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Fantasy New Oasis: Four Heavenly Kings — The B-Sides

Eustass "Purge" Finnegan
Trouble in Transit
West District; Within proximity of Tiger HQ...
Eustass, Samira
Eustass heard the voice and froze. His breath hitched; goosebumps raced up his arms, and he whirled around to face the unseen source. Down the alley, a long shadow was cast across the ground, stretching out from the left-hand intersecting vein, and splashed upon the right-hand wall, growing smaller with the sound of footsteps.

Eustass widened his stance, glare deepening.

I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. And the thought went on.

He waited for them to appear. And waited.

His heart thundered. Every muscle in his body was taut, every nerve knotted. He was prepared to pounce but the voice in his head screamed for him to turn and run, knuckles white on the hand that gripped his crowbar.

As she rounded the corner, Eustass sprang forth. He kicked off the wall and went airborne, crowbar trailing behind him as he closed in on the woman to strike.

She was unexpectedly beautiful.

Why’s she look like that?

Shame she had to die.
— —POST RECAP: Eustass attacks Samira on sight.

— —WEARING: No shirt, no shoes. Has on a pair of loose, black pants. (CLICK HERE)

— —WEAPON: Crowbar Saw (CLICK HERE)

(Interacting w/ Samira)
(Mentioned no one)
Beann Beann
Shishido Takakazu
CS Link
Getting Bigger Means You Get Worse At Hiding Small Things
North District
Pre Arc 1 || 2021
Tak, Nao ( tityanya tityanya )
Getting Bigger Means You Get Worse At Hiding Small Things

While Naomi stood beside him, utterly dumbfounded at the fact that he had come all this way, covered himself in trash, and sneaked around all for dirty magazines, Tak, on the contrary, was incredibly carefree about the situation, a finger in his nose as he looked entirely carefree about the circumstances, contrasting the lifeless look of the woman beside him.

“What the hell are you talkin’ about? ‘Tomes?’ They’re just pin-up mags,” He stated flatly, not offering any mystical or insane tangent about them as he pulled his finger out of his nose, blowing off the booger as he stuck his hands in his pockets, walking up to the vending machine.

His eyes squinted as he got up close, nodding as he perused the options. “Juicy Cuties…that’s an older edition, though. Milky Monthly? Meh, I’m more of an ass man.” He audibly reviewed each magazine, tilting his head to the side and bending his knees to lower his stance as he moved down until he eventually stopped. “Lace and Leather…?”

He went silent, closing his eyes in thought, slowly standing straight up, and sliding his hands back out of his pockets.

“I’ll take that one!” He loudly declared, his eyes shooting open to show his enlarged pupils, a blush spread across his face as steam visibly shot out from his nostrils.

Looking down at himself, he rapidly began to look around his person for his money, pulling out each of his pockets, looking down the neck of his shirt, and even diving to the ground to look under the vending machine.

When he finally returned to standing up straight, he stood there empty-handed. His eyes darted between his open palms, holding not a single coin or dollar, a small bead of sweat going down the left side of his face as he blinked with a nervous grin, fingers twitching.


His hands raised to his head as his eyes rolled into the back of his head, letting out a violent scream through his outstretched jaws, deep blue shading of despair going over his face.

He fell to his knees, palms hitting the ground as his head dipped in defeat in front of the vending machine.

“I forgot to bring an extra 5 dollars after paying for the map….”

With his realization, the power of his idiocy hung in the air for a solid minute, as not a single word was said.

Then, like a sad, lost puppy, with shimmering, quaking highlights in his enlarged pupils, Tak turned to Nao, sniffling.

“...Can I borrow 5 dollars?”
Shishido Takakazu
CS Link
Clad in Golden Dreams
West District
Post-Arc 3, Timeskip 1 | June 16th, 2022
Passeri, Ezra, Viss, Mark, Jess, Hiachi, Tak, Elias, Jesper
Clad in Golden Dreams

The messy-haired server strode through the faceless forms of pompous socialites and aristocrats with insouciant energy. His perception skimmed through the surroundings, never staying on one thing for too long as he tried to spot the recognizable features of black hair and worn-out eyes.

Amid his half-hearted search, his broad focus was in the perfect state to recognize the abrupt change in the climate. The warmth of the surroundings, insulated by the oversized mass pride and the liquid courage running through systems, unanticipatedly disappeared. A faint wind blew by, which caused your ears to redden and the hairs in your nose to stiffen. But instead, it hitched breaths, freezing the air in the lungs that people weren’t even aware they had, as their breathing became conscious for a second.

Tak’s eyes darted cautiously, his mouth hanging open slightly as his brain tried to understand what had virtually swapped the room to the other side of the equator. He didn’t have to spend much brain power to figure it out, his eyes latently following the trail paved by the gazes of the higher-class occupants.

All attention ended and began at one man, watching as he entered through the weighty doors blocking the hall from the rest of the world. A man whose expression was as still as a stopped heart, a glare that froze veins, and he was joined by a retinue that only signified his influence.

He could tell underneath their expensive and regal attire were hardened bodies built from years of conflict. Tak couldn’t help but follow them with a heedful gaze, a single thought going through his head.

“Who the hell is he?”

Unaware of the man’s status, he eventually could still his curiosity, looking away from the Tiger King and his posse to focus back on his original goal. To his benefit, the appearance of that intimidating figure had caused a shift in the masses, trying to shuffle away from the vicinity without bringing much attention to themselves.

Despite this, he didn’t see Hiachi anywhere. He crossed his arms in thought, a visible question mark appearing beside his head as he glanced upward. “Maybe she went to go shit.”

Tak stood there silently, processing that thought.

“...CHANCE!” Tak abruptly exclaimed internally, raising a clenched fist before his face as a sharp-tooth grin spread across his face. If Hiachi was gone from her post, many people were over where she was before who needed to be served!

Immediately, Tak decided to go for the guy who looked like he would have the most loaded pockets. A nicely tailored suit, gloves, and finely polished glasses. He was a good mark.

Tak slipped through the openings within the mob of people, b-lining it right for Denzou, skidding to a stop just before he crashed right into the man and his coworker.

“Yo! You look like a busy guy! Need me to do something for you? Grab a drink? Tell you where the bathroom is? Hit someone over the head with a bottle?” Tak offered his services to the man, cracking his knuckles like a thug rather than a server.

miki miki
A Lion's Pride
Post-Arc 3
The Tiger's Lair, West District
Mugen, Camila, Tak, Ryutaro, Welsha, Passeri, Dagger, Hiachi, Eustass
Mugen's dark eyes met wolf’s gaze. He stood still, his body like a coiled spring. The hum of the city outside seemed to fade as the rain intensified, its staccato rhythm echoing through the room.

Mugen's eyes flicked to the others in the room, the so-called Tigers, and then back. His eyes narrowed. Sometimes the deadliest weapon was the one that remained sheathed.

Mugen stood, his eyes steady, as Daiki mediated. His gaze, like a predator's, held weight. It never wavered.

With a slow, fluid motion, Mugen raised his hand and gestured for his comrades to stand down.

Dagger's gun, aimed at him. Her demand for a name. His comrades, tense and ready.

Mugen's lips parted, his voice a low rumble. His words, broken, like stones on a riverbed.

"Mugen," he said. His accent, thick and foreign, a taste of the East.

Rain pounded on the windows outside.

Next, Mugen observed the one who drew near, her words smooth like silk. She approached with a confidence, though he could smell her tension. He considered her, her painted nails, her extended hand. She was calculating, he knew. Yet, her offer, an olive branch.

Now, his gaze held hers, unflinching. The room around them, no longer a tinderbox, but the threat remained.

Her hand, an invitation for peace. Mugen's fingers, strong and hard, reached out. A brief touch, their agreement sealed.

Mugen's voice, low and clipped. "Park," he repeated. His pronunciation, clumsy but understood. He nodded.

The tension, a heavy fog, began to lift. Mugen remained, still guarded.

His eyes never left hers. In this concrete jungle, he would rise. With his pride beside him, Mugen would carve a path. And the Albino Tigers, they would learn.

Mugen broke the silence once again. His voice, low and steady, carried weight.

"I speak..." He moved ahead. He came to stand in the center of the wide open space. "To man in charge."

He gazed at every face around him.

They would come to understand the law of the jungle.

Struggle would be their teacher.

CS Link
A Lion's Pride
Post-Arc 3
The Tiger's Lair, West District
Mugen, Camila, Tak, Ryutaro, Welsha, Passeri, Dagger, Hiachi, Eustass

An elevator dinged nearby to signal its arrival, with the Tiger Queen stepping out shortly thereafter from its metallic doors. An intimidating force for many, now in the room with yet another displacing force. One could imagine a similarity between an unstoppable force and an immovable object, coming to a head. Rain pattered the windows, and lightning rumbled in the distance once again as Ryu took the moment to observe the room and its current atmosphere before turning his gaze to the newcomer that approached the Tigers in their own homefront. "You're speaking to him." Ryu replied assertively, looking directly at the upstart with an emotionless gaze. A tense moment passed between the two as they both exchanged wordless conversation.

Nothing needed to be uttered as the duo sparred with their own language, before Ryu walked off. He turned his gaze away as if Mugen wasn't worth the attention in the time being. "I see you got my invitation. And you've come all this way." He approached the nearby bar and poured himself a few ice cubes with some chilled whisky before turning about with glass in hand and lazily leaned back onto the countertop. "Now. Tell me, *why* are you here?"

A probing question. One to incite a response.
[Pre-Arc 3] 12th Bi-Annual Motor Competition!
Lower Central
Tak, YY, Corvo, Hiachi, Kanna, Dagger, Maria
12th Bi-Annual Motor Competition!
"Thanks for letting me come, YY ~" Corvo stepped out, looking among the crowds of people and bikes that filled the place. "I won't be in your hair for long, don't fret, I just have some business here to take care of." It was during these missions that Corvo felt right at ease. A highly public event, though brimming with opportunity. "See you ~" And like that, Corvo disappeared into the crowd.

She wasn't here for the drama of the race, nor to see who came out on top. A simple job had been given to her: to kill her mark.

"Your target is the infamous famous biker gang leader, 'Ghost.' He and his sycophant crew have made themselves a big nuisance, so we will send them a simple message. Kill their leader." The contract played out in her head as she looked around. "He is expected to turn up at the 12th Bi-Annual Motor Competition in Lower Central. There will be the prime place for the hit."

But right now, Corvo was just another visitor.

In the distance, she noted an empty motel overlooking the venue and the racetrack. In front of that, almost hidden by a wall and the sea of people, a medical banner for a triage center. Likely in case something tragic were to happen. Off to the side were the pit garages, only allowing workers, mechanics, and the drivers inside. Ghost's pit was somewhere along the line. Getting in there was a different story; a bridge yet to cross.

For now, she played the part of guest, wandering the venue with an eye for detail.

gxxberkit gxxberkit thebigfella thebigfella
Takakazu Shishido
CS Link
12th Bi-Annual Motor Competition!
Lower Central
April 22nd, 2022 || Pre-Arc 3
Tak, YY, Corvo, Hiachi, Kanna, Dagger, Maria
12th Bi-Annual Motor Competition!

The brute kept his cocky grin on his expression, not letting the fact that he was being ignored by everyone around get to him as he held himself, convinced he stood a chance with his shoddy scooter. His eyes glanced from left to right as a small bead of nervous sweat, narrowing as he took notice of the numerous high-end motorcycles, dirt bikes, and even the occasional ATV.

He was blinded by their glistening sheens, deafened by the crisp sounds of their engines breathing as their riders jostled them awake. These machines had millions of dollars put into them, impeccably maintained.

Yet, all he sat on was a rusty bit of machinery that was falling apart from age and his rampant misuse. It was such a massive gap that it was even starting to dawn on him that he didn’t stand a chance with his own vehicle.

Luckily, before he could go too far down that train of thought, a voice rose him from the spiral of self-reflection with the reiteration of his bold declaration of first place. His eyes opened wide as he turned his attention to the source of the voice. Dagger had approached Tak without him even noticing her, almost like she had appeared out of nowhere. A simple glance at her made it evident that she wasn’t an average person, the nearly lifeless stare in the single eye she had almost seemed like it peered right through him. With her skin pale, it was almost like she was a ghost standing right in front of him; it was almost unnerving.

“Eh? What’s it to you, cyclops?” Tak casually jeered at Dagger like it was the most normal thing in the world, sticking a pinkie in his nose as he was questioned about the name of his ride. Any semblance of caution he could have had towards her was thrown to the wind, along with any attempts to be cordial.

“I don’t got a name for it,” he bluntly admitted, patting his scooter and tilting his head backward, wearing a slight frown, "the only things worth naming in this world are the giant possums that live in your attic and the huge logs you leave in the toilet, idiot,” Tak explained his reasoning as if it was common knowledge, giving a dismissive wave of his hand as he did so. “The people who go around naming their cars and stuff just need to stick to tiny skateboards and transforming robots!” He proclaimed, denouncing such things as childish, as if he was above such behavior.

Immediately after talking so cockily, his head dipped low as a nervous sweat appeared on his brow, turning his head away from Dagger as he gritted his teeth. “Shit! I didn’t know it was common to name these things, damnit! Did I miss a memo in the mail!? What the hell do you even call one of these things!?” He internally fretted, thinking that the lack of a name could hurt his chances of success.

𝑵𝒂𝒐𝒎𝒊 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐
𝔸𝕤: 𝕆𝕞𝕚
I am here: Serpents HQ
With: Tri (sorta), Tristan
Scene: Coolness as a Rule
Time: Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021 || Post Arc-2

"You know once I start, I cannot help myself"

Naomi smiled as Tri let out a pleased hum about her liking anime. Yes, another victory in the bag! She listened intently as he explained the plot further, nodding along in understanding. "That honestly sounds super cool. I also love yandere main leads, so I'll definitely have to check it out!" Naomi said. She pulled out her phone, searching up the title so she knew where to watch it later, when she had free time.

When Tri gave her a clap for her anime girl voice, her face flushed a little. She hadn't entirely intended to do it like that, but she was glad that Tri liked it. But once the tacos arrived, everything seemed to fall apart. Naomi wasn't even exactly sure what she had done--laughed too hard? Tri's eyes narrowed, and a white flash encompassed the car. Naomi gasped as she felt Tri's power hit her--the harsh, sobering lights of sobriety and the sudden absence of the physical craving of some of the various drugs she was addicted to. It wasn't the first time she had felt Tri's power, and to be honest, it probably wouldn't be the last. But the suddenness of it caught her off-guard, as well as Tri's now very serious face. Tri took one of the chorizo tacos Naomi had been eyeing, clearly not interested in haggling with her over who got what. She grabbed the second chorizo as their driver got back in the car, and Tri told him to just go back. "What?" Naomi asked at the same time their driver said "yes?" Tri repeated himself, and their car backed out of the parking lot.

The silence, unlike before, was heavy. Naomi felt like she was drowning in it. The anxiety that the weed had kept away came crawling back, with a vengeance. Naomi could feel her palms sweating as she nibbled at the taco, her appetite suddenly gone. She had fucked up. She messed up the lesson and now Tri was mad and taking her back to the headquarters so he could tell her to go home. Tears threatened at Naomi's eyes, but she turned towards the window so Tri wouldn't see. She couldn't cry--that would be pathetic. Not cool at all.

They stopped at the headquarters, and Tri took a taco and just...dipped. Naomi couldn't tell if the sound of the door slamming actually happened, or if it was her frayed nerves. She put her taco down on the plate, and covered her eyes with her arm, leaning over and trying not to burst out sobbing in front of a stranger. She must have looked rather pathetic, because the driver spoke up, telling her how Tri was bitter about drugs not working on him. Great, so she directly made him mad. It was all her fault. She barely heard the rest of the driver's words, lost in her own misery as she was. Tri could have been way worse about what happened, Naomi knew that from personal experience. Her father probably would have slapped the shit out of her for less.

"S-should I go after him? Apologize? I w-wasn't supposed to still be high. I intended on being sober for the meeting. I nearly was, too," Naomi asked the driver, trying (but failing miserably) to minimize the sound of her sniffles. She fucked up really bad.​

((ooc: The synopsis of the anime reminds me of a show my mom was watching, Kevin Can Go F Himself, where the titular Kevin saw everything as a sitcom with goofy shenanigans, and his wife saw everything as a super serious drama (and she wanted to kill him) ))

Walkies ("Dog" Walkers Needed)
Post-Arc 3
Silva Residence, East District
Nero, Hiachi, Silva, Nicole, Renjiro, Ottilie
"Yo! In here. Come on in," Nero called back to the disembodied voice he recognized as Ottilie's. He hadn't seen her yet standing in the threshold, as at the same time Rocco had just made a conspiratorial string of trills in his ear. "Huh... Good to know." He muttered back before raising his head in time to catch his first glimpse of their latest arrival.

His mouth moved faster than his brain could process what his eyes were seeing. "Ay, glad you could make i—" Nero snapped his lips shut. It took him a concerted effort to not burst out laughing at the sight of Ottilie, decked out in a hazmat suit like some kind of sci-fi movie extra.

"Sheesh, dude! You didn't have to go all out like that, you know? Although, not gonna lie, you low-key look badass in that shit." He gave her another long once-over, eyebrow cocked with depleting disbelief. On second thought, it may not have even been, technically, the worst choice of attire. After all, even though he didn't want to admit it, his constructs had begun acting more... Erratic, lately. And they had already melted a few things in the neighborhood, so...

When Renjiro announced he felt under-dressed, Nero was quick to reassure him. "Nah, nah. You're good." Ottilie was just being extra, as per usual. But, hey! He didn't hate it. Not one bit.

As the last member of their quartet sauntered onto the scene, Nero—hearing his brother approaching before he saw him—was quick to reassure him, too. He held his hands up placatingly, nearly knocking Rocco off balance in the process, who elicited several flustered clacks in his ear. Wincing, he said, "Chill, bro, chill. These're my friends. They're gonna help out with the li'l buddies."

As if on cue, Luvi and Grio appeared, floating together on an afternoon breeze that whispered in through the open window overlooking the garden. The pair of them tumbled weightlessly end-over-end through the air overhead, calmly playing to the sound of various clicks, trills, chirps, and beeps.

And then there was Marisa. Nero had honestly forgotten she was there, sitting mutely in the loveseat positioned opposite the couch. Marisa had been searching for a job to help save up for college, and when she saw the dog walker ad, she thought it was the perfect opportunity. The benefit of hindsight...

Finally, she spoke up.

"But... Where are the dogs?"

Ice Breakers
New Oasis Police Department Floor 2 Break Room, Central District
Post Arc 3 || June 25th, 2022
Sebastian, Chikage, Kyoden, Jean, Tatsuo, Yelena, Inigo, Eric
Tatsuo was not there when the raid took place, but the aftermath was still felt by her and everyone else. The lingering sense of loss and quiet grieving; flowers laid on co-workers' desks, untouched since that day; the mantle she took of informing the families of the deceased. It was her duty to ease the pain, but there was only so much to do when the pain could be felt everywhere...

When the ice breaker event was brought up, Tatsuo jumped at the chance. To her, it was the beginning of a return to normalcy.

After entering the room with her peers, she marveled like a small child at the set-up of assorted snacks and the magic hat. She nodded to Sebsatian's greeting, looking at each thing he mentioned from the snacks (again) to the slips of paper. Tatsuo helped herself to a bag of potato chips and one of the papers.

"Something embarrassing..." A memory immediately came to mind, making her wince at the memory. She jotted it down regardless.

Tatsuo dropped it into the hat, then turned to the organizer. "Thank you so much for doing this, Sebastian. Tragic as the raid is, the best we can do is to look forward and appreciate the little things, so even something as simple as this is so lovely. And, I'm glad to see others trying to help. To me, it's a reminder that we're all in this together." The Miko finished her statement with her usual, warm smile.

Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean Beann Beann Sei Shonagon Sei Shonagon AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Elenion Aura Elenion Aura @simj26 Roda the Red Roda the Red
Kaede Shimokōbe
Jingle Bells, Jingle Hell
The Metropolitan Museum, Central district (?)
December 26th 2013
Hector Moses, Kaede Shimokōbe
Jingle Bells, Jingle Hell.
Kaede swirled the champagne around in the glass and her mind swirled along with it. The concoction of the two formed a blurry picture of brown eyes that appeared unable to focus. “Mr. Johanssen sure pulled out all the stops for this fundraiser.” The circle of suited guests sipped on their champagne. The carefully smithed golden rings and brand logos trumpeted wealth upon smooth hands and brooches. “You’d think that he would like to be home with the family on a day like this. He’s truly a hard worker.” Another woman followed up. Kaede peered up at the woman “He has a family?”.

None of her scouting had informed her of anything of the like. The things she had learnt about him were scarce and even more so when it came to his personal life. He was good at keeping things hidden, which was not very strange considering his second profession. The woman turned to her “Not that anyone knows of, but it would be strange if he didn’t. I mean he’s a catch. By the way, what did you say you worked with again?”.

A familiar back moved through the crowd a few heads away. “Architecture. Excuse me gentlemen and ladies. I think I should pay my respects to the host.” Kaede raised her glass and nodded it towards the Director that had appeared as if summoned by their gossip. She turned on her heel and a sigh was expelled the second the mask slipped. You wouldn’t recognise hard work if it as much as hit you in the face. The brunette quickly ripped it up again by the time she sidled up to Mr. Johanssen.

“Director. I must give my congratulations on hosting such a successful gathering. It is commendable what you’ve managed to arrange.” Blue eyes performed a once over of her generous smile and figure. Johanssen, who was of german descent, flashed a small grin that pushed sculpted cheekbones to jut. “Thank you. It’s heartwarming to see that so many still appreciate the arts.” A prolonged pause followed as he studied her, presumably in an attempt to ascertain what category of guests she belonged to.

“Are you also in the arts…?”

“Not exactly. I’m not a practitioner, but rather someone who studies it. Architecture. I admire the roman design of the museum, by the way. Is it travertine white limestone?”

His smile dimmed on the exhale of an attentive ‘ah’. “Indeed.” He extended his hand “Johanssen, but you already knew that”.

“Mary Sue.”

Kaede grabbed his hand and shook it. “So where’s your date?” He glanced over her shoulder and she started. The generous smile thinned out to a tight-lipped one. “My date?”” She repeated. “Yeah, the gentleman you arrived with.” The blood was slowly draining from her face. Why was he asking about Hector? Had he done something stupid to earn the ire of the Director already? Kaede cleared her throat, “I must’ve lost him while we spun around mingling. It’s quite easy to lose track of each other in this crowd”.

The Director suddenly seized her hand and put it on his outstretched elbow “Then let’s find him, shall we? I was looking forward to meeting the both of you.”

? ?? ? ?

Did he know why they were there? Had they failed the mission already?

Outfit x
WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten
Jeanette Cattanach
New Oasis Police Department Floor 2 Break Room, Central District
Post Arc 3 || June 25th, 2022
Sebastian, Chikage, Kyoden, Jean, Tatsuo, Yelena, Inigo, Eric
The past month had been chaos. The attack on HQ, the fall of central and the destruction that had ploughed through it came with a lot of cleaning up to do. Searching the rubble for survivors, taping off unsafe areas and last but not least, paperwork in the form of an increase of reported crime. Paperwork had occupied most of her work hours these past couple of days, not to mention, even the days before the events in Central.

She could’ve helped arrest the criminals on the spot if she had been there. She could’ve made a difference. Instead, Jean had been stuck behind a desk, sorting through and archiving reports of theft and vandalism that the unit couldn’t spare resources to investigate. The stapler had endured a lot of hard blows during that time. CLICK. And the thin metal hooks had pierced the papers in an imitation of her clenched jaws. Jean had gritted her teeth and worked on.

She wasn’t surprised that she had been assigned to the more mundane tasks. She was new and the transfer to NOPD was somewhat of an oddity that had followed in the wake of her performance at the Zoo incident. An oddity much like her current presence, still in work uniform, in the midst of pizza cartons and other delectables meant to distract from the weighty reality. Jean gazed down at the paper note in her hands, not quite the report she was used to filling out but a task nonetheless.

Stiff-jointed arms picked up a pen and put it on the blank page. Senior officer Se had instructed her to write something down so she couldn’t very well refuse. The ballpoint pressed a dot onto the surface and broke the white monotony. Then it hovered closely again much like her brows that caved down onto eyes. What if her note furthered the idea that she was incompetent and not to trust? Green eyes bored into the paper and tried to read the future on the woven fibres. But wasn’t disobeying superiors more of a deal breaker than possibly revealing a mishap?

The pen scribbled across the note that was then securely folded to perfectly even corners. She dropped it into the hat with a nod. It was a necessary team-building activity, she told herself. This was all for the purpose of working more effectively. Even if it meant working with her old academic rival that spearheaded the current operation "Senior Iori is correct. We need to stick together and work closer than ever in the aftermath of these events to compensate for our losses. The burden should be shared equally over the districts".

Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean Beann Beann AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Elenion Aura Elenion Aura @simj26 Roda the Red Roda the Red
Passeri Park
The Idol Fanclub Trials
Pre-Arc 2
Highreach, West District
Shishido Takakazu, Passeri Park
The Idol Fanclub Trials
What did he want help with? Killing her? Or was that off of the table now?

It was with mounting incredulity that Passeri spectated the fanboy quartet's skit-turned-reality. It begged belief. The double life that she led, she'd thought, had prepared her for any manner of strangehood, but she'd clearly been mistaken. She quirked an eyebrow at Scruffy's offering, and spared a moment to consider if she, really, really was about to get involved in this.

"I can respect that!" Passeri removed Scruffy from the table, again, and offered him a brief, conspiratorial wink before she addressing the man who fancied himself the commander-in-chief of this merry band. She wasn't even lying, either. While she did consider his dedication to her to be, frankly, as ridiculous as it was flattering, she couldn't admonish the spirit of it. Celebrity worship was something interwoven into the very fabric of fame, and being an idol, even a former one, meant being an object of it. To go against an object of worship took something special. A true, burning passion that was rarely seen, especially in the heartbreaker city that was New Oasis.

It was just a shame that he hadn't chosen, say, curing a terminal illness or some other higher calling to be the subject of that passion.

Oh well.

"But let's keep this civil, okay? Today's supposed to be a nice day for everyone involved, and I'd like to keep it that way." She'd already had enough of her events spoiled since her return to the city. She didn't need this one going the same way because of some overzealous fans. "In fact, if you'd let me impose a tad, what do you say that I play a judge? Nobody knows me better than me, after all! What's say you and I judge, and your boys can be the one to put him through the ringer? That'd be one test each!"

Her best smile on her face, Passeri removed herself from her place, and approached the Fanboy King.

"What do you say, deal?" She offered him her hand. That was a bargain, considering why they were here. His five minutes hadn't even started yet. "Put 'er there, and we can get this started!"

Elias Yumin
Clad in Golden Dreams
June 16th, 2022 | Post Arc 3, TimeSkip 1
West District
Passeri, Ezra, Viss, Mark, Jess, Hiachi, Tak, Elias, Jesper
Clad in Golden Dreams

Elias felt the potential that heralded the Cold King’s arrival even before the Cold King made his entrance, violet eyes flickering over to the double doors in amusement.

For all his sullen personality at parties, Weiss certainly had a flair for drama.

As the ornate double doors swung open and Markus Weiss entered the room in a manner that practically screamed mafia, drawing many eyes and murmurs in his direction, Elias couldn’t deny that the Tiger King had an odd sort of charisma about him. It was a different sort of magnetism than what Passeri Park–New Oasis’s star idol–exuded, her likability and charm drawing people to her like moths to a flame. Pretty much the opposite, it pushed people away, yet it demanded attention all the same. Like a king assured of his own superiority or an actor that knew the stage was his, Elias supposed it was the intensity of his presence. From the way he walked as if he owned the place, to his small army of thugs in suits, to the way his cold eyes indifferently swept the room, Weiss radiated an aura of wealth, power, and danger that called to other like-minded individuals. An aura that sent a clear message–I’m rich, I’m powerful, I’m important, approach only if you dare; Confidence was attractive. Magnetic even.

Arrogance was not.

Weiss didn’t seem very comfortable in formal wear either, though the stone-faced expression could mean many things.

Chuckling as the person Elias currently shook hands with turned away, avoiding eye contact with the Tiger King that swept by, the Yumin heir subtly raised his glass in greeting before returning his attention to Nex Corp’s marketing director. A sympathetic smile. Reassuring pats and words that reminded him the Knights were powerful and likely had things under control; No one was getting iced tonight. Probably. Unless they lived under a rock, everyone in the West District knew who the leader of the Albino Tiger gang, the “kingpin” of their home district (at least for the last 4 years), was. His (shady) wealth. The (icy) power he flaunted. His arrival with his entourage was at least entertaining to watch–a nice bit of shake up from a relatively uneventful gala.

Elias’s evening had been, sadly, no different from any other work event he attended. Lihua still hadn’t returned so he occupied his time by identifying Tigers and watching them work. Occasionally, those who recognized the young heir and CFO of Yumin Entertainment would come to greet him, exchange brief–or extended–pleasantries, then leave to locate someone else they knew. A non-ending cycle of how wealthy people networked. Not that networking was limited to wealthy people. All those who understood business networked.

Weiss understood networking, didn’t he?

Then again, perhaps the Tiger King was already satisfied with his circle of underhanded friends. Perhaps he felt associating with minnows was all just beneath him. Elias wouldn’t know. His potential read memories, not the full mind. Not that Elias would use his potential willy nilly on someone who already knew what he could do anyway. The HP mind was complex–more resistant to outside influences. The NP mind, less so. Elias wasn’t in the market of making enemies unless he could help it, least of all with gangsters…which he himself was one. Sort of. Throwing one’s lot fully into an unstable basket wasn’t his style.

Champagne flute swirling in his hand, Elias rolled a mental dice in his mind.

The Park-Knight-Argyris table.

The Tiger King’s table.

The obviously underdressed server/Tiger rookie that seemed to struggle in his attempts to squeeze donations from guests.

The server/Tiger rookie had ducked under a table.

Since Lihua didn’t seem to be returning anytime soon, Elias saw no reason to remain in his current seat. Date and charity aside, he’d also come to help his fellow Tigers with the donation milking, after all. Passeri seemed to have everything in control on her end. Weiss had his posse, each order of food/alcohol he made adding to Central rebuilding funds (supposedly). The messy haired one had beelined his way to another well groomed target. That left…

Finishing his half-filled glass of champagne, Elias set the flute down before strolling his way to an empty table, well-maintained fingers drumming casually against the white-clothed top. “Are you lost?”

His eyes didn’t give away her location, though the amusement in his tone as he addressed her was clear. “Would you care for some help?”

He could think of several reasons why a server would hide under the table from overwork to chancing upon a former Ex at a party. In fact, it happened to him just a couple of months ago at a certain restaurant’s pre-opening so he could relate. He was short of a date as well. That said, if she preferred her current hiding spot, he’d leave her to it; Maybe bring her some food or something. It'd be the gentlemanly thing to do.

His eyes were busy watching a fellow rookie accost the gloved man in a three-piece suit anyway. Shakedowns were a very tiger-esque style. That said, doing it so obviously would scare away the rest of the donors. Smarter would be to, at least, drag them to the restroom before beating them up for money. Though, whether a fight broke out in the gala or not, Elias found the party a little more entertaining all the same; Tigers really were so very amusing.

Slav Slav @Lucem Elenion Aura Elenion Aura The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit miki miki thebigfella thebigfella @simj26 AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa
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Carry On My Wayward Son
Feralia Art Gallery, Central District
Charlie, Christina, Hector, Milo
Carry On My Wayward Son
Christina listened as Charlie spoke, taking note of how surprisingly upbeat he was, before glancing over as Milo began to ramble a bit about the art he was looking at. The level of detail he went into reminded Christina of her mother, who would go on and on about topics that she happened to be interested in. Though she wasn't the type to genuinely care if you were into it too or not. Her mother just liked to hear herself speak often, a side-effect of pining to be the center of attention when she walked in the room. She wondered where exactly her mom was, now, recalling the woman had left for New Oasis back during Christina's pre-teen years. Something about broadening her horizons after separating from Christina's father.

Maybe she'd run into her someday? She'd tell her a head-full about herself whenever that happened.

Christina nodded along as Milo spoke, offering a smile as he continued to explain the piece to the pair on the bench. But soon Christina's attention was drawn to the heavy stomping off boots. An intruder?

As her head snapped about, hair scattering about her shoulders and her bangs waving gently in her face, she noticed it was someone a bit more friendly. Hector. Charlie's demeanor seemed to shift a bit, as Hector finally arrived in their presence. Something Christina caught as she glanced to the blue-haired boy next to her. What was the deal with those two? Did Hector have that much of a sheer presence?

After a few words were sent in Charlie's direction, and he replied, Christina spoke. "Yeah, breakfast sounds nice. I honestly could go for one of those three-egg omelettes. Been a while since I had one." she commented in regards to Charlie's breakfast option. Her father used to make a killer omelette. A small thing she missed about him. "Toss in some bits of ham and cheese, and its just divine."

Then Hector directed his attention to Christina.

"Whenever I can. I'm still trying to get used to things down South, so half my time has been generally just learning where everything and everyone is. I'm also apartment hunting. Hotel life ain't as cracked up as some make it out to be." she responded, with a gentle nod. "I'll find something soon enough, though, and get used to things. Easy enough."
Walkies ("Dog" Walkers Needed)
Silva Residence, East District
Nero, Hiachi, Silva, Nicole, Renjiro, Ottilie
Nicole had always loved animals, really. Almost as much as she loved being around people. Really, animals were almost like people to her. Each had a personality of its own. Wants and needs. Things to talk about, things to do. They just had shorter attention spans, though really that was debatable when it came to certain people.

Dog walking was something she didn't do all that often, though. Her own dog, a rottweiler puppy, was too small to actually walk around and was still being house broken. That didn't mean she was a rookie at it, though, after having two other dogs before this one. So she was perfect for this job. And she had some free time, too! It was one of her days off from work, her mind free from the hectic life of a paramedic for the local ambulance company.

She didn't need the job. Her family was pretty rich, and in good with the Azure Dragons, so she was well off. She liked helping people, though, and that seemed like the best way for her to do so. Especially because she could also use her potential to help in times of crisis, like during the earthquake in Central. That was just... a horrific mess all the way around.

The cherry red Porche pulled up to the curb outside Silva residence, Nicole not wanting to occupy a space in their driveway in case someone decided they needed to pull in. The radio, which had been blaring some old pop songs from the 80s, was switched off, and soon Nicole climbed out of the vehicle. She looked about, her red eyes darting here and there as she brushed her blonde bangs to the side.

This was her first time actually coming to the Silva residence, but she had actually passed by it a few times while on an ambulance. Seemed like a nice place, really. She moved about the car, rounding the rear, and walked up the driveway. A smile on her face as she continued to look about.

Wonder if any others showed up? It seemed like a nice, relaxing sort of job. Easy money for those that needed it.
Trouble in Transit
West District
Eustass & Samira
His heartbeat was loud. Was he really that terrified of a short woman in heels? Given his file information, she wasn’t expecting him to answer back but she was a little bit surprised at his sudden movement. The sound of bare feet scraping against the dirty ground and wall as he lunged out at her as if he was some vigilante in a movie. For a brief moment, she stood in place, looking up at the feral boy. This wasn’t the first time Samira had to evaluate fresh rookies but this was certainly the first time one of them attempted to attack her on sight.

She smiled in amusement, sidestepping just enough to evade his lunge before reaching out to grab hold of the other end of his crowbar. Samira intended to snatch the improvised weapon out of his hand but he had a surprisingly tight grip on it so she ended up yanking the young rookie towards her. With her free hand, she smacked the top of his head, not too hard but enough to warrant a wince. “Attacking the Ace does not look good either, Eustass.” Samira relaxed a bit more but kept her grip on his weapon to prevent him from attacking with it.

“Now, I’d be happy to act big and scary like Mugen or you can let me dress and feed you so you don’t look like a homeless buffoon when you represent the Tigers. Your call.”

Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean
Back in the Game
Post-Arc 3, July 5 2022
Boustan [A metropolis about a four hour drive from New Oasis]
Charlie, Hitoshi, Milo
Back in the Game
It had been a pretty long while since Charlie was particularly excited about a new gig. Aside from the occasional bigger job, most of the rookie's recurring work was the usual sitting or around for hours, as well as beating attackers or intruders every now and then, but Hitoshi, his superior as well as dear friend, for a change gave him an offer that filled him with glee. In reality, the task at hand wasn't exactly out of the ordinary, playing bodyguard for some rich kid, but that wasn't the exciting aspect at all.

Happily seating on the back seat of the car, Charlie was happily in charge of managing the snacks during the trio's short roadtrip, he didn't even mind having to be awake that early in the morning. What made Charlie excited was the fac that they were heading to another city! Truth was that, outside of a few vacations to foreign countries during his childhood and early teens, he had ony really traveled outside of New Oasis about a couple times at most. It was, after all, a huge city that, despite the never-ending dangers approaching at every corner, the mega city offered anything that its civilians could ever possibly want, you could even say that something made New Oasis a place simply hard to leave, for better or (more likely) for worse.

The three of them waited outside of the arranged location, a capital F fancy apartment skyrise, dwarfing all other buildings in its vicinity. Admitedly, Charlie didn't care much about the rich people coming and going, staring at the phoenixes with disdain and airs of superiority. He was on the other side in the past, and knew how frail their egos truly were, that behind their smiles and firm handshakes lied nothing but insecurity and a neverending hunger, how could he forget, he was "raised" by a prime example of such, after all. He was sitting next to Milo on a fancy sidewalk railing, scrolling through funny internet pictures, occasionally showing some of them to his fellow rookie, he would show them to Hitoshi as well but...Unfortunately he would not get this sort of strange humor, trailblazed by the terminally online.

Charlie raised his gaze at Hitoshi's words. "Do you know how young our target is? I did have to work for a very similar job around a year ago, but the girl was a young adult...She sure was a handful though!"

CS Link
Beginner's Guide To Housekeeping
Pre-Arc 1 - Dusk, August 2019
Near the North-Central Major Bridge, Upper Central
Hector, Yukari
Omi, Paris, Takaonna

A crash followed by a near miss. Traffic was now blocked, and the cars waiting to pass through the action were now growing impatient. Hector already had his phone out, tapping it a few times before shoving it back into a pocket. Quickly it rang back at him, but the call went ignored. Those on the other line would know what to do.


He yelled back at the protesting voices, finding their boldness odd. Gang activity was rampant enough where if you saw three obvious HPs in a standoff, one throwing cars, you’d know not to get involved in that mess. Some fed-up, and incredibly stupid civilians might yell like that, but they usually didn’t fare well. Hector was suspicious, especially as they’d crossed the bridge around the same time the monster did.

“Hey, backups on their way.” He lowered his voice to speak to Yukari. ”Glad you ain’t chickened out on me. Ready to take this thing on?” Without waiting for a response, Hector looked back up at Takaonna.

”LAST CHANCE TO GO CRAWLING BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM.” His sword glimmered as he moved it under the streetlights.

Reaching The Heavens From Hell
Pre Arc-3
West District
Sylvie Slezák, Shishido Takakazu
Reaching The Heavens From Hell
Sylvie smiled at him but rolled his eyes as Tak turned away. Raking in the dough, raking in the dough. All talk, isn’t he? He smiled again, feeling like his thoughts had been fully confirmed.

“50 dollars, and that is what you call splurging? I know a restaurant on uh..” He clicked his fingers as he tried to recall. “Aitken Avenue? 50 dollars would barely get you a starter there. Great place though, my partner takes me there.” Sylvie hoped that anecdote would be sufficient in displaying the wealth disparity between them, but decided to elaborate as he had been asked.

“Look at me, and take a guess on how much money I have.” He gestured down at his expensive clothes, a bit of his drink sloshing onto his fingers in the process. Whoops. “I think, so that it is not a completely unfair fight, I will play with less today. 200 dollars.” For a moment he was doing too much math in his head to determine just how much he could play with. All the loans swirled around in his head rather menacingly, looming over him. He was doing himself a favour more than he was helping out Tak.

“Where will you go to rake in the dough then? I am curious”

Osamu and Mina's Party Bash
September 25th, 2021 | Post Arc-1
Somebody's crib
August, Elias, Matsuda, Minato, Osamu, Sylvie

“Interesting, we can keep this to ourselves, don’t worry.”

Sylvie’s voice lowered, smiling. Whether he could hold up his end of any transaction or not, he loved this feeling. He felt like he had earned something valuable before they had even done anything. Minato’s enthusiasm was contagious. “Can I get your number?”

He looked around at the party once more, and back to Minato. “Anything on offer tonight? Something tangible, that is. I’m sure we can sort other deals out another time.”

Shishido Takakazu
CS Link
The Idol Fanclub Trials (Pre-Arc 2)
Highreach, West District
Shishido Takakazu, Passeri Park ( The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit )
The Idol Fanclub Trials

Promptly removed from the table by the idol, Tak stumbled to the side as the focus was ripped away, Passeri deciding it best to directly talk to the leader of the ridiculous band of fools. The wink she gave him wasn’t missed by the messy-haired hooligan, the worry on his face dissipating as he nodded, keeping quiet as he let her work the magic.

Captain Hapori’s attention turned away from Tak to focus on Passeri; with his respect for the former idol, hearing from HER that she respected his staunch devotion was remarkable, even though he didn’t show it.

“Hey, captain, you’re thrilled, aren’t you?”

Suddenly, Manyard appeared beside him, bumping him with his elbow as he wore a sly grin. Hapori didn’t respond, but his furrowed brows twitched.

“Look! Look! He’s totally stiff trying to act all cool!”

Camelo was the next to torment the captain, repeatedly and loudly slapping him on his back as he smirked and laughed at the man’s expense. Finally, the captain’s expression worsened considerably; his eyes closed as a bead of sweat appeared on the side of his head, and he was now frowning.

“C’mon, captain! Smile! Hey! Hey! Smile!”

The final member of the gang, bald-headed as ever, rose from behind his captain, jabbing his fingers into the corners of the man’s mouth and trying to force a smile out of the captain. At that moment, a looming shadow draped over the redhead’s eyes.


The scene returned to show the trio bruised and battered, laying on the ground in a pile as steam came from the enormous lumps bulging right red on their heads, eyes rolled into the back of their skulls.

The captain cleared his throat with a balled fist, finally regaining composure and giving Passeri his full attention again. The offer to judge was tantalizing; no, it was downright captivating. Being offered such a possibility by such a well-known celebrity was fantastic. Undoubtedly, if the rest of his men weren’t currently recovering from his beat-down, they’d be frothing at the mouth.

As the ex-idol approached, the captain had already made up his mind and, as such, didn’t hesitate to extend his own hand towards her, firmly shaking it. “Having you judge the trials would be an honor. I accept.” he was short and to the point, promptly letting go of the idol’s hand afterward. Again, it was the trained calmness that only could come from doing such handshake events many times before.

“I’ll postpone the start of the trials until the end of your handshake event. We’ve held up the line long enough,” The captain mumbled the last bit, not bothering to look over his shoulder as he felt the numerous stares directed at him and the rest of his fan club.

Instead, he glanced at Tak, fierce and analyzing, a thin sheen slicing past his retina.

“Steel yourself.”

From his position beside the table, Tak blinked blankly in response, his stance slouched as he still had a weary look on his face, “Y-Yeah….” Was all he could muster in response.

With that, the captain approached the other members, who were still unconscious on the ground. He promptly stomped on their dogpile without much consideration, “Get up, you three; we gotta get things ready!” He barked. In an instant, his followers rose back up on their feet.

“Sir!” They saluted in unison, grouping behind their captain as they all departed from the scene.

“Tch…! I can’t believe things are going like this.” The annoyed complaint from Tak brought the focus back to him, arms limply at his side. “Still…” He trailed off, peeking over his shoulder at the peppy idol who had saved him from being burned at stake. “I can’t actually believe you’re helping me out. You’re a real big fan of pork rinds, huh?” He reasoned, in a surprisingly innocent matter.
Vissarion Argyris
Clad in Golden Dreams
Post-Arc 3, Timeskip 1 | June 16th, 2022
West District
Passeri, Ezra, Viss, Mark, Jess, Hiachi, Tak, Elias, Jesper
Clad in Golden Dreams
Vissarion finished his glass of champagne, setting it down on the table. He tried listen to what she was saying but found it hard to focus. Everything sounded robotic, as if she was programmed to say it. He didn't necessarily blame her, a lot of business types were the same. You could use the same phrases and words to get through most business dealings. The last thing Vissarion wanted to be was rude so he tried his best to hide his boredom. He waved over a waiter, pulling out a gold coin from his pocket."Give me a bottle of one of your finest wines." He asked, slipping the gold coin into the waiters hand. The waiter hurried off, allowing Vissarion to turn his attention back to Passeri.

He didn't necessarily disagree or have any issues with anything Passeri said. He still hasn't fulfilled his one goal of the night and he wanted to continue the conversation. Vissarion looked at the outstretched hand, giving her a small smile. Instead of shaking her hand, he simply closed her hand, gently pushing it down to the table. "I'm almost ready to take that leap, but we need to discuss something first." He saw the waiter approaching from the corner of his eye, setting a glass on the table and filling it with the wine he had requested. The waiter then left the bottle at the table, leaving quietly.

Before shifting his gaze back to Passeri, he watched Markus for a few moments, rolling his eyes at the King's entrance. He took a sip of his wine, letting his gaze rest on Passeri once more. "Before I can accept your proposition, I'll need something in return. Much of my charity work is focused on children and I still continue that focus in my business dealings. This incident has greatly impacted children, something that you never want to see." Vissarion said, moving his finger around the rim of his wine glass. "I'm going to need a binding written guarantee from you. I want to make sure that the children get the required resources they need to have a childhood again. The last thing I wanna see is someone stripped of that." Vissarion's face turned serious for a moment, but his smile quickly returned as his golden eye's glimmered. He just wanted to put children first, something that many of his Tiger's forget to do.

"If you are able to fulfill that guarantee I can provide you a substantial amount of support. I'm sure our relationship can blossom into something much more than casual business platitudes." He said, giving a large smile. While earning more money was important, forging relationships was even more important. Having as many allies as possible would prove fruitful in the future. If he could also gain the trust of the Knight family his future would look brighter. "I'm unsure of where the Knight family stands on the issue of helping children in need. Any interest in that matter?" Vissarion asked Erza, wanting to find out their position. He wanted to see if they were even compatible enough to do business.

Interacted: The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit @Lucem
Mentioned: Elenion Aura Elenion Aura

(OG) Dante |Home Visit| Celeste's Apartment

It was clear he had made a mistake.

He was brushing this off on some level, because in his head it was justified for the overall means. But for her- it was still relatively news. Celeste had a lot of trust in him, and he'd violated that. Explanations didn't matter in the long run-- he sighed, squeezing her hand and pressing his cheek against it.

"There's nothing I can say that would take that hurt away except I only did it because I thought it was better than having to play a part in you getting physically hurt yourself. You've never seen me on the field before Celly" an old nickname from their days in high school. "There's a lot I try to do to stay in the lines, and sometimes I do things in the spur of the moment that feels like the right call, even if it makes me sick inside later."

"It's what I've had to do for years now, and I doubt it'll change anytime soon." He said in a matter-of-fact tone. Though it sounded anything but pleased, it sounded rather reserved.

"Don't worry though, you won't lose me. As long as you desire to stay in contact, I would never leave you- so long as I live." He reassured her with a gentle squeeze of her hand. "I can at least reassure you of that."

Mentions: N/A
Interactions: @angel doe

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Sabrina Felton
The Meaning of Music
North District, Lab Icarus
Pre Arc-3 | March 16th, 2022
Sang-Cheol, Sabrina
The Meaning of Music

Sabrina’s eyebrows furrowed as she observed Sang-Cheol’s flustered, tired reaction, studying the Serpent scientist as if he was something she didn’t understand. Which he wasn’t. Had she raised her volume? She didn’t think she had. As musician, she had good ears and was proud of her trained ability to detect small nuances in notes. At the same time, the music she liked to listen to was loud, so her baseline and tolerance for loud sounds was higher.

The aggression was also a defense mechanism of sorts, so natural now that it was like breathing. From what she had seen of the Sable Serpents, she had to prove she was strong in order to maintain her freedom; To be left alone and not forced to do the things she didn’t like to do. Drug runs. Selling drugs to kids. Even with the so-called ‘freedom’ the gang so lauded, there were still those that tried to bully her to do the things she didn’t like to do–and there were no rules to stop them. There was only one rule in the North District. The strong did what they wanted. The weak were to be used–kidnaped for experiments, etc– and, if she didn’t want to be seen as weak, if she wanted her freedom, she had to show them she was strong–someone not to be messed with.

So she joined the strongest gang.

She observed them. A certain selection was bearable. Likable, even. Most weren’t. However, if she wanted her freedom, what right did she have to impede other Serpents of theirs? So Sabrina did the only sane thing someone like her could do in this situation…she turned a blind eye to it all. She had no interest in learning the sorts of horrors performed in Serpent labs. The weak got taken and were used. That was that. Sang-Cheol could do what he wanted so long as he didn’t force her to do the same. And, if he wanted to force her to do something against her will, something she did not agree with, he’d have to prove he was stronger. Force her to submit.

Not that the veteran Sable Serpent seemed very strong at the moment…

Eyes rolled as the scientist re-read the file, admitted he made a mistake, apologized, and proceeded to answer her question with another one. Why did people have such a hard time giving straight answers? It was like this with the masked guy at Park’s concert as well. She asked Sang-Choel why she should sing, not that she wouldn’t…but this was fine too. She’d gotten what she wanted in the end and his reasonable response eased away her irritation. She hadn’t expected him to apologize. She hadn’t expected him to back off either.

Uncrossing her arms, Sabrina sighed. Valerie had called her ‘Stingray’ because her bristly personality reminded the Serpent veteran of the sea creature that had stung her once upon touch…and the “stinging” effects that her electrick-y potential produced, but that was neither here nor there.

Perhaps she wasn’t being fair to the scientist. He’d only asked a simple question, after all. And, since he’d given in, it was only right that she responded in kind. “Music was my solace during difficult times.”

Whenever her useless drunk of a dad got too drunk and started breaking things, she’d lock herself in her room and distract herself by practicing the toy she’d found in a junkyard. The louder the music, the more it drowned out the noise. Bad days. Meh days. Even good days. It gave her something to focus on that wasn’t her miserable life…and getting better at something that wasn’t stealing made her proud. That was all there was to it.

“And, at one point, it’d been my hope as well.”

At one point, she’d dreamed her music, her band, would get her out of the North District. A fancy, starlit life where people loved her. Thinking about it again was still painful, but ever since the concert stint, the pain dulled somewhat. She no longer had any desire to return to the period of life that had been worse than her worst childhood days. Passeri could keep her fickle fans and play fiddle to their whims all she liked. It wasn't for her. Maybe she just didn't have the tenacity Park had.

Shaking her head, Sabrina narrowed her eyes. “Why the sudden interest?”

If he answered this question with another one, she’d refuse to answer any further questions. Interrogation was a two-way street…and she’d only been told that a blood drawing was required of a Sable Serpent rookie. Valerie never said she had to spill her deep dark secrets to Sang.

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