[Never Surrender, Never Die!] The Broken Commons

Some of you might have seen my hiatus thread...yes, this was one of the games I apologized for not updating. The holiday seasons have me a bit busier than usual, plus I've been snagging any extra hours whenever possible at work. Thank you all for your incredible patience in this and understanding life happens, ^-^
'sall good. So long as I can shoot demons in the face with golden sunlight eventually, it's cool. :D
We must purge him with Righteous Flames. It is only then will he be properly cleansed so the Emperor will have mercy on him.
Apologies for being absent, but, I'm back now, and much better. Who's all still in? Gonna get this rolling.
Reaver is still in, as is Silverwolf and I believe Teki as well. Xarvh and Hado, yay or nay? Silence is a nay, for the record.
Seems interest has died in this. That compounded with classes starting, I'm gonna bury this game. I may resurrect this in the future, and in the meantime, I'm going to run a smaller scale L5R game (2-4 players).

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