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Futuristic Nero: The Hidden City - OOC

Maybe a romantic comedy manga? Then again, I also like the idea of them bonding over a shoujo manga. Maybe something like Fruits Basket or Inuyasha?
Either works for me, but I think fruits basket and inuyasha are too well-spread already for them to be considered "niche" like what we want.
Why isn't there a 'pissed' emoji reaction??

ima petition the rpn bbcode gods!

(in reality I'm just thinking how to create the unique-kest snowflake of a character)
Lekiel Lekiel and Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater Sure, I think we can accommodate two more.

Tanya Degurechaff Tanya Degurechaff Most official battles can have mecha respawn after they are taken out from too much damage. Random encounters however, is lawless. Chance of losing a mecha permanently is high in a random encounter. If a mecha survives a random encounter then yes, damage remains until it is repaired.

There are nuances though. As per the real world convention in the RP, if a character has the physical model of the machine he uses in game then he can just scan it again. In Sai's case where his machine is built with both real world and game parts, he'll only recover the parts used in the real world when re-scanned.

Enolx Enolx Mecha looks fine somehow. It's got special abilities but conditions in order to activate it so it doesn't seem OP.

We have quite a number of players. I think we're going to have to split between all three colonies now. I'll start distributing characters once everyone's completed. Our target start time is Saturday evening in my time, July 21. XD
By the way, if anyone has suggestions for mechanics and whatnot, feel free to voice them out! With this large cast, I will need help fleshing things out.
So since there are teams/colonies are there specific roles that need to be filled for each colony? Like dps, tank, support? And if that's the case can a Mech be a support that provides shields/armor to the other teammates or has a healing ability?
So since there are teams/colonies are there specific roles that need to be filled for each colony? Like dps, tank, support? And if that's the case can a Mech be a support that provides shields/armor to the other teammates or has a healing ability?

I guess that's something to work out for yourself. Given the situation, you could flank the enemy team, set up a ambush, support a team-member that's in trouble or needs assistance. Just my opinion as trying to be versatile in any situation could prove more useful than tunnel-visioning down a certain role.
SCSaya06 SCSaya06 - You're more than welcome to use the video arcade idea. Just thought it would be a good chance for people to meet up and 'hang out'. :P

Idea Idea - Woah there.. who said anything about Issac wanting a 'girl'-friend :P ...
@Idea - Woah there.. who said anything about Issac wanting a 'girl'-friend :P ...
My characters are usually female and you spoke of Isaac being "mature enough to have a partner", hence the assumption. Plus I assume MxF are what people look for when they speak of romance until some indication to the contrary, because most do.
My characters are usually female and you spoke of Isaac being "mature enough to have a partner", hence the assumption. Plus I assume MxF are what people look for when they speak of romance until some indiction to the contrary, because most do.

No worries, I was joking xD ... Seems that you already have a good idea running with Aelita already so three would just be a crowd :P

Just putting this out there for any male characters looking for a mxm relationship; Issac is single ^_^ (wink, wink)
Bang Bang Bang Bang I see both of our characters are obsessed with stats and spend a lot of time in the game, we are also the ones with the most advanced age so would a relationship might make sense, what do you think?
I think this is a very excellent idea. Happy to hash out here or in pms, whatever suits.

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