[Never Surrender, Never Die!] The Broken Commons

Oh, also, I have a few of you already on AOL instant messenger...if any more would like my screen name, please PM me. I like being able to chat with my players on there. It helps me write better plot for them too, so, it's in your best interest, :D
I have some ideas that will require an overdrive pool in order to work. Hey, 15 more motes that will be filled with two other charms I'm thinking of taking.

Also, is it possible for me to have a soulsteel reinforced buff jacket? (ceremonial armor, you'll see why in my bio). If so, will the base value of the armor still be the same except without the material bonus?
I thi

[QUOTE="Thorn Darkblade]Will review shortly...
Also, Exaltation rules are up. Please review, give me questions or comments.

I think you have 6 charms listed twice.
[QUOTE="Thorn Darkblade]Nope, 6 immediate, and 6 more banked

Excuse me while I drool. (Oh shiny charms yesss)
*hands her a napkin*

As I said, this is gonna be rocketing fairly fast.

Also, I forgot, need to add some background points in there
Don't want to dump it on you Thorn, but can you post for the Guardswoman? I'm just drawing blanks for some unknown reason and don't want to hold things up.
Well, my next post will make a course of action fairly obvious...I just am out and about currently, so can't do anything substantial
Hrmm. Are Charms from Unconquered Sun out since he's been shackled? What about Ink Monkeys?
I was wondering about the whole 'anti-creation' aspect of the abyssals. Since the land is somewhat tainted and the underworld's been sealed off, what will the the new takes upon gaining resonance on creation and being underground?

Edit: What happened to Eidenweiss since the Unconquered Sun has now been conquered?
The Charms are still valid, Holy Charms just do not affect demons/demonbred except with Should the Sun Not Rise, due to being COnquered.

Abyssals will be using a variant of the alternate Resonance rules found in the appendix of Shards of the Exalted Dream. It'll have some kickass powers attached to it as well, but, Abyssals -are- still inimical to life, so, they will be, at the very least, creepy as fuck with high resonance.

And Eidenweiss? That one's slipping under my lore radar.
Pretty nice exaltation rules, the getting the charms posts in one instant will be nice to have.
May I edit in a language switch from Forest-tongue to Riverspeak in my post?

Also would like to ask for an odd resource: Meadow's jacket padded with paper. Not sure how many dots it'd be worth. It gives a small soak bonus, but it's also a portable, if fragmented, library. Meadow stuffed it with what she thought were interesting anecdotes of the surface world before the purge (pages ripped from books on geography, irrigation, structures to control river water) and pretty full colour pictures (museum catalogues' plates of Second Age and modern artifacts). Finding a particular page may take upwards of 40 minutes and re-padding the jacket after about 20 minutes. If it gets too overused it can always be shredded or set on fire in some incident.
[QUOTE="Thorn Darkblade]House inspection ends today... Expect posts today or tomorrow

Just noticed status. Hope it went okay.
House meeting went well, and there were no issues! All our cleaning paid off.

(Note: Thorn and I do live in the same place.)
I'll be doing a final approval list of characters in upcoming waves...any Abyssals won't be until the third wave. Any Abyssals and Lunars can feel free to apply the Exaltation rules to their build NOW, by the way. Everyone else will be well Exalted by the time you're in.
Just letting everyone know I'll be gone from wednesday to sunday. I'll try to post with my phone, but no promises.

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