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Fantasy New Oasis: Four Heavenly Kings — The B-Sides

Kaede Shimokōbe
Fever feast
Phoenix HQ, South District
Pre-arc 1, 2016
Raquel, Kaede
Fever feast
The plastic bag swayed gently by her side as she climbed the stairs. Left and right- her palm squeezed around the strap that cut into callouses. Heavy, but not heavier than the conscience that sat atop slumped shoulders. “Hah…” One could suspect that someone had died by how exasperated her sigh came out. And well, it wasn’t completely off the marks. Her frown matched the crinkled surface of the plastic, innocuous enough with how it concealed the contents.

At least she still had shoulders for her conscience to lean upon unlike a certain someone else and luckily enough for the rookie she had owed Hector a favour. Hence why she was now standing in front of the door to the hideaway her patient had been quarantined in. The brunette raised her fist and let it knock upon the door. Silence returned it from the other side, unsurprising but still bothersome with how it forced her to intrude.

A rustle and sigh resounded from crinkled plastic and brows as she reached for the handle. Eeeek. The door opened with a creak and laid bare a dark hallway to brown eyes. She stepped in and the door closed behind her. The air was stuffy and a thin layer of dust coated the floor as if it hadn’t seen movement in days. Kaede slipped out of her shoes and put them carefully to the side. Cool floorboards unravelled instead underneath her socks as she delved further into it. Walked straight ahead and crossed the threshold to the bedroom where the rookie lay incapacitated.

She was nothing more but a child at first glance. Scrawny and pale from the feverish throes that had drained all the colour from her face. Kaede knew better than to judge a book by its cover, however, and especially so when considering that the plastic bag was meant for the girl. Besides, she didn’t want to catch the flu so a face mask was quickly put in place over the face of the Veteran.

“Hector’s mentee.” She inched closer to the bed and put her hand into her pocket.“I was asked to check in on you by Hector.” The brown eyes narrowed at a closer inspection of the youth and out from the pocket came a thermometer that approached the girl slowly. Wary, but not because of the reason one might suspect. Sure, she was afraid of getting her fingers chomped off but more so she just didn’t want to get infected with whatever was capable of knocking an HP out.

Speaking of chomping, she had heard that the girl was a bit more on the feral side, no doubt due to an unconventional upbringing, and seeing as she was in a weakened state and approached by a complete stranger- Well, if anyone had a reason to be wary here it was probably the patient in front of her. The lines between the brunette's brows eased up a bit with this in mind and she cleared her throat “Open your mouth and hold it. It’s for checking your temperature. ”.

Misuteeku Misuteeku
Drunk Walk Home
Alleyway, Central District
I forgor 💀
Hiachi, Tar


“You are weak, you are weak.” Tar brushed the gun across the side of Hiachi’s face, smudging the tears that ran down it. “Look at me.” Without giving her the chance, they drew the gun back, smacking her across the head with it. “Poor little insect.”

They stood up, and their face quivered for a moment, their grin dropping. Then, a muffled noise came out. “Waaaaah, waaaaah. Oh wah wah wah” They couldn’t keep up the facade, their face cracking into a grin. “Hysterical! Hysterical.” They placed one boot on her with a firm stomp, depositing all the muck and grime that accumulated from the city streets. “Cheer up for me.”

Their gun disappeared.

“I need your name,”

One glove fell with a thud.

“Unless you don’t have one,”

And another.

“Little creatures don’t have pretty names.”

They crouched down again, this time facing her front. Their hands flew out without warning, no gloves to hide the molten goo. They clutched Hiachi’s forearms and picked themself and her up in one swift movement.

“No pretty names~”

Raquel Filo
Fever Feast
Phoenix HQ, South District
Pre-Arc 1 | 2016
Raquel, Kaede
Fever Feast

The sound of a door opening made Raquel cease her movements. Was it Hector? Any attempt of becoming drowse ceased immediately at the prospect of her sponsor coming through the door. Like a child seeing their favorite person, Raquel was excited to see Hector again. She was so excited she didn't hear what was said to her. Footsteps slowly approached her.

Calming herself, she slowly began to turn around to face her sponsor. "Hello, Hector-" Immediately, Raquel realized the error in her presumption. Hector wasn't an Amazonian, bespectacled, gloomy woman that was holding out a thermometer to her. If he was, Raquel wouldn't have minded, but this wasn't Hector. Immediately as Kaede tried to request her to put the thermometer in her mouth, she jumped back like a cat. Her back slammed against the wall as she hissed at the Phoenix Veteran.

Sudden movements caused her to feel dizzy, but her defensiveness granted her a sudden spike of energy. "You're not Hector!" A redundant statement, but something that Raquel felt needed to be repeated in this situation. The giant of a woman must have been one of the other Phoenixes in this gang. Was she here to teach her a lesson for something she did? Raquel made sure to be on her best behavior after her unfortunate encounter with BB and her shadow possy. Whatever the case, Raquel did feel exactly safe with a complete stranger with her.

"Who are you," The cannibal growled. Seeing that woman wasn't outright attacking and was holding out a thermometer, Raquel didn't immediately jump at the chance to attack. That didn't change the fact that woman was a complete stranger. However, Raquel caught a whiff of something in the air. It was sweet, yet she could taste the savoriness of the unknown. Her face paled as she looked at the bag. "Is that..." Even though she already knew what it was, she felt like she needed to ask again.

Other than going out to find food for herself, Hector sometimes brought her chunks to eat. She despised the process every time, but she had no choice but to indulge herself in gorging herself into depravity.

Sei Shonagon Sei Shonagon
Sang-Cheol Man
Post Arc-2 |
Sang-Cheol, Timothy [NPC], Kiwi

"It seems like our hacker wants 10k upfront. Nothing too bad. Though now they're asking for additional information. What now, boss-nim?" With Timothy's translation, Sang-Cheol thought about what he should Timothy communicate. With how things were going, this might be a good opportunity to acquire information. It was best to tell their little hacker about what they knew, so they could maximize their information extraction.

With bated breath, Sang-Cheol decided to give Timothy his next order. "We don't know anything other than their name, but we have one lead." It could only be them. The ones behind the scenes, the mastermind, the puppetmasters that control the government. "Tell them... About the storks."

"Wait, what-"

"The storks are behind everything. From delivering babies to controlling the populace through the usage of cabbages. It can only be them!" Slamming his fist onto the table, Sang-Cheol passionately expressed his conspiracy theory. Timothy gave him a weird look as if that was the most outlandish thing to say.

"Boss. I don't think-"

"No, tell them. They must know." Timothy yelped as Sang-Cheol's grip on him tightened with more force than before. Immediately the blonde hair man began his rapid-fire typing.

We'll wire the money.
No. There's a lack of relevant information. If they're affiliated with the government, then it's most likely censored.
We don't have leads, but there's one suspect in mind.

The Storks.

gxxberkit gxxberkit [/USER]
Kaede Shimokōbe
Playground affairs
South. Playground
May 24th 2008 pre-arc idk many
Vulken Beckman, Boltius Beckman, Kaede Shimokōbe
Playground affairs
She thought she had a good hand with children, at least good enough to not immediately warrant a comment about how her hands were supposedly ‘dirty’. She also thought that she was mature enough to not take it to heart, but that was clearly not the case either as her expression bristled up. “Wha-” She started and straightened up as soon as she saw that the boy wasn’t going to reciprocate her effort. What’s this for real this time: the shrimp was fucken rude.

“Fine, don’t shake it then.” Kaede huffed and ripped her hand away. Her fingers twitched with the urge to reenact revenge upon his face now that she knew his true nature, but Vulken’s fist descended faster. Whatever, the brunette wrapped sulky mutters up under crossed arms. Revenge was for children, and it wasn’t like she was actually beefing with the mini torch. No, she was totally over it. Now, Vulken on the other hand....- This is all your fault, you should’ve said something before I went and- ugh!

Sour defeat diluted to the back of her mouth and she clicked her tongue at their exchange to disperse it. Then Vulken turned to her and vengeful twitches turned to shivers that darted down her spine instead. Kaede knew that grin, and that grin never meant anything good. A hand suddenly fitted itself over her waist as if on cue to prove her expectations right. Kaede was pulled flush up against his body and flushed were her cheeks when he dropped the bomb. “Wha-” She blurted out for the second time and immediately pushed away from his chest.

“In your dreams Beckman! Wait, no keep me out of your dreams. Who knows what weird things you dream about-” Her foot shot up from the ground and she doubled down on her words by stomping down with her heel. It drilled right down onto Vulken’s toes. “Don’t say weird stuff around children, they’re impressionable.” She scowled, as if she hadn’t just told the kid to call her sister, and crinkled on her nose at his antics “I just came along to make sure you weren’t doing anything suspicious...." . Kaede glanced at the little human torch who had burnt her outstretched hand "....which babysitting isn’t I s’pose”.

Outfit- x

@Nobody Special @Doctor Llamabean
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Eminence, West District
Pre-Arc 1, August 1st 2021, Evening
Sylvie, Kiwi

“Great interest to have, big money maker these days. It’s never been my thing, which is why I’m glad we could hire an expert.” Sylvie smiled and nodded to the elevator operator as they stepped out, a school of people followed them, lining up outside Eminence. He waved at the bouncer, who let them both pass without question and there they were. Even in the small time Sylvie was absent it had gotten noticeably busier, as it was getting to that time of day now. Luckily, the table Sylvie had reserved remained untouched, being manned by one of the guards.

“Take a seat, I’ve got it on here.”

Sylvie sat down, turning the WacBook perpendicular to the seats so it could be seen from either end of the table. The jazz band got a bit livelier now, and it had gotten just loud enough where they could talk comfortably without everyone hearing their conversation.

“Ah, champagne for you, would you like a glass?” He pointed to the expensive bottle, briefly distracted from what he was doing. If she were to accept, he’d pour a glass for himself and her, leaving it if she declined. He was quick to log in to the WacBook afterwards.

“Okay… Just give me a moment please.”

A few mouse clicks and some frantic keyboard typing later, and a page loaded in front of them. A few problems were evident right away. It seemed he had worked on the site on a different device, as it didn’t fit the WacBook screen properly. The font was… a choice, and blended into the background in some parts, and burned eyes in other parts. The images were a fine selection, but poorly cropped and blurry. All the information was there behind many distractions, but the issue was just how ugly the website looked.

“I hope you can help me with it, I tried to do uh…” Sylvie gestured vaguely at the page, but fell silent. He was aware of how bad it looked.

CS Link
Jingle Bells, Jingle Hell
December 26th 2013
The Metropolitan Museum, Central District
Kaede, Hector

“Who is he?”
“He broke a glass a moment ago.”
“Maybe the missus did something to annoy him.”
“Did you see who he entered with?”
“No idea, darling.”

Hector shot a dirty look at two gossipers who stared at him with cocky grins, they jumped a little in surprise before turning away, lowering their voices this time to gossip some more. He stormed past them, drinking the fresh glass of champagne with vigour, a little bit dribbling onto his mouth with how furious his movements were.

Stupid bitch telling me what to do. I ain’t a fucking child.

Wiping his mouth with his sleeve, he went on his toes, craning over heads to look for the Director. Then they could get out of here. Finding nothing, he decided to just walk in a direction. He didn’t want to return to Kaede, she’d lecture him and send him back to where he came from, but he didn’t want to be far. Not long after he began his search though did he see her, arms linked with the man himself. What a genius- No, still an idiot.

He stepped into her line of sight, and began charades with his eyes, hoping she’d pick up. Do you want me to stay away? Should I go hide? Where are you leading him? Do you need me to come over? What’s your plan? Not getting any information, he made a decision.

“Johanssen, congratulations!”

He approached the Director, walking next to Kaede, hand out in greeting. He resisted the urge to tackle the man to the ground and crush his spine in half. He smiled, ignoring Kaede.

Jackson Reese Alessi
High School To Be Named, East District
August 2018 || Pre-Arc 1
Jackson, Hiachi, NPCs a la miki miki and Brii
Double Displacement

Hiachi? Okay he was getting there. At least the girl would speak up if he called her names. Leagues better than the ignoring game she had going on. He was satisfied enough knowing her name to let her be on her way for now, or he would have been if she hadn’t had the gall to just scamper away on him.

Amazing. Had this girl never heard of basic social graces?

More on instinct than actually wanting to he lunged to grab at her bag since she decided to treat him like a damn obsticle course. Yeah that was just going to cause a host of new problems he supposed. But in for a penny in for a pound. It wasn’t like he could possibly make this go any worse than it already was.

“Seriously if you don’t wanna be called a mouse then quit with the scurrying. Hiachi right? Maybe don’t apologize and then do the same stupid thing. You remind me of another idiot I have had the misfortune of meeting.”

Jackson Reese Alessi
ENP, East District
??? || Pre-Arc 1
Jackson, Devin ( Misuteeku Misuteeku )

He was pretty sure the vines were going leave bruises on his wrists for awhile. He chuckled lightly wondering if that was something he’d done purposely or something that Devin hadn’t even realized he would do. At the very least it wound up being far less of a pain than he expected from a cherry. Once he felt the hand through his hair he let himself lean into it.

“Hmm? Still feeling up to cuddling then?”

He was used to clients being in a rush to hit it and run, some others still would spend time playing up their fantasies of whatever it was they came looking for in the brothels. Its in noticing the minut differences that separated a decent worker from one who excelled. It was in the slightest changes of expression that one learned to push forwards or real back, and from what he was seeing either right now might spook his client into no return.

Well quite frankly if he was going to spook either way he’d prefer to get a little more of a buffer time to reel him back from just straight never returning. He rolled closer so that he could place one hand on the other’s chest in an attempt to ground him from whatever thoughts must be spinning through his head.

“Now, just what has you so lost in thought?”

Hiachi Ito
Puss Gets the Boot
West District
June 14, 2022 | Daytime
Matsuda, Tak, Kiwi, Hiachi, Yura
Puss Gets the Boot
Hiachi felt antsy. Restless. Like her body was trying to break out of her skin. She cracked her knuckles, and when she ran out of those, she went for her wrists and her neck. The elevator was empty and quiet, exempt from the hum of the machinery hauling her upwards. She tapped her roughed up shoe soles on the metal sidings in a rhythmic pattern.

It was a hot day. Hiachi had a hoodie on, because it was far too hot for her normal jacket.

It was good that Kiwi was hiring her again. This was a simple job and she had a personal score to settle with the owner of the convenience store. All she needed was his money and if they had to argue they had to argue, if it got violent it would get violent, and everything would be fine as long as it was simple.

She mentally checked her belongings again. Her phone, her gun, her keys, her wallet. She didn’t need much—this was the kind of stuff she brought on errands. Knowing that she was prepared calmed her nerves.

Hiachi’s track record with group work wasn’t great, but Kiwi didn’t need to know that. No one needed to know that. These were tigers that Kiwi knew, so it was likely that she wouldn’t know them.

But she was late. So much for a good first impression.


Hiachi knew her way to Kiwi’s office already. She walked down the hall before entering the room, trying to be discreet by not knocking or announcing her presence too loudly.

“Sorry I’m late—”

But she wasn’t met with what she expected. Because before her, Tak had arrived, and already started insulting strangers before they even made it to the scene of the job. The poor stranger, a man in a gas mask, looked confused and embarrassed.

She sighed before covering her face with both of her hands.

Ugh... Right. Hi Kiwi.”

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Devin Cena
ENP, East District
Pre-Arc 1
Devin, Jackson

For a brief moment, Devin had the audacity to look shocked. Though, it quickly faded just as it came, and a sad look filled in the gaps. It was ironic for him to latch and put meaning into something that ultimately meant nothing to the prostitute. What they did today was just another day for Song. With that frame in mind, wouldn't that mean that he got excited over nothing? His hand savored the last few seconds of Song's head before withdrawing it.

"I don't really expect to be understood or be accepted." The stutter had long since faded. After everything that had happened today, Devin figured that it would be ridiculous to feel nervous in front of Song. Shifting his body, he turned to look back at the ceiling. It was unfamiliar, just like his first time moving into the East District. It reminded him how truly isolated he was. "Though if you wanted to hear my answer, would it amuse you in some way?" A sigh left Devin as he looked anywhere except for Song's general direction.

"You see, I never really had that much attention as a child. My ill twin sister was the focus of our parents ever since we were young, which wasn't a surprise considering how sick she is." When was the last time he had seen her healthy? It was hard for Devin to recollect the times when he and she used to play together in the cold yard of the North. "Yet I always yearned for their attention but never received it." Whenever he did have their attention, it was always to help their sister whenever he was free. As her twin brother, he was expected to keep her company while the two of them worked to pay the bills.

"The time you spent with me, Song... It made me feel special." Embarrassing as that was. "Though to you, this is just another day of service, right?" It was all in his head. With the slightest show of intimacy, he felt over the moon. It was as if this shallow relationship meant the whole world to him. "I feel dumb for putting unnecessary emotions into this interaction. We were basically strangers before this as well, so doesn't that make me an idiot as well?" It was stupid. So, so stupid of him to see things that weren't there in the first place.

Song must have heard these types of things all the time. Some people were pathetic enough to cling to strangers and push their worries onto them. Devin was no different than them.

BriiAngelic BriiAngelic
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Hiachi Ito
Hide & Seek
East District
June 30th, 2022 | Daytime
Hiachi, Keith
Hide & Seek
Hiachi didn’t like being back in the East. She wasn’t near her parent’s house, but she was still on edge. She was back, but not as a child raised on eastern soil—as a parasite. Gathering information to tear down the pillar of a community.

She didn’t know why Camila sent her in the first place. This was the type of espionage that Hiachi wasn’t good at. Prying information out of other people. But a job was a job, and Hiachi knew that leaving it unfinished would bear far more consequences than just dealing with it, even if she took a while.

Today was the day Hiachi would try to talk to the people closest to the dragon she needed information on. After days of connecting the dots, she had narrowed it down to about three people. She had to think on how she would approach them, though. Trying to claim she was lost or that she needed a basic interview for a local publication probably wouldn’t do much for deep rooted secrets.

Hiachi looked up as she walked around the block. She needed to be moving to think, but she got lost in the overcast sky. It was dark, like a storm was approaching.

There was so much to think about, how could she focus on where she was going? It was about twenty minutes into her stroll when she actually realized she didn’t recognize the area she was in.

It was an empty street. She couldn’t see anyone around. It was one of the roads atop a hill, with one of those really long stairways to the bottom off the sidewalk. There were really big trees past the left side of the road, covered in rich emerald leaves. The East had always been beautiful.

Hiachi took a deep breath in. She wasn’t here to sightsee. She had to find her way back. She looked left and right before turning around, figuring that retracing her steps would bring her to where she needed to be.

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Nona-me Gregor
For Rest
Nona's Forest, East District
March 7 2020
Nona-me, Hifumi
For Rest

The truck shook as the last log was loaded on. It shook again as it was used as a jumping board onto the grass. “We’re done!”

Her father, a burly man, popped his head out of the truck’s window with his closed-eye smile. With a thumbs up, he returned to facing the wheel, and drove away.

The blazing sun hid beyond the edge of the clearing they stood in. The sky was a tranquil purple with orange hues highlighting the clouds. The breeze was warm.

Beads of sweat rolled down the girl’s face. Wiping them away, she turned to her friend she’d invited over for the day. “Whew! My apologies for having you help out through such a hot day. You must be burning!”

She took both of his hands into hers with the same smile as her dad’s. “You must join us for dinner! As a thank you.” Gesturing towards the direction of her home, she asked, “you remember how to get there from here, yes?” She let go of his hands and used her fingers as metronomes for an imaginary beat.

“A hop from the pond, a skip to the left, a jump too far will leave you bereft. Take a step backwards and walk right three, and home’ll be next to the Douglas-fir tree.”

She gave a slight chuckle, lowering her arms. The rhyme was completely useless, as she was going to lead her friend there herself anyway, but she loved to speak it.

BluEndings BluEndings
Hiachi Ito
Double Displacement
Unnamed High School, East District
Hiachi, Jackson
Double Displacement
What is he even talking about?

Another idiot? Misfortune of meeting? If he hated her so much, he should really let her go.

Well, now he was grabbing her backpack, so there wasn’t much she could do to escape other than abandon it. She kept that option on the back of her mind, but she didn’t feel like being locked out of her house.

What about her was so interesting to him, anyway? She was boring. She was weak. She did average in her schoolwork. Maybe that made it entertaining to get a reaction out of her.

She swallowed air as she took a moment to look at him directly. Clearly, trying to communicate that she wanted absolutely nothing to do with him wasn’t working. As painful as it was to try and meaningfully interact with the boy, she wasn’t getting anywhere by half-heartedly giving him responses.

Unfortunately, Hiachi can’t save face to save her life.

“What do you want? What's your problem?”

Kiwi Dior Bonheur
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Eminence, West District
Pre-Arc 1, August 1st 2021, Evening
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Kiwi wasn’t much of a big fan of the people, but it wasn’t much of a bother. When prompted, she sat down across from Sylvie, humming as he prepared to show the page.

She waved her hand away as a ‘no’ to his offer for champagne. “Not a drinker. Don’t suppose I can smoke, though, right?”

She was right, of course, as she got shut down. Very politely, at least. “Thas’ fine.”

She waited a few moments longer for him to bring up the website, and when he did…

Mistakes that only people without eyes could make were plastered all over the screen. Kiwi gave an incredulous look to the page, and then to him, until she’d realized that he was serious.

“Right.. Aight. Let’s, uhh… let’s start with color theory, right?” She reached over to point towards the screen, pointing out what to improve on and how. She always believed you had to teach a man to fish and all, and so that’s what she did. She would teach Sylvie to fish customers, with less fishing and more pretty colors, through the rest of the meeting.


As their consult neared the end, she thought that she might've made a fine acquaintance.

WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten
Kiwi Dior Bonheur
Post Arc 2
Sang-Cheol, Timothy [NPC], Kiwi
And another ping she got, as yet another notification asked for her attention on her laptop screen.

. . .

Okay, so, “Storks” was capitalized, so this has gotta be another organization, right?

No, but, “the stewards” wasn’t capitalized.

Kiwi doesn't capitalize anything herself, honestly, so does capitalization matter?

Well, still no clue what “the stewards” are, right?

But then what are the “Storks?”

Throughout her inner monologue, Kiwi’s face distorted into a look of confusion.

Though, she figured, you can’t really learn without asking.


Misuteeku Misuteeku
Kiwi Dior Bonheur
Puss Gets the Boot
West District
Post Arc 3 - 14th June 2022
Matsuda, Tak, Kiwi, Hiachi, Yura
Puss Gets the Boot
The heaviest gasp came from Kiwi as she shot up and reached out to grab as many papers that went flying as possible. With a handful in hand, she used them to wipe her face again. “Fuckin’..” she gave a shaky sigh, putting the loose papers away, “yeah. You better not ruin’ nothin’.”

She tapped the folder in front of her in response to Tak. “S’just a—” she got cut off by increasingly ridiculous scenarios, earning the man a blank stare from her.

Suddenly, he stopped, and she opened her mouth to speak again. Instead, however, Tak had continued to ask about the other man in the room. Like he wasn’t even there. Matsuda, rightfully, responded.

Kiwi tried yet a third time to speak, this time interrupted by the elevator dinging to signal its arrival. This time, it was Hiachi, who’d seemed to recognize Tak, what with her body language and all.

A moment of silence went by as Kiwi waited for anyone else to speak.

Once no one did, she snapped her fingers a few times. “Aight, all’a you— shuddafuckup,” she said, tracing an imaginary line connecting the three of them. “Matsu, that’s Hiachi, ‘n Tak.” She turned towards the latter two. “You two know each other? Don’t answer that. Hiachi, that’s Matsuda. You two might need gas masks, too. I dunno, I might have some.. Somewhere.”

“Now that introductions’re OVER, here’s what I got for y’all.”
She pushed the folder on her desk towards the group, opening it to a file on Yura Heo.

“S’simple. This guy’s”—she tapped the picture—“been holdin’ out on us Tigers. He ain’t been payin’ tha’ tax that’s been overdue for years.” She gave a weak smile, one of pride. Looking back over the file, she didn’t do half bad organizing the information. She thought her boss would be proud. “So, obviously, we gotta collect.

“He’s an HP, but we don’t got much on the specifics… ‘cept that it’s all cat related, or somethin’. Got some accounts on him doin’ cat things, n’ such. And rumors about him livin’ way too long, but that’s hearsay.”
The folder was picked up from the desk and handed over to the nearest person. “S’all in here.”

She moved away from her desk, grabbing her walking stick that leaned against it. “You all got that?”

Sei Shonagon Sei Shonagon miki miki thebigfella thebigfella Caffeine_Obsessed Caffeine_Obsessed
Shishido Takakazu
Puss Gets the Boot
West District
Post Arc 3 - 14th June 2022
Matsuda, Tak, Kiwi, Hiachi, Yura
Puss Gets the Boot

Expecting Kiwi to do the honors of introducing him to the gas-mask-wearing weirdo behind him, Tak expectantly looked at the older woman until he heard the seat shifting from behind him. His head moved slightly to peek over his shoulder at him, a half-frown on his face.

His introduction didn’t earn a reaction from the mangy brute, an awkward silence behind his chuckle and attempt to be casual with nicknames and such. Tak only blinked at him, still not bothering to turn and acknowledge him. It wasn’t until he tried to preach to Tak about proper manners and etiquette in an attempt to hold his own.

He stepped around to spin himself toward Matsuda, his hands in his pockets as he lazily glowered at the man, who was his senior. His shoulders slouched as he gazed past the glass of his gas mask to look at him dead in the eyes. He slowly slid a hand out of his pocket, raising it to point at his face.

“Don’t you think it’s rude to walk around with that thing on? You’re gonna make some people self-conscious about their B.O.! Be considerate of the low-wage workers through this building who can’t afford to shower every day, bastard. They got enough problems as it is! Don’t make me call H.R. for workplace harassment!” Tak chastised Matsuda as if he was making a personal attack against people for wearing his mask. All of this just because of his simple request for Tak to not treat him like an eyesore and like an actual person.

He could have easily continued this heckling, undisturbed because they were here for crucial business on Kiwi’s time; he would uncaringly waste much of it. But luckily for everyone, the sound of the opening door changed the situation's dynamic.

A familiar voice registered to him before he decided to swing his head around, his pointed finger limply dropping to his side as he witnessed who had just decided to make their entrance. His expression flattened back to neutrality, but a small glimmer of recognition shone in his pupils.

“Oh, Hibachi. You’re in this too?” He questioned nonchalantly, along with mispronouncing the woman’s name.

While his reaction to seeing her was slightly amicable in the thinnest terms of the word, Hibachi’s utterly transparent reaction to Tak’s presence turned his natural frown into a scowl, an annoyed smirk coming across his expression.

“Oi! Did I hear an ‘Ugh”!? You totally just went ‘Ugh’ upon seeing me, didn’t you?!” Tak badgered Hiachi about her reaction from the sidelines.

Before he could press further, Kiwi brought attention to her like a substitute teacher leading a classroom of rambunctious high schoolers. Her snap gained Tak’s attention, the man willingly shutting up for once to listen to her. Her brief introduction of everyone made things easier; Tak didn’t offer much input besides sticking a pinkie into his ear and digging around for wax as he was introduced to Matsuda. He was much more interested in hearing about the job, and luckily, Kiwi kept it brief.

“So…” Tak was the first to speak up after the briefing, a hand on his chin as he gazed at Kiwi, assessing the situation.

“... We’re beating him until he starts dropping koban like a kitty bank.” Tak summarized the job in the best way he understood, easily motivated violence. He nodded in understanding, “Sounds like a fun time; I’ve been lookin’ for an excuse to try fighting another H.P.,” He stated, the possibility of having a bout with another potential user making the job all the more tantalizing to him.

Though, while he was down for everything so far, something bothered him.

“A cat HP...I feel like I’ve seen one of those before….” Tak pondered, his eyes closed as his arms were crossed, looking as if he was in deep contemplation. Then, pursing his lips as he leaned back and forth, the gears turning in his head, “Was it that time I was at the pharmacy for cough syrup? ...Or maybe that time that I was involved in that bank robbery…Or maybe it was when I found the keys to Alantis at that fish market….” Tak mumbled to himself, trying to recount his memory, going from the mundane to nonsensical tales as he dug through his mind bank, clearly digging to nowhere.

Sei Shonagon Sei Shonagon miki miki Caffeine_Obsessed Caffeine_Obsessed gxxberkit gxxberkit
Sabrina Felton
The Yeye Home
The Yeye Home, East District (LittleLeaf zone)
June 5th, 2022 || Post-Arc 3, Timeskip 1
Meirin, Dyne, Isaiah, Devin, Sabrina, Jess, Ottilie
The Yeye Home

If the woman hadn’t grown into a giant, demonstrating her strength by removing the tree, Sabrina wouldn’t have recognized her as the green-dressed girl that decked Yumin during the pre-opening of Yumin’s restaurant on Valentines Day. As the giant had been spotted–on camera–escaping Central District once reports and pictures of the megaquake were released.

Such a small world they lived in.

Then again, ever since being chased out of the music industry, Sabrina found she much preferred a small world to a larger one. She didn’t need a mountain of fake fans that turned their backs on her as soon as a bit of fake news was released. If the Northern Stones hadn’t left the North District, if they hadn’t signed that contract, tasting a bit of financial wealth and glamor on the big stage, would they still be together? Would she be happier?

Those thoughts haunted Sabrina sometimes, hence why she’d come to prefer the familiarity of North District. Dangerous, impoverished, muddy, but also, where she started. Home. Certainly it didn’t have the shine of the West District (when she performed at Yu Min Cuisine) or the liveliness of the South District (when she attended Park’s concert), but it had its own charm. Besides, not all of the North District is as bad as Dodgetown. Royal Clairmore, where Valerie’s apartment resided, and where Sabrina currently stayed, wasn’t bad. Those that accumulated wealth in the North District were smart enough not to be obvious with it–lest they get mugged.

Sabrina’s eyes flickered to the line of trees that surrounded the Yeye Home. And now she was East, called to 'Dragon turf' to assist a friend Valerie–the director of Blue Hill Orphanage– met at some Central District Child Care Convention.

Sighing, the dark haired young woman bounced a baby in arms while another cried, strapped strapped to her back. She didn’t know who the new HP arrivals were–besides the giant-shifter?--but the small girl with the gothic lolita style clothes explained their intentions well enough. Dragons didn't help orphans, did they? Yumin’s lover (ex-lover?) seemed to know Mrs. Kigure as well. Watching the giant shrink, maneuvering her way into the orphanage through the broken 2nd floor window and start cleaning without even being told (or asked to), it was easy to conclude that the girl was a willful, impulsive, self-motivated sort. Then again, it certainly took a lot of impulsive will to send a rich heir flying at their own mother’s party. Sabrina smirked. Some of her companions followed. Others remained to assist with the kids–all 40 of them.

No, 41.

Glancing at the quiet kid the giant girl left with Mrs. Kigure, Sabrina rolled her eyes. East District sure had a lot of orphans. Then again, given the recent events, more was to be expected. At least Kouka Kigure had help in the form of the older kids. According to the file Valerie had given her prior to arriving in the East District, 10 of the 40 Yeye Home orphans were between the ages of 13 and 18, while the rest were 12 and below. In other words, 10 were unlikely to find themselves in new families unless they were special somehow.

Unless they were HPs.

Sabrina never actually read enough of the files to know which of the kiddies were NPs and which were HPs. She’d been too busy trying to find her way to the ‘Yeye Home’ through a damn, fuckin’ forest. Trees, trees, flower, trees. Residents of the East District seemed to do a lot to preserve nature and natural beauty, what with all the flower beds, fields, and farmlands, but the LittleLeaf zone seemed to take the cake with vegetation. Trees especially. If not for the kid that found her, Sabrina considered making things simple and just cutting the forest down.

Fortunately, there'd been no need.

After thanking the rich girl that called herself Jessamine Darkness for her generosity, Mrs. Kouka Kigure turned to Sabrina and the rest that chose to remain outside and do the difficult job of watching the kids. “I apologize for this and thank all for the assistance. We are indeed short-staffed.” Especially since the earthquake. “I’ll go to prepare lunch, which you are all welcome to join us for . I'd be on honor to feed such kind visitors. If you are keeping an eye on the children, please corral them all to the dinning hall once 12 o’clock hits. The older ones will help–they know the procedure.”

Valerie was paying her for all this after all.

Mrs. Kigure/Madame Kouka then proceeded to lead all the volunteers(?)--that wanted to help inside–through the front doors of the orphanage like a normal person. Not the window. Sabrina watched the matron go for a moment before returning her attention back to the yard where one of the HPs spouted a floral jungle gym from his back. Another arrived, drawing the attention of some of the younger kids.

Sabrina sighed.

“Back in line, Rugrats. I told you I’d teach you music, didn’t I?”

Handing the baby in her arms to a 14-year old girl huddled in a corner reading, Sabrina pick up her guitar, which she’d left against a fence. She sat herself on a bench in yard and started to strum, drawing away another section of the sea of children that surrounded the plant-boy. Fortunately, these children had the attention span of gnats and seemed to be easily entertained.

Meirin Azuza
The Yeye Home
The Yeye Home, East District (LittleLeaf zone)
June 5th, 2022 || Post-Arc 3, Timeskip 1
Meirin, Dyne, Isaiah, Devin, Sabrina, Jess, Ottilie
The Yeye Home

“Whoa, way cool, Dyne!”

Meirin stopped in her sweeping to watch the Countess make quick work of clearing the living room, dust, dirt, and debris gathering to the center; If she had such potential, cleaning would be a lot quicker. It also felt a little awkward hearing the older, more mature, beauty call her senior, but she didn’t feel the need to bring it up anymore than her initial assumption that Dyne didn’t didn’t really sully her hands with hard labor.

Glancing amusedly at the newbie Dragon that demanded to be led forth, Meirin replied. “The laundry room is down the hall,” where she’d dye the clothes of bullies that pissed her off enough, “the kitchen is on the first floor,” which she occasionally snuck food from. “and more cleaning supplies can be found in the restrooms. There are 5 of them scattered about, 2 on each floor and 1 connected to the matron’s room. ” As she spoke, Meirin found her memories of her old ‘home’ returning.

For some reason, they were happier memories than she’d thought they’d be…or rather, funnier.

“Pick whichever you think you’re best at,” Shrugging, Meirin opened a cabinet where she knew spare garbage bags were kept. She opted to clean because she knew she couldn’t cook. “Any help is good help. I don’t know what child’s birthday you’ve been to Jess, but I would’ve been very excited to see experienced HPs show up and perform tricks as a kid.”

It was only after joining the Azure Dragon gang that Meirin encountered more HPs like herself–HPs that were proud of their powers and used it for a purpose, despite the underlying political strife between HPs and NPs. HPs that didn’t much care about fitting in.

“By the way, Jess, I had no idea you were an orphan,” Meirin commented, pleased to find a connection with the rookie, despite the differences their lives had taken. Some orphans ended up in rich families. Some didn’t. Some didn’t end up in families at all and paved their own way in life. Regardless, their roads ended up connecting in the Azure Dragon gang. “You’re happier now, right? Does your family treat you well?”

Jun’s didn’t, despite the wealth she’d been briefly adopted into.

Damafaud Damafaud @Beann Lucem Lucem @Saturn_moon Misuteeku Misuteeku @simj26
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Hanji Fumikage
Joy Albedo
East District, Gealach Motel
Hanji, Kaiga, Yushui, Dyne [Open]
Joy Albedo
10:56 PM, April 10th, 2022. The night is dark, a heavy coverage of clouds covering the black, starless sky. A cold wind blows against the back of the Holy Sword, guiding his steps. He is in town, late at night, in search of an elusive book that caught his attention when it was reported missing by the owner of a local book store, Kami-Kami. Hanji found it much easier looking for lost objects later in the day; the later the better. The title of this book is 'Red Wings', a catalog of articles pertaining to supernatural occurrences, with reports originating from all countries of the world. He was told to visit the Gealach Motel, not far from the book store, and to expect trouble; it was an expensive book.

The sound of Hanji's meticulous footfalls are clearly audible on the nearly silent roads. His prosthesis grasps the handle of a leather briefcase, filled only with an assortment of handwritten notes regarding the wildly varing descriptions of the book's appearance. Tied behind his back is a wide, flat claymore, with a blade colored charcoal, loosely swaying in the wind, shadowing Hanji's gait. He enters the side streets of the sleeping eastern district, the faint glow of his still aflame cigarette and his flaxen eyes the only light for miles. He can clearly see the white letters suspended in the sky above the second story motel, just down this path. Gealach Motel. He found himself in the parking lot, surrounded on all sides by the structure, staring blankly at the red letters beneath the illuminating neon sign perched upon the second story roof. No Vacancy. He walks to the small office on the north side of the motel, walking inside, and ringing the service bell upon the reception desk, but, is answered by no one.

Exiting, and walking to the scaffold stairway, the entire place appears completely abandoned. No light; not from a single window. An eerie silence saturates the air. The stairs sound like they could give out at any moment as he scales them to the second floor, walking down the open air hallway that contains the motel's numerous bedrooms. Not a sound. A breeze causes the metal, barred guardrails to shake and rattle. 28... 29... room number 30. Looking down at the parking lot, he recalls a day in the distant past, so many years ago that it was too far back to remember. He had come to this motel to take refuge from loneliness. He had met a large raven, perched upon the guardrail, that incessantly called to him as if it was trying to communicate with him. He got goosebumps. An overwhelming feeling of bittersweet nostalgia washes over him as he faces the 30th bedroom's door.

He produces an aged key from a pocket in his jacket, a circular keychain dangling off it, with the same number as on the door etched upon it in thin letters. It produces a weak sound as he unlocks the door, twisting the doorknob. He didn't bother checking if it was locked. The door swings open with the slightest touch, and Hanji drops the key. His eyes grow wide with surprise, his pupils constricting to pinpricks. The room is empty, outlines of dust scattered around the room replace all of the furniture and appliances. Lying upon the floor, in the center of what could only be where the singular bed once was, is a feminine silhouette in an alluring pose.

The small amount of light that comes through the open door catches in her singular eye, radiant red, smiling. Her braided hair snakes behind her, draped over her hip. She didn't have to say anything. He already knew Kaiga Nisemon was the one who had waited for him.

“Oh... finally. It's my adorable Fumi-chan. I was almost certain you wouldn't show up; but... here you are. How's that arm?"

A sound like scraping metal and crashing waves pushes against the sound of her voice, a resonant reverberation. She frowns. Hanji's frame vanishes from the doorway, disappearing like a falling star in the distant skyline. The full moon shines blindingly bright through the door and into the room. The resulting force causes the air to nearly blow the door off it's hinges, opening wide, making him clearly visible in the air through and above the guardrails as he rapidly escapes at an unknowable speed, soaring. She slowly climbs to her feet, crossing her arms once standing.

“My. At the very least, his instincts are still razor sharp. And yet, here I am, just wanting a stupid conversation."

She takes her time exiting the room, picking up a sepia colored book with a bird wing on the cover that had been on the floor beside her, putting together her fingers once standing upon the concrete floor of the hall. The guardrails, as well as the relatively distant scaffold stairway, begin to vanish as if evaporating, flowing into Kaiga. She walks down the soon vanishing stairs without fear, taking a very noticeable portion of the metal and concrete with her as she leaves the now decrepit motel behind her, tailing Hanji at a leisurely pace.
Seaquill Seaquill Damafaud Damafaud
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Coolness as a Rule
HQ Parking Lot, North District
Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021 || Post Arc-2
Tri, Naomi
Coolness as a Rule
What are you supposed to do when a girl cry? Try say anything and they cry harder, stand still and it's the same. Hell he'd get blamed regardless for either 'making it worse' or 'not helping'. Tristan wiped sweat off his brows. Calm down, man. Not your fault this time. He forced a laugh. It felt awkward, that barreling bark.

"Nah, he'd be over it by tomorrow. Just relax, man. Last time I fetch him drunk he'd just purify me over and not else." And the next day he was sent off as a test subject for the Potential drug... but he shouldn't tell her that. Tristan turned back and smiled, best one he could, at Naomi.

"Don't over think it, man. Boss can be cruel, stupid, and fucking idiotic, and he's the type to do crazy shit like infiltrating Dragon's brothel or terrorizing a convention, but he's-"

Tristan froze. Someone had opened the passenger door. Tri, sitting back right where he was. He glanced at Tristan with a standard empty gaze.

"He's what?"

"He's- B-boss, weren't you leaving?"
Tristan stammered.

"Toilet," Tri answered with a blink. "I'm what?"

"You're uh. Nice...?"

Tri hummed, satisfied, from the way he had that businessman smile on again. He glanced at his watch. "We're out of time. Let's just go to the drowning and use the kiddie pool."

"Yes Boss."
Tristan started the car again, sweat running down his back. Thank fuck Tri didn't hear what he said at the start. Or...

"You're crying?" Tri asked suddenly, tilting his head at Naomi. From the rearview mirror, Tristan desperately blinked at her to not spill what he said about Tri before.

Tags: @tityanya
Ashley Hart
Get(ting) Help
Post Arc-3; 2 1/2 Weeks Later
Kiki's Eatery, South District
Ashley, Charlie, Gideon, Hector, Hitoshi, Kaede
Leaning back in his chair, Ashley ran a hand through his two-toned hair after Hector returned the question. "Same, I guess. Ain't been gettin' shit for sleep, though." He'd leave it at that.

Ever since the earthquake hit, he'd been out every night, riding through the streets in search of something he would never find. Whenever he closed his eyes, hoping his brain would finally shut off and grant him a moment of nothingness, he was haunted by ghosts and the guilt that accompanied them. Made restless by anger and regret, there was no way he could relax.

"But it's good to hear you're hangin' in there." Despite all the other stuff going through his head, he wouldn't let it wreck the celebration. Hitoshi was more important than all the bullshit.

When the waiter came around, it seemed like a good opportunity to change gears, so Ashley emptied his mind in favor of focusing on his stomach. "Pizza sounds good. I'll get one of those rustic Margheritas too."

After his order was taken, he turned his attention back to Charlie. After hearing how much his pal approved of the jacket, Ashley gave him a quick, friendly bump on the shoulder. "Always knew ya had good taste. If ya like that one so much, we'll have to get ya some more."

Still wearing a grin, Ashley looked at Gideon. "You too, Mocha. Could use some more style. I'll hook you up with somethin' nice once you're back on your feet. Somethin' to look forward to." It wasn't much, but he hoped it would be a nice little incentive for the villain to give the recovery process his all.

After spending a few moments trying to think of what would look good on Gideon, Ashley was eventually pulled out of the mental wardrobe by Kaede's question. "Just kinda drifted toward each other and clicked, I guess. Toshi's a good guy. Fun too. Always happy to have him around." It wasn't exactly a wild, impactful story, but Ashley meant what he said. That's why he was so glad to see Hitoshi making progress.

"What about you? How'd you two meet? Don't think I've seen ya around before." He assumed Kaede and Hitoshi must've gone way back, but that only made him more curious about where the older woman had been spending her time. Was she just really good at keeping to herself? She came to hang out, so probably not, right?

Sang-Cheol Man
Post Arc-2 |
Sang-Cheol, Timothy [NPC], Kiwi

There was a short pause before suddenly, a huge wall of text appeared on the screen.

Wym by Wym? Is it not obvious?

The Storks are behind everything. They have infiltrated our society and blended into our culture. We are under the belief that the Storks are behind everything. Think about. World Hunger and political assassination. Do you know what the causes of World Hunger are? Food scarcity and overpopulation. The Storks are violent schemers. They fly into woman's houses and forcefully hand them, children, all the while starting to grow cabbage babies all over the world. This not only generates more babies for them to give away, but it also steals the nutrients from the Earth, leaving other plant species to die and other mammals that rely on those plants to die along with them. With a lack of food and an overabundance of children, the state of World Hunger has worsened over the last century because of it. Many politicians have tried to fight against the hidden sect of Storks, but they always die. Tell me, when was the last mayor that wasn't fucking Ignatius Grant? He's been there all the fucking time! He made a deal with the Storks to get rid of all his opponents by feeding them an overabundance of cabbages. Do you know that when you take too many pills, you might overdose and die? It's like except with cabbages. Either way, not only are they perpetrating World Hunger and political assassination, but now they're performing dark arts with the group called the Stewards, that's going shake the entire world apart! Here! These are pictures taken by world journalists all over the world! You have to believe me!

Right now at the lab, Sang-Cheol was currently typing at the computer. Somehow in the process, the scientist gained tech literacy upon wanting to share information about the Storks and the Stewards. Timothy was off to the side, groaning as Sang-Cheol pushed him off his chair.

gxxberkit gxxberkit [/USER]
Jennifer Weber
The Tiger's Web
West District
Passeri, Jennifer, Ezra, Elias, Dagger
The Tiger's Web

Jennifer didn't think all that much when Passeri came to answer the door, still unaware of the fact the woman had taken up the role of Jack. In actual fact, Jennifer's lack of this knowledge actually worked in Passeri's favour. The reason being, Jennifer likely wouldn't have been all that pleased to find the queen of the PR department had beaten her to Jack and then, within the same week and given the circumstances asked for her help with a job. Indeed, the fact Jennifer was standing here and not blasting her way through Markus' door was very much thanks to her busy work schedule that had kept her out of the loop.

Regardless, Jennifer was here and followed along behind the new Jack as she led Jennifer deeper into the room. Taking note of everyone present as she entered, Jennifer quickly confirmed her suspicions. The task for the day did indeed seem to be an interrogation. An important one at that given both Dagger and Elias were present. She hadn't encountered Ezra before but given he was present, Jennifer could only conclude he was some sort of medic here to support Dagger in her work. Seeing them all assembled two things came to Jennifer as she took a seat. The first was a sense of pity for whoever was in the next room, and the second was a question. Why was she here if Dagger had already been called? A question that was soon answered by Passeri.

Jennifer had wondered why she had been asked to sit down, but by the time Passeri had shared the reason behind her invitation, such a thought no longer clouded her mind. Eyeing the spectral hounds and Dagger immediately thereafter. By sitting down Jennifer had placed herself at a disadvantage right away, that combined with her sleep deprivation and the enclosed space left her at Dagger's mercy right from the get-go. Any act of aggression on Jennifer's part was sure to end in her defeat. For now she had to remain calm. It wasn't as though they had harmed her father yet, and whatever trouble he had gotten himself into was likely to blow over with a little strong-arming and a few fat stacks. Besides, even if Dagger wasn't an issue and Jennifer felt she could take Passeri and Elias, Ezra was still an unknown variable. She had assumed he was a medic, but he very well could have been brought in to counter her HP.

Defeated, Jennifer decided to play along for now. Though very unhappy about it she refrained from taking any actions against the group that had ambushed her and kidnapped her father. Though her patience was very quickly running out as was very obviously displayed by her predatory gaze. Her HP was yet to be activated but even still her focus was steeled upon Dagger, clearly watching and waiting for any movement the woman might make for a weapon of her own.

Speaking in a calm and polite manner, Jennifer would answer the new Jack in kind "So, you mean to tell me that you've had my father for three whole days and I'm only finding out about it now?". The message Pesseri's eyes were meant to convey was lost on Jennifer given her focus on Dagger and her wolves, but regardless it seemed Passeri would be getting the peaceful resolution she had sought. "I'm sure my father is not sorry at all for whatever it is he's done. But I'll talk to him for you. What is it you want to know? What trouble did he cause?"

@simj26 @The One Eyed Bandit Lucem Lucem QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel @Saturn_moon Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Devin Cena
Yeye Home
The Yeye Home, East District (LittleLeaf zone)
June 5th, 2022 || Post-Arc 3, Timeskip 1
Meirin, Dyne, Isaiah, Devin, Sabrina, Ruriko, Jess, Ottilie
Yeye Home

"I'm tryyiiiing." Devin cried out to Meirin. Unfortunately for him, Meirin was probably out of earshot right now. It didn't help that a kid's foot was shoved up to his face. His sense was being stimulated by kicks and pulls. While George wasn't able to feel what he felt, Devin was able to feel what George felt whenever a kid pulled on the plant's vines. It was slightly uncomfortable, but it wasn't like Devin had enough willpower to tell the kids to stop.

Thankfully, some of the kids that were clambering on top of him noticed something else and ran towards that instead of him. While there were still some kids around, at least he wasn't getting stepped on in the face. A sigh of relief left Devin. He would have to thank the person that attracted the children away from him. Now he could finally have gathered his bearing and-

"Eat me! Eat me!"


Devin turned to see a little girl hopping up and down, trying to get George's attention. Unfortunately for Devin, George's attention was caught. The plant lowered itself to the girl's head and huffed. Before Devin could do anything, the girl's head disappeared into George's mouth. Devin's jaw dropped at sight. The plant host was surprised that he didn't scream externally, but he was screaming internally. 'GEORRRRRRRRRRRRGE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING???????'

The rookie could envision in. Meirin comes back and sees a recently headless girl. Out of rage and anger, she grows up and picks him up with her hand. She then proceeds to squeeze him like a rubberchicken until his head pops up. There was no coming from this. He was going to be executed at an orphanage in a place filled with kids. At the very least, he wanted to write a will before he died-

"EEEEEEEK! Ewwwww, now I smell bad." In the next instant, George re-opened his mouth, and the girl's head was miraculously intact. Her head was covered in saliva(?), but otherwise fine. Devin stood there in shock once again, but before he could say anything, more kids came up to him.

"Me next! Me Next!"

"Eat me! I wanna be eaten next!"

"Mr. Plant. I want to know if I taste good!"

Devin was never going to recover emotionally from this.

Damafaud Damafaud QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel @simj26 Lucem Lucem @Saturn_moon

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