[Never Surrender, Never Die!] The Broken Commons

So don't know if Blackadder or Cirno noticed but Thorns last post in the In character thread used the new tab system. It's kinda neat but if you space you can miss the fact that you have to click on the tabs for different entries.
Aren't they nice? Feedback seems positive so far, so it'll most likely be my new standard for multiple posts
Hrm. Should Meadow be taking that as an indication to run? Or can she hack away at the rubble and make it sound like more debris is coming down (to make the attackers run)?
I've never played a sorcerer. *sadness*

Do those torches run on some sort of essence collector/battery? Or are they the light on fire kind?
Sorry for the lack of posts...Been picking up more hours at work since a coworker was fired (I have one day off next week), and also Halloween season is super busy at the college boarding house I live at. We put on a production for the kids for trick-or-treat. More posts should be coming soon!
Okay, Hado, I need you to actually post the full sheet in the forum, not just a pdf anymore. Xarvh, you still in? Cause you're about to get a prologue with Teki, and maaaaybe Hado...unfortunately I forgot Hado's backstory, so I need him to post it ASAP

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