Nen/Hatsu Workshop

I think it would be tough to conjure something that has that many properties and have them be usefully strong, again Kurapika is a great example, he similarly has multiple abilities based on conjuration but he had to make a pretty dire vow to make it happen and that probably still wouldn't have been sufficient without his Mary Sue Time  Emperor Time ability allowing him to use all nen types efficiently. You would have to look at some significant limitations in order to make them viable I think, perhaps like Kite you could have the abilities be activated randomly or controlled by some factor outside Loki's control?

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it! o/

As for properties, I was thinking of either of the cuffs changing into crystal-like structure, or just like metal. Was going more for she can shift the shape of  this black mass that has metallic properties quickly to adapt to some weapon she needs. 

Although I notice there is another more fundamental problem, I think she's far too young to handle that many forms, so probably best I find an alternative. Ideally I think something more subtle might be better for her (once again relating to speed), I just need to research more. 
You could have her gradually unlock different forms similar to how Gon's JaJanken progresses, you'd still run into the problem of them being strong enough to be useful though, it seems like in general limitations or vows are of particular use to conjurers since you can make something very strong only under certain conditions. t might be possible to also characterise the different forms with limitations that reflect their weaknesses on the game board. the soldier piece might be straightforward and easy to use but also disposable, shattering after one use and having to be resummouned for example, the cannon piece might be ranged but extremly unwieldy in close range combat, making it risky. 
Okay now I am thinking sort of like a film projector like ability, here's the rough outline:

The right eye has the ability to record, this is somewhat like an enhanced version of Gyo, it greatly increases the speed, and range accuracy of her vision even in low light or hazy condition it's quite draining though, you would use it in bursts several seconds rather than all the time.  It also has the property of "recording" everything it sees.

The left eye can project, basically it emits a hologram like depiction of anything the right eye has recorded which has the actual properties of whatever has been recorded. Record a wall and you can project a wall with the same toughness, record someone performing their special move and you'll project a figure that does the same move with the same effect. The size and other qualities of the projection would influence how much nen it takes but the main drawback would be a vow that steadily degrades her vision the more she uses each eye. Her vision would be restored eventually but if she lost it in the middle of a fight she basically loses since more so even than most people she relies heavily on sight. She'd also be more dependant on other people while blind which would be her nightmare scenario, increasing the effect of the vow I think and also creating some fun situations. 

Overall I think it'd be a fun ability but I haven't quite worked out the limitations, the exact range of her visions and how far she can project things and how quickly her vision degrades and stuff. She should also probably have a max capacity for much "footage" she can record before she has to delete some to make room for new stuff.

What if she could only maintain somthing for the same amount if time she recorded it? 
What if she could only maintain somthing for the same amount if time she recorded it? 

Well yeah that would be a good start.

I am thinking she has 60 seconds of "recording time" that she can have at any one time, the use if which degrades her vision at steady rate so that she is totally blind after using all 60 seconds in either eye, this happens independently for each eye so if she uses sixty seconds of recording time but only projects for thirty she'll still have half vision in one eye. Her vision and recording time recovers at a rate of one minute to one second so after using her full sixty seconds it would take an hour to recover fully but she can use what she has recovered if need be. She has a limited range from her body in which she can project, maybe like five metres although that could be improved through training and she can control the orientation of the projection freely. 

Lastly the nen cost of the ability is governed by the amount of nen expenditure recorded, although it's influenced by Eliot's emission efficiency and skill since it's all technically emission, even if the ability being replicated was say, conjuration which would ordinarily be extremely costly for her. So this creates a situation where copying extremely powerful techniques is quite risky as she could potentially use all of her nen at once and be left vulnerable. 

By the way is Eliot actually accepted? I'm not totally sure.
You could have her gradually unlock different forms similar to how Gon's JaJanken progresses, you'd still run into the problem of them being strong enough to be useful though, it seems like in general limitations or vows are of particular use to conjurers since you can make something very strong only under certain conditions. t might be possible to also characterise the different forms with limitations that reflect their weaknesses on the game board. the soldier piece might be straightforward and easy to use but also disposable, shattering after one use and having to be resummouned for example, the cannon piece might be ranged but extremly unwieldy in close range combat, making it risky. 

Ah, about limitations, sorry if it seemed like I was going to just keep a vague description of nen abilities with no constraints T_T. Just reread my old post and noticed how OP that sounds. 

I'm going to make sure to properly set the boundaries and everything once I've finalised on a concept ability. But as I said, I'm not exactly too keen on this nen ability yet. It was just something I had really liked when playing Malicious Rebirth. The alternative I have is something related to EM spectrum but my mind is blank for conjurers there. 

You've read my mind about the different forms can only be used in specific ways though. 
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Oh it didn't sound like you were trying to sneak anything OP in or something, more like you hadn't fully fleshed out the concept was all, I was just brainstorming. There's really no need to rush it I guess, seeing as we won't have nen right away.
you know, maybe (though wit the conjurer idea, he still does transmutation, though its usually is screw with his hair X3)

hmmm... Hisoka eh? (do you know exactly how much i love Hisoka? X3)
you know, maybe (though wit the conjurer idea, he still does transmutation, though its usually is screw with his hair X3)

hmmm... Hisoka eh? (do you know exactly how much i love Hisoka? X3)

I could guess lol. It's worth noting that transmutation and conjuration are next to each other on the type chart so whichever one you pick you could also incorporate elements of the other at some point.
Oh it didn't sound like you were trying to sneak anything OP in or something, more like you hadn't fully fleshed out the concept was all, I was just brainstorming. There's really no need to rush it I guess, seeing as we won't have nen right away.

Aha, thank you. As the GM of another RP, I am insanely pedantic when a user gives a vague description for their cs. It's just to avoid the case where people change their minds about the abilities and use metagamy methods. 

And yeah, I hope to come to some conclusion at the end of Hunter exam arc for us. 

you know, maybe (though wit the conjurer idea, he still does transmutation, though its usually is screw with his hair X3)

hmmm... Hisoka eh? (do you know exactly how much i love Hisoka? X3)

is this for Dante? 
An Explanation of Oleifer and Olafur's Hatsu/Nen

Name: Zero-G Gladiator 

Type: Transmutation

Basic/General Explanation: Olafur generates nen which is then Tranmutated as it is their natural nen Type. Their nen, once emitted into a general concentrated field and honed to cover an area or radius around them would would be Transmuted to reflect the substance of gravity itself. While this does not actually affect the substance of actual gravity, as that would be a manipulator technique and would possibly require a lot more aura to pull off because its on such a cosmic scale, it certainly reflects it by making the area around Olf become harder and harder to move in. Substantially this makes more speed based opponents which Olf is the weakest against more and more incapable when fighting in a melee style around him, and also helps out with long-ranged based opponents by also effectively working on regular objects as well. The more nen emitted obviously, the more pressure is put into the area. However, due to Olf's inhuman strength, as well as the training method's they may employ to become even stronger while simultaneously strengthening their nen (possibly inspired by the increased gravity training of the franchise Dragon Ball) they are less effected by this than others, their strength working hand in hand with this ability. In the future, this could broaden into other categories as Olf could enhance their physical body more to play off their already large amount of strength or Conjure gauntlets with special properties which may play off this gravity field, but I feel that looking into that is looking a bit too far into the future.

Terms/Vows - 

  1.  This Ability is Not To Be Used on Anyone Who Has Not Attempted to Attack Me Already 
  2. This Ability Is Not To Be Used During A Full Moon

Consequences -

  1. Death

I like the crushing gravity idea. You could also have somthing where in order to increase gravity on somthing, he has to decrease it on somthing else. I imagine Olf slowing down an opponent with his ability while he becomes as light as a feather, or suspending them midair then increasing his own gravity and coming down on then like a hammer. 


Conjuration Dreamweaver. (basicly what comes to mind he can create, smll cmored clouds, outfits, a fix., ext)


-only for self defence(if the other person starts the fight), personal use, our tricks, no starting fights, if does, is unable to use hatsu of a full 2 days.

-nothing bigger then yourself

-if within as big as yourself, or inches smaller/shorter  it can only be used for 2 minutes (what ever you conjured)

nen ability, 


turned a 8 foot radius into a cloudy dream like world, cannot leave and somewhat(by 10%) enhances powers, works only for 5 minutes., unalbe to use nen for 5 minutes after

Like @AtlannianSpysaid, he seems more like a transmuters rather than conjuror, but I have an idea for how it might work. What if his ability is basically making anything, but he can only use it when he's "asleep", by which I mean he shuts off most of his body and mind. When he does this, he creates the dreamscape like you said, and anyone inside at the time falls under the affect of his ability. Any harm that comes to people in the dreamscape, while perceived to be real, isn't actually. But if a person is "killed" in the dreamscape, they fall into a deep sleep for an hour or so, leaving them open to an attack when you wake up. If you want to add limitations to it, then you could have somthing where sunlight or bright light in general dispels the dreamscape. 

I've had a thought about an ability, but unsure whether my Loki can use it. 

I realised that on my scrap paper, I tend to like drawing her with cuffs. Maybe she could conjure up black cuffs on her arms, that are more like a black mass/aura that can shift shape according to the item she has in mind. Was thinking of naming/basing her attacks/conjuring skills after chess pieces in Xiangqi. And "checkmate" to her would be when there is no way out of a stiuation, the time when she feels she needs to use her suicide medicine. 

So the pieces in Xiangqi (or Chinese chess) would be: 

1. Soldier - the two cuffs expand in size to form into two fists. While she can use her normal fists, she could increase the rapid combination of attacks with two extra

2. Cannon - the two cuffs shoot out projectiles. The texture of these small projectiles are like glass shards. I would say she can only shoot in a straight line but she can change her direction of focus. 

3. Chariot - not exactly sure what form, but I'd like this one to give her a boost in her speed and movement. It won't be anything like an offensive attack. 

4. Horse - clasp both hands together and the cuffs shift into a long lance. The longer distance she is away from the target the more impact, but she also needs to travel in a straight line. 

5. Elephant - the two cuffs turn into a hammer? (I'm not sure yet... I feel like this might be her weakest)

6. Advisor - chains can come out from the cuffs, and she can use this more for dragging in enemies from long distances. 

7. General - the cuffs change into swords. 

I like the cuffs idea, and I'm going to assume European chess is based off the Chinese one, and that the have similiar rules. I think it would be cool if chariot turned into rockets or somthing, and she can go fast be running Naruto-style. Also, if you want add to her whole bodyguard thing, maybe in order to use the ability she has to assign somone the general, and if that person is killed "checkmate" occurs. She also experiences any pain that person feels, and her desire to avoid suffering helps strengthen her power. If you wanted even more limitations, everytime she is attacked and fails to defend, the cuff type she is currently using breaks. Her soldier can break eight times, her Advisor (Queen, I'm assuming) can only break once, while everything else can be used twice.

Also, in the manga/anime, most nen abilities have a secondary name that is often written in kanji. Having one is in no way necessary, but I couldn't help naming these sick Hatsus regardless of wether or not they are used.

Olf's- Zero-G Gladiator: Planetary Force

Dante's- Dreamscape: Death by Slumber

Loki's- Black Crown: Game of Survival

Ellen's- Double Vision: Eye of Truth, Eye of Deceit 
@SullivanityIs it alright if I develop my ideas on my character profile, then repost them here for review? (I'm still working on my ideas, but I do have a general idea).
@Sullivanity Alright, thanks. I have it as a new comment with the title: Potential nen abilities. I'll post some concepts (I'm still adding/editing some).

Potential Nen Abilities for Geist (List, and using this spot to develop and establish my ideas, so everything's all in the same place).

Note: It takes a few minutes for him to be able to crack his knuckles, after he uses a nen ability.

Enhancer/Transmuter, "Fire Cracka'": Since Geist's surrounded himself with fire a lot in his youth due to camping, he can withstand his ability: Fire Cracka'. After cracking his knuckles, he can use one hand to manipulate his fist's aura to generate a devastating volcanic attack. It can melt enemies.

Enhancer, "Cracka' Fist": Geist can crack his fingers/knuckles to gain immense power in his fist. However, there's a catch. When he cracks his knuckles, the power varies, since sometimes he may not crack all the individual knuckles. If he cracks 5 out of 5 knuckles, his damage is full. If he cracks 1 out of 5 knuckles, his damage is only 20 percent out of his full potential.

Enhancer, "Hidden Cracka'": When Geist lands his fist on his opponent, his knuckles may crack, which can increase his damage randomly.

Enhancer, "Wrist Wind-up Cracka'": Geist winds his wrist around multiple times, cracking them endlessly. The skill does a ton of damage, but requires him to charge it up (ex: like that one troupe member's arm windup attack).

Emitter, Image Needed:

When he cracks his knuckles like in the image above ^, he does an emitter attack. Since it requires both his hands, it's as powerful as one "cracka' fist." It's a projectile.

Note: He will learn these abilities as he progresses in the story. Meaning he'll learn one at a time, rather than all at a time. This is just my master list for Geist.
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Also, in the manga/anime, most nen abilities have a secondary name that is often written in kanji. Having one is in no way necessary, but I couldn't help naming these sick Hatsus regardless of wether or not they are used.

Olf's- Zero-G Gladiator: Planetary Force

Dante's- Dreamscape: Death by Slumber

Loki's- Black Crown: Game of Survival

Ellen's- Double Vision: Eye of Truth, Eye of Deceit 

these are rad! Eliot's reminds me somewhat of Kortopi's, who has the most badass name for the most unassuming power, actually Kortopi was a partial inspiration for Eliot's ability. I love the double vision bit but am torn between keeping the "eye of truth, eye of deceit" bit or swapping them out for something like "eye of avarice, eye of charity". On the one hand truth and deceit are central to Eliot's personality and her issues but I also love the idea of describing beating somebody up with their own techniques as charity and it kind of plays into her paying people back thing.

Thanks for the ideas. I quite like the idea of the General being someone she has to choose and be assigned. Makes more sense since the game will end when the General dies. 

I'm going to copy @The One Llama to Rule All's method of just fleshing it out on our CS thread first. 

And that name sounds cool. I like the "black crown" bit the best. xDD I feel like her nickname of "Blanche" for her white hair is less fitting now. 

I could, but I think I like the sound "Black crown" more. 

I imagine Blanche's favourite colour was always black or blue, and the cuffs being black seem better to blend in darker places.
@Sullivanity Did you have any ideas for Sooth's nen type?

Not meaning to butt in or anything but I read her CS as well (seems cool by the way) She seems like an enhancer to me, off the top of my head something techniques that focus nen in the feet or even shoes and utilise ballet-esque kicks might work well. 

Edit: If you wanted more flavour/ depth you could do something like various dances that act as conditions to activate various special effects, since they'd be troublesome to perform in combat they'd let you have more powerful abilities. 
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@Sullivanity Did you have any ideas for Sooth's nen type?

Well, if we use the personality thing, I agree with @AtlannianSpyin that she sounds like an enhancer. I immediately thought of somthing like Bentham's Okama Kenpo in One Piece, where it's based around kicking with the tips of your toes in order to focus the force into a smaller point. I imagine that if you can concentrate a good portion of your nen into your feet, you can end up doing stuff like kicking a hole through someone's chest. In order to make it more of a technique, however, I would make it so that the longer she pirouettes, the more powerful the kick becomes. You could also have other techniques, like one that allows you to travel an extremely long distance by  doing that thing where you split your legs in the air (I don't know what it's called) as for names, one that I thought of was-

Killer Swan: Graceful Execution 

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