Nephilim Academy

Shy Shadow

Zombie Slayer
Soran was reading a book under the shade of a cherry tree when he spotted a girl climb out of a yellow cab. He grinned and brushed his hair out of his face. Newbies. They're always the best to play around with, they have the best reactions. Soran approached the girl, flower petals falling onto him lightly. Soran draped his arm around the girl and gave her a big smile. "Hello, newbie!" The sun hit him at the perfect angle, illuminating his gorgeous features. A soft wind blew his platinum blonde hair around, tousling it perfectly.
Sky was sitting in the lobby, filling out a last bit of paper work silently. She looked small and breakable in the chair she sat in. She was hunched over the clipboard, scribbling answers down. She finally got up, setting the clipboard on the desk. She received her paper with her dorm room and class list. Sky took this chance to look around finally.
"Hi," she told him happily. She was surprised that he was so friendly. He was kind of beautiful too. "My names Danny," she told him introducing herself.
Soran's grin grew bigger when she replied without attacking him, most new Nephilims were antsy and nervous. "Name's Soran," Soran stuck his hand out for Danny to shake. "If I were a stop light, I'd turn red every time you passed by, just so I could stare at you a bit longer." Soran winked at Danny and gave her a cheesy smile, trying desperately to contain his laughter.
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Danny started to laugh. "That is one of the cheesiest thing anyone has told me," she chuckled but shacked his hand. "Well it was nice to meeting you Soran," she told him then began to try to find her room but had no idea were it was.
Sky finally decided to make her way up to the dorms. She tried to find signs r something but was having no luck.
Noticing Danny's confusion, Soran let out a light chuckle, "Do you have a map? The school is pretty big." Knowing that Danny probably wouldn't have a map, Soran gave her the instructions to just go to the office. "Just walk in there and ask for a map. Tell them you're new or else they'll stare at you like you're stupid. Trust me, I know that from experience." Soran's eyes gleamed when he thought of a new idea. Bowing elegantly, Soran took Danny's hand and kissed it softly. "Or would you like me to escort you there, princess?"
She knew she would need a map sooner or later but she didn't want to be rude. Plus maybe if she got to know him better and spent more time with him than maybe they could be friends. So she said, "Sure."
Soran turned towards the other girl and smiled, "Yeah, I was just about to show this girl here where they were." Soran held his other arm out to the girl, and linked arms with Danny. "Would you like to tag along with us, the merry band of fun?" Soran beamed at the other girl. So many newbies! I wonder if there's more. Soran chuckled at the thought in his head, imagining a bunch of new people running around the campus.
Liam got out of the cab that he was in and walked over to the huge academy in awe. He was surprised that this would be such a huge school. He had just recently figured out his powers and was still trying to warm up to them. He saw a couple of others and kept on walking.
Clary got out of the cab and looked at the school, taking it in how big it was. A minute later the inpatient cab driver threw her bags at her back, and got back in the cab and leave. Clary held up the finger to him and picked up her bags, walking to the school. She rummaged through her purse and found her map and information sheet. 'Dorm 3.' Clary reminded herself, walking towards the dorm hallway. She walked into her now big, blue bedroom for two and saw her roommate already arrived. She shrugged and unpacked quietly.
After a few minutes of getting to know the two girls Soran arrived in front of the dormitories. "The Girls Dorms are on the right, and the Boys Dorms are on the left. Just find your number and yeah, unpack and stuff!" Soran grinned at the two girls. "You do know your dorm numbers....right?"
(I'm the queen of late posts.)

Sky nodded. "Yeah," she said, opening the door marked three. She she stepped into the big blue room and smiled, setting her bags on the floor. "Hi," she said, hesitantly waving at who she assumed was her roommate.
Clary jumped a little at the random voice. She turned around and smiled a little. "Hello." She said quietly, putting an empty bag to the side.
Soran watched the other girl as she walked away without even saying goodbye or thank you. "I....I didn't even get to know her name..." Soran frowned slightly, but shook off the negative feeling immediately. He gave a sweet smile to Danny and said, "My dorm number is 2 on the boys side, just come to me if you need anything." Soran waved goodbye to Danny as she entered the dormitories.
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(That was so mean of me. She's shy, okay? xD )

Sky put her bags on on of the bed and started slowly unpacking. "My name's Sky," she finally said, not looking up.
Clary looked up then back to her bags. "I'm Clarissa, but please call me Clary." She said, making sure people call her by her far better nickname. She finished unpacking and looked around, taking in her surroundings in the room. She decided to look around the school, so she said, "I'm gonna go look around for a bit, i'll see you later, Sky." Quickly, she went out of the room and started to walk around.
"Um, sure," Sky smiled, watching as she left. She decided to take the time to finish unpacking. She put her books on a small bookshelf and a couple stuffed animals on the bed.
Danny thanked him for showing her where her forum was. Then entered her new dorm and set her stuff down, and sieghed.
Sky sat on the bed closest to the window. She pulled her largest teddy bear to her chest. It was fluffy and white with black angel wings. Her dad had gotten it for her when she was ten and it had been her favorite belonging ever since. She ran her fingers through the fluffy feathers.
Soran stood awkwardly outside of the dormitories. "I'm bored." He stated out loud. Looking around, Soran walked around campus. Finally he decided to stop by the lobby to see if anyone was there. "SO BORED!" Soran groaned, laying down on the floor of the lobby and rolled around like a log. "I am so bored~ I am so bored~ Oh, what to do when I'm so bored~" Soran kept rolling around on the floor of the lobby until someone came around.

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