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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy New Oasis: Four Heavenly Kings — The B-Sides

Post-Arc 3
Shady's Motel | Phoenix HQ, South District
Hector, Zane
“I’d sure as hell love to share, but I doubt the red running through our veins is the same shade right now.” His teeth clicked followed by a sour whistle. “You’re right on with that last gabble. The recent charade’s got my balls real chafed, and from the looks of it, yours too.”

Zane’s body rippled into a stretch.

“Can’t say I give a rat’s ass about the captain biting it, but I’ll keep light on that area ‘till you can check my mouth proper. Point is: the herd is without a shepherd right now.” His gaze scanned for a reaction. “Take that however you want. For me it means my earlier outstanding ‘sentence’ is null and void.”

“It’s back to the grind for me.” The grin across his face went unmatched. “Of course, my reintroduction would be a helluva lot easier with an ugly mug like you backing it.”

“Put me in coach.” His body staggered tall and straight. “You know I’m the real deal. And with the family's last couple of fuck ups, you better know you could use a genuine article like me.”

“And…” his head tottered, “we both know I’m back with or without your clearance. This is just courtesy.”
Last edited:
CS Link
Backroom Dealings
West District, Sarizara Restaurant
Ryutaro, Samira, Jack, Passeri, Camila, Elias, Welsha, Dagger, Alice
Backroom Dealings
More and more of the invitees trickled in, beckoned by the call given to them, bringing the total count to this private dinner closer to its intended capacity. His own second in command, the one he trusted the most out of any Tiger, arrived with her plus one in tow to reinforce the meeting as a united front. On their end, in any case. Queen and Ace were on the same page on many matters, given their extensive business history and workings, and he had no reason to doubt that tonight would be any different. And so, Samira's arrival precipitated Ryu standing from his seat and giving her a gentle handshake. "Lovely as always, Samira." he said with a warm reciprocated smile to the Ace, before turning to her companion and shaking his hand. "And dashing as ever, Jack. Make yourselves comfortable."

Then came Camila, the one who had - indeed - caught the Queen's eye over some time now. First at the casino, and then with the Heist to remove the problem that was G&G from the Tiger's real estate bottom line. She had proven capable, not just in her own abilities but also her ability to corral and gather people under her command. He acknowledged her entrance with a nod, and then responded to her comment about the food: "I would certainly hope it is. The cuisine of my people's archipelago is a spectacle in of itself." He, for a moment, then noticed Welsha's presence, before turning his attention to other matters. Unlike Sylvie, he had no clue of the girl's ability nor use usefulness. He would have to judge that at a later point.

Then Elias' entry followed thereafter, another one in the business world much like he though in different fields altogether. He had his realm, and the Tiger Queen had his own, but regardless their shared experience put them on common ground in Ryu's eyes. "Not at all, Mr. Yumin." Ryu spoke up to alleviate Elias of his fears, "We are still but gathering."

Perhaps Ryu's most anticipated arrival, however, was the Jack of the Tigers as she made her presence known on arrival. The Queen knew little of her intentions, but also had an earnest conversation with her at a morning brunch. One that he hoped parted with food for thought to her. Considering her appearance here, he could only surmise two possibilities: one, that she was indeed here to stew with like minds over their dissatisfaction with the likes of Markus Weiss. The second possibility, for the time being, Ryu could not fathom to be anything but a remote possibility. If that were true, then he could - in fact - turn it to his own advantage regardless of the outcome. The other woman with her, Dagger, he would have to come to know from the meeting as well as to determine her stances and her skills.

With all the guests having arrived and taking their seats, Ryu then stood at the head of the table and gently leaned with his hands atop the cold marble. Cal stood at attention at the corner, observing from a distance as he took note of every person in attendance.

"Good evening, everyone." Ryu announced to catch everyone's attention, "As you are all well aware, this is a meeting to gather like-voices with complaints and objections about Markus' leadership. I will make several things clear before we begin."

"Firstly, you have nothing to fear in terms of reprisals. This meeting is strictly confidential. Markus knows full well this meeting is happening, but knows not who is attending and is therefore anonymous for all intents and purposes."
Ryu spoke before snapping his fingers. Servers arrived to deliver small porcelain cups and warm, ivory bottles with aromatic plum sake rising from its entrance - beckoning to be poured out. Once the servers left, the Queen continued. "Secondly, everything that is spoken here will not leave this room save for my own relaying to Markus in more... couched terms, to soothe the King's ego. He will not know who said what, nor your exact words."

"And last, but not least, understand this: while your words may not be taken into consideration greatly, if at all, by Weiss - then know it will be by me."

Ryu then lifted his hands in the air and smiled: "And so, enjoy the food and drink. And we can begin, whenever anyone wishes to begin."

He then took a seat, just as the first course was brought in for everyone to sample. A miso soup, garnished with green onions and topped with crumbled, toasted algae while small blocks of marinated tofu swam gently in their waters with red chili flakes.

Beann Beann Chaos Gallant Chaos Gallant Roda the Red Roda the Red AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel Peckinou Peckinou The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit simj26 simj26
Keith Sullivan
CS Link
Meet and Grit
The Third Eye, Central District
Morning, July 8th, 2022
Peyton, Keith
Meet and Grit
As Peyton spoke about the serpents, defending that they were not all bad, Keith cross his arms, a scornful look on his face "Pff...I really doubt it, and even if they don't, the fact they work side by side with said 'bad ones' also makes them scum by association" Truth was, that the mere fact Peyton dared to put the serpents on a more positive like was simply repulsive, his stomach churning at the mere thought of showing them any sort of empathy. But hey, it was fine, the guy most likely didn't have any ill intentions by saying such vile things, he was just a bit ignorant, is all! Keith simply had to explain to his new friend just why that gang was the poison of the cit-

"You do also know that I'm a Serpent too, right?"
. . .

. . .

. . .

The rookie dragon froze in place, every muscle on his body tensing up as his brain processed the words he had just heard. After all was said and done, the pieces of the puzzle simply fell in place. He WAS from north and also happened to defend the serpents. A flow of emotions overcame Keith as he brought his shaking hand up to his chest. Sadness, anger, denial, betrayal and confusion among others all welled up within him. Taking a step towards his so called 'friend', Keith's gloved hand grabbed a hold of Peyton's shirt's collar inwards and upwards, his head coming in closer, accentuating the difference in height between them in an intimidating manner. The dragon's carbuncle eyes burned with unadulterated wrath.

"If that was a joke, I'm NOT laughing"

Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Backroom Dealings
Post-Arc 3, Timeskip 1 | July 21st 2022
West District, Sarizara Restaurant
Ryu, Samira, Jack, Passeri, Camila, Elias, Welsha, Dagger, Alice
Backroom Dealings

The heavy smell of tobacco still clung to her when she entered the premises, and smoke still seemed to cling to her physique. She had taken the liberty of driving Passeri to the event, though it was more that she pressed her into it. The woman was running herself ragged with all of the high society things that she did, and all of the low society things that she was managing. Lack of sleep was not a way that anyone wanted to go into the afterlife with. She crushed the empty cigarette pack and tossed it into a nearby bin. She was one to talk. Even after the reins of the past had been taken off her neck, she still had fitful nights and dreams that she would rather not experience again.

The question that now occupied her attention, however, was why she had been invited to present company. Her one eye glanced about those gathered. The whole gang was here. Yumin, Morel, Calrissian and her piece of cowboy meat, And here she was, the Tigers’ hunting dog. What were her barks and growls worth amongst the meowing of these fat cats? She silently nodded at Passeri’s suggestion to take the seat beside her. She wisely kept her mouth shut as the meowing began. Barking mongrels get put down quick, and she was wise enough to know that much.

Well, at least there was food. She had been subject to rich people food a couple of times before, some sponsored by Father, some by the rest of the squad, and, more recently, once or twice by Passeri. She never got the idea behind it. There was just something much more satisfying about biting down into a juicy burger at some hovel the owners called a shop. All of this opulence just made her uncomfortable. You had to eat it like this, you had to use certain silverware for certain things, so on and so forth.

Not that she cared a whit about it. She was their hound, after all, and a hound ate as she pleased. She picked up the bowl of miso soup, or at least she thought it was miso soup, and gave it a sniff, before dipping her tongue in it. She waited for a moment. Rather than savouring the taste, she was attempting to pick up on anything foreign in the soup. She shrugged, and then downed the entire thing with a loud slurping sound, as if she were drinking from a mug, and set it down loudly. Only the tofu pieces were left in the now-dry bowl. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, and stifled a belch.

“Yeah, that’s miso,” she commented blandly to no one in particular.

Gideon Gray
The Trials of Belial
Gideon and Jozef's Dorm Room, New Oasis Central University
January 11th, 2022 | Post Arc 2
Gideon, Jozef
The Trials of Belial
Bechamel put up a good point. Would Jozef advocate for Gideon if their roles were reversed? Gideon wanted to think so, he got along well with Jozef and they shared many fun times. But what if Jozef saw their friendship as a more casual one? What if Jozef was more of a Serpent than Gideon realized and had no issue with betraying him at a moment's notice?

Well, Gideon hoped that wasn't the case, but he'd have an opportunity to sit Jozef down and talk about it all later. For now, he awaited Bechamel and Jozef's decision. And just as his inner thoughts concluded did Bechamel grip Gideon with a vice-like grip. Gideon hissed in pain, but stood his ground, bearing the feeling.

"Well, sounds like regardless of whether I follow our agreement or not I'd be looking at an eternity of suffering," Gideon said, rubbing his hands where Jozef's nails had dug in. He had assumed that selling away his soul was the equivalent of eternal damnation, but that was just his religion speaking. He met his eyes with the demon within Jozef one last time and said, "This week's cake is chocolate fudge. Now get out of my sight."

It surprised Gideon just how similar Bechamel and Jozef looked, not on a physical level, but in their vibes. It was terrifying to know that from hereon out, Gideon wasn't going to be sure by a glance alone whether his roommate was Jozef or the demon.

Now that the deal was sealed, Gideon honestly couldn't feel anything differently about himself. He couldn't feel the power surging through his veins, nor could he see any prophetic vision guiding him to victory. But Gideon wasn't worried. If the demon wanted his end of the deal, then Gideon would receive his power.

Gideon continued to massage his hands for a few more seconds until he was sure that the Bechamel demon got the message to leave, left, and that Jozef was now the one standing before him. He looked up to meet Jozef's eyes. The hard expression that Gideon wore during his negotiations with the demon was replaced with a more soft one.

"You really readily agreed to whatever terms that demon had set out for you. Are you sure you're not going to regret it?" Gideon asked. He also couldn't help but add, "Also, are you doing alright? What was it like being possessed?"

WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten
'Marianna Venti'
Fell and Cruel Hounds
Post-Arc 3, Timeskip 1
Actaeon's Rest
Passeri, Dagger, Corvo, Lily, Musai, Zach, Yushui
Fell and Cruel Hounds
"Got it!" She barked, short and sharp. The icy clot of dread in her stomach melted away, assured by the sturdy gruffness of her associate's voice. As tough as the grizzled woman was, for a flicker of a moment, she'd thought her dead. Whether the jolt of panic that'd shot up her spine had been because she'd lost out on an investment, or a friend, she'd puzzle out at a later date. The unyielding whirr of blood and gunfire would not allow for such distractions.

As Crow withdrew, Passeri did too. With the white-haired mercenary as her vanguard, she retreated towards the back of the apartment, placing as many obstructions between herself and the enemy as she could. With the threat of Dagger's expiration gone, Passeri's mind regained its usual sharpness. She was no brawler, she'd never fooled herself into thinking as much. There was no use in her joining the fray. But as the ballistic blitz at the fore of the apartment grew quieter, her blades, in turn, danced more fiercely.

Restless. Relentless. The good thing about her constructs, Passeri thought, was that they did not tire. Each deflection and dodge was only a setback. With each arc the blades cut through the air, Passeri's focus narrowed in further, and the blades' paths grew shorter and sharper. She only needed to catch her foe off balance once. A slice to the tendon. A gouge in the arm. A hole in the kidney. Any of them would do.

Her focus narrowed again. Three targets was too many. Two. One. As if they were sharks to blood, the storm of knives swerved with a new purpose. Nine blades from nine angles, encroaching on the weakest link. Saito.

Boltius "BLITZ" Beckman
We Who Remain
Arc 3 — May 31st, 2022
South district, Phoenix HQ; Shady's Clinic, first floor
Boltius, Bandy, Milo, Gideon, Jericho, Ashley, Callista, Raquel, Faelan
Arms were flung around his neck before he could get another word out. Milo’s arms.

Boltius felt the weight first. The pain came after—when the adrenaline from his startled awakening subsided.

“GAH-” Boltius gasped and groaned through tight-gritted teeth. He tried to reach for the pain in his side, but his right arm disobeyed. It was numb and stiff with plaster.

For a moment, he reeled. Enduring. Chin to chest, the corners of his eyes welled with tears, his left hand balled in a fist so tight it ached. Was he on meds? Anything? Nothing?!

Lying back on the bed, he tried to stifle his agony. Eyes closed. Face red.

A voice came from elsewhere within the room, “Want one?” and the Ace opened his eyes to find it. He was loath to turn his head—to make any sudden movements whatsoever—so he searched with his eyes and found Gideon looking back at him.


“Yeah,” he tried, voice cracking. Then, the next words that came left him confused.

Sorry for what? What exactly were his injuries?

“What happened,” he asked again, but, still, only a raspy whisper left him. However, the memories wasted no time coming back.

He recalled it all in a breath. The raid on the CDPD. The arrival of the Masks. The earthquake and collapse. The descent to Lower Central. But it stopped there. Boltius couldn’t remember how they survived the fall and how they made it to Shady’s.

The Masks, though, took up all of the space in his mind at that moment.

What was originally a face contorted with pain from his injuries now held something deeper in the creases of skin that made up his expression.

“It’s my fault.” Through slits, he stared at the ceiling, headache boiling. What exactly was his fault, he couldn’t say. His mind was clouded by the images of Phoenixes being mowed down before him.

“I’m so fuckin’ stupid,” he whimpered.

(Interacting w/ Milo, Gideon)
(Mentioned no one)

Elenion Aura Elenion Aura angel doe angel doe Coyote Hart Coyote Hart @Lucem @W I N T E R @Misuteeku @Horror]​
Boltius "BLITZ" Beckman
Hot and Bothered
Post-Arc 2 — January 11th, 2022
South district, Phoenix HQ; Fitness Hotspot
Boltius, Charlie
“I'm pretty much done for today, I just wanted to take it a bit easy this time,” Charlie said.

Bolt nodded, looking around, “Oh, okay-okay.”

“I got into a pretty nasty fight the other day, bunch of dragons ambushed me-”

Boltius raised his eyebrows at that.

“-but I made it out well enough, even had someone give me a helping hand afterwards.”

“Well shit… That’s good to hear. Talkin’ ‘bout Dragons, it don’t surprise me.” Boltius made a sour face. “Them motherfuckers are some self-righteous dirtbags… What’s the word for, like… Like when someone says don’t do somethin’, then they turn around an’ do it instead?”

The Ace rubbed his sweaty chin in thought.

“Feels like it starts with an ‘E’.” It didn’t. The word he was thinking of was ‘hypocrite’.

Letting it go, the Ace waved a dismissive hand and shook his head. “Whatever- Point is, Dragon’s suck.” He smiled, “That’s why I’m here, baby.”

“Hey, come to think of it, I come here quite often and I don't remember seeing you here before, how come?” asked Charlie, to which Boltius gave a curious tilt of the head as he considered his response.

“I mean, if you don't mind me asking, of course!” Charlie’s apologetic behavior got a chuckle out of Bolt, and he shook his head to reassure her him. “Nah, nah. You’re good. I’m an open book, dawg. Ask me anything. But… Uhh…”

At first, he only hummed, biting his bottom lip. Then he told her him, “Mmh, I don’t really know… I usually go to a gym in Central but… I guess, since becomin’ Ace, I want to show my face around here more.” He shrugged, “I dunno, outta respect, maybe?... I’ve gone to the one up in Central since before bein’ in a gang. That’s prob’ly why… Got comfortable.”

As he spoke, Boltius walked idle circles, casually pacing. “It was also cool since, y’know, it’s in Central and we sort of had Central in the net back then but, like, you already know all that bullshit… Uh- Anyway, hey!” Whirling to face his blue-haired company, Boltius gestured a finger-gun her his way and changed the subject like the flick of a television channel, “What’re you doin’ now? Where ya headin’?... Wanna grab a drink, orrr? I’m down for anything if yer feelin’ like hangin’.”

(Interacting w/ Charlie)
(Mentioned no one)
Roda the Red Roda the Red
Kiwi Dior Bonheur
All Eyes On Me
Craig Stevens' Estate
Post Arc 3
Kiwi, Passeri, Hiachi, NPCS
All Eyes On Me
Every good (debatable) espionage movie has three roles.

Of course, you need a distraction.

Just about now, Passeri should be arriving at the mansion at any moment. There, she’d be allowed in through the monitored gate, and all the way up to the steps to greet the target. As planned, he’d let her in, where Passeri’s real job would begin.

Obviously, a distraction doesn’t distract from nothing. You need somebody on-field. The agent.

Hiachi would have any route she chose to enter the estate, but by far the easiest would be to sneak in while Passeri’s going through the gate. There, Hiachi would have to make her way up to the residence and enter through a window. Silently, sneakily, she’d have to find her way through the building to where the target keeps his files. With Passeri distracting, snatching them and slipping out of the building should be a breeze.

She wouldn’t be able to traverse the building alone, no. You need someone that knows their way around; that can help you in a tiff.

That’s where Kiwi comes in; the brains of the operation.

Kiwi would simply stay in her office, using her potential to survey the agent’s surroundings. Both Hiachi and Passeri would be given earbuds for Kiwi to speak through. She’d guide Hiachi through the manor, looking out for any threats and providing any necessary information.

With any luck, the plan should go flawlessly.

Kiwi’s foot lightly brushed against her service dog as she rehashed the aforementioned plan to Passeri and Hiachi. Her back pressed against her chair as she reminded them of one last detail; “Pass’, I’ma need ya to make sure to give Craig a nice, firm handshake. I need eyes on him if he leaves you alone for a moment.” She leaned forward, gesturing for no one to see, “he’s real easy to talk to, and I know you are too, so lockin’ him in a conversation shouldn’t be too hard. But,” she sucked her teeth, “there are gonna be other people in tha’ house. He’s got a wife n’ a son, but his kid should just be in his room… Wife might be roamin’, could greet Pass’ with him.”

Her fingers tapped on her face as she thought of what else would be important information. “Oh, and, like, a few housekeepers. I’ll let ya know, Hiachi, if anyone’s comin’.” With a simple nod to herself, she asked, “any questions?”

“—No? Niiiiiice. Pass’s comin’ up to the gate. Stay sharp, Girlies.”

However Passeri was arriving, she would be arriving at a large, modernized mansion. Property is the only real thing someone can own, and Craig was well aware of that. A good investment to sink money into.

Once Passeri would get through the gate, Craig would already be opening the door, waving her down.

As soon as she’d get into talking distance, he’d give her a cunning smile. “Helllooo Miss Iroi,” he’d greet, allowing her through the door. He'd pop his collar. “Or can I call ya Park? I didn’t think you’d be arriving so soon, we’ll have refreshments out eventually. How are ya doing on this fine day?”

On Hiachi’s side, once on the other side of the gate, she’d hear a lot of chit-chat from Kiwi. Between instructions on how to get to the best possible window in the mansion, Kiwi went on and on about her day. It was good, by the way. If you were wondering.

miki miki The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit
To Live in the Shadows
Nighttime, Pre-Arc 1, June 10th 2020
Falcon's Perch, South District
Charlie, Helva
To Live in the Shadows
He was prepared to face rejection, to be told to scram and not get in the way of the professionals. He was prepared to beg, to insist even further for even the faintest chance, he prepared to slam his forehead against the cold, dirty ground if it meant proving his determination even if it was just a little bit. He had lost everything, he had nothing left and in his final moment of desperation, he found a light at the end of the tunnel, a true chance to obtain all that he had wanted, and he was not about to let it escape his grasp so easily.

However, such things where not necessary, his pleads falling on attentive ears. An unexpected willful hand reaching for his shoulder. He stared dumbfounded as she wrote down on his hand, the tip of her pen giving him a ticklish sensation as it moved around his palm. Once she was done, he gave the writings a long, comprehensive look, before turning for face her once more as she specified the time for their arrangement. He could only nod at her words, still having a hard time believing just how successful his plea ended up being, yet quickly getting up at the mention of his awkard position. The car's engine roared once again as the woman said her goodbye, the vehicle quickly taking off into the distance, leaving the boy alone where he stood, deep in thought.

Not much else was of relevance that night, the police and medics arrived to the location, the cops asking the boy several questions as the medics tended to his, admitedly quite superficial, wounds. Before he knew it, the until told him that he was allowed to leave, having found no direct correlation between him and the murder. It was a silent, low-energy walk back home, where the boy simply thought of what awaited him tomorrow, a train of thought that plagued him both when he took and when he went to sleep, or at the very least made his best effort to succeed on the latter.

____The Next Day, 5:45PM____

Taking doubtful steps, Charlie approached the outside area of the indicated warehouse. Unlike yesterday, his attire was casual, a black T-shirt covered by a fresh, short-sleeved white jacket, with grey, comfortable cargo pants and a pair of black sneakers, the monochromatic attire leaving all the visual attention of his appareance on his striking rapunzel blue locks, this time flowing freely without being tied (Although he still carried a band if necessary).

"Hello? Miss? It's me! from yesterday" He shouted towads no specific location, unsure if the woman was even present, given that he had arrived fifteen minutes early.

Peckinou Peckinou
Confidental Motivations
Taka's Apartment, North District
Post-Arc 3 || July 1st, 2022
Peyton, Takahiro

"Mmpmph?!" Peyton let out a squeak of surprise when he felt Taka's lips on his. The taste of acrid cigarette smoke filled Peyton's mouth along with a subtle sweetness. So Taka was going to use Peyton for intimacy, huh? Peyton didn't mind that. It did, however, mean that Raphael and Yuto were probably going to be jealous. Peyton was worried about how Yuto would think if his plaything was being tampered with, and he wondered if Taka was okay with potentially stirring up jealousy in Raph despite his previous words. Regardless, like with many things in life, Peyton didn't give the topic too much thought and just savored the kiss.

After their lips parted, Peyton leaned forward, not letting an inch of Taka's blushing face escape his eyes as he listened to Taka's explanation. So it was a kink! Well, that certainly explained things. Peyton respected it, even though Peyton's situation was a bit different from Taka's.

"It's not really 'attraction'," Peyton explained his predilection to hang out with those more rude and disrespectful, "It's just that I find mean people to be really fun! Nice people are all so boring, but mean people are super fun! They all have super creative things to say!"

Peyton was a bit bashful when he moved on to how it connected to his romantic interests. Similar to Taka, his face flushed with color. It seemed that the house was just full of blushing maidens. "I guess liking mean people romantically just ended up happening on its own! I just connect better with mean people!"

"It's funny, I actually don't like pain!" Peyton explained. He beamed, and his blush deepened, his imagination getting the better of him, "But when I see the expression of whoever is making me hurt, it's all worth it. Cause the meanness is written plain and simple on their face! Raph is just like that! He really really doesn't like me, and it's super obvious! I didn't realize how much I liked his hate until after I left the Serpents all those years ago!"

Specifically with Raph, their relationship had started out with no romantic feelings whatsoever. Peyton simply found the presence of the mean-spirited Serpent incredibly fun. But as soon as he betrayed the Serpents, it felt as if Raph's cruelness amplified fourfold, gradually grinding Peyton's emotions into attraction.

"So if you're ever worried about me stealing him away, don't worry, 'cause I'm sure he has more eyes for you than me!" Peyton said, his chipper voice showing only a bit of jealousy, "Stealing him away would defeat the purpose of us being rivals, and it would mean it'd be pretty hard to be your non-mean friend!"

Like with their common attraction towards the more sadistic type, Peyton also understood Taka's want for a break from all the meanness. Despite his bubbly nature, Peyton was still an introvert, and there was always a point where Peyton's capacity for social interaction completely shut down, and his tolerance for verbal abuse ran out. In those times, he had people like Yuto and August to give him a break. But if Taka didn't have that sort of person in his life... well, Peyton would be glad to be that person for him.

Peyton chuckled self-deprecatively as he had a rare moment of clarity, "I suppose it'd be impossible to have Raphael to ourselves anyway. He seems like he's just playing with us sometimes."

Slav Slav
Ours and Ours Alone
The Vanishing Lot, West District
Post Arc 3 || June 20th, 2022
Passeri, Eric, Sebastian, Hiachi, Takakazu, Dante, Kisara
Sebastian was happy that he indulged in a second helping of coffee that morning. Today was going to be much much more exciting than he expected. His normal morning had been interrupted by Eric bursting into his office saying something about a studio vanishing into thin air and dragging Sebastian away. He barely had enough time to grab a few things before being swept along.

Not that Sebastian minded. It was shaping up to be a boring day of paperwork as he counted down the days until he got to leave for a cruise. And Sebastian was never going to say no to an opportunity to hang out with Eric, especially since he now got to see the more passionate side of Eric. The two of them may have been fantastic after-work friends, but Sebastian felt his annoyance rise every time he saw Eric slacking around the office. For Sebastian to get to see a more diligent Eric was a delicious treat.

"Million-Amestryian smile? But I think your charming smile is much more likely to win people over," Sebastian said, the flirtatious quip coming naturally. However, he did heed Eric's words and put the matcha flavored pocky that he was munching on away in favor of a pack of cigarettes. Sebastian had been working on slowly weaning himself off of them, but it was undeniable that smoking a cigarette had a more authoritative look than eating candy.

As Eric parked the police cruiser, Sebastian momentarily stayed in the car, looking out the window at the empty plot of land. It was strange... and terrifying. How powerful of a Potential would someone need to make a building completely vanish? It would have to rival even gang leadership.

Sebastian couldn't gawk for long though. Eric pulled him away, and Sebastian didn't want to be left behind, so he stepped out of the car to follow. He let Eric do most of the talking, only flashing his own prosecutor's badge in sync with Eric's own identification. He liked how despite being essentially a hobby lawyer who somehow managed to eek by the bar exam, he was still given the typically useless prosecutor's badge. Except in Sebastian's case, it basically substituted for his normal police badge.

"You didn't call for backup?" Sebastian echoed the officer's confusion. He exchanged a look with Eric, wondering what was happening, and what Eric wanted him to say. It made sense that the officers didn't call for Central, or else Eric wouldn't have asked Sebastian to charm the officers. So the two of them were out here on their own accord. Exciting~

"I swore HQ said something about helping out," Sebastian lit a cigarette as he mused. He opted to just bullshit his way through the situation. "If not, apologies for stepping on your toes. But it'd be a shame though if we drove all the way over just because of miscommunication."

Sebastian took a drag of the cigarette. He wasn't quite sure why Eric wanted to help out with this particular case or what the specifics of the situation was. All he knew was from a vague report that he read during the car ride. But even without knowing the situation, Sebastian was hoping that he could still manipulate the corporal.

"I would get out of your hair, but the traffic back to Central is atrocious. At this point, it'd be more worthwhile of our time to pitch in rather than go back," Sebastian said, putting on a shaky attempt at a polite smile, "So even though I'm sure you don't need the help, can we lend a hand? We promise to stay out of the way."

It was a flimsy excuse, but the traffic back to Central was pretty bad. If not for the sirens, Sebastian and Eric would've taken quite some time to get over.

Corporal Rugal pressed his lips together and looked off into the distance, smacking his pocket as he thought. He shook his head as if deciding whether to go against his better judgement. Finally, in a slightly resigned voice, he said, "I'm in charge here. While you're here, you answer to me."

"Yessir, excellent," Sebastian said, perking up at this implied permission. He moved past Corporal Rugal, tossing his barely used cigarette into a nearby trash bin and replacing it with his signature package of pocky. He took out a piece and poked Eric on the lips with it, offering the candy to him, "So, you going to tell me why you were so interested and eager in this particular case?"

Roda the Red Roda the Red
The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit Haze- Haze- thebigfella thebigfella simj26 simj26 miki miki
To live in the shadows
Falcons Perch, South District
Helva, Hiyma, Charlie Roda the Red Roda the Red
To live in the shadows

Rapidly typing on the computer, Hiyma then brought a cup of coffee to her lips taking a sip before going back to work on their computer, she was currently in the employee office area that was connected next to the warehouse. Though place was just about entirely abandoned and although the she never really used the lights, the only light being the one from her computer the place did run on the generator that was outside, as she was still able to convert the place and use it for their own purposes, and Hiyma went on to turn the old managers office to her own little workstation. She had been busy last night cleaning up Helvas mess and getting rid of any blood trail that may of followed her, she was really annoyed by that. Getting up from her seat she went to refill her coffee turning her attention towards the camera screen, which revealed a Blue haired boy with hair that almost rivaled her own in length. Hiyma had begun to remember that Helva said that a Blue haired boy would probably be coming at six o clock, and he was awfully early, Hiyma smirked a bit as she stopped pouring her coffee and started to gather some creamer to pour into her refilled coffee cup. After she was done she went back to her computer to finish up, her last bit of work, all while sipping on her coffee as she continued. Once done she got up and stretched, refilling her coffee once again even though it was only halfway empty, seeing as the Blue haired boy had bothered to come so early, she already had a bit of insight into his character. More than likely he was someone who cared, really wanted make a decent impression, or he was really anxious, she wouldn't know for sure until she had a proper conversation with him. Either way she still needed to confirm that it was him anyways, so with her coffee mug in hand she made her way out the office doors and into the Employees area and then out into the reception area, before finally opened the door to the outside.

The sunlight causing her to blink, covering her forehead to protect herself from the sunlight for just a moment, before squinting towards the blue haired kid. As her eyes barely started to adjust she made her way towards the blue haired boy, stopping 5 feet away from him, before then asking "Wacha doing and what do you want?" then taking another sip from her coffee, she kept her eyes on him as if trying to analyze him, and despite her relaxed attitude, she watched the taller boy intently, studying each movement he made and his reaction. Since Helva wasn't here yet, Hiyma was the one who was running the thing right now, even if the Blue haired boy didn't know it yet, his trial had just begun the moment she had laid eyes on him and her approval or disapproval could either be his saving grace or damning to his case.

Spotting The Wingless
East District
Celeste, Jozef, [NPCs: Flea, Tick] | Keith, Nona-Me [NPCs: Dragons x2]

“I think I’ll buy a new game I saw with my money… Or start present shopping for my roommate’s birthday… Hmm- Oh?”

Jozef’s train of thought was interrupted by Celeste’s careful arms. He only saw what was going down when Celeste leaped from their vantage point, and Jozef ran to the railing, looking down. Dang it.

“Right behind ya!”

Jozef whispered, audible to nobody but himself, as he vaulted over the rail, landing behind Celeste. Looking up, he caught the glimpse of something — a claw? — swinging toward the one they had to look after, and then he saw the blood drawn as the claw receded. He then heard the screams.


A moment sooner.


Flea barked out an order, her voice raised with panic. This wasn’t meant to happen. They promised her the Dragons would have no idea about it. Of course it was a lie, she meant nothing to them. They could find another mook easily. But she wasn’t ready to roll over and die, for her own sake, and for Tick’s.

In the corner of her eye, she could see a tall woman making her way up, with another behind. The Serpents on watch. Some help they were. She growled, though appreciative of their presence. “You. Deal with them.”

Tick could feel his hands begin to shake as the tension rose around them, but he knew what Flea needed of him. He took a look towards Cynthia’s guards, who stared back at him as though he were a complete stranger. Cynthia scowled but said nothing. It seemed they weren’t acting without her input. Typical. He spun toward the van door, making a break for it, but paused as a shrill scream filled the air.

One moment she was sizing up the enemies around her, the next she was face to face with a claw that disappeared as quickly as it appeared. In fact, everything disappeared. All she felt was sharp pain as she raised a hand to her face. Wounds ran deep down her face, her eyes slashed. Disoriented, she took a few stumbling steps. Tick opened his mouth as though he wanted to say something, but no words came out. He opened the van door. She wouldn’t want him to jeopardize his chances of escape for her.

”Surrender or die.”

“Surrender or die?”

Jozef sprinted, catching up to the Serpents.

“Well that doesn’t sound right.”

He could see fully what caused Flea’s screaming now and tried not to let his worry show. Fear was contagious, and it was his job to keep everyone happy and healthy, so he kept a grin on his face as he skidded up to the wounded woman.
“Shh. Shh shhh. You’re fine. Panacea’s here.”

He put his hand to her bleeding face, perhaps a bit too suddenly as she flinched, leaping back. Quite a powerful jump it was, as one would see not just her, but Jozef’s feet leave the ground, but he expected this and held tight, anchoring her back down. Wasting no more time while the two Dragons on the ground edged closer to the group, he used his potential, hoping it would work first try.

“Oh fuck.”

Flea gasped as she saw the hand draw away from her, free from blood. The pain she felt disappeared, and already she felt better. She leaped again, this time leaving Jozef behind, landing on the roof of the van.

“You don’t want to do this.”

Rather than the confident leader of the expedition, her voice was more nervous now. She’d been struck once before she even knew of a threat, but that was before. She was backed with the others now, so maybe they could get away without any losses.

Watching all this unfold, the old lady whispered a few unheard words to her companions. One picked her up, and the three of them began a retreat into their building.

“You thought you could get away with this in our district? You’re not leaving.”

“One last chance to back down. On the ground, now!”

They knew who had initiated the assault, the eager rookie. The two Dragons inched closer to the group, swords drawn, hoping to stop any chance of an escape. The instant bloodshed was a surprise, but they didn’t necessarily disagree with Keith's action. They seemed to be a more merciful duo though, giving a chance before attacking.

Nona-me Gregor
Spotting The Wingless
East District
Jozef, Celestine, Keith, Nona-me, Serp + Dragon NPCs
Spotting the Wingless
Like sheep leaping over a ditch, the stray Serpents flocked to the ones in the middle, both confirming Nona’s suspicions and also putting the entire group in one, neat area. Fenced in on all sides by the Dragons and buildings, they had put themselves in a rather tough situation. For them.

The crimson arm fitted with butcher’s knives for fingers, contrasted with the cool color of the night, shot out and drew the first blood with the urge for the Serpents to “surrender or die.” Aww, Urumi! He’s here!

Silent clapping in awe of the sight came from her soft fingers, as gentle as a lamb. What a show!

Her eyes followed the three black sheep into the building they seemed to have come from. She lightly hummed as they retreated. They didn’t seem to be Serpents—though, they were illegally obtaining drugs ... oh, they could deal with them later.

The duo of Dragons, like herd dogs, continued backing the Serpents up with the ultimatum and sharp teeth. Nona-me decided now would be the best to reveal herself, however they had managed to miss her in the first place. It was time to separate the sheep from the goats.

She slowly lowered to the ground, with the grace of a God’s son. Her feet lightly grazed the concrete behind the Serpents. Like a shepherd, she lightly pressed the broom end of the axe into the ground.

“You are surrounded on all sides,” she howled, amused, with a toothy smile. She was excited. “Escaping in any direction will only lead to your demise. I urge you to do what they say.” In two shakes of a lamb’s tail, her free hand wormed its way into her hoodie’s pocket, caressing a bottle stored within it. The soft looking lamb’s eyelids lowered to match a wolf’s angry gaze. Deep in her heart, she hoped they didn’t back down with their tails between their legs. That would take away the fun.

WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten angel doe angel doe Roda the Red Roda the Red
Lost on Bourbon
Pre-Arc 1, 1AM, June 5th 2021
Hector, Boltius Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean

Any common sense that was returning was pushed under waves and waves of fuzziness as Hector continued to get knocked around, but with all his focus, Hector kept their goal in mind. It was hard to keep his arms up, constantly trading blows with his comrade, but he knew it wasn’t time yet, not until they both hit eachother with what should’ve appeared as the final blow.

He caught a glimpse of the host, wide-eyed and mouth agape as he fell to the ground beside Boltius. Landing on his front, smacking his nose against the floor and knocking all the air out of him, he let out raspy breaths as he lay still. This was the important part of the plan, though maybe he was doing too good a job. As he shut his eyes, he felt an immense weight on them, and the allure of rest.

The hostess had been silent for a while, at a loss for words, but as the cheering kept going with no sign of stopping, she stepped back into the limelight.

“Well, well, well. Looks like we have a tie! Who woulda predicted that?”

With a grand wave of her arm, the cage rose on cue, creaking and groaning. In an instant, armed guards rushed in, one nudging Hector’s face with a steel-toed boot tip. No response came from the Ace. The guard nodded in satisfaction, moving on to Boltius.

“While we clean up the prizes, let’s get started on some bidding! Do I hear a million?”

A guard went to both sides of the men, hoisting each up. Blood trickled from Hector’s nose, dripping onto his shirt, but he didn’t seem to notice. The cheers and bidding from the crowd became fainter as both men were led backstage, down some winding corridors until they were back in a room, where they were dropped to the floor like sacks of potatoes.


Hector fell limply onto his side, groaning weakly. The guards above them laughed about something, but he had missed what they were laughing about. Though tired and worn out from his battle, agitation grew. Sensing a warm body near him, he opened one eye, catching a view of blinding light. Blinking as he adjusted, he focused his gaze on Boltius’s face, waiting for mutual acknowledgment. They were going to get out of here.

The Trials of Belial
Dorm room, New Oasis Central University
Gideon, Jozef

“At least you’re upfront about your fate. Very well, till we meet again, Gideon.”

Jozef wasn’t sure what to do now, this was the grand finale after all. He considered falling to the ground, kicking and screaming as he clawed back into his body, but opted instead for a little shake, closing his eyes, and opening them again with a warm smile. A Jozef Daalman smile.


He pulled his roommate into a hug, squeezing him tightly — but not demonically tight — and pushing his face into his shoulder.

“Oh I’m so glad you’re okay! That demon guy, he’s a little scary, but I knew you’d be brave.”

Jozef pulled away, looking down at the circle beneath them. Gosh, they really did make a mess, but if Gideon’s happy then…

“Look, I’m sorry I was doubtful about this demon thing. I know it’s really important to you, and I didn’t want your efforts to go to waste…” He contemplated where to go with this. Should he fess up? What would hurt Gideon more… To be lied to? Or to let his friend be possessed. “I’m not gonna let some hungry demon get me down, I’m still me… most of the time, and I’m not gonna change anything. Maybe if you get enough power to conquer this world, you can focus your attention on the underworld next?”

He looked away, trying to appear thoughtful. “I can’t say possession is very fun though. It’s like uh… being locked out of your house. But it’s a body. And you can tell someone’s inside but when you start pounding on the windows they don’t even respond. It’s a bit lonely. But hey, it’s cool!” That’ll do.

"So... Now we clean up? Maybe make a cake? For us, of course, not the demon!"

Boltius "BLITZ" Beckman
Bedlam Blitz!
Post-Arc 3 — July 10th, 2021; Early morning
Whiteleaf, South District; Behind an ATV Store...
Boltius, Hector, Milo, Yukari, Raquel, Leaf, Zach
“Yo, either a’ you know an Armond?...” Boltius asked the phone; Hector and Raquel were on the line in a three-way call. He had one foot propped in the SUV, elbow to the knee, with the other hand gripping the grab-handle above.

However, as Raquel responded, Boltius could only focus on Milo’s voice behind him, prompting him to turn around, curious.

Did Milo know the Armond in question?

Bolt watched with the phone at his chin, a look of revulsion sneaking its way across his face as Raquel’s earlier jest subconsciously registered.

Hector’s voice came through, too, but the Ace remained momentarily preoccupied when even Leaf stepped up alongside Milo and offered his own piece.

At that, Bolt’s jaw dropped more, Zach’s stifled laughter from the sideline stirring him to irritation.

“Am I the only one that don’t know who the fuck Armond is?!” Way to read the tactic, Ace.

The old man was utterly baffled. Those beady, black eyes of his were wide with stark dread and the darkness could do nothing to hide it.

For Bolt—slowly—the words of Milo and Leaf came together to form a block of comprehension in his brain, and, thankfully, the old man had been too frozen under Leaf’s gaze to notice the Ace’s blunder.

Quickly, Boltius tried to recover. A hand came up to brush his hair back as he feigned realization, “Oooooh!.... Shit, uh… Right, Armond, the boss. Boss-man… I’m not… Not used to hearin’ ‘im by Armond. I usually just call’im Boss… an’ shit.” Boltius was cringing.

The old man began to stammer his words again, praying for the right ones.

“Mister, please, I’m just a normal guy- I- I- I… I’ve got a wife and kids, grandkids even.” Frantically, the man reached into his back pocket and took out a wallet. Flipping it open, almost dropping it, he withdrew a family photo, two or three of them, and showed them to the red-haired gangster.

“I’m too old for this, mister, I just want to spend the last of my days for them-”

“YO,” Boltius interrupted. The old man found him and swallowed his plea.

Calmly, but stern, Boltius told him, hands in his pockets, head tilted back with a superior, downcast gaze at the poor fellow, “Just answer ‘im.” And the old man’s lip quivered.

He looked at Leaf. “O-Okay.” Then at Milo, with eyes that asked for help, and, “It- It’s according to plan, sir, yes. The next shipment’s out to arrive on the fifteenth. I- I know he wanted it sooner but, thing is, mister, income’s down with all the free ATVs your boss has got me handin’ out.”

“Without the money, I couldn’t afford the shipment when he wanted it, so I took out a loan and- Well, my wife’s askin’ questions… But the shipment’s on the way!”

“How many?” asked Bolt.

The old man looked at Leaf first, as if asking for permission. To Bolt, he answered with a nod, “Thirty bikes… Two, maybe… maybe three shipments and I’m out of business, boys.”

Boltius was getting mad now. Bullies are what these Armond-goons were. Even more than that, Armond-goons posing as Phoenixes.

Through gritted teeth—it took everything in him to control his passion—he asked the old man, unable to look at those pitiful eyes, “You got any for grabs, right now?”

There was a pause of silence. “...Just the displays.” Then he faced Leaf again, and said, “I’d never play you, mister.”
— —POST RECAP: The gang interrogates an old man.


— —TATTOO: (Click Here)

— —WEARING: (Click Here)

(Interacting w/ Milo, Hector, Leaf, Yukari, Zach, Raquel)
(Mentioned no one)

Elenion Aura Elenion Aura WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten @Misuteeku QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel @Astrylan Haze- Haze-
To Live in the Shadows
Afternoon, Pre-Arc 1, June 11th 2020
Nameless Warehouse, South District
Charlie, Hiyma, Helva
To Live in the Shadows
With no immediate response, Charlie then waited a whole minute to see if the woman would show up by his calling, but that still yielded no results. Not too surprising considering that he had arrived a whole fifteen minutes earlier to the arranged time, the reason being that he tried to make the best first impression possible, after all one of the things he picked up from the several jobs he had taken since arriving at South was that bosses heavily prefered those with enthusiasm and that took the initiative, and arriving early was a prime example of such behavior.

A few more minutes passed, and he waited, laying his back against one of the walls of the building, looking around for any signs of life as he crossed his arms, his index finger tapping on his opposite bicep. He started to worry, it was still very much early, but the overcharged mind of the boy started to imagine all sort of scenarios, most of them being negative in nature. What if I'm accidentally at the wrong warehouse? What if she decided to change her mind overnight? WHAT IF SHE JUST LIED AND TOLD ME TO COME HERE FOR NOTHING? Truth was that, while unlikely on their own, there was no denying that those possibilities could be real, it was a very last-moment decision last night, one that was decided in a mere matter of seconds, meaning that there was no guarantee that the lady in black was indeed fully commited on the idea of the trial. He scratched his head vigorously with both of his hands as he groaned, attempting to brush the negative thoughts away.

Because of that maneuver, he hadn't noticed that a figure had come out of the building adjacent to the warehouse, now standing in front of him, demanding to know who he was and what was he here for. Her unforseen worse caught the boy off-guard, startling him slightly causing him to face her directly...It was a girl, a pretty short one at that...A child, maybe? Probably not given the kind of clothes he was wearing.

"H-Hello! I'm sorry for showing up out of nowhere" He raised his hands, both palms open and moving side to side slightly, a gesture to signify he held no ill-intent. "I was told to come here! I was supposed to meet with a woman here, he has short black hair and dark eyes, do you know her?" Shortly after speaking, he realized the way his words could be misinterpreted. "B-But it's not like a date or anything like that! S-She just told me to show up here but I don't know what we're supposed to do!" He repeated the hand gesture once again, more enthusiastically this time around.

Peckinou Peckinou
CS Link
Hot and Bothered
Daytime, Post-Arc 2, January 11th, 2022
Phoenix HQ, training grounds, South District
Charlie, Boltius
Hot and Bothered
Charlie remained silent on his seat as he let Boltius speak. When he made gave opinion on the dragons, the rookie simply gave a light nod as to not interrupt him, a nod that actually carried a hint of doubt, that little voice in his head that kept getting louder and louder with each passing month. Are Phoenixes really any better, though? Howver, the thought was quickly buried as the man answer his last question. Admitedly, Charlie kept forgetting all the time that Bolt WAS in fact the Ace now, something about the tangerine-haired guy simply did not scream Leadership, he was a bit too...The proper word to describe it eluded the Rookie.

The word he was thinking of was ‘Immature’

However, he completely understood where Boltius was coming from about the change on his gym of choice, crossing his arms, the boy nodded again, this time with clear confidence.
"mhm, mhm! I get you! I also think that working out together helps with a sense of unity!" Char was also a bit ashamed to admit that the no-cost use of the establishment was a big draw for him.

“What’re you doin’ now? Where ya headin’?... Wanna grab a drink, orrr? I’m down for anything if yer feelin’ like hangin’.”

Suddenly, he was taken aback by the sudden proposition from the Ace clearly platonic proposition. "H-Huh? I uh, don't think I'm go- Huh, wait a minute" He tilted his head, scratching his chin with his index and thumb, Boltius' words resurfacing and old thought from the boy. "Hey Bolt, you can make fire, right? Like, torrents of flames and stuff" More of a formality than anything, as he remembered well his previous displays of pyromaniac violence. Before his friend could respond, he continued "I'd like to ask you a favor, if you don't mind"

Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean
To live in the shadows
Falcons Perch, South District
Helva, Hiyma, Charlie Roda the Red Roda the Red
To live in the shadows

As Hiyma continued to sip from her coffee mug, she watched with mild interest as he started to react to her presence and demands, she was instantly able to pick up on the nervous tone as he began to speak. It was mildly amusing watching him squirm a bit, but while she could stay and toy with him, she already managed to get a bit of intel about his character "Your pretty naive arren't you? Naive and honest, though perhaps it's the nervousness? I did make you wait quite a bit after all, though you quickly ratted out Revenant, and I didn't even pressure you for information, though perhaps you knew I was assiciated with them from the start." Of course she knew that last part was more than likely not the case, he had barely regestered her, and quickly made that response. Taking another sip from her Coffee she sent a telepathic message to Revernant Your blue haired buddy is here, you choose a real softie here. Hiyma didn't even have to wait a few seconds before she got a response Alright, ill be there in a moment, you can have your fun doing your part of the trial That i will.

Hiyma then went back to focusing on Charlie saying "I wonder, if Revenant gave more information about herself to you, would of just given it if i just asked nicely? Anyways, your Revernants trialee huh? You honestly don't look like much, though your atleast kinda cute, never seen a boy with hair long enough to rival mines." She said the last part as if musing outloud but she really didn't mind all too much. She then aimed a amused smirk towards him, and despite being the shorter of the two it was almost felt like she was the one looking down at him.
Last edited:
Boltius "BLITZ" Beckman
Hot and Bothered
Post-Arc 2 — January 11th, 2022
South district, Phoenix HQ; Fitness Hotspot
Boltius, Charlie
Boltius watched as Charlie stumbled with her words, letting her sort her thoughts. It was cute the way she rubbed her chin. Even cuter, the tilt of her head.

She asked about his potential and his interest was piqued. A smile formed, teeth showing.

“Ahh, hah-yeah.” Boltius looked down and up again, playing bashful. “Actually, I’m more of just heat. Oh, and cold. I can control the temperature of my body to extremes, and the flames are just a side-effect that I only recently learned to control.” He nodded at his own words. “Yeah. Vulken- Uh, Draken, helped me. My brother, in case you didn’t know.”

“He’s the one with the fancy shit, like… enhanced speed and strength paired with a heat-wave manipulation type a’ junk. Oh, and he’s got this thing where he can absorb my flames when they come- Like, usually around a thousand degrees, my flames come out. And he can absorb them, which just makes him even more of a tank.”

He was rambling now. “Me, though…” His face pinched in rumination, and he twisted his sweat towel around and around itself—an idle activity from not knowing what to do with his hands. “Mmh. My shit’s pretty straightforward on the surface, but definitely complicated if I go into detail… Oh! Wait- But you had a favor to ask?”

Boltius pointed at Charlie, gazing curiously, showing interest. “I don’t mind, at all,” he shook his open hand and smiled again. “Go for it.”

(Interacting w/ Charlie)
(Mentioned no one)
Roda the Red Roda the Red
Dress Code for Violence
Evening, Post-Arc 2, June 25th 2022
Phoenix HQ, South District
Charlie, Yong-Yut
Dress Code for Violence
"Anyways! Client got back to me, said she had no complains so good job!" With an impish smile, Jasmine gave a thumbs up, followed up by her reaching for her inner flap of her vest. From within it she pulled out a small envelope, holding it out forward for the person in front of her to grab. "Spend it wisely, okay?"

"Thanks Jasmine, I will, not like I have much of a choice anyways" Said Charlie as he grabbed a hold of the payment, awkwardly giggling at his inconvenient financial situation.

"Oh, that's right! Mr. home owner, well don't worry, got plenty more work where that came from, gotta keep you on that grind" She winked, pointing a pair of fingerguns at him.

"Super grateful as always, well if you don't mind I should be going back now, I'll send you a text tomorrow" With a light waving of his free hand, the Rookie said his goodbye to his work provider, making a turn and walking away.

And with that, another successful work day had come to an end. Beating up some of the many bad guys ever so eager to cause chaos on the streets of the city, and getting by the people willing to spend a coin for protection in the process! Nobody got hurt and the client was happy, generally speaking the escorting went as smoothly as one could ask. Thus, it was only natural for Charlie to begin his treading back home with a big smile on his face, correct?


Unfortunately, not everything was so perfect, something was bothering him to a great degree. A little mistake on his part ended up costing him a great deal and he had no idea how was he going to fix it now. Oh woe is him, whether he was going to pay in blood or in shame, it was a choice that he was now forced to make. He decided to take a short rest on one the benches laid out on the hall he was walking on, the vermilion-colored cushioning looking mighty tempting after a day of fighting. On one hand was his phone, which he used to simply pass the time. The other one kept a firm grip on his suit, which laid folded and hanging from his forearm.

gxxberkit gxxberkit
Park-Time Recreation
Pre-Arc 1—2015, June 20th (Saturday)—1:00 PM
Upper Central, Central Park...
Boltius, Milo, Matsuda, Nanami (NPC)
Boltius grunted, snapping his head back, when Matsuda butted his nose. “Awgh- Damn, bro.” Matsuda turned the odds before he could react and, next thing, Boltius was bearing the other’s full weight, foot to sternum, as he was forced to swallow an earful of judgements regarding his choice of attire. Winter clothes in the Summer.

Sucking in a sharp breath, he wrapped his hands around Matuda’s foot and went serious. “Nah-... Fuck… you, bitch… People like pillows.”

Meanwhile, Nanami and Milo talked on the sidelines.

“What’chu got against pillows?” His words were strained, forced out under Matsuda’s weight. Seconds later he was sitting up, rubbing at the pain in his chin where Matsuda up and kicked him. Just a light tap, but enough to tingle.

Cross-legged in the grass, Boltius sulked, buzzing from the alcohol, glaring ahead at a tall Matsuda hiding behind Milo.

Practically brothers, the four of them.

Sunset hues studied each of the surrounding faces—first Nanami, then Matsuda, then Milo—and Boltius couldn’t help but smile, affectionate and warm. These were bonds that wouldn’t break.

“Thinkin' about moving outta this island when I'm older.”

The smile faded slowly.

Those words painted a picture that Boltius didn’t like the looks of. The four become three? But if Matsuda felt that way, what about the other two? He looked between them as if searching for an answer on their faces. But he had never been good at reading people.

Matsuda’s concluding thoughts brought silence, and the wind blew. It had never stopped, but been forgotten, and the silence served to remind him that it was there.

“Leave New Oasis, huh? Or the whole Amestria?” Boltius managed a grin. “An’ where the hell you think yer gonna go, hm? Little bitch-boy scared of tsunamis?” Reaching out, he made a grabbing gesture, “Hand me the bottle before it’s gone.”
— —What he's wearing (X) + His usual Earrings, Rings, and Chains

— —Boltius doesn't have any tattoos at this point in time. He is only sixteen years old.

— —This is almost two years after Boltius started working out and calculating his nutrition. Also, at this point in time, he knew nothing of Vulken's affiliation with the Scarlet Phoenixes.

— —Random Note: This scene takes place two weeks after Boltius broke up with his girlfriend, Haven Tembergarten, after she called his mother a bitch during one of the Beckman Dinners. Boltius has, since then, been calling her "Haven Tempergarten".

— —SCENE DESCRIPTION: It's a warm Summer day and the boys, Matsuda, Milo, Boltius, and Nanami have decided to meet up at Central Park in the Central District. A very casual, slice-of-life event.

(Interacting w/ Matsuda, Milo, Nanami)
(Mentioned no one)
Elenion Aura Elenion Aura Caffeine_Obsessed Caffeine_Obsessed

(OG) Dante | North | Celeste's Apartment | Home Visit

She wasn't a manipulative person. That's what made it so easy for him to go along with her.

Celeste was one of the only few people that knew him- Badrick, his other-side his other self, the good that hadn't been transformed by the bad. So when she tugged and it seemed like he might resist, he looked at her, and the look in her eyes...

Dante sighed, defeated. His muscles that had tensed relaxed, and he rose.

He couldn't say no to her- he could never fully reject someone he truly cared about- not unless it was for their own good. And in this case, even if he felt he should go- he saw it in her eyes, if he left her now, when she was trying to ask him for something. Something she never did, something she rarely ever did-- it might cause a fracture. It might shift the relationship in a way that he felt deep down, he wouldn't be able to repair.

He'd practically assaulted her anyway, was it so bad to see what she wanted in the end after she'd been kind enough to forgive him as Alice had?

She tugged on his hands, turning and he delayed his step forward before the inevitable follow.

She wasn't a Serpent he was trying to get something out of, wasn't a Tiger he was making connections with due to a tenuous alliance or mutual interests aligning to make them allies, wasn't a Phoenix he'd happened to meet and befriend- unaware of what he really was- wasn't a Dragon that had no clue what he was doing; she was on some level, even if she'd joined a gang known for its ruthless drug trafficking, murder, kidnapping and narcotics- she was on some level still the same girl he met in high school when he came to Oasis all those years ago.

Quiet, even if now she could be ruthless and courageous. Soft-spoken, even if her eyes said more than she might actually.

She didn't see him watching her as she tugged him towards her room.

Then listened to her request.

He was silent. Staring into her eyes. Watching her.

Celeste wasn't like the others. She was one of the few. He had genuinely expected her to want less of his company after what he'd said, than wanting more-- and he was certain if it were anyone else, he'd be heading home right now than being asked to spend more time with the person he'd offended.

He stared silently, watching her eyes and she matched it.

Then, he closed his eyes, smiled slightly. And sighed as he rose a hand to his forehead. "You never cease to surprise me," he said gently. "Sure" he said with a smile. Moving towards the bed. "Two hours is fine."

Mentions: N/A
Interactions: angel doe angel doe


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