would have an easier time. But of course, easy wasn’t nearly as fun. He wouldn’t even deny it. Cult or not, the main reason he wanted to get close to her was her connections; There were many benefits to being friends with the mayor’s granddaughter. If she were on his side, locating Mouse would be much easier as well. However, just because most of his friendships were business transactions and exchanges, didn’t make them any less genuine. He couldn’t deny that he was intrigued by her either. Why had she helped him back then? Was there something she wanted from him? Elias found himself easily drawn to mysteries, whether they be the secrets of the city, or the memories people held close to their chest.

Ron sighed. “So, we’re bug-hunting once we reach the islands then?”

“Yes. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t at least get her a souvenir?”
A final wave at the rest of the gangsters below deck, before Elias nodded at Valerie’s pawn–the black soldier–, opened the door, and dragged Ron out with him.

The distress signal from one of the crew members hadn’t slipped his memory, but, for now, Elias simply kept it locked in the back of his mind.

miki miki AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa @Seaquill simj26 simj26 Coyote Hart Coyote Hart thebigfella thebigfella tityanya tityanya @W I N T E R (mentioned: Saturn_moon Saturn_moon )
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Hiachi Ito
Drunk Walk Home
Central, Alleyway
Pre Arc 3 | May 9, 2022 | 1:17 AM
Hiachi, Teddie
Wrong again, and the more answers she got wrong, they only got angrier. She was trying, she was, but when he shouted she could only let out breathless apologies:

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

Shot. Shot again. Hiachi couldn’t hear anything but the ringing in her ears.

Were these the new rules? For every question she got wrong, she would get shot for the amount of wrong guesses in one limb as opposed to just being shot on a different limb? What kind of rules…

Hiachi couldn’t hear herself speak. Indiscriminate noises came out her mouth as she attempted to make a sound she could hear.

She didn’t want to cry. It was pathetic. She was crumbling underneath her sore arms.

Play or die.

”Right… T?”

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Drunk Walk Home
Alleyway, Central District
I forgor 💀
Hiachi, Tar

“Don’t apologise, don’t apologise. You’ve already FAILED!”

They waved the gun around, taking aim as she made another guess. Huh, that was the right one. As happy as they were for their new friend’s success, they itched to pull the trigger. Tar had to play fair though, this had to be fun for everyone, and so they drew back for a moment.

“Hiachi, Hiachi, that’s-”


Oh? Tar turned to face a figure in the distance, a man that didn’t look much older than themself, who strode towards the pair. Hiachi's knight in shining armour? Without hesitation, Tar lifted the gun up, shooting the man. They laughed as he let out an anguished cry, crumpling to the floor.


Blood pooled the man’s shirt around a hole where the bullet pierced him. He writhed on the floor. Tar turned back to Hiachi with a smile as though nothing was amiss.

“Hiachi, you got it right! You’re really nearly there now. We’ve got a T, an A, and a blank.” Their grin widened, showing their teeth. “Now guess again.”


𝑵𝒂𝒐𝒎𝒊 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐
As: Elizabeth Norden
Scene: St. Steinburg's Maiden Voyage
Time: July 1st, 2022 | Post Arc 3, TimeSkip 1

I am here: Hallways of the Cruise Ship
With: Hiachi, Calista

"Make you betray your eyes, when I hide in plain sight"

To Yui's credit, she was doing a fantastic job at lugging around Naomi's crap and guiding her through the ship. If she had been Naomi and not Elizabeth, she would have been singing the girl's praises to her, and thanking her for being so helpful. But to Elizabeth...that was the girl's job. She was expected to work perfectly. So Naomi just stared at her like she was a tiny little bug leading her around, inwardly wondering what she could do to show her appreciation. They got Naomi's room key, and headed upwards to wherever her room would be. On their trek, Naomi decided to ask what there was to do.

Yui clearly hadn't expected the question. She inhaled, shocked, trying to hide how off-guard the question caught her. Naomi looked away, as though examining the fine art on the walls, but actually just trying to hide a laugh. She turned back to Yui as she started speaking, nodding along, her face straight, clearly thinking none of this is new information to me. Her eyes widened a little at that last part, though. The hesitancy, the afterthought. That was something Yui was interested in. Gambling, huh? Well, The West was well known for its casinos. Her dad had always threatened he would take away her allowance if he ever caught wind of her even being within fifty feet of a casino. To this day, she wasn't sure if that measurement had been an exaggeration of a genuine threat. But that fear had caused a deep-seated disdain of casinos. Damn. The mention of the casino was the only comfortable words coming out of Yui's mouth. Looked like Naomi was going to waste her money on something even worse than drugs.

They reached the room. Yui handed her a brochure and her keycard, saying that if there was anything else she wanted to know, she could look in there. Naomi took it with a limp hand, as though she was being offered something someone had found on the floor. "Excellent," she said, drawing out the c like she was a snake. She took the keycard and opened the door, before gesturing Yui inside to drop off the bag.

That was when she made eye contact with a woman heading down the hallway. Gorgeous, elegant, with golden blonde hair and red eyes. Naomi's jaw dropped, just for a second. She was gorgeous. She turned away, trying to focus on Yui instead, fighting the flush that she could feel coming to her face. Elizabeth didn't like women--this was all Naomi's own useless sapphic-ness. "Don't you think it is a bit hot and stuffy in these hallways? You should speak with someone about lowering the temperature," Naomi complained, convinced that this would help save her from her character slip. She desperately wanted to follow the woman, ask her what sights she wanted to see. But she had a mission--and Yui was a part of completing it. She needed to focus her attention on her. The sooner she finished, the sooner she could play and enjoy the cruise.

Naomi moved into the room, placing her purse down on the bed and sitting down. "Don't go yet," she said, making a slow show of taking off her hat and kicking her shoes off before reaching into her purse. From inside her wallet, she pulled out a crisp $50 bill. "This is enough, yes? Do you need more? she asked, looking Yui in the eyes with genuine curiosity. Naomi knew that it was way overkill for a tip--but Elizabeth didn't. It was a single banana, what could it cost, $20? She was curious to see what the girl would say--would she be humble and say it was too much? Take it as is? Or ask for more? It would speak a lot towards her character, and help Naomi build a better profile for her. She wouldn't be surprised if she asked for more, as payment for hiding her thinly veiled annoyance at dealing with Elizabeth at all.

((ooc: I figure after this we can have them meet somewhere else with Naomi in a new disguise!))
((Outfit: Same as Picture))
((Catch Me If You Can))

miki miki @W I N T E R
Hiachi Ito
Play With Fire
Crown Spire Casino, South District
May 5th, 2022 | Evening
Hiachi, Vulken
Play With Fire
Despite her screaming, he managed to outrun the pursuers. He set her back on the ground, and tried to reassure her that everything was fine. Which would have been nice, had he not begun to panic himself. It was very clear that she wasn’t being kidnapped, and yet he buried himself in his hands and

So Hiachi’s brows furrowed in confusion as she looked at him. “No… I really don’t—”

Hiachi cut off her own sentence. He was rambling now—and he had the nerve to ask if she was with her parents. Her parents? What was she, twelve? He was so far in his own world, that even if she did try to correct him, Hiachi was certain he wouldn’t hear her. So instead, she waited for him to finish his little monologue. Which he did—he snapped out of it and extended his hand out to her and gave his name—Vulken—Claiming that it was a gesture of goodwill that a kidnapper wouldn’t take.

The moment she took pause was only because she thought him crazy—but Hiachi knew plenty of crazy people, so that wasn’t a good excuse. Plus, said crazy man had just saved her life, so it couldn’t have been so bad to reciprocate the action.

So she took his offer for a handshake and shook back—a static, ever-so-slightly awkward motion, but at least she tried.

“Hiachi. Sorry about that…” She scratched the back of her neck. “I didn’t think they’d attack me.”

Now that she had his attention, it would be a good time to address his false impressions. Hiachi shook her head. “Um… No, I’m not here with my parents. How old do you think I am?” She asked Vulken with concerned earnesty.

Hiachi Ito
Drunk Walk Home
Central, Alleyway
Post Arc 3 | 1:22 AM
Hiachi, Teddie
By the way he was shouting, Hiachi was certain she had gotten it wrong. Again. She panicked, for she was running out of limbs. She reflexively skittered back to shield her legs from being shot, but the gunshot rang and the bullet had fired.

Only, there was no pain.

It was then she realized that someone else was there. A voice of a man she did not recognize. Echo strong with vitality and heroism. It was a man who had done what others could not—intervene.

But that was his final mistake. There was a reason that everyone knew not to intervene.

He fell to the ground as the bullet pierced his torso. The air was muddled with the thick scent of garbage, dirty water, and blood. Hiachi couldn’t look away. He was a man she hadn’t known, a foolish NP who had thought that even attempting to stop an HP would be worth it. It was all in vain—she wouldn’t have died, anyway. Not yet, anyway.

And so she started to sob.

Somehow, it was easier to keep it together when it was just her. It was just her mistake; Her scars were hers to bear. But now, her maimed flesh was stained with the blood of a dear stranger.

Ripples of wheezing and anguished cries erupted from her chest, and burning tears burned her eyes and cheeks. Why had she come here? Why, why hadn’t she stopped at the train station? What she would give to go back in time and tell herself to stop and call someone—But she was here, grieving over a stranger, all for what? To do what her mom always told her not to? She remembered how she would comment to her in whispers:

Hiachi, tell me you won’t ever drink like your aunt. She’s embarrassing, no?

Ugh! I don’t know what I’d do if you ever dressed like that, Hiachi.

Hiachi, don’t you dare go out after dark alone unless you’re asking for trouble.

What, was she trying to rebel? Against her mom? The mom that hadn’t bothered to call her in three years? Why care so much?

She shut her eyes. It was a nightmare she wouldn’t wake from.

Play or die.

She had been right. All that was left was one letter.

T A _.

Guess again. Guess again. GUESS AGAIN.

Through labored breaths, she ceased her crying. Time was running out, the hourglass was the foreign blood spilling on the ground.

Any letter out of the twenty-six in the alphabet. It was possible, because she knew someone with that name.

Tak. And she didn’t want to think of him, because it made her sad. What would he say to her, then? If he could see her, that is. Stupid Hibachi, askin’ for trouble, mouse on the ground, crushed beneath the heel of a demon…

T A _.


Hiachi squinted at the thing. She had a one-in-twenty-six chance of living, but she had a one-in-two chance of amusing him. That’s what everyone wants from games;

“...Tar. Tar, that’s your name, isn’t it?”

It was so stupid. It was so, so obvious that she was decidedly wrong, and she couldn’t bring herself to care through the aching in her heart. None of it was amusing. In fact, Hiachi had never been in more pain in her entire life.

“Ahaha. Ha…”

She felt fucking delirious. Her vision wavered with her brain, and her stomach because her stomach HURT and seeing the blood on the ground definitely made her want to throw up. She couldn’t take much more of it.

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The Hard Way
Post-Arc 3, Timeskip 1 | June 4, 2022 | Daytime
NOPD, West District
Hiachi, Mugen
Mugen walked to the meeting point. He kept walking.

The West District Police Department lay ahead.

He was heading inside.

The guards who barred his path would not stop him.

Mugen had decided it.

He would give them the courtesy of a warning before he tore them apart.

Outside the West District's branch of the NOPD, two guardsmen leaned against the building's wall, their faces turned away from the cloudy sky above. The first man, a tall and lanky fellow sporting a scruffy beard and unkempt hair, tipped his hat down to avoid the glare of a passing headlight. He had been a patrol officer for a few years but never showed much ambition to advance in the ranks. A perpetual slacker, he'd found solace in the mundane aspects of his job and took comfort in the predictability of his daily routine.

The second man was shorter and stockier, with a round face framed by a thick mustache. A former mechanic, this man had joined the force seeking a change of pace and a steady paycheck. He quickly found that he enjoyed the camaraderie of his fellow officers, but he also had a knack for getting himself into trouble, and had had more than his fair share of chats with the Captain about his so-called 'practical jokes', as well as another harebrained schemes.

As they stood there, with nothing to do, the short man nudged the tall man and said, "Yah know, I been think'n bout startin' a side gig."

The tall man raised an eyebrow, though the action was obscured by the brim of his floppy hat, his curiosity piqued. "Oh yeah? What's it this time?" A certain twinkle in his eye suggested that he'd heard this kind of pitch before. This, too, could not be seen through the hat.

The short man grinned, revealing a crooked smile. "'m think'n've open'n a bakery. I'll call it... 'Doughnut Disturb.' Eh? Eh? Perfect, don'tcha think?"

The tall man chuckled wryly and shook his head. "You're something else. But seriously. Cops and donuts? In this day and age, isn't that a little cliché? Haven't we evolved past reductive stereotypes?"

The short man feigned indignation, patting his own generous belly for emphasis. "Hey, I love doughnuts! Heh, heh. 'Sides, who wouldn't wanna 'grab a sweet treat after a long day on the beat'?" He paused, processing the words that had just come out of his mouth, before he flipped out a small pocket journal and jotted down another potential slogan.

The tall man laughed again, admitting, "Alright, you got me there. I'd be your first customer."

Mugen drew nearer. His were the footsteps of doom.

They were the drumbeats of war.

Nothing would stop his march.

Shishido Takakazu
CS Link
Getting Bigger Means You Get Worse At Hiding Small Things
North District
Pre Arc 1 || 2021
Tak, Nao ( tityanya tityanya )
Getting Bigger Means You Get Worse At Hiding Small Things
To Tak, every statement Nao made sounded completely sound. He had no clue a thing about budgeting, well except making sure he always had enough put aside to pay his debts to the Tigers, and doing hard drugs fucked with your head, so of course it would be hard to fight back like that.

“You sure you didn’t play soccer too? Or was it just pure coke running through your veins that let you kick me in the nuts like that earlier?” Tak commented sourly on the assault on his testicles when the two first met, snatching the magazine he had worked so hard for out of her hands, keeping it rolled up as he tapped it on his shoulder, a neutral frown on his face as he looked at Nao silently for a moment, not responding to her offer for a ride.

“Damn, you're strange. One second you’re actin’ like your ready to kill me, the next you’re helpin’ me out. All that powder is fuckin’ up your brain, lady,” Tak offhandedly commented, finally taking his other hand away from his nose with a booger on his finger, deciding to look down at it and roll the small ball of dried mucus between his fingers as he spoke, “You gotta start watching who you humor, y’know? There’s no good to come from hanging around troublesome men like me,” He advised her, flicking the booger off his finger before turning around.

“...Thanks, for all your help and everything. Let’s hope for both our sakes we don’t end up meeting together again, huh? Troublesome women like you really are a hassle. Two troublemakers don't make for anything good," He spoke dryly, turning his head just in time to barely hide the smirk that came across his face as he tapped his magazine against his shoulder, walking away down the sidewalk as he carefreely looked up towards the moon.

What a strange place the North was. Maybe he’d have to come back sometime.

…Nah, pass.
Sill Yenzell Nisemon
Peter Picked a Party for a Pointless Pizza Picnic
Ruined Playground, North District
Kaiga The Crimson King The Crimson King , Naomi tityanya tityanya , Reminiscence gxxberkit gxxberkit , Julian Sei Shonagon Sei Shonagon , Kisara simj26 simj26 , Taka AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa , Haley kase9187 kase9187 , Raph Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Peter Picked a Party for a Pointless Pizza Picnic
Sill watched as Reminiscence dropped the box letting the contents of it spill all over on the ground, when they looked back towards the group they had apparently decided to undo their mistake by asking them if they were good with Pizza. Haley being the first one to agree with the choice, while Sill gave their typical smile and said "I think pizza would be great!" naturally deciding to agree with what Reminscence and Haley had said.
As Reminscence tallied everyone's orders and finally placed it, Sill stood by watching the entire ordeal standing a decent distance away from the nearest Serpent. As Reminscence gave out a apology to the group for dropping their original food Haley decided to comment first, Sill facial expression turned a bit smug as Haley spoke, their potential notifying them that they were indeed lying, or likely just joking around in this case. They decided to take what Haley said as a a joke a laugh a bit at their antics, "Haha, very funny Haley." then they turned their attention back to Reminscence with their same classic smile plastered on their face. "It's ok, we know you didn't mean it, I'm just grateful for being invited to hang out with you guys."

That statement was of course a lie, anyone that knew them well would know it was such a obvious lie, they honestly had no strong feelings on anyone here, with the exception of their mother probably. But they had a sorta reputation to maintain, and being rude and clearly mean and evil was not the sorta reputation they wanted.

Lily Lavinia
A Recycled Dream
North District, A certain filthy apartment
Post-Arc 3
Lily, Sabrina
A Recycled Dream

It is a self-preservation instinct to find the blame in someone else. There is much to blame in one’s everyday life. That ill turn in one’s youth that could have gone far much better. These down-trodden days when you trip, splashed by an accursed car, got your ice cream upturned on the floor. When you haven’t got that sparkling life as in novels and soap dramas. The perfect spouse you wish you had. A clean house. A well-paid easy job. A pet who grudges not skinship. A day gone by without new annoyance. A life that doesn’t suck.

Lily Lavinia, on a typical day, blamed it all on everything and everyone on earth.

That must be it, she thought, laying with her belly exposed on the floor, half-consciously trying to kill herself in the deadly coldness of the unheated apartment. It must be a great conspiracy, the great collective will of all the ordinary, functional people on earth trying to deter her from having something nice for a change. All because she was different. All because beneath the dull, insipid surface, she was empty.

Anyway, it was winter or something. That must be it, or it wouldn’t have been so cold. Lily wasn’t sure. Time seemed to her a useless affair. Some sorts of people out there with heaps of concern for their life plans and all must be getting so hot to make use of their time, all the time. Lily never wasted hers. She never used it at all.

The rain beat lazily on the murky window, where a single vase of peace lilies drooped over a slumberous cat. These were the only objects of comfort, the only things that mattered in the empty sorry room that was the entirety of her abode. So the raindrops trailed, slithered down the pane, painting winding, uncertain paths towards their ultimate sordid end. Beyond, a damp brick wall stared back at her with equal fervor.

For a small eternity, Lily watched the rain fall. Then having gotten quite sick of it, she turned over on her side, disturbing lightly the dirty, shriveled mattress, something even as she had been unclean for days unnumbered. She came to face, almost as a surprise, a phone placed upside down so as to lean precariously on a flimsy carton box. She had not the slightest idea how the app’s autoplay had arrived at a music video. A tiny woman was singing soundlessly before a backdrop of cherry blossoms.

She did not bother to turn up the volume, nor to reach for the ancient pairs of earphones some vast distance away, to allow the singer’s supposed pretty voice into her tiny filthy nest. She was in no mood for music. And at any rate, she had not gotten tired of the rain’s uneven, unrhythmic beats. So she listened to the rain instead. It vibrated on her eardrums more pleasantly than these a dime a dozen music. She recognized the singer also. One that was hella popular. One Lily greatly disliked. She hadn’t even heard a single song by that woman. Pass Park is simply a silly name. Silly face too. Ewww, what’s that cheesy background? Falling blossom petals, really? In current year? Get a grip woman! You are way too old to do this silly cheap stuff for money!

Lily sighed, closed her eyes. Even hating was too taxing for her. She should just sleep her day away. In fact, she should just lie there with her eyes closed, drawing even breaths, until there would be no more to draw.

When her heavy lids opened again the shadows had shifted their angles, the phone’s screen had dimmed to match the darkening room, and the cat had left his place under the peace lilies. A notification to charge the device flashed up as she looked.

Naturally, she could not bother.

Her shivering fingers did not reach up to swipe the notification away. So then it lingered patiently, staring back at her, until it too, as many who had been in and out of her short life, got sick of her dull face and slid away, revealing yet another singer.

The mute person stood on a stage, a guitar in hand, singing a soundless song. As she looked, the camera swept over the crowd, in one brief moment showing the raving host of men and women in all their insanity, all intoxicated by a substance Lily could not bother to venture a taste.

What’s so great about it? Just some person jabbering away pre-written words. Even she could do it as well if she but tried. What a bunch of silly people who should consider doing something better with their time! That young woman probably wasn’t anyone pleasant anyway. No one could possibly be while being so loved for doing so little. She was sure of it.

Having done with the raving audience, the camera moved back to the stage, and in doing so zoomed in close, very close, much closer than necessary at the singer’s face. A face of striking features, not one of polished aspects like the previous one’s, though not without a certain beauty to it. Drops of sweat blemished her face, perspiring over the yawing lips in the straining effort to bring beautiful sounds to this ugly world.

What is it like to be so loved, Lily wondered. What is it like to be rewarded for something you have done, be admired for who you are, be thought of as someone who matters, be missed when you’re not there, be waited for when you have not come? And all that without giving much in return, or in person. What a fair life this one is.

With one beep, the phone shut down, mockingly replacing the labored singer with a thing by contrast so despicable, so unbearably uninspiring, and in all quite insufferable – Lily’s mug. So much so that she turned abruptly away. So revolting it was that she jerked up in an animated manner she had not been all day, and gave a loud gasp for air as though re-emerging from underwater. She held her chest with both hands as it heaved. Her body entire shivered from the cold. But the mind-rending experience of being compared so brazenly with a person of a much, much higher place in society had had a devastating effect on her. She gulped.

Now on her feet, she planted both hands on a creaking table, trying to wipe away what had just now occurred. There was no mirror in the poor apartment, none that she would allow in one way or another, save the dim one that she had just been disastrously made to stare in. Forgetting being impossible, Lily attempted to transfix her mind's eyes on the image that came right before the startling revelation: the face of the singer. She thought and she looked at it even as one stares at a vague spot in recalling some distant memories. Only she was trying to forget. And did, in recalling something else. She had seen that face before, had she not? That woman: edgy makeup, bold attitude. Where was it? Certainly not at any backstage meet and greet, or any fan event. She had never been a fan of anything, much less some singer. Nay it was elsewhere, perhaps recent, for the memory was vivid.

She froze. A franticness came over her, for no apparent season save that she wished only to distract herself from unbearable thoughts until the dull, unrhythmic days would again wash away the moment. She grabbed the charger now, plugged it in, and assaulted the power button with a raving obsession, until at last the phone booted up.

She had not many numbers stored in there, and what few that populated her contacts had been entered with great reluctance or under absolute necessities.

A call was made to her few contacts in the Sable Serpents, the vile, abhorrent beings with whose organization she would have felt more at home if being a burden to society was the only contemptible quality required.

From the other end, a slimy uninterested voice brought a rare cheer to her palish face.

“Also, I don’t know what beef you have with StingRay, but settle it between yourselves ‘kay, and do not let her know I told yo…”

But she had got what she needed, so the phone was left behind with the charger plugged in as she stormed off the floor. She was heading toward that singer, who was closer to her than she had thought. In many ways.

Dragon's Teeth
Post-Arc 3 - June 6, 2022
The Azure Dragon's HQ, East District
Pavel, Jessamine, Kanna, Jesper, Meirin, Yǔshuǐ, Omar
In the heart of the East, perched in its pulsating veins, the Cloud Citadel stood like a monument, its silhouette a constant against the ever-changing urban landscape of the city of New Oasis. The Dragons alone honored history, tradition, and those that went before.

Red and gold, prosperity and power, were woven intricately into the structure. It was a fortress, a sanctuary, and a statement, all at once. For all its history, the HQ's outer perimeter was encased in sleek steel—a nod to the modern world—yet its façade bore the unmistakable motif of dragons, etched into the metallic surface as if kissed by fire. The tiled roofs cut a majestic contrast, their curves and corners standing out in defiance of the stark city skylines of its neighboring districts.

Inside, the grand chamber unfurled before its latest entrants. Upon the high ceiling loomed a hand-painted mural of the Azure Dragon circling the heavens, leering down on them as their footsteps echoed along the ornamented walls. The chamber was illuminated by lanterns that held bioluminescent flowers, their petals blushing soft gold and serene cerulean. Polished mahogany tables sat upon jade dragon feet, laden with rows of surveillance terminals, where peacekeepers sat before large, curved, ultra-high-definition screens that displayed profiles of known dissidents, live security feeds, and real-time activity heatmaps indicating potential hotspots of unrest or criminal activity.

At the heart of the setup was an expansive, crystal-clear holographic display panel. It was a real-time map of the city, pulsating with dots representing each individual under the Dragons' watch. Each dot was more than just a point on the map; it was a treasure trove of data, a comprehensive profile built from a myriad of sources.

Seated on her throne, a hand rested comfortably on the bump of her belly, the Queen let her gaze linger on the display as her assembled warriors came into view through it. Her face, usually a picture of composed tranquility, was somehow... off. Her eyes, yellow like lighting embers, held a chilling promise of retribution. With a wave of a clawed hand, she dismissed the hologram and rose imperiously from her perch, the silk of her gown billowing around her like shackled wings.

"Pavel," she began, her voice echoing in the chamber above the buzz of activity and the hum of computer servos whirring, "This cannot stand. Our authority is questioned."

Her lips curled into a grim smile, a broodmother baring its fangs to protect its clutch. Though for a moment, her expression softened, her face coming close to tears in a wave of fresh, hot, unexpected emotion. Steadying herself, the Dragon Queen made her proclamation, "Bring them to heel, and remind them what happens to traitors and upstarts."

Her order hung in the air, a silent threat that promised the onset of a tempest. As her Azure Dragons departed, the Dragon Queen settled back into her throne, her gaze already turning to the city skyline. Her District. Her rule.

Bedlam Blitz!
Post-Arc 3 — July 10th, 2021; Early morning
Whiteleaf, South District
Boltius, Hector, Milo, Yukari, Raquel, Leaf, Zach

“I wanna be part of this fucking operation, not your stupid debate, so I need y’all to STOP SCREWING AROUND!” Hector snapped back, though a lot of his speech would get obscured by the wind rushing by as Hector began to drive. Despite the little back and forth, the start of a smile appeared on the Queen’s face, appreciative of the glimpse back to normalcy shared between them. The smile did drop quickly as Hector sped up, and as he neared his destination, Boltius’s voice picked up again.


Who the fuck is Armond?

He didn’t answer, deep in thought as he went through everyone he knew. Arnold? Did someone say Arnold? No. He heard Raquel’s response over the phone and clenched his jaw in frustration. She better have eaten before the mission, he wasn’t dealing with her if she had food on her mind. Hector continued to think. He knew an Armin from way back. Amelia? No, not even close. Armond, Armond.

He slowed seeing a familiar figure in the distance, pulling up next to Raquel.

“Armond, not Arnold, Gourmet. Are the others ahead?”

He followed her gaze into the sky before a thought struck him. Clicking his fingers a few times to summon the thought from the fog, he held the phone up and barked down the line.

“I only know one Armond. He was a Phoenix back in, uh, I forget how long ago. Fuck. That who you’re asking about? What’s going on?”

He nodded his head in the direction of their destination, beckoning Raquel to come with him to meet the others.

Hiachi Ito
St. Steinburg's Maiden Voyage
The Open Seas (Day 0)
Post Arc 3, Timeskip 1 | July 1st, 2022 | Day 0 [The Open Seas]
Naomi, Calista
St. Steinburg's Maiden Voyage
The lady took the brochure with a slight glare. Hiachi didn’t care—her disinterest was nothing of the matter as long as she fulfilled her quota.

She didn’t particularly care what her head had turned to look at either, but she was inclined to pay attention to her until her job was done. A blonde haired woman (much like the lady in front of Hiachi herself) walked past. She was dressed in an eye-catching red, humming as she observed her surroundings. She was like what Hiachi imagined a princess to be like—poised, primmed, and ever-present even though she hadn’t done anything to acknowledge the two.

The lady had a similar idea—actually, her admiration likely burned a whole lot brighter than Hiachi’s. There was a light flushness to her face that she tried to waive. She rambled about the humidity—it didn’t make Hiachi scowl, though. It made her relax—underneath all that stuffiness, there was a human being.

Regardless of her opinion on her, Hiachi was ready to leave. She needed to find her own quarters, she needed to let Elias know that she’d be going by an alias, she needed to make sure Tak hadn’t scared any passengers off the ship—lots to do.

She stood by and waited for a tip—it’s what she wanted all along, after all—but what she was handed was not what she was expecting.

A fresh, uncreased fifty dollar bill.

Hiachi hadn’t meant to eye the woman, but it was an instinct she couldn’t help. Did she even know what money was!? She had been hoping for a sizable tip, but this was overkill.

And suddenly it felt like a test. Like if she took the dollar bill, the woman would have something up her sleeve to condemn her for thinking that she would have such good luck.

Too bad that desperate times call for desperate measures. Fifty dollars was fifty dollars, test or not. Hiachi took the bill in her hand and briefly bowed her head in parting.

Perhaps the cruise wouldn’t be so unbearable after all.

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I Prefer Water
North District, Mysterious Black Site
Post Arc-3 | Chapter 1
Bash, Sang-Cheol, Teddie

“Sorry, s-s-” Teddie remembered Bash’s previous warning, and diverted from his speech pattern. “That would be a terrible idea, this is me.” Seemingly unaware of the offensive smell, perhaps because his tarry nose could only pick up on his own scent, he simply wrote Bash’s complaints off as unnecessary fussiness. What a dramatic man!

“And this is normal. Just as normal as you or the other fella.” He pointed an elongating finger to Sang-Cheol. Looking surprised at the new crack in the wall, Teddie simply continued to stride forward, kicking up some of the loose debris as he went. Only when Bash came to an abrupt halt did Teddie follow suit, intrigued by what the leader was worrying about this time. Leaning his head forward to see what was up, he caught a glimpse of something too.

“Hmm, I wonder. I wond-” He drowned out another verbal slip-up with an abrupt cough, but that was all he took caution with. He took the lead, walking quickly, eager to see if they had discovered anything at all.

Gideon Gray
The Trials of Belial
Gideon and Jozef's Dorm Room, New Oasis Central University
January 11th, 2022 | Post Arc 2
Gideon, Jozef
The Trials of Belial
For a moment, Gideon stood there in awkward silence at the end of his summoning ritual. Jozef stared back at him, the silence between them thick and palpable.

Another failure. The ritual wasn't going to work. Was it something that Gideon did? Or did God resonate too much with the sunglasses emoji in the corner? Regardless, Gideon was about to call it quits when suddenly, Jozef began to move.

It almost looked like Jozef was twisting in agony as the possession happened. Gideon wanted to rush and help his friend, but he didn't know whether interfering would be dangerous. And so he painfully waited until Jozef's body stopped its erratic movements. It almost felt like he was the same Jozef with the same personality and mannerisms, now with just this demon occupying his body. Finally, some success. Gideon felt ecstatic, fearful, and intrigued all at once.

"Béch... Béchamel," Gideon began, his voice stuttering as he forgot how the demon introduced himself. He didn't think the demon was named after a sauce, but honestly, that was the best that Gideon could go off of. Gideon almost fell down to one knee in respect. But no, he was the great Eville, and he wasn't going to bow down to any demon. So instead, he readjusted the hem of his shirt and stood tall against Jozef-- no, Béchamel. His knees felt wobbly with fear and trepidation, but Gideon put on a brave face and did his best to make his voice steady, "I ask of you to make me the most terrifying villain to ever grace New Oasis, and to give my friend Jozef, who has willingly lent you his body, good grades."

For a moment, Gideon paused, then he added, "I also want him to be safe. Both of us are in dangerous gangs, and I want him to have fun while also being safe."

"No price is too great for this," Gideon finished. He knew that this was a big ask, but... greed, right?

WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten
Elias Yumin
Clad in Golden Dreams
June 16th, 2022 | Post Arc 3, TimeSkip 1
West District
Passeri, Ezra, Viss, Mark, Jess, Hiachi, Tak, Elias, Jesper
Clad in Golden Dreams

An eyebrow arched as Elias watched Tak placed the giant centipede, the one he’d just shown Elias, under the table where the female ‘server’ hid. Agreement? What agreement? Wouldn’t some sort of proposition have to be made between the two of them before they could arrive at an “agreement” of any kind?

Despite not comprehending the logic behind his fellow Tiger’s actions, Elias found himself amused all the same. Should certain guests–like his mother–encounter the creature, a scream filling the gala halls would be inevitable. Fainting too since Cordelia Yumin was dramatic like that. Elias wasn’t. He didn’t think anything of the insect that Tak pulled from his pocket, though it did bring back memories of all the creepy crawlies that climbed on him during a certain spelunking mission.

Creepy crawlies that hadn’t bitten him, guided him out of the mine, and were the “children” of a certain mayor’s granddaughter he wished to befriend.

Discomfort wouldn’t be prudent.

Pretending not to see the small girl that scurried out from under the table and slipped beneath the King’s table, Elias amiably continued his conversation with Tak as if his putting a plate beneath the table, and Tak putting a bug beneath the table, were perfectly reasonable actions; Poisonous though it may be, it was still just a bug. Stepping on it was simple enough. Worse that could happen was the sanitation of the Knight Corp-Our Dream Entertainment gala got questioned…or someone got bitten...but Elias wasn’t one to default to worse-case scenarios. “Well, I have. It was at a different party, but a much more entertaining one.”

Not really, but Elias had enough self preservation to not insult Weiss's party to his face, regardless of how it turned out. One couldn’t deny it’d been exciting party either. “Would you like to meet with him? The current Tiger King, that is.”

Elias' eyes shifted to the lone man who’d just finished threatening Nex Corp’s CEO. “Parties are for getting to know people, after all, and one doesn't get very far in an organization–any organization–without familiarizing oneself with its leaders. I’ve been meaning to have a quick chat with him myself. I’ll introduce you…”

Elias looked the undressed server up and down. “It’ll be fine~ He’s not much formalities anyway,”

Wine glass still in hand, Elias motioned Tak along before strolling over to the table Hiachi had slipped herself under. Whether his fellow Tiger rookie followed was up to them. “Mr. Weiss! It’s good to see you’re doing well.”

Had the setting been any different, the term ‘Boss’ would’ve been used–even though he wasn’t getting paid exactly.

Gliding into an empty seat with an air of carelessness, much the same way he had when they first met, Elias’s tone grew subtly quieter though was no less jovial. “There’ve been all sorts of rumors circling our group of friends lately, you see–like how you’ve been talking to yourself quite a bit in the last eight months, My King–but I’m glad to see none of it seems to be true.”

@Haste @Lucem Elenion Aura Elenion Aura @The One Eyed Bandit miki miki thebigfella thebigfella simj26 simj26 AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa
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Clipped Wings Cannot Rebirth
South District
Clipped Wings Cannot Rebirth

There had been a recent text that went to Helva a while ago, though instead of Helva showing up personally, Hiyma had showed up instead, for many different reasons, one of them being cause she was simply closer and another being because busy with something else at the moment, though she could be made aviable if the situation turned out to be more serious than expected. Regardless while most would find meeting at a Phoenix graveyard in the middle of the night eerie, Hiyma actually felt sense of comfort, the Darkness was her ally, and the Night was her friend, the same thing could be said about Helva as well, albite on a lesser scale. With a deep breath and a sigh, Hiyma deciding that it was time to get to work, she only really had her phone on her, though it was custom built by herself, and it had many different features that a store-bought phone couldn't compare to, though one thing about the phone that could probably be seen as a negative was that it was much more bulkier than store bought ones, though that was a trade off that Hiyma would gladly accept. Though while she only really had her phone on her at the moment, she still had a lot more equipment in her car should the need arise, from weapons, to Forensics and tracking equipment.

Walking forward Hiyma made sure to inspect the area for anything that may seem out of place, though admittedly she doesn't exactly frequent the graveyard much so if there were any changes that weren't obvious she likely wouldn't know. Though after a moment of inspecting the area, she took her phone, and started to use her infrared imaging system on her camera, analyzing the area with it and making sure there wasn't any living person that was buried in the ground which she assumed could defiantly be a possibility. With another sigh she went on to mutter to herself "New day, same show."

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