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Fantasy New Aeternum: Chapter 1 — The Anomaly [OOC]


Elenion Aura

Two Thousand Club
Lord Judgment
"To keep a record of any case-related discussion.

Small-talk to your hearts' content."
  • 「 OOC 」
    Out Of Character
    For OOC questions and chatter

「 OOC 」
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Do you have a specific vision for the player dynamics of Aeternals/Arbiters & Companions; your presentation seems pretty flexible or open-ended about it, but if the intention for them is to provide strongly established relations between characters or to emphasize something specific in the setting do let me know.
Cool If this element is more freeform, I'm just accustomed to these types of pairs made for much larger cast than 4+GM if they aren't a major part of the RP.

As a little tone check, Investigation and Intrigue definitely seem like focuses. How present do you want the (magical?) apocalyptic vibe to be—same question for the military, occult, and faction parts of the Interest Check?

Safe to assume Contracts are between Scions and Aspects, or no?

I’m sure the basics like amount/scale of New Aeternum's nations will be answered in the lore thread so that's about it. Otherwise, awesome presentation and excited to see what anyone else's thoughts are.
So if somehow I choose to be companion, how the pairing will be?
Good question — all Companions need an Arbiter partner, but not all Arbiters need a Companion

If you would like to play a Companion, your best bet would be to try and 'buddy up' with another interested player who is interested in playing an Arbiter! The earlier in the character ideation stage you do, the better as the Companion and Arbiter have known each other their whole lives. Lots of plotting to be done!
That's what I thought also! Since companion heavily connected on the arbiter. Okies, I'll look around for face claim first and let's see if anyone posted arbiter cs 😆

Another one, how fast are you planning for this RP?
Do you have a specific vision for the player dynamics of Aeternals/Arbiters & Companions; your presentation seems pretty flexible or open-ended about it, but if the intention for them is to provide strongly established relations between characters or to emphasize something specific in the setting do let me know.
Cool If this element is more freeform, I'm just accustomed to these types of pairs made for much larger cast than 4+GM if they aren't a major part of the RP.

>>> Good question - you've got it. The Companions / Arbiter dynamic is meant to give players an easier time integrating with each other (at least in pairs!), since it's an option to come with a pre-baked partner to plan and build with. Though it's also fine if all the players choose to play Arbiters. If we have an uneven pairing I'll probably open it up or take a slot myself.

>>> Generally speaking I welcome any ideas / anything you think would be interesting to try. Let me know if you have anything specific you were looking to do and will see if I can make it work!

As a little tone check, Investigation and Intrigue definitely seem like focuses. How present do you want the (magical?) apocalyptic vibe to be—same question for the military, occult, and faction parts of the Interest Check?

>>> The investigation is going to be a big factor, but the threat and driving force behind the investigation is the looming scarydark magic that could be creeping over the walls. As for military, occult, faction stuff, probably less so. The idea is (if this one goes well) to expand in new chapters that explore more facets of New Aeternum. For now, the two factions will be pretty much the Tower and Judgment (with players playing on the side of Judgment as inquisitors investigating Tower's domain)

>>> Does that address your question?

Safe to assume Contracts are between Scions and Aspects, or no?

>>> That's my bad haha. Contracts would be between an Aeternal and a spirit. Could be like familiars, or something else. There's a wide, wild magical world. If you think something might be cool to form a contract with, feel free to ask me if it would work!

I’m sure the basics like amount/scale of New Aeternum's nations will be answered in the lore thread so that's about it.

>> There's a silly little map up in the lore thread now! <Fantasy - New Aeternum: Chapter 1 — The Anomaly [Lore]>

Otherwise, awesome presentation and excited to see what anyone else's thoughts are.

>> Glad you like it!
That's what I thought also! Since companion heavily connected on the arbiter. Okies, I'll look around for face claim first and let's see if anyone posted arbiter cs 😆

Another one, how fast are you planning for this RP?

I will try to strike the right balance. Firstly, I want to have a full cast. Then get everyone's CS up and reviewed. From there I will probably kick things off pretty shortly after that. In terms of the full length of the story - I don't know exactly how long it will be, but I am going to try and keep things at a fairly brisk pace!
What are an Arbiter's daily responsibilities when there's not something weird to investigate? What about a companion?
>>> The investigation is going to be a big factor, but the threat and driving force behind the investigation is the looming scarydark magic that could be creeping over the walls. As for military, occult, faction stuff, probably less so. The idea is (if this one goes well) to expand in new chapters that explore more facets of New Aeternum. For now, the two factions will be pretty much the Tower and Judgment (with players playing on the side of Judgment as inquisitors investigating Tower's domain)

>>> Does that address your question?

That theme answer is exactly what I was looking for, thanks! I’ll bring up anything more specific I have in a bit.
I’m sure the basics like amount/scale of New Aeternum's nations will be answered in the lore thread so that's about it.

>> There's a silly little map up in the lore thread now! <Fantasy - New Aeternum: Chapter 1 — The Anomaly [Lore]>
Oooh! Gotta love a good map. 🤤
What are an Arbiter's daily responsibilities when there's not something weird to investigate? What about a companion?

Great question! The Arbiters are, by-and-large, scions of The Balance, which means they are, at least in some capacity, related to Lord Judgment, the Aspect of the First Court (second cousins twice-removed still count; the family trees of the Aspects are more like forests). This makes them tantamount to minor nobility in a way. While being a scion comes with ~ some ~ modicum of responsibility, most are free to do what they will, whether that be business, pleasure, or some combination of the two (or some mysterious third thing).

While all Arbiters are technically Scions of The Balance, not all Scions are Arbiters. Less industrious Scions of Lord Judgment would probably choose to goof off all day, or, would lack the aptitude to perform the duties of an Arbiter. In that way, the Arbiters are the cream of the crop, likely hand-selected by Lord Judgment himself. But if there's nothing weird to investigate (however uncommon this may be in a place like New Aeternum), Arbiters are likely free to follow their own passions... Or plot bloody murder.

Companions are human, and humans have no rights. Just kidding. But in general, where a Scion goes, their Companion follows (if the Scion even has a Companion; not all do!)

Haha, let me know if that clears it up, or just invites more questions!
Great question! The Arbiters are, by-and-large, scions of The Balance, which means they are, at least in some capacity, related to Lord Judgment, the Aspect of the First Court (second cousins twice-removed still count; the family trees of the Aspects are more like forests). This makes them tantamount to minor nobility in a way. While being a scion comes with ~ some ~ modicum of responsibility, most are free to do what they will, whether that be business, pleasure, or some combination of the two (or some mysterious third thing).

While all Arbiters are technically Scions of The Balance, not all Scions are Arbiters. Less industrious Scions of Lord Judgment would probably choose to goof off all day, or, would lack the aptitude to perform the duties of an Arbiter. In that way, the Arbiters are the cream of the crop, likely hand-selected by Lord Judgment himself. But if there's nothing weird to investigate (however uncommon this may be in a place like New Aeternum), Arbiters are likely free to follow their own passions... Or plot bloody murder.

Companions are human, and humans have no rights. Just kidding. But in general, where a Scion goes, their Companion follows (if the Scion even has a Companion; not all do!)

Haha, let me know if that clears it up, or just invites more questions!
Very helpful, thank you! I'm thinking of making an Arbiter to apply for your game. Can you give some examples of the kind of magical abilities they might have? Are there specific abilities you'd prefer players avoid for the sake of the mystery or balance?

Also, as a code-dummy question, where exactly do I insert my info in the character sheet code you've provided? I haven't messed around with html in years lol
Very helpful, thank you! I'm thinking of making an Arbiter to apply for your game. Can you give some examples of the kind of magical abilities they might have? Are there specific abilities you'd prefer players avoid for the sake of the mystery or balance?

Also, as a code-dummy question, where exactly do I insert my info in the character sheet code you've provided? I haven't messed around with html in years lol
That's great to hear!

For magic, my advice would be to start by thinking about what Sigils they might use (an Arbiter will receive 3 Sigils to start). Things to consider about the Sigils include:
- what shape does it take? Sigils are objects. Jewelry for example can be sigils.
- what spell will the sigil store at the start of the story? Sigils are receptacles of magic. An uncharged sigil is just a bauble
- what is the spell / what does it do? I'm pretty flexible when it comes to powers in stories. I think the way I'm envisioning sigil magic is that the implementation of them will be pretty specific, but I'm also open to hearing ideas / getting pitched on certain spells if they're cool haha
- If you come up with an idea for a spell to store in 1 of the sigils, I will probably tell you what type of spell it is (lore page to come on spell types - don't worry about it for now as they'll be comprehensive I hope!)

Here is a brief lore entry on sigils: Fantasy - New Aeternum: Chapter 1 — The Anomaly [Lore]

There are other, extraneous magic bits (the aforementioned contracts and innate magic), which you can consider as well. Contracts are between the arbiter and a non-human entity / spirit

As for the coding question: no worres haha; I just appreciate you humoring me and trying to work with it over just posting a CS uncoded. Best advice I can think of is to CTRL+F 'TBA' for example, which will take you to the places in the CS which need to be filled, including Personality / History etc. You can also CTRL+F 'Name' and if you flip around, you should find where the text for 'Name' is pulled from. The 'Preview' button on the top right hand side of the text box is your friend (mine too - I mess up all the time and check 'Preview' before posting to avoid the code going wild)
I had a question! I may have missed it previously but in terms of the world, where are we at in a technological sense? Like are we pretty classic fantasy, modern world with fantasy aspects?
I had a question! I may have missed it previously but in terms of the world, where are we at in a technological sense? Like are we pretty classic fantasy, modern world with fantasy aspects?
Good question!

The year is 2022 and even though it's an alternate universe (i.e., different countries, land-masses, histories etc.), the technology of the age has progressed more or less comparably to our own.

... Although, New Aeternum itself is somewhat backwards(?) in that regard

Around one-and-a-half centuries before the start of the RP (what would be maybe the 1850's?) New Aeternum re-emerged from a culture-wide self-imposed (several thousand years-long) exile on an alternate plane of existence (I promise I'm not just making stuff up on the spot). They've adapted and integrated well enough with the current times by the time that the RP starts, and their technology is powered by magic as much as it is by electricity.

All that was a long winded way to answer 'modern world with fantasy aspects', haha
Ok sweet thank you! I had figured that it was pretty relative to our own world but didn’t want to assume and show up looking stupid. And please, I’m a lore junkie I love these in depth answers.
How/when do you see people learning to use magic, or acquiring sigils and learning to use them? Would it be different from family to family or is there some centralized schooling system?
Oh! I also saw the archetypes part of the CS. Is there a list of certain types we pick from, or how does that work?
Also also! What are Primary Class and Secondary Class and Other Names options on the CS for? Would love more lore on the contracts, and what sort of things you might include in the "weapons + equipment" section.
How/when do you see people learning to use magic, or acquiring sigils and learning to use them? Would it be different from family to family or is there some centralized schooling system?
Our cast will have learned at Hogwarts via the tutelage of a member of the older generation and private, hired tutors, probably a blend of individual, small- and medium-sized classes beginning from an early age (the teachings would probably happen in and around teachings of regular, 'mundane' subjects like mathematics etc.)

The sigils (unless they have procured them themselves through duplicitous means) technically belong to The Balance. They are loaned out from a central armory for educational (and non-educational) purposes after proper documentation is submitted to a curmudgeonly quartermaster named Fitz. The current generation of Arbiters (as well as any non-Arbiter Scions) would've been educated together(-ish)!

Oh! I also saw the archetypes part of the CS. Is there a list of certain types we pick from, or how does that work?
Yes! I've been meaning to get these up. There will be a lore page for this, but for now what these are meant to do is essentially inform a character's style. For now you can leave it and just design your character as you would. Eventually you will have a selection of these to choose from (primary meaning the one they most resemble, followed by secondary [if applicable - they only need one!]); they should be general purpose enough that at least one will apply haha

Also also! What are Primary Class and Secondary Class and Other Names options on the CS for? Would love more lore on the contracts, and what sort of things you might include in the "weapons + equipment" section.
For Prrimary and Secondary class, I think that's what I refer to above; disregard for now (but not for too long)! Contracts are agreements forged between Aeternals and totally not demons creatures referred to collectively as Jinn. The terms of the Contract can vary, but usually the Aeternal will relinquish something in exchange for the summoned entity's power, wisdom, etc.

There are 'sanctioned' Contracts, which are signed off on by the gov't and registered (to prevent any nasty daemonic infestations), but sometimes these laws are skirted.

For weapons / equipment, it can be enchanted or mundane. Enchantments (like the Sigils, Contracts, and the like) are pretty open, but will be reviewed and possibly altered just to keep things fair
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Btw just wanted to let you know that the magic tab for both arbiter and companion looks like this in mobile version, being cut. While the main profile works fine.


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Planning on making a companion. Anyone making an arbiter wanna team up?
Sure! I'm still working on my character, but she's almost done. I posted a WIP character sheet, might change a couple things about it.
Sweet! I’ve started mine as well but haven’t gotten too deep yet, was waiting for lore drops and such. And since an arbiter’s and a companion’s backstories are connected was waiting for that as well.
Everything I have already written is staying except for the bit about her contract and the being she's contracted with. I'm going to change that part. If you want, we can DM about it or talk about it on discord, whichever is easiest for you.

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