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Realistic or Modern Never Go Back [Zombie RP]

@ThatOneCrazyPerson No no not rude at all (unless you think it is, in which case I sowwwee)! It's Weston based on what he said earlier xD
I'm thinking about reviving Jack in a sick twist. You guys haven't had the first person of a zombie before.


Benjamin (Ben) Bradshaw


Age: 9

Gender: Male

Previous Occupation: Elementary School Student

Family Members:

Mother - 34 - Alive

Father - 36 - Alive


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Small; quiet movement

- Does as he's told (can also be a negative)

- Outgoing (can also be a negative)

- Lightweight and fast

- Not very trusting (can also be a negative)

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Not good at containing emotions

- Does as he's told (can also be a positive)

- Outgoing (can also be a positive)

- Not very trusting (can also be a positive)

- Not trained in any form of combat

- Heavily dependent on other people

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

What is there to say about Ben? He's a kid, used to a normal life before shit well and truly hit the fan. Things happened, but he managed to stay out of any and all action that usually occurred. The only problem is, his mother and father are literally dedicating their lives to making sure he's safe. Now, I know that doesn't seem like a problem all that much, but... We'll see more on that later, I'm sure. For now, though, I guess I'll talk more about who he is, or at least the sort of kid he is. He's... An interesting one. Before things went bad, he had quite a high interest in TV and movies, and his big dream was labelled as being part of some sort of TV show or some sort of production - He never really got much further than a dream. His family weren't as well off as others, which meant no lessons in terms of acting or anything. Disappointing, but oh well.

Anyway - After things went bad, he was witness to some of the things that no nine-year-old should ever have to see. For this reason, his trust in people altogether dropped tremendously. Although he's very outgoing with the people he trusts, with those he's never met before, it takes time for them to fall into his little tribe of trust, and if they're outside of his comfort zone, there's a fifty-fifty chance that they'll either stay there, or they'll get let into it. It really does depend on who it is he’s dealing with, really. And in addition to this, although his true personality is outgoing and friendly, he has no fire, no way of fighting back, both physically and mentally.

If someone tells him to shut up, he’ll shut up. If someone tells him to leave them alone and go off on his own, he’ll do exactly that (aside from his parents, of course) – He’s not a fan of violence and lives a sheltered lifestyle despite the fact that the world has ended. His dependence on his parents and/or anyone who he can trust and is capable of protecting him is something else that is nothing short of concerning. He isn’t the sort of defend himself in any way, and if the chance is there, he’ll sooner cower behind someone, even if he had more of a chance by running off.

Past Life

Things were easy enough in his past life. He was an only child, and was quite happy with that. It never bothered him so much that he never had any brothers or sisters, to be honest with you. He was quite happy on his own, in his own house with his own room, having his own stuff and not having to share anything (although he wouldn’t mind if he had to) – It was a good life, and his parents… Well, they did okay, I guess. They weren’t rich, not at all, they weren’t even close to it, but the life for them was stable and that’s what mattered the most. They were still an inspiration to him nonetheless.

In terms of school, he had his small circle of friends that he was more than happy with. It consisted of three other boys that were in his class, and that was that. He didn’t want anymore, or need any, and school was generally quite a relaxed and happy place for him, and it was also in a nice neighborhood which did indeed add to it. There were never any incidents of bullying, and he got on okay in all of his classes, too, with his reports being pretty good throughout the years he’d already been there, with no signs of them worsening.

Life was okay, and life was something that he enjoyed.

But as soon as the outbreak hit the earth, that was when things started to go wrong, and he became a fearful and rather insecure mess of emotions. It was here that the emotions started to show up a lot more. Random bouts of crying, panic, extreme fear, inability to perform basic tasks due to worry. Sometimes, even sickness was caused by all of this, which… Didn’t help. He wasn’t eating well as it was, so that combined just made him lose weight quite quickly. He was surviving, though, but the saddest part was that he was barely existing.

Theme Song

Hey Brother - Avicii


A backpack containing the following:

- A bottle of water

- A can opener

- A pocket knife (never used)

- A can of beans

- A pack of potato chips

- Two fictional books

Preferred Group


DrTrollinski said:


Benjamin (Ben) Bradshaw


Age: 9

Gender: Male

Previous Occupation: Elementary School Student

Family Members:

Mother - 34 - Alive

Father - 36 - Alive


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Small; quiet movement

- Does as he's told (can also be a negative)

- Outgoing (can also be a negative)

- Lightweight and fast

- Not very trusting (can also be a negative)

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Not good at containing emotions

- Does as he's told (can also be a positive)

- Outgoing (can also be a positive)

- Not very trusting (can also be a positive)

- Not trained in any form of combat

- Heavily dependent on other people

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

What is there to say about Ben? He's a kid, used to a normal life before shit well and truly hit the fan. Things happened, but he managed to stay out of any and all action that usually occurred. The only problem is, his mother and father are literally dedicating their lives to making sure he's safe. Now, I know that doesn't seem like a problem all that much, but... We'll see more on that later, I'm sure. For now, though, I guess I'll talk more about who he is, or at least the sort of kid he is. He's... An interesting one. Before things went bad, he had quite a high interest in TV and movies, and his big dream was labelled as being part of some sort of TV show or some sort of production - He never really got much further than a dream. His family weren't as well off as others, which meant no lessons in terms of acting or anything. Disappointing, but oh well.

Anyway - After things went bad, he was witness to some of the things that no nine-year-old should ever have to see. For this reason, his trust in people altogether dropped tremendously. Although he's very outgoing with the people he trusts, with those he's never met before, it takes time for them to fall into his little tribe of trust, and if they're outside of his comfort zone, there's a fifty-fifty chance that they'll either stay there, or they'll get let into it. It really does depend on who it is he’s dealing with, really. And in addition to this, although his true personality is outgoing and friendly, he has no fire, no way of fighting back, both physically and mentally.

If someone tells him to shut up, he’ll shut up. If someone tells him to leave them alone and go off on his own, he’ll do exactly that (aside from his parents, of course) – He’s not a fan of violence and lives a sheltered lifestyle despite the fact that the world has ended. His dependence on his parents and/or anyone who he can trust and is capable of protecting him is something else that is nothing short of concerning. He isn’t the sort of defend himself in any way, and if the chance is there, he’ll sooner cower behind someone, even if he had more of a chance by running off.

Past Life

Things were easy enough in his past life. He was an only child, and was quite happy with that. It never bothered him so much that he never had any brothers or sisters, to be honest with you. He was quite happy on his own, in his own house with his own room, having his own stuff and not having to share anything (although he wouldn’t mind if he had to) – It was a good life, and his parents… Well, they did okay, I guess. They weren’t rich, not at all, they weren’t even close to it, but the life for them was stable and that’s what mattered the most. They were still an inspiration to him nonetheless.

In terms of school, he had his small circle of friends that he was more than happy with. It consisted of three other boys that were in his class, and that was that. He didn’t want anymore, or need any, and school was generally quite a relaxed and happy place for him, and it was also in a nice neighborhood which did indeed add to it. There were never any incidents of bullying, and he got on okay in all of his classes, too, with his reports being pretty good throughout the years he’d already been there, with no signs of them worsening.

Life was okay, and life was something that he enjoyed.

But as soon as the outbreak hit the earth, that was when things started to go wrong, and he became a fearful and rather insecure mess of emotions. It was here that the emotions started to show up a lot more. Random bouts of crying, panic, extreme fear, inability to perform basic tasks due to worry. Sometimes, even sickness was caused by all of this, which… Didn’t help. He wasn’t eating well as it was, so that combined just made him lose weight quite quickly. He was surviving, though, but the saddest part was that he was barely existing.

Theme Song

Hey Brother - Avicii


A backpack containing the following:

- A bottle of water

- A can opener

- A pocket knife (never used)

- A can of beans

- A pack of potato chips

- Two fictional books

Preferred Group


Accepted! He'll be put on the waiting list until someone leaves/dies ^^

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