Neko rp


Smol potato

A group of young nekos were gathered into a house and sold for adoption. Nobody wanted people who were cats so they let them free. Now they all live their lives some separately and some with other nekos. People do think of them weird but they've grown use to it. The nekos can have love lives but some chose not to.


~No god modding

~No cursing

~1-4 sentences per post

~1-3 characters per person

Character Sheet:


Age (16-18)





Extra (Optional ):

Appearance As Cat (Optional ):


Liora Faze

Just turned 17


American Short hair (White)

Outgoing, energetic, can fall asleep fast, protective of her friends, family, and maybe her future partner.


Extra: Can transform into a regular cat.

Appearance As Cat:


Name: Zephyr Pierce

Age: 18


Type: Bombay

Personality: Zephyr is a jokester, he loves to playfully tease his friends for laughs, but not in a harsh way. He has a carefree spirit, and doesn't like being cooped up inside for too long. Mostly, Zephyr is calm and collected, but when it comes to encountering someone Zephyr obviously doesn't like, he'll use cold remarks with an ironically polite smile. In ways he's strange. Zephyr isn't afraid of swimming and he'll embrace the rain. He can be very poetic in his words sometimes, and he can sit in one place and be deep in thought for a considerable amount of time. Zephyr makes his likes and dislikes clear, but his sense of pride keeps him from revealing his worst fear to anyone.



Extra: Zephyr has a passion for writing, and normally carries around a small journal for his fantasy genre stories and deep poems. He always wears a black sleeve on his left arm that goes from knuckles to his elbow, but doesn't tell anyone why.

Appearance As Cat:

Name: Hina Kagyuu

Age 16

Gender: Female

Type: Russian Blu

Personality: Hina can be a bit shy at times, and usually feels unsafe around people she doesn't know. She is very kind, but sensitive and delicate. She has a terrible sense of direction, and gets lost very easily. She wonders off a lot and accidentally gets in to positions that can make a lot of trouble for those around her She runs through a line of pure breed, and because her breed is so rare and the seventh expensive in the world, people are always trying to catch her for money.


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Appearance As Cat (Optional ):

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Name: Orion Nyxius

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Type: Ashera

Personality: Orion is a flirt and a womanizer, but anyone can become lost in his cloudy eyes, which is one of the reason so many people like him. He can be a very charming young man at times, but other times he can be a bit stuck up at times. Though it seems he can act a bit unserious or overdramatic, it is amazing to see how quickly he can change to be a true knight in shining armor.


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Appearance As Cat (Optional ):

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Hina~ Looking around, Hina made her way across the sidewalk, using a map to find her way home alone. "I guess I'm lost again," she spoke to herself with her quiet voice. She knew she would get lost on her own but she had wanted to try.

Orion~ A group of fangirls, followed Orion as he went shopping for dinner. He was having people over, so he wanted to make something that they would eat
Zephyr was in a tree. Lying on a thick trunk, and one leg dangling off as he was conjuring up more words to write down in his small journal. He waved his mechanical pencil and tapped it against his chin as he was stuck on a poem. Zephyr glanced up, seeing some clouds past the tree leaves. I'm not immortal, but you are lifelong. You already traveled across the world...I know I'm not wrong, he wrote down his thoughts on the paper. Just then some footsteps on concrete from below distracted him. It was a girl holding a map---scratch that, a neko girl. Zephyr was curious and kind of cheerful he had to admit, there weren't many nekos like him. "Hey," Zephyr called out to her, greeting her with a smile. "I don't mean to be nosy, but you look lost," he added.

((Sounds like something I would do xD ))
Hina~ Her eyes were full of fear and nervousness for a second. "Um.. Well..." She was nervous as she talked to this man. "Well... My destination should be somewhere around here," She said, but little did she know she was in the exact opposite location of where she was going.
Zephyr tucked his journal in his pocket along with the pencil, and began to descend the tree. Though he loved climbing and lying on tree branches, he wasn't always landing on his feet like most nekos or cats. Sometimes he mastered, sometimes he didn't. And well, this time, Zephyr failed horribly and tumbled into a soft patch of grass that was by the sidewalk. Zephyr laughed at himself. "Hehe, good thing that wasn't the concrete," after sitting up, he rubbed the back of his dark hair.

"I don't know if you want my help or not, but I know these streets pretty well," little did Zephyr know, his journal was opened beside him, revealing it's written pages of story drafts and poems to the girl.
( Sorry, I had to go to school :I )

Liora woke up late and slammed her hand down on her alarm clock. She slowly rolled out of bed and rubbed her head that had soft ears. The light blinded her for one second before she covered her eyes. Liora went down her big stairs that led to a long hallway. A kitchen was on the left and the living room was the right, she went left. She grabbed a granola bar and went back upstairs to get changed. Liora slipped into a dark green striped tank top, white pants, a black soft hoodie, and some boots. The outfit wasn't the most fashionable, but it was comfy. After she was done putting a rose hair clip in, Liora went outside for her daily walk to a cafe.
Hina slowly approached the boy, shaking with nervousness. "A-are you okay?" She managed to say, quietly. Her scarlet eyes came across the journal, as her face turned beet red with embarrassment as she remembered that it is rude to look at other people's things without permission. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to look!"

([MENTION=4214]Moonlit Dream[/MENTION])
Zephyr shook his head, grinning. "No, it's fine. Not many things in there are personal anyhow. So I don't mind any eyes on my writing," he assured, and stood up on his feet as he picked up the journal as well. Earlier when Zephyr was in that tree, he saw how this girl seemed really jumpy when she reacted to Zephyr talking to her. Maybe she's just that nervous around people she doesn't know, Zephyr gathered. "Sorry, my manners," he smiled, it was silly grin that grew on his face whenever he forgot something obvious. "I'm Zephyr Pierce. Pleased to meet you," he performed a courteous bow.
Hina looked at him with a red face. "M-my name is Hina... She said holding out a shaky hand to help him up. "And yes... I'm lost..." She brushed her silver hair out of her face and let out a small smile herself. She was warming up, though it was still slow.
Zephyr noticed how red her face was, but decided not to say it out loud. "Hina...I'll remember that, since it's a nice name," he answered cheerfully, and accepted the hand that was held out to him. "Okay, so where exactly do you need to go? I've found shortcuts throughout the years that I lived here," Zephyr said, with a little sense of pride about it. Zephyr glanced at the map Hina was holding, standing beside her small figure. But he gave her a little room since he was considering it would be worse to make Hina even more nervous than she already seemed.
"I have to go to this cafe to meet some one," she answered, slowly warming up a bit. There was lots wrong with this picture. For one thing, the map was upside down and her destination was almost on the exact opposite part of town they were in, but these were things that normally happened to Hina, until some one she knew would find her and show her the exact route, where she'd still need to stop and ask for directions. It was almost unnatural how lost the girl was.
Zephyr turned his head to the side when he noticed that the map was upside down, and he reached out and turned it the right way. "There you go," he smiled. " a cafe, huh? The only one on the map is that one," Zephyr pointed to it on the map. He remembered being a regular there, and he still is at that particular cafe. The calming atmosphere in the place was such a chance of inspiration. Plus a cup of sweetened coffee and their homemade pastries helped Zephyr think.

"I know the way, c'mon," Zephyr motioned his hand, gesturing for Hina to follow.
Liora made it to the park and sat down on one of the swings and starts gently swinging back and forth. She saw a little girl with forest green eyes run towards the slide and slip down. This made Liora laugh quietly to herself. The mom made sure she was okay and let her go back up safely. A warm breeze swept her hair out of her face and let Liora see the park more better. Birds were chirping away in a nearby tree and they flew off soon after. "Today is such a beautiful day...." She said as she swung a little higher. "I wonder if Hina was right and I won't be able to find a boyfriend." Liora mumbled that to herself. Hina made a bet that if Liora couldn't find a boyfriend before she got back home, Hina would get to set her up with anybody she would like.
Hina~ Hina followed him, but she was a bit nervous, about where she really was going to the cafe or it was another set up. Orion would save me if it were, so I can trust this guy for now. She had to step a bit faster in order to keep up. She liked how the sky was so blue. There were only a few clouds, meaning it wouldn't rain soon and there would be any thunder and lightning she'd have to worry about.

Orion~ When he finally lost his fans he decided to cut through the park. Not that he didn't mind the attention for 23 beautiful girls, it was just that there were certain people who wouldn't like to see him like that, because it didn't look professional, and none of them even knew his job.
Zephyr kept walking in front of Hina and leading the way to the cafe. On the way, his ears perked up when he caught a sound. Zephyr glanced to his left and saw the source of it. A street musician from across the street was playing a pretty song on his violin. delicate-sounding and peaceful. Very nostalgic, in his opinion. It was also kind of cheerful in a way, like a child's music box and he liked it. Zephyr made a little grin and stopped walking for a bit, being reminded of his childhood.

"Mm...that's a nice song, don't you think? Reminds me of my home," he said.
Liora continues swinging back and forth lightly. She notices a guy starting to walk through. His eyes lure her in and she starts blushing. Liora slowly starts walking towards him and shyly says, "H-hi."
Name: Kika (May I join?)

Age 17

Gender: Female

Type: Savannah

Personality: She’s loving and outgoing but does keep to herself a lot. She has her moments when she’s serious but she does love to goof off. She mostly is found in trees were she can surprise you with an attack from above, but it’s all in good fun.

Appearance: (I do not own picture)

Extra (Optional ):

Appearance As Cat (Optional ):
(Yep they are big cats!)

Name: Adrianna

Age 18

Gender: Female

Type: Egyptian mau

Personality: She’s a bit of a mystery, one moment she’s happy and loving the next she will be serious and unapproachable. She does care about others but she tends to keep her emotional distance.

(White ears)

Extra (Optional ):

Appearance As Cat (Optional ):

(Oh and....I love Edward Elric!)
~Hina "Yeah... I like the music too," Hina smiled. "Do you not have a house?" Hina asked. She had never moved before, and some one always told her that people who were taking boxes out of their house that they were abandoning the house, so she didn't know much about its concept.

~Orion Staring at the girl who approached him, he immediately locked his gaze on her, comparing her to another girl he had met before. She could be either the shy at first then yell at you once you get to know them, or the shy, delicate type like his childhood friend he was coming to stay with for a month. "Hello.." He responded with a friendly smile, and would obviously be able to find out her personality like this.
(I will make a male character later if you wish) Adrianna slowly opened her eyes. She blinked and then perked her ears up. She slowly got up from what was just a few blankets in a old house. She looked around and then got up dusting off her pants. She moved to her window and looked out crossing her arms. Her house was old but it was suitable for Adrianna. She oddly enough preferred sleeping on the floor, evidence of that was the bed right next to her pile of blankets. She moved and got dressed quickly. Her tail wrapped around her waist she slowly moved out the door and walked down the street. She turned to the park....a common place she liked to go in the morning. She perked her ears and then looked at a few nekos. She watched and then wondered if she should talk to them....she turned only to find her friend right in front of her. "GAH!" She yelled jumping back. "Geez! Don't do that Kika!" She said and then took notice...she was upside down. She looked at the tree Kika was hanging from and shook her head. "" Bang...Kika had fallen. "That had to hurt." She said and then smirked slightly, trying to hide how funny that was.

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