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Fantasy ♡ Neko Cafe ♡

@Jacob Berry Waah, Gomenasai, I totally forgot about it (`〇Д〇)

I AM NOT WORTHY OF THY ATTENTION, O GREAT PRINCE! -shamefully crawls into the corner of the room-

I will reply as soon as I am done with my dinner :3 My mind goes blank when I'm hungry.
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Jacob Berry

In all honesty, I only discovered it because I didn't know how to reference somebody, lol.

As you can tell, I'm such a virgin I didn't even know how to reference.

Teach me the oh so saucy ways of RP, to a lowly Kebab like me.
Ish fine @ObviouslySketchy

*Pelts you with Cheesy Pretzels in the corner* TAKE MY BLESSING PEASANT! ENJOY MY PRETZELS!

Take yer time, I am in no rush, I am just watching youtube xD


I see! I see!

Don't worry, @Jacob Berry -continues being pelted with pretzels- Mercyyyy, my lord, mercyyyy

Hey, why does your preferences say that you are not available for rp? >:3
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ObviouslySketchy said:
Don't worry, KebabQueen I shall teach you saucy~ -whips out a bowl filled to the brim with spaghetti sauce- Now, the key here is to make it salty, but not too salty; can't have all that pasta goodness going to waste, now, can we? :3
Oh, and make sure to add some nice spices like oregano! Maybe some Basil, rosemary? Pepper too.

not too salty, got it. What about pepper for that extra spice? Or cream?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Jacob Berry

Thank you, dear pretzel God. Your snacks are underrated, much like kebabs.
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Some times, I like to take the stuffing out of a double stuffed oreo and put it into another. Making it a Quadruple Stuffed oreo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Also, my Innuendo: My Meat is vegan friendly ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jacob Berry

Oh my God you rebel! How could you even fit all that stuffing in your mouth?

My meat is not unfortunately, it's only available to a select few hungry ravishing kebabs such as myself

don't worry, I come with salad sauce ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jacob Berry

[insert non food innuendo here]

How do you reply to messages on your profile? I couldn't find the reply button anyway. Help a virgin would you?

It is very hard, truth be told, but, I stuff it into my mouth(No stuffing pun intended ;P)

Hmm. I see! Do you ever come with extra sauce? I like saucy meat, truth be told ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

(Also, you look over to the right of the post, and it says like and comment, hit comment and a little box will come up for you to reply)
Jacob Berry

Of course, it's sauce bonanza up in my meat sack, from creamy white sauce, to juicy meat sauce.

I imagine you must have quite the jaw to be doing that.
@KebabQueen Waaait I actually know thisss.

If you are a member for less than 24 hours, the option to respond to profile messages won't be available. Only once you exceed the 24 hour threshold will you be able to respond to them and post a status and so on. :3

Look at me, being all helpful and professional. This is new (*゚ロ゚)

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