Neko Clans! ;3

(its okay you just waltzed in so your gonna be confused, your in Valor though and for some reason idek why they haven't ever posted I'm assuming they forgot, nevertheless I'll make 2 new Nekos for Valor myself)
(do you want to be the leader?, since none of the Valor people posted at all I guess its open again?...)

Aki rolled out of bed with a groan... "Uggh... why do I have to go today?, its not fair..." she mumbled to herself slipping on her red and black striped shirt that was so oversized she used it like a dress just wearing shorts underneath. She went to the plains to find a ring she had lost the day before.

Yoru was sitting down at his desk creating new remedies, this one was for a new flea shampoo he headed out to gather ingredients seeing a little Neko on the way (Sparks) "hey there little guy" he smiled at the kit
Lilian's mind became blank as she heard Cyrus's distressed cries for Luna, her heart clenching in pain from her lionheart. Closing her eyes tightly she turned away from the nursery and began to walk towards the capital building. 'I..can' anything for him by standing her waiting...I'll join the rescue party..' thought Lilian with a grim expression. She had a feeling that they would not be able to find Luna, no matter how much she can convince herself that she was alright her heart felt cold at the loss.

Letting out a breath, she ran towards the forest and jumped on to the branches of a sturdy tree. Without losing momentum Lilian began to swiftly ran from branch to branch, her ivory ears began swiveling on her head trying to caught any sound. Her steps her silent and the golden bells on her head were silent as well.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/yukio_okumura_journal_2_by_rooftoprains-d40ecxg.jpg.c8cb7e20e63650f20d4706aee68b242f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7686" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/yukio_okumura_journal_2_by_rooftoprains-d40ecxg.jpg.c8cb7e20e63650f20d4706aee68b242f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Okay so Yukio is sixteen, its Yuki.. Though xD I'm sorry.. I'm just obsessed with blue exorcist...)

"Ngh.." He graoned, rolling out of bed and sighing, feeling around with glasses and trying to ignore the thumping pain in his arm.. He'd been out yesterday trying to help a kit down from a tree, when he'd fallen and put his arm out to stop him, spraining his wrist badly, he brushed out his hair and slipped on some clothes before walking out into the cold morning air..

"There's frost on the ground.." He muttered to himself.. Seeing the hints of winter made him think.. Valor needed to finish up with their stockpilling before next week.. They'd almost done anyway.. The leader, Yukio would probably arrange a meeting at the town-hall later.. He walked down to the doctors surgery, walking in and smiling softly at Yoru and Sparkz..

"Yoru.." He said.. "Goodmorning, do you happen to have any painkiller? The stong type.." He said with a small grimace, trying to hide his twisted wrist in his pocket and not show it to Yoru, he'd probably flip.



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Yoru smiled back at the kit petting his head and then turned his head to Yuki who had a pained look on his face... he frowned knowing immediately he was hiding something from him "what happened?, dont lie to me, you remember what happened last time? I have a right to worry the way you are..." last time Yuki asked for painkillers he had lied about what kind of injury he had and Yoru had given him the painkillers but it turned out he had been bitten by somebody's pet he tried to help and he caught a fever because he never got any antibiotics or shots for anything the animal might have had, the leader was sick for 3 weeks after that Yoru hoped Yuki would trust him more...
Sparkz smiled at Yuki but wondered what happened to him. "What's wrong?" He asked, looking at him.
Yukio rolled his eyes slightly and sighed softly, taking his hand out of his pocket and laying it on Yoru's desk..

"Its nothing really..." The leader shook his head, looking down.. It was swollen and bruised and bent slightly out of shape, he kept telling himself it was just a sprain..

"Its just a sprain.. Right?",a look of worry was spread Across his features,he sniffed slightly and looked down at yoru.

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"..." Sparkz didn't say anything as he looked at the bruised hand. "I guess so.." He said(in reply to yuki), not knowing if it was only just a sprain. ((Hm. I've been posting a bunch of one-liners lately.. Is that okay?))
(@Note yeah, im not picky I would prefer you post more but you only now joined and your character's just a kit so its expected)

Yoru looked at Yukio's hand and mentally facepalmed he squeezed his wrist slightly " does that hurt?" he's sure it was broken, he would probably need to bandage it up and make sure he doesn't use that hand for awhile and he'll need some painkillers.
Yuki cried out,trying to snatch his wrist away and meowing slightly because the healer wouldn't let him,his ears drooped slightly..

"Yes.." He said quietly
Sparkz felt worried for Yuki's hand and wondered what happened. "Are you okay?" He said, touching yuki's hand.
Yuki pet sparkz's head lovingly.

"It's fine,sparkz" he mumbled,although it really wasn't,he didn't want to worry the kitten.

"It just hurts a little,that's all" he whispered,he did remember last time he'd asked yoru for painkillers without telling him precisely what was wrong,he was glad he'd been honest about his injury
Yoru smiled slightly at his leader "its fine it is broken but a caste should have it better in no time, and you'll get some painkillers to" he was glad Yukio had been truthful, he cared deeply for him... admittadly maybe a little too much at times. he wrapped his hand up and put on his caste with care he always tried to be especially gentle with "him" he handed him the painkillers in his good hand and smiled softly "tell me if it gets worse or you have any problems okay?, I want you to trust me... call me a worrywart but I do care about you a great deal..." he would never be brave enough to tell him how he really felt but he hoped one day he would take a hint...
Yuki smiled softly,his twinkling blue eyes opening and closing in awe of Yoru,when he'd finally done,it took the Neko a few seconds to snap out of it..

"Thankyou Yoru,that means a great deal,and bindi not think you a worrywart at all,you are just a very caring person!" He said with a large smile..

"Thankyou again!" He called,about to swing out of the door when he turned on his heel,running back and kissing the healers cheek lightly,before running out.

Idiot.well now he's just going to follow you,you shouldn't have kissed him.

Oh shut up.
he was shocked at first and didn't know how to react... 'did he just?...' he blushed a deep crimson and stood there for a second in awe before he snapped out of it and instinctively ran after him, "w-wait!, Yuki!" his call was drawn out and still in shock his neko mark was clear to see on the back of his neck, a heart he hated the mark being open for others to see... it was embarassing and he normally wore a choker to hide it but today he had forgotten and now he felt self concious about it. He finally caught up to him with drooped ears and his tail between his legs, he rubbed the back of his neck hiding his mark from Yukio he didn't want him of all people to see his mark he adjusted his glasses and looked downward hiding his still red face "Uhh..." he didn't know what to say he knew he should confront him and just tell him but that is easier said than done...
Yukio turned on his heel staring him in the eyes and slowly sighing,raising a hand to stroke the mark on Yoru's neck, he bent down and kisses his cheek again..

"You look like a fish when you do that Yoru" he whispered
((Would the nekos know each other's names or something?))

Sparkz looked at the two and asked, "What are your names?". "I'm Sparkz.." He said shyly.
(maybe, who is Sparkz talking to?)

Yoru felt a chill run down his spine as his hand was removed and not only did Yukio see it he actually touched it!, he whimpered awkwardly at the unwelcome physical contact... he shut his eyes tightly and curled up in a ball of his own embarassment "Yuki..." he complained "why?" he was too uneasy to say full coherent sentences so he just asked him 'why' assuming he would know what he meant considering friends typically dont kiss eachother on the cheek unless they were french or something...
Yuki coughed slightly,pushing up his glasses and smiling.

He bent down to Yoru's ear and blushed furiously.

"I think you are very attractive," he said quietly,out of the kittens earshot

"Ive liked you a long time,and it just seemed. Right"
(lol, Sparkz followed them?)

Yoru was shocked and somewhat confused, 'why would he be interested in me? I'm nothing special...' he hugged the other neko tightly and buried his head in his chest "Y-you mean it?" he was melting inside he seriously couldn't understand why a guy like him would like him in that way... his head hurt and his chest hurt
The bespectacled nekomimi smiles softly and embraced Yoru tight

"I mean every word.." He whispered,stroking the other mans hair as he said so..

"But I've been worried about confessing my feeling for you,it was since those three weeks that you spent with me,I think it may have been a few months back now,but you're so caring and perfect"

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