NC17 Community for Exalted Stuff...

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5 mote attunement cost, 1 or 2 motes to activate for a scene (your call).

That way the Artifact creator could keep his mortals from trying to steal it, and it should have an activation cost due to it's intended use.
Know its tacky to bring back a dead thread but thought It beat making a new thread just for this comment... is it just me or in "Celestial directions" the wyld" is the woman on page 4 not wearing panties?
Know its tacky to bring back a dead thread
I don't know why people think so.

It's tacky to re-open an old flame-war, but otherwise what is the harm?
there is a slightly whiter section, i would guess those are the panties

if I had one of those drivethrurpg pdf copies i would zoom and check
hmmn... want to come up with ideas for more demon and elemental sex toys... Neomah are good but not perfect....

Hmmn for 3rd circle demon's erembour is probaly best...

make a good plaything for a solar...
Lotus--Joseph would have, I suspect, hurt you in ways that would have taken years to surface, and possibly scar in ways you can scarce imagine.

As for whether it's tacky to resurrect a thread: why? If you're new, and there's a topic thread that you want to rummage through, then drive on. It's better than starting ANOTHER thread, and then have folks mention the old one, and send you scurrying for that.

That you resurrected a thread shows you actually DID go through the archives, and that's not a bad thing in the least. Heck, it's to be commended.

Back to topic: a Solar could fashion a plaything from a Demon, but it might be easier, better, and much more appropriate as Lords of the Creation to get a Spirit, and woo it with promises of sweet Celestial loving, and worship. Much more loyal that way, and without the pesky taint of Infernalism.

Of course that could be what you're going for...
Posting in EPIC thread!  :twisted:

But yeah... there's an actual update at the NC17_Exalted LJ community...
or unless you want a servan you can abuse however you like...

remember on elementals they still have rights...
True. Which is illustrative of the Summoner in question--and possibly important then to plot later on.

I can imagine a PC doing some reading up on the servant, with a fair amount of Occult and turning to their companions, shutting the books, and taking a breath before pronouncing:

"He's a freak, and if he ever LOOKS at Mortal or member of Celestial Bureaucracy we kill him. With fire. Lots, and lots of fire. And then we toss the ashes into the Oblivion and hope that the Neverborn will forgive us the sacrilege..."
Neomah arent what I'd like in a demon courtesian though...

I'd like something closer to the classic Succumbus, or enticer demon...
by the way... would the incarna in the utterly impossible event they got distracted from the GoD for a second or two, and even more unlike event it was by mortal, produce half caste or godblooded (likely with inheritence 49, either way)
I would like to state, for the record, that I have naughty Exalted thoughts.

In fact... I'm having one now.




I think Luna's the only one fickle enough to really be able to walk away from the GoD long enough to amuse herself/himself in Creation.  Now, as for dirty thoughts...  I think TUC could probably handle all 5 of the maidens on his own.  Gaia and Luna... well...  they'd do whatever.   :twisted:
At least one of the gods in the Cerulean Lute of Harmony is a former mortal boy toy of 'tis not impossible for them to enjoy themselves now and again...and they do generally take the Calibration festival off from the Games...which also just happens to be the time you might see a few random mortals wandering around Yu-Shan...
I think a mortal would, like, explode if they got it together with Gaia. She is a primordial, after all.
There have been reports of a Yozi sexing up a solar... in his dreams.

She even spawned a few kids, a number of which became mighty weather patterns in Malfeas, while the others went to Creation... and presumably eventually died.
Yes, but that was a Solar. An ordinary mortal I think would be toast, the same way as if they had tried to have intimate relations with Autocthon.

I mean, you wouldn't want to try it with the Elemental Dragon of Air, would you?

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