Neko for sale (redo) [Inactive]

Kumo hid his face, "Uh, o-o-okay." He said. Poking his head back out, he looked over at Tēru, and then back at Nichole. "I-I'll be here…"

Tēru glanced over at Kumo, to see his expression. He still looked embarrassed, though more so now. She wondered why.
Tēru stood up, "I'm goin to go find some stuff for the cabin." She said, walking out of the room. She walked downstairs, and over to Nichole. "What do we need for the cabin?"

Kumo could hardly move, but manged to grab the brush. He had dropped it earlier, and wasn't done brushing his tail. He ran the bristles through the fur, and leaned back.
Tēru wondered where she could get a lamp, seeing one in the living room, she grabbed it. She brought it over to the from door, and waited.
Tēru brought Kumo's food up to him, glared at him, and then walked back to the dining room, to eat her food.

Kumo took the food, and slowly took a bite. It was delicious, and he ate more. He quickly finished, and layed down.
Tēru bit into her food, "Yum." She said, happily.

Kumo sighed, and looked around for something to do. He opened a dresser drawer, and saw some of Nichole's underwear. He quickly slammed the drawer close, and scrambled back into the bed. He blushed, it taught him right for snooping.

((Mwahaha, but I can be evil too! Though, you might be more evil than me…))
(Lol yes! Come to the dakr side!)

Nichole ate and smiled. She purred and jason walked down. A dark blush dusted his cheeks as he saw Nichole. Nichole blinked tilting her head. "What?" She had on a frilly apron and her gown was a little short. (Love triangle! >=3 drama!)
((You guys, lol X) ))

Joen explored until Sukuzi's call brought him quickly to the same room. "Thank you, Master." He said before sitting down and partaking of the meal. But only after Sukuzi had taken the first bite.
((Yessss, draamaa~))

Kumo looked out of the window, and sighed.

Tēru looked over at Jason, just in time to see him blush. He couldn't be crushing on Nichole, could he? No, he treated her way to badly
Kumo suddwnly felt playful, and pawed at his own tail. Eventually grabbing it, he nommed on it. He let go, and chased it again.
Kumo kept chasing his tail, and then fell off of the bed. He landed with a thump on the floor.

Tēru finished eating, and dealt with her plate. She heard a thud, and hoped Jason hadn't. She did have better hearing than him due to her cat like ears. So not to alarm anyone with stomping, she shifted, and ran toward the sound.

((I'm going to bed, g'night.))

Nichole and jason heard the thud. Nichole's eyes widened and she ran to her room. Jason made his way to her room and Nichole jogged to kumo. "You ok?" Jason growled seeing them. "Freeze!" Nichole's eyes dulled and she froze not saying a word.
Sukuzī said "Welcome." and began eating and soon finished and said "I'll be back Sukuzī slipped a very light coat on and headed out the door and went back to the neko market seeing another neko that should provide plenty of company to Joen. (Remi...)
Kumo's eyes grew wide, and he decided it would be best to follow Nichole. He froze, not saying a word. But, he couldn't forever, he needed to get out of there.

Tēru got into the room, and closed her eyes. She couldn't watch, it was going to be terrible.

Kumo stood up, he was getting out of there. But, not without Nichole, he wasn't. He hissed, and his ears went flat. The fur on his tail poofed up, and he took a defencive stance. Well, sort of…
Nichole trembled and jason walked over to her picking her up by her throat. " why you little!" He tossed her beyond angry. "Explain yourself little kitty. Well explain!" Nichole trembled and said"i-i!" Jason growled and forced her into a kiss.Nichole's eyes wwere as wide as saucers. Jason came to his senses and said"im sorry. Im so so sorry." Hugging her.
Kumo glared at Jason, and growled. He bit his leg, and stomped on his foot. Nichole deserved better than Jason, and a jelous rage had come over Kumo.

Tēru was feeling so many emotions, it wasn't funny. She couldn't laugh, cry, growl, or anything. She backed up, and couldn't even mew. She didn't know what to do.
Kumo fell over, and tasted blood in his mouth. It was probably a mixture of his, and Jason's. The red liquid slowly fell from his mouth to the floor, and he hissed. He ran at Jason, atempting to bite him again.

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