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Fantasy Natural Selection (Looking For New Members)


I don't doubt it.

And yeahh.. I'd give some ideas, but I just got up and haven't had my coffee yet.


@Morgrim sorry i was having internet issues BUT I CAN FINALLY POST STUFF. Heres what i got.)


(As for last names, her people dont really have last names, only titles for things they are known for)

Race: Elf

Age: 1800 (looks to be about...no older than 20)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.fd3def1a05d2e8529a02f8a7c07a9f02.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80742" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.fd3def1a05d2e8529a02f8a7c07a9f02.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Element: Light

(But it isnt used the way, per say, a mage does. The Light radiates in all of her people. It is the source of goodness and aids in their abilities...Ill explain more in the Bio)

Starting equipment: The most powerful item she has, is her bow. The grip is made out of Eldar silver. This special elvish silver is very light but very durable, it does not dull and doesnt get scratched (looks like chrome, really) Her other equiptment includes dual, 12 in. daggers. Each elf creates their own daggers at a young age.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.adc5412b27ebf7759e50475d5db43664.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80741" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.adc5412b27ebf7759e50475d5db43664.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: A very kind and gentle creature. She cares about the well-being of others and tend to those that cant take care of themself. A firm believer in justice and equality. She has a noble heart and the way she carries herself proves it.

How ever looks can be decieving. She has a powerful bite, a poisonous sting. Do not patronize her. Shes as fierce as she is kind and can be a little sassy. Shes often referred to as a rose, beautiful, elegant, and dainty on the surface. But underneath is a stem of thorns. She can be hot headed and ruthless in the face of evil. She serves the greater good and stands grounded in her beliefs. Most of her morals and causes come from her background, from the beliefs of her people. She sticks to her traditions.

Likes: Plants, animals, night time, the moon, the stars (especially), light, traveling, adventure, things that are innocent and pure

Dislikes: Eating meat (as all life is precious) but will if she must, the Darkness, things that destroy or kill with out a meaning (or an unrighteous meaning), being taunted or mocked

Skills: There are perks that come with being Elvish. Eleniel's people were experts in their knowledge of flora (and some fauna). At a young age they are taught how to use the properties of plants as medicine and other usedful things. It is a life skill everyone from her tribe learned. Other than that, elves are supernaturally light on their feet. They tread above snow and walk unheard. Their slim, limber bodies are quick to react and very agile, almost acrobatic.

But only few were trained in combat. The elves were taught to be resourceful, to learn how to carry and use almost any weapon. But what they favored the most, was archery and close quarter combat with personalized daggers. She can somewhat handle her self with a staff or sword, but she knows best is how to use two short blades and some arrows. A very skilled marksman, she is, and dont forget it.

As for her element (Light), her "ability" or "gift" is more of a personal aid. The light that resides in her helps in small ways. It helps with healing, grants the ability to see in the dark, and acts as a very strong 6th sense (such as sensing a presence before actually seeing them). It also helps against those that wield dark magic, since theyre opposites, but dark magic is also effective against light.

History: The Eldar (which translates to "people of the stars") elves have a very long history. They are said to have light that lives in them. But its not just any light, it is Starlight. The Eldar have lived since the beginning of life. Peacefully living among other creatures. They were only one type of elf group. There were once many types of elves, some in the woodland realms, some that lived in mountains, some that lived underground, etc, but the Eldar are said to be more celestial. They loved all light, light from the moon and the sun, but starlight was much more precious. According to their mythology, they walked among the stars before they came upon the ground when the rest of life was created. They believe that their purpose is to bring light into the darkness in the world. Her people beings of goodness and innocence. They frowned upon and often acted against all that was evil, to protect the good and push darkness back.

Now, for a little personal background. Eleniel's name means "daughter of the stars". She was born on Elenya, or, Stars-day (equivelent to Saturday). Thus given the name Eleniel. But her name has a double meaning. Not many elves were born with silver hair, and many said that Eleniel was granted a gift by being given "starlight in her hair".

Many of the Eldar elves had roles. Eleniel was chosen to be a warrior. She practiced for many years before becoming a captain in her King's guard. A very prestigious rank. She patroled the borders of the elvish real, fought against the Darkness and protected her people at all costs. By doing so, Eleniel never feared the thought of having her life on the line.

Sadly, like most other elvish tribes and kingdoms, The Eldar people have vanished when men came into the world. They were a destructive race, but humans have a special place in Eleniel's heart. She sees them as just...misguided. She knows that the chance of finding another Eldar is very slim, and if few are alive theyre most likely hidden. However, she does know other types of ancient elves exist, but their numbers grow thin (going based off of the amount of elf characters here). Now there are 'common' elves, as she calls them. Their bloodlines cant really be traced, and their ancestry is blurry from mixing elf types. Most dont believe in the old mythology and traditions, and they tend to be quite young (for elves).

Other: For an elf, shes pretty small, standing around...5'1. Her height does have advantages though. Like being stealthy and she can run circles around larger enemies. However, because of her small frame heavy blows take a toll on her.

She sometimes jokes that her mother must have some dwarf blood in her, since her mother was pretty small too.



(Permanent changes such as health status, appearences, abilities/skills, etc....)

"What Eleniel doesn't know is that the orb is one of the star artifacts. For clarification a star artifact is the item that made Morgrim what he is, half undead, though that was the dark star, giving the first to touch it the absolute power of death itself. What Elenial just touched is the light star, something with the ability to transform one's abilities and even appearance into something that is the ultimate embodiment of the element of light. The orb glows even more radiantly in her hands as it starts to dissolve in her grasp shattering into thousands of tiny fragments like petals from a cherry blossom tree. Each petal dances over her and is absorbed into her body, and the light fades. At first there is no immediate change, at least that can be seen, but the very energy from the artifact starts to change her and what she is capable, first her abilities.

The orb passes on it's knowledge giving her a new advanced element, auramancery An element whose basis is changing the very aspects of reality for whoever is targeted by it granting positive or negative effects. (Talk to me if you would like some examples of star artifact level spells for aura magic.) Of course this is where the real mutations will begin. The magic will start to prove to prove to be too much to be contain within a body of flesh and blood, an in a desperate attempt to prevent the energy from destroying her it will change her on a cellular level. Two slots in her back with open up as flesh parts way several inches apar vertically and horizontally to make way for protrusions of pure energy. The energy takes the shape of tendrils moving outward and growing spreading apart and thickening to mould into wings of pure light. Some how intangible and physical at the same time. As powerful as the strongest metals and lighter then air they will never dim nor waver. Her irises would be the next to change turning changing to a pure radiant white, but this is more than aesthetic her vision would be able to spot the element and the moral alignment of any who she looks at. Lastly for appearance would be new marks showing all along her body, runes of pure magic, though they are actually seals, each seal guarding the next level of the artifacts powers with ten seals in total all different from each other in pattern, though each also glowed. In fact now she more resembled a mythological firefly then an elf. Though at least the element would suit her.

Like Morgrim though even her skin will change in property. Morgrim has rotting flesh obviously, but that means he is resistant to normal damage a sword wound still piercing flesh and destroying it, but without affecting his actual well being. He could loss his arm and be un-fazed. In a similar way Eleniel would have different properties than that of a human or elf. While Morgrim is immune to almost all physical damage Elenial would be immune to almost all forms of magical attacks, except for elements that oppose her own, such as darkness, curses and poisons, and a resistance but not immunity to elements not entirely considered magic like natural elements such as fire,earth,wind,water and metal. Her body would now be able to absorb elements other then these to add to her own power." -
Taken from the RP



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Name: Tiercil Artouris

Race: Charr (Large Feline Anthro Race)


Height: 8' 6" Weight: 675lbs

Age: 27

Class: Bruiser, A rather durable melee fighter. He favors medium weight Armour and wields a wide range of weapons.

Element: Metal, Tiercil is a blacksmith and warrior that lives on the edges of The Core near the surface and uses his special connection with this element to create weapons and armor that are rivaled by few.

Starting equipment:

The two-handed hammer Throag, it was discovered by one of his clansmen in his early years during a raid of a small colony deep in the core. His life changed the day that his fellow warrior fell in battle and Tiercil took up his weapon. As soon as it touched his hands he knew something was special about it. Through time he came to find that the hammer augments his ability to craft things from the many ores of the realm by harnessing and amplifying his affinity for Metal.


Personality: As a Charr he is expected to preform great deeds in battle bringing honor to his clan and one day die at arms. He has brought great honor to his clansmen yet yearns to do something more with his life. He is tired of fighting petty clan wars fought for others egos and wishes to find a Higher calling. He is not an extremely talkative person but on the right subjects he can be very loquacious. He generally looks to be frustrated but this is not the case he is typically simply concentrating or pondering a weapon design or some other thing that grips his mind. Because of the dedication he puts into his work he is often thought to be a hermit who enjoys his privacy, however he simply seems to lose track of time when he works with the metals that he holds so dear.

Skills: Able to harness metal in the use of forging in a way that surpasses that of many who have come before and live now.

History: Tiercil was born to one of the most territorial of the Charr clans residing in the stretch of core that his race fought desperately for. Like most Charr males he was raised from a very young age to be a warrior for his clan. When he was reaching adulthood he started to work in the mines whenever he could find the time. He quickly discovered that he seemed to find more ore than those around him as he worked. It was almost as if the metal was an extension of his body he could feel it as he picked away at the hard stone. It did not take long before he started spending time in the local armourer's workshop pestering him with questions. The charr mentioned before was one of the eldest of the clan and a rather bitter battle-worn man. For quite some time he simply grunted and ignored the young warrior until finally he entertained his questions. Eventually the man decided to let him try his hand on the forge with his guidance. The sword he created was nothing to grand but beyond anything he expected from a first attempt of a inexperienced young warrior. He quickly became the old warriors apprentice and in time came to be the master blacksmith. He spends his time these days mostly in his forge, yet he is still required to answer the call of battle. He rarely visits the mines anymore and simply trades weapons he creates for the materials he needs. Occasionally he can be found swinging a pick when in search of something particularly rare. Regardless of his skill as one of the greatest blacksmiths of the realm due to his isolation in the extremely territorial Charr burrow none but his clansmen and other charr villages seem to know of the masterpieces he creates. Even his clansmen are not aware of his full potential as the best of his creations are kept secreted away, their creation known only to him.

Other: He has tribal markings covering his entire body, They are a story line to various acts he has performed in battles.

Think something like this.

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Name: Arcanus

Appearance: Arcanus is 12ft tall angel with wings that stretched almost twice as long as his body coating in a lightweight but highly durable metal. The angel is light skinned, has hair that is silver stretching down to his waist, but has a light build. His appearance is still deceiving to how much damage he can actually dish out. It would take him only under an hour to destroy the entire city of Dunheim on his own. Hi amour made from the same material as what covers his wings is encrusted in gold embroilment to symbolize what he believes to be his beauty and purity in a world ridden in filth and weakness. His magic power in light based magic is so strong that at any given time he is surrounded by a white glow.

Race: Sub-God

Age: 2,400 Years old

Class: If you can consider a sub-god a class. Arcanus is inclined to use whatever methods he deems most worthy, or if fighting significantly weaker targets whatever method is the most entertaining. He weilds the Requiem blade, and a stupefying amount of magic derived from tier 9 and higher level light magic.

Element: Arcanus is able to use every basic element and some advanced elements, but he favours use of the light magic as it is parallel to his believes in divinity and religious judgement and order.

Starting equipment: Arcanus has been gifted with the Requiem sword which was crafted from a shard of the Celestial throne, and while a shard may sound small it is actually a ten ft. blade that has the ability to absorb all forms of energy, magical and not, even one's life force with a simple swing. It is impossible to break, never dulls, and can cut through everything, even the magical substance ether. He wears the Angel gods armor, made from Aristeel, a metal that is weightless, but as tough as diamonds, thus allowing him to be protected from nearly every conventional means of weapon and many spells while still be able to maintain flight. His wings are also covered in the same metal, but sharpened to be used as a weapon, while the blunt ends can be used as a shield that covers 180 degree's in either front or back.

Personality: Arcanus acts high and mighty pretty much every second of every day that he spends breathing, and with good reason, he is undoubtedly one of the most powerful beings in Landfall. He truly believes that the greatest gift he can bestow upon his worshippers is to serve him indefinitely, or just to be graced by the sight of him. He is also quite intelligent despite his arrogance, and enjoys order and control, under the leadership of him. He can also be ruthless and cunning to those that pose a threat to him which is very few.

Skills: In his 2,400 years of living he has mastered just about every skill that can be learned be a warrior and priest alike. Most notably is his swordsmanship, light based magic, and regenerative abilities. Any wound he sustains that would possibly break through his armor and defence is healed instantaneously, meaning that there is no such thing as wearing him down in a fight, if anything were to kill him it would have to be one-hit-kill on a godly scale, thus making him one of the most dangerous beings alive.

History: Arcanus has a long history of manipulating, and controlling the mortal creatures of Landfall. One of his weaknesses is that he can not be everywhere at once, and thus in his later years of living he formed the Silver Legion a military force governed by Arcanus and his ideals, but even a god has enemies and thus he has hidden and masqueraded as the King of the silver legion, posing as a human. Every fifty years at the turning of the age he has appointed a high priest, merely another pawn in his game to extort the poor and the weak and inspire the rich and powerful to rally under his cause.

Other: He's lean, he's mean and he's here. What more do you need to know?

Sibil Agleson




Fairy Familiar




4 inches (smaller form) , 5'1" (human form)


About as heavy as a paper clip (smaller form), 123 lbs. (human form)

Sexual Orientation:

Fairies believe that you love who you love. Therefore, Sibil doesn't have a preference.


Familiar - meaning she's a 'servant' of sorts to her master.


While she is great at anything to do with Nature, air and earth are her strong suits.

Starting Equipment:

Sibil carries a wooden bow that's embedded with beautifully crafted silver designs. Her bows are equally impressive. She's an extremely skilled marksman, making it her most valuable weapon asides from her magic. Along with her bow, she carries a small dagger. Sibil also carried a small pouch filled with different elixirs. Most are mostly used for healing while others are more life threatening.


Sibil is extremely kind and caring. While she is shy at first, the more she warms up to you, the more her true self appears. She's extremely sassy at times but doesn't get to ahead of her self. Sibil is also extremely loyal to her master, seeing as she is a familiar. While being the most helpful to the one who she serves, she isn't shy to lend a helping hand to those in need.


-rain, snow




-her master





-harming others


-loud, sudden noises


-most humans


Sibil is an extremely skilled healer, being known to bring back people on the brink of death. She's also an exceptional marksman, shooting her target from up to 500 meters away. Sibil is also very gifted in the area of combat magic. Her one weakness is swords. She is not a very skilled swordsman, having yet to even pick up a sword. What she lacks with swords however, she makes up with her dagger.


Born into the fairy race, Sibil was the youngest of 4 sisters and blessed with having 'noble' parents. At the age of 10, most of the unbetrothed noblemen started asking for her and her sisters hands in marriage. All 4 declined every single offer. When she was around 15 years of age, Sibil started expressing the signs of being a familiar. It was confirmed whenever a mark with a triangle in the middle of a circle appeared on her inner wrist. While being a familiar wasn't terribly uncommon in the fey races, it was still frowned upon by most nobles. She tried hiding it for as long as she could, until her mother insisted that she take off one of her over robes since it was hot. Being shunned by her family, Sibil took to finding a master. By the tame she was 200, she had gone through 5 masters. All of them had taken advantage of her magical powers, some even draining her life force. Sibil had almost given up hope of finding a proper master until she met a kind dragon. She stayed and served with him until he was slain by an unknown creature. Sibil has been searching for a new master ever since.


•Sibil has the ability to control wisps which are souls of the dearly departed.

•She prefers being small but will change to her true human sized form if necessary.

•Sibil has a soft spot for dragons and seemingly dangerous creatures.

•She believes that the most dangerous creature is the one who resembles man.
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Name: Freya Banten

Race: Draconian

She has dulled scarlet scales decorating most of her body except her face, shoulders, breasts, and feet. Her wings are a deep crimson.


Age: 126

Class: Swordswoman

Element: Fire/Pyromancy

Starting equipment: Her off hand gauntlet is made of a very dense and powerful metal while still retaining flexibility. The gauntlet is claw tipped and she uses it to gore her enemies or to clamber/climb objects. She wields what appears to be a Persian Saber and wears a ruby necklace that she likes to thumb while she is in thought.

Personality: Freya is a, in short words, a vixen. She loves to play around with the hearts of men and women alike. She is an outgoing thrill seeker that loves battle, ale, and telling tall tales. The word fear is not known to her, only a bigger challenge. She loves to take on great threats and fight an enemy she doesn't know if she can win against. The greatest death she feels she could ask for is at the hands of a powerful opponent, dead before she even hit the ground. Something she could proudly said killed her.

Skills: Freya is a master swordswoman, having learned and mastered almost every type of known sword or sword like weapon in all of Aldurin. Her travels have often led her into precarious situations but her warrior spirit combined with her Draconian blood lets her fight for hours on end without falling to exhaustion and fatigue. Her scales make it hard for weapons to bite into her flesh and are hard enough so that blunt force trauma isn't as damaging. Puncture wounds are the bane of her tough hide however, as they can push their way through her scales.

Freya is also a hand at pyromancy and can create and manipulate open flames at will though she is not particularly good with it. Her main strength comes from her aggressive swordplay and so she uses her flames to catch enemies off guard, distract, or create openings for her to strike. The most powerful fire attack she has is to breathe fire like the dragons of old and set the things in front her ablaze. This is her only real "attack" with fire. The others are more of distractions or minor damage to cause annoyance rather than maim.

Freya's ultimate skill is comes from the roots of her dragon blood. She can channel her inner energy into a mighty draconic roar that can even stagger a fully grown dragon and stunning most beings for some time.

History: Freya was born as the offspring between dragon and man. One of the few that exist in Aldurin. Her mother being the dragon and her father being human and also, inseparable. Freya had a childhood that she can never complain about. She was loved by both parents and she in turn loved them more than life itself. Freya's father was an expert swordsman that had traveled the land defeating many duelists of high renown. As soon as he saw that his skill was inherited by his daughter, he began to train her in his ways. Freya took swordplay quickly and was what most consider a prodigy. On her mother's side, she inherited her tough scarlet scales, large strong wings, and powerful tail. Freya's eyes took the fiery orange hue of her mothers and from her, Freya learned the arts of dragons. How to use her wings to protect herself from arrows or how her muscular dragon tail can be used to knock opponents off balance. Her mother also gave her the gift of fire. Freya found she wasn't very good at the arts of magic but found useful ways to apply it in swordsmanship. She also found that she could gather her energy and magic into her chest and release it from her throat in a powerful spout of flame, much like her mother does.

Freya grew and grew becoming better and better. Her skills in swordsmanship were almost unmatched. Even her father couldn't handle her without great struggle, though he still won most of the time. It wasn't long before Freya wanted to see the world and all it contained. Willingly, her parents gave her permission to explore the world and to find her place within it. Before she embarked, her mother taught her one last thing. Freya's mother taught her how to roar. She claimed that this was something only those of dragon blood could do. She explained that as Freya grew stronger, wiser, and more powerful so would the force of Dragon Roar. It has been 3 decades since Freya set out on her journey and is now wandering the world. In search of a place she feels is her calling.

Other: I love how this character came out. That's all I gotta say haha
I actually don't know if I'm going to have her join the main group or slide into the second group . to give that side of the story more characters cuz it feels like its lacking
Name: Sage

Birth City: Vitae

Race: half bunny half human

Age: 24

Class: White mage

Element: water

Sexuality: Bi


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/sage2.jpg.5d3fbb4f7a92dc9b417b472422f29415.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85403" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/sage2.jpg.5d3fbb4f7a92dc9b417b472422f29415.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Starting equipment:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/3.PNG.305733c0ebd860dbf6070b6aecb57400.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85406" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/3.PNG.305733c0ebd860dbf6070b6aecb57400.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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(the chakrams are her most powerful weapon while the staff isn't)

Personality: She is overly trusting and likes to believe there's good in everyone even if she's been hurt in the past. She follows her heart in whatever she does, she does what she believes is right. That is unless she's not given a choice. She is very kind hearted, even if she can be a little selfish and manipulative at times, even if she doesn't realize it. She isn't all that brave but when it comes down to helping someone she is the bravest person you'll meet. She has anxiety issues and is really sensitive. Though most of the time she's cheerful and acts more like she's a five year old than a twenty four year old that she is, she is the sweetest person you'll meet. She rather help people, by protecting and healing them than actually participate in the battle herself but will participate if it is to help someone and protect them from danger.

Skills: She is good with protection magic, which is basically like force fields and things of that nature, when there is no light out she's good with chakrams and her element water, provided that she has some in her pouch.


Sage lived a good life up until the day she turned eight and her parents, well dad really, lost his job. From there they turned to alcohol, often getting drunk. When her dad got drunk he was very violent and would abuse her. Though she can't remember most of this time the stuff she does remember isn't good.

Then her parents divorced when she was ten and her mom took care of her. Her mom didn't get sober, often drinking her troubles away, even if she had to work in the morning. Her mom would sometimes turn her anger on her if she was drunk enough. Sage never knew that was what was going on until her mom got back together with her dad who had gotten help.

Her mom stopped drinking then, but all was not well within her house hold. Her mom would often insult her and try to kill herself when Sage said something wrong. This made Sage have a poor view of herself. She viewed herself as worthless and would never amount to anything. That is till she met her teacher. Her teacher began to teach her all about white magic and how to use it properly.

She kept this secret because she knew her parents would disapprove of her learning magic. They viewed magic as an evil art not allowed to ever be practiced. She seemed to excel at the magic though and her teacher taught her that she should be treated like the gem her teacher thought she was.

Soon though her parents found out about her magic and disowned her and kicked her out of the house. They didn't want anything to do with her and she was only fifteen at the time. Her teacher took her in and Sage, in order to pay back her teacher's kindness, took to learning to help all living things. Her teacher taught her the importance of all life, it was all valuable. Her teacher's kindness seemed to radiate off of her in bounds.

Though what she didn't know was that her teacher would soon die from a terrible illness when she turned eighteen, leaving her all alone in the world again. At that point Sage became so absorbed with white magic, it was hard to get her to stop finding out more about it. The people around the town figured it was her way of grieving so they left her alone.

On one incident when she was almost nineteen she discovered her element to water and began practicing with it. Soon she discovered that as long as she had a source of water with her, she could do anything with water. So she carries around a magic pouch of water that can hold only about one jug of water before it needs to be refilled. It doesn't look that big it looks like a small pouch but it has a magic spell cast on it that allows her to carry that much. It is at her hip and she takes it everywhere she goes. She still learns more and more about white magic and about her element, though she's far from being a master. This is what she likes, you could say she's a learning freak but that's just how she is.

When she turned twenty she decided she wanted to explore the world and met her friend Freya, who stumbled upon her when Sage was lost. After all Sage has the worst sense of direction ever. Freya helped her travel to where she wanted to go and when they got there they didn't want to separate so they decided to stick together. They have been traveling companions ever since.

Other: Have fun reading the gigantic history



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Okay all the characters are good, make a starter for them whenever your ready or discuss it with me if you don't know where to begin.
"Everyone's favorite Khajiit is back!!~"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-28_23-21-38.png.2a7900ed8b23101eca294ffebd276692.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88291" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-28_23-21-38.png.2a7900ed8b23101eca294ffebd276692.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: "Nitiri, if you please."

Race: "Unfortunately, Khajiit. Whiskers suck."

Age: "22. And no, that doesn't 'translate' into cat years, thank you."

Class: "I'm classified as a "Nightblade," nothing out of the ordinary in my race." (Think of a duel-wielding character, someone who sticks to the shadows. A 'back stabber' if you will.

Element: "Element? I'm best in Shadow."

Starting equipment: "My bow is probably my most prized possession, besides my gold of course. ^-^ Anyway, it has been passed from generation to generation in my clan, and it will probably rest with me unless I find a mate. And thats not happening."

Personality: "You could say I live up to normal Khajiiti standards. Secretive, dishonest, and overall not a very nice kitty." (Nitiri will do anything for gold. Gold, gold, gold, is all she cares about. She doesn't care for relationships, and probably never will. What does she do with her gold? Much like a dragon, she hoards her treasure and spends as little of it as possible. If you're wondering why she's tired and pissed all the time, imagine having over 20 pounds of coin resting on your back constantly. It's amazing that bag hasn't ripped yet.)

Skills: " I'm best sticking to the shadows, it seems I have a natural ability to almost melt into them. Being a Khajiit as well, I don't have to worry if I lose a dagger, these claws are enough."


Nitiri was born near the Core, she didn't necessarily grow up there but her family lived close enough to be considered residents. Her family was distant with her ever since she was a kit. Her parents mostly left her alone as a youngster, considering her father was no better than the regular Core-ruffian and was killed soon after Nitiri's birth. Her mother was quiet, mostly there for keeping the small shop in business.

This was most likely how Nitiri found her love of gold, considering she practically had to sleep on the stuff.

"It was a miracle the family store wasn't ransacked, but my 5 brothers were there to take care of that problem. Until they left. Well, until they were killed that is."

Nitiri had many brothers (5), none of whom she actually knew. But they were there, they protected the shop, until their heads were found impaled in pikes outside the doorstep one morning. Local Core-bandits had assassinated them in their tents (they all slept outside for watch, apparently someone wasn't on guard that night)

Nitiri and her mother fled the shop quickly, carrying as much gold as their two packs could hold. Nitiri's mother eventually got back to her parent's home, but Nitiri was not welcome. She was the lone 'survivor' of the litter, but was considered 'useless' because she was not male nor firstborn. She was cast away with her coin bag and the clothes on her back.

They didn't realize Nitiri had stolen the only family heirloom, a bow. (meant for the firstborn.)

Thus started her 'career' of thievery and pick pocketing.

Other: "I do not speak as a *normal Khajiit does mostly because I do not want any connection to my family whatsoever."

*When she says 'as a normal Khajiit would speak,' she means the way the race refers to themselves in 3rd person while speaking. Ex; "This one has a question?" "Nitiri does not understand." "P-please, the kind Khajiit means no harm!"

"I also have quite a high bounty in many towns and cities. That's over 20,000 coins, folks. Something I'm quite proud of."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-28_23-22-35.png.4df463509b6f6d7b48e0b8b608b9a77b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88292" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-28_23-22-35.png.4df463509b6f6d7b48e0b8b608b9a77b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"And I haven't forgotten about before."



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Ha ha! Great to see you back, accepted of course. And if you need direction there is a villa filled with shiny trinkets and some very wounded former friends for Nitiri.

[Pokes] Welcome back, my feline friend (that actually wasn't my friend but let's just go with that). :D <3


Oh, I know where you're at. xD Man, just wait 'til you see what happened to your wonderful wolfen "friend". O.o She kinda got fucked up, thanks to Morg.

Raven Qrow

(Pronounced like "crow")

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.4d8ba518491296097ff08ee06f3ea465.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88311" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.4d8ba518491296097ff08ee06f3ea465.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Heterochromic eyes)

Race: Human (with abilities)

Age: 18

Class: Mime

Element: Psychic

Starting equipment: Two tomahawks. She doesnt really use them as weapons (unless its necessary), theyre more like tools.

Personality: Sweet, bubbly, and optimistic. She is that bouncy, happy, drop of sunshine in your life. Always wearing a smile around people. Its almost...creepy how much she smiles. Shes bold and honest, and isnt shy at all. She loves meeting people and will assert herself in their affairs with out thinking she might be unwanted. Being happy is important to her, and she tries to make others happy if she thinks they arent. Theres a small bounce in her step, not only because shes always in a good mood, but shes quite confident too.

But theres a hint of darkness behind that plastic smile... Though she seems carefree and innocent, she has some...issues. In all honesty, she is quite sadistic. She enjoys enflicting physical pain on her enemies, and sometimes "playfully" torturing others. She has a thirst for blood, eager to "play with her prey", and she does just that; often toying, teasing, and mercilessly torturing her victims...wearing the same twisted smile. Occasionally, she finds pleasure in feeling pain, but not as much as the cause of it.

This..."dark side" can be seen even through her normal self. It slips through her everyday words and actions. Its like a drug, if she spots the chance to cause even the tiniest bit of harm, she'll take it. Shes a little psycho...But she would never stir up emotional pain. Who could do such a thing?!



-Mimicry: This is the reason her class is called "Mime". This main ability, allows her to mimic the abilities and spells her allies cast. In theory, she would be able to copy the abilities of her enemies, the in order to copy these skills, she has to spend as much time as she can with whom shes copying of. Unfortunately, because it is just a "copy" of an ability, her mimicked skills arent as powerful as the original caster/owner. The damage is typically decreased by half. BUT, she can copy and hold up to 4 at once. This can be seen through her eyes (explained in the "Other" section).

- Acrobatic Agility: Shes thin and limber, full of energy! Randomly performing handstands, cartwheels, hanging from trees, or whatever, she does it all. It entertains her. Her gymnastic skills even pop up in battle.


(ignore the stupid parasol >:U)​

-Hand to Hand: She doesnt favor weapons too much (she likes to bring death with her bare hands) and by doing so, has mastered close quarter combat even more so than her mimicking ability. Shes taken the time to study the weak points in the human body, and when applying the right pressure, she could temporarily paralyze a part of the body. Shes used it a couple times to immobilize her prey.

Likes: Chaos, disorder, causing/(sometimes) experiencing physical pain, teasing and toying, being optimistic, being playful, and having fun~!

Dislikes: Grumpy people, being ignored or brushed off, being interrupted with one of her "victims"

History: She was a troubled child. With her uncontrollable sadist mindset, at 13 she was disowned by her family and sent to a mental home. There were several instances where she "played" with creatures and critters that she captured in front of their home. At first, her parents werent concerned, she was always a rambunctious child, but little by little became a hobby, and addiction. They discovered she did this because she found joy in it. The line was crossed when she murdered their neighbors child and proudly presented the vocal chords of the child to her parents. She felt no remorse, and didnt feel like she did anything wrong.

It was time for her to get help. She was sent away. While she recieved mental assistance, she vowed never to harm an innocent being. And because they discovered that this lash of violence was a form of expelling bottled anger, they helped her to think positively about anything and everything. Hence the constant optimism.

She grew antsy staring at the same walls, wearing the same straight jacket, being chained at the neck for her own protection and the safety of others. She had to get out, she had to be free. Raven becoming more insane than she already was. After 5 years of living in a place that treated her like an animal, she had to escape...and left her mark when she did so. In short, only a few lives were spared. As of now, shes a run away, and quite honestly shouldnt be let loose, but she absolutely will not allow herself to be captured and sent back.

Other: Heres a fun physical quirk. Her eyes serve as a "sign" for which held power she is using. Its and indicator. For example: one pink eye and the other brown, could mean shes activating and using, say, an ability to manipulate ice. If it switches to silver and brown, she may be activating the power to manipulate fire. To put it simply, her eyes change when tapping into a power (and sometimes they change randomly).


Her eyes changed color ^ did you see it?​



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