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Fantasy Natural Selection (Looking For New Members)

Castellan Serra


Gender: Female

Age: Unknown; (Appearance set around her late 20's)

Race: Seraphim

Class: Crusader

  • Personality: Serra's rank demands loyalty and order to be ingrained in her being. Her respect of authority and structure makes her the standard for knights and defenders. Serra is precise and methodical, every thing has a place and a purpose in her mind. She speaks the truth at all times and doesn't sugar coat what needs to be said. This makes her seem apathetic but a true seraphim is stoic in the face of turmoil and peace.




    Holy Objects and Auras

    Historical Landmarks

    Disciplined Beings and Actions



    Demonic Beings


    Human Emotion


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(First time forum roleplaying so.)

Name: Sertoria Gaiana

Rank: Legate

Race: Human

Age: 23

Class: (Not sure about this) Legionary

Weapon of Choice: Standard upon all Hastati Legion recruitment she is equipped with a hip mounted gladius short blade, and a 2 foot wide, 4 foot tall wood shield, with iron reinforcement. However, she uses a kukri like blade instead of the shorter straight sword.

Armor: As Hastati she is in tick leather gard, with steel chest protection, steel gauntlets and boots. Not being the silent type, her helmet is thst of a Centurion's; rounded like the common soldiers but had a large red frill coming from the top. (If steel is too advanced, then simple iron works)

Element: Earth.

Personality: She is easy to come by humor and makes inappropriate jokes at inappropriate times. Come the time to be funny, it slips her tongue in the heat of the moment. She often tries harder and over thinks things, her main downfall. Come battle time, this loyal Legionary is ready, silent, and serious, having no qualms cooling for the greater good

Likes: She likes horrible jokes, often very dark humor and racial jokes against non-humans. She enjoys the feeling of empowerment that comes when fighting a weaker foe. Sertoria also finds great pleasure in fighting for the Silver legion.

Dislikes: Soldiers who she feels are unloyal. Criminals and rebels are her two worst dislikes. However, she hates failure the most of all.

Description: At 5'7 she stands slightly above average for women and unlike the average woman her body is packed with muscles, at first glance she may not seem like a warrior, chalk full of muscle, but when push comes to shove ahe can easily shive that swordthrough her opponent. Her hands and feets are heavily caloused from her days of battle and skin tanned and dark. Her face has a soft look about it, but is worn from spending months at a time sieging or in the woods battling. She has a pleasant smile and when needed, can act like her appropriate gender. Her eyes, a sea foam green, unlike a soldiers gaze, are much softer, though upon occasion they will go dull with emotion.

Background: A loyal soldier in the Silver legion, Sertoria was a common foot soldier, joining the ranks of the Legion when she was 18. Sertoria hates anybody opposed to the peace and good will that the Silver Legiom brings with their laws and taxes. She is a bit ignorant of what they really do, ans because of that, believe the CoL are insurgents with no just cause other than boredom. Despite her shortcomings, she is a battle hardened veteran and has gone through more than one battle where it's been a massacre, for either opposing forces. When she was promoted to Legatus she was chosen for a program called 'Advanced Counter Covenant Action Legionary Unit'. Much like the CoL itself they have little rules for war, and are found conducting raids, night attacks and sabotage. What can't be done conventionally, is done the ACCALU way. Still part of a larger Legion she can be seen fighting in ranks, but rarely is.

Accepted, if you have any more questions about rules, history or background please feel free to ask.
Appearance: Citsias are bigger then a fully grown adult tiger. while on four legs, a Citsia is as tall as 6'6. while standing on hind legs she's stands to almost 8 ft. Citsias are feline creatures, mostly resembling big cats. Ria is about 500 pounds, and stands to be 6'7 on all four legs, and 7'9 while standing on her two back hind legs.

Name: Ria

Age: 89 (21 in Citsia years) They live to be very long

Race: Citsia

Class: Most Citsias are also protectors of the forest of Landfall hunting down and killing anything unnatural, new or dark in the forest. Ria is one.

Element: Earth

Personality: If your not another creature living in the forest of Landfall, Ria hates you, she dislikes the scent of other people, and their attitude, she usually smart, and strong, but also really stubborn, she gets easily angered, and takes things the wrong way, but if you get on her soft side, she's really quite loyal and protective over you.

Skills: even for such a large body, Ria is very fast, she is very smart and therefore knows how to strike her enemy's from just the right angles, it's also a very rare case but Citsias have devloped fatal poison on their fangs, which can kill somebody within a week if their bitten, Ria has thebut very little, so a few large chomps should do it to insert the poison into somebody or somethings bloodstream. A well as having a large body, pouncing on an enemy will well take him down, her body weighing about 500 pounds. And with the attributes of being a protector, she can dectect any outsider who immediately steps foot into the forest, and can track them down instantly.

History: For generations Rias family has served as one of the great natural protectors of the forest Passing down to its children to protect the forest. Ever since Ria was born she was taught and raised on how to become a protector, how to fight, how to kill, and most of all how to keep balance, And last how to sense outsiders. Ria was trained until 15, when her mother and father went to attack some outsiders but never came back, presumed dead, Ria killed with vengeance, eventually become a great protecter and fighter.
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@Morgrim (You still accepting?)


Race: Just a standard boring human

Age: 23

Class: Rogue

Element: Shadow (Is this a element?)

Starting equipment: A magical key that can open any lock, at the cost of the user's stamina. A small steel dagger

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/daggers_007.jpg.2ef4521d9e03c6a4ca67b2bc6697f39c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93889" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/daggers_007.jpg.2ef4521d9e03c6a4ca67b2bc6697f39c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>an almost unmeasurable amount of lockpicks. 2 to 3 smoke Bombs to help him escape combat or run away from a deadly situation. a length of rope

Personality: Vance is a calm and calculated person but he can convincingly act any emotion from fear to excitement to stupidity, whatever will help him get ahead. Vance frowns upon fighting and prefers to talk his way out of situations. Vance also likes to seduce people to get what he wants, whether it's money or safe passage to a place.

Skills: Vance can blend into nearby shadows for no longer than a couple of seconds to help him flee, hide or get the drop on his opponent. Vance also has what would be know as a Silver tongue, meaning he can talk his way out of almost any situation/make the situation bend to his advantage. Vance also can open almost any lock in record time for the ones he can't open he has his magical key. Vance also can parkour to get around places and into difficult to reach places

History: Vance was a orphan living on the streets for most of his life. one day at the age of 7, he stole from a former thief who saw the potential Vance had and took him in and trained him in lockpicking and basic combat though he warned him never to fight unless faced with no other choice. At the age of 16 Vance and his mentor were robbing a secured place, though they had burgled less secured places something went wrong and they were caught, Vance's mentor allowed an opening for Vance to run away, losing his life in the process.

Other: It is near impossible to know what Vance is really thinking or what his true motives are as he hides them so well

Edit: Vance looks like the picture below except both his eyes are brown and he has slight stubble, Vances hair colour is black and he doesn't have any facial scars

Here is the closest i could find to what Vance wears The only difference to the picture is that Vances clothes are completely black. He also normally has the hood and mouth cover down unless robbing a building/ doing something where he doesn't want to be seen

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/2K13-Apr-4-Garrett-1.1365002331.JPG.7ca79ce192abbd0c194a4e039b25ad86.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93872" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/2K13-Apr-4-Garrett-1.1365002331.JPG.7ca79ce192abbd0c194a4e039b25ad86.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Accepted, Vance will be a welcome and interesting addition I am sure. If you have any questions feel free to ask me in the OOC

Zevera Hill






Zevera is hardened by her life in the Core, but she's not heartless. She is logical, intelligent, and a little too blunt. Zevera loves when she makes a grown man cry, and she tends to have slightly psychopathic tendencies. Her general cold-hearted nature is only broken when it comes to animals or young children. She can't help feeling remorse, sympathy, and empathy for helpless creatures or people. Zevera reveres dragons, but anything else mythical she hates with a burning passion. She firmly believe the world belongs to humans.


She's nearly silent when she walks due to the fur she puts on the bottom of all of her shoes. She doesn't leave footprints in dirt because of this as well. Zevera is quick, not fast, the difference being she can dart between trees but she can't run a mile in under 8 minutes.


With the quickness that she possesses, Zevera has mastered the slight of hand. She's a pickpocket by trade, and a self proclaimed magician. Her hands are also very thin and small, making her theft that much easier.

Knife Combat

Zevera is in love with her knifes. She has a name for every single one of them. She knows how many times she's used each one. She even knows the exact weight of each one. Her knives are the only possession she has kept for more than a week. With all that said, Zevera knows how to use a knife as if she were a pro. Throwing, stabbing, maiming, you name it.


Zevera was born with part of her lung missing. It has not effect on her day-to-day activities, but she has no endurance. She also is prone to her anger, impulsive if you will.


Zevera hasn't had the easiest life. Her mother died in child birth. She then killed her father for replacing her dead mother with another woman. She killed the woman also. That's how she ended up homeless when she was twelve. Zevera grew up far too fast. After killing her father and his girl, she went to the Core, where she lived for the next three years. She's only recently resurfaced after disease started spreading.

Other Zevera gets nosebleeds whenever she cries. She also bites the inside of her cheek a lot and eats the flesh. It's a harmless habit. Her favorite animal is mice.

Starting Items

Knives. To be specific, 15 knives, none of which are magical or powerful in any way. She has six throwing knives, two long knives, one serrated knife, and six smooth-blade knives.

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Yule Erion

Name: Yule Erion

Race: Elf

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 967

Class: Healer

Element: Nature

Starting Equipment:


The ring can turn into a small golden dragon named Nie, who is Yule's dearest companion and protector. She can sense danger nearby and can also remove poisons and numb a body with her bite, which aids with Yule's healing and defense.

Personality: Yule is passive in nature, and tends to keep to himself. He is gullible and very trusting if someone shows any act of kindness, since he's used to the honesty of his homeland, Vitae. He loves helping others, unless they simply are just using him without thinking of how he feels.

Skills: Yule is nearly one with nature. Not only can he speed up the bodies healing process, but he can control plants (make them grow, certain commands). Animals usually love him, and he finds their presence calming.

History: Yule was born in the city of Vitae, but he was a sickly child. No matter how many times his parents brought him to the Great Tree and brought him to the temples, he never seemed to get any better. One day, an old healer by the name of Jud was traveling through the city and happened to chance upon the small boy at one of the alters at the temple of Vitae. It was rather odd, the old man thought, that the child looked so poorly but lived in the most vital city in the lands. This bothered him so much he asked the people of the city who his parents were, and after being shown, asked the boy's parents if he could examine him. The old man finally found the problem; an unknown curse had been placed on the boy that drained his life energy. The only thing keeping him alive was the city's magical presence, although it wouldn't keep him alive forever. Jud didn't know how to save this boy and why he felt so compelled to do so either. He prayed at the temple for days with no result, until he happened to chance upon a Defender of Vitae. The great beast dropped a object in the man's gnarled hands and departed. After examining it, he found it to be a ring. He tried to put it on but was quickly burned as his skin made contact. Jud concluded it was for the boy and quickly rushed to Yule and gave it to him. Almost immediately, new found color sprang into the boys cheeks. The curse was lifted, but it left a mark on the boys face. Jud sensed the boy had a strong tie with healing magic as he did, and took the boy as an apprentice, with his parent's permission. They traveled around the lands, and soon Jud found Yule was getting more powerful. Jud died when the boy reached his 19th birthday. Yule was traveling aimlessly until he was captured and taken to the Core, where he's now forced to heal all the warriors and elite.

Name: Korlac al'Brokan

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Equipment: Korlac uses a short spear and shield for hand to hand combat.

Element: He has lightning magic but it is uncontrollable and come out on its own accord.

Starting Gear: A mithril short spear and iron shield, with combat boots and scale mail. He carries a large flat stone coin that allows he to relive the last 7 seconds of his life, but it can only be activated once per day.

Personality: With a cold and calculating look on his face, he is cold and remains silent most of the time, even though he is always watching and monitoring toughs around him.

Appearance: Tall and lean, he is extraordinarily strong even though he dose not look it. Standing 6ft tall he has a heroic look about him. Is around the age of 23

Skills: A master with the spear and shield, is extraordinarily agile and strong, he has a lightning aura that engulfs him in a storm of pure lighting if his emotions get the best of him. His lightning is uncontrollable and capable of leveling a small city.

Notable Features: a long scar runs down his left cheek, and a tattoo of a flaming sword on his right forearm.

History: Korlac hails from a desert in the far north. It is a harsh and unforgiving environment where the strong prevail and the weak are put out of their misery. He has no family to speak of, and cares for non. He was taught how to fight by the age of 10 and rose quikly through the ranks. his skill with a spear earned him the title of Shatter-Shield. When he was in the army he was arrested for killing an officer. He was turned in to a soldier slave where he remained for 2 years before escaping. He soon made his way south using his skills as a fighter to aid him on his way. With no memory of his parents or his lineage he is lost and in search of answers

Other: Korlac currently has no allegiance to any faction but will fight for anyone if the price is right.




Humanoid (scorpion not poisonous kind of scorpion).






Crystals and Ice



Starting equipment:

her pointy tip of her tail (but not poison just gonna make the enemy fall asleep).


is a very happy,cheery and most of all she is very kind she never back out on a fight and she never let anyone down she is also good at keeping secrets and last but not the least she loves to cook really shes a good baker.


she is known to summon Crystal or ice in the ground and can use it as a craft she is well know to everyone as a good engineer so u wont be thing-king why some of the house r made of crystal or why is there a crystal tree or even how come there was an ice in the ground in the first place


Discord was living in a normal life with a normal day with her kind and family she is well known to be the sweetest and kindness humanoid in her home when one day some creatures go to their place and kill one of her kind as her mother and father hid her in the forest but she ended up falling into a hole and hit her head first no one knows what happen next in her kind and her home.


Discord was raised by her family well as another other parents can do she wish to one day be the greatest chef in the whoe world and also give people kindness like free food,shelter anything by using her powers but first she must avenge what have happen to her family and she wil make sure of that and end the war she truthfully wanted peace and that will be her main goal.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/r169_457x256_13526_Obsidian_Phoenix_2d_fantasy_archer_girl_woman_picture_image_digital_art.jpg.ab35d4cb3f0915cbe49624ebdb5b7085.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108448" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/r169_457x256_13526_Obsidian_Phoenix_2d_fantasy_archer_girl_woman_picture_image_digital_art.jpg.ab35d4cb3f0915cbe49624ebdb5b7085.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/pasadena-los-angeles-canyon-wilderness-park-maternity-photography-9.jpg.5945f15d384ef27dfc60e41e1352e675.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108449" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/pasadena-los-angeles-canyon-wilderness-park-maternity-photography-9.jpg.5945f15d384ef27dfc60e41e1352e675.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Name: Isabella Godfrey

Race: Human

Age: 25

Class: Archer

Element: Air

Starting equipment:


+Long Bow

+Black Cloak



+Quiver for her Bolts


Isabella is an overall nice and caring person. When in a relationship, she is fully committed, dedicated and focused. A mother-to-be, Isabella has been having a lot of mood swings, so its hard to tell what mood she is in, because she is sad one minute, angry the next. Besides being Mature and all grown up, Isabella still retains a playful personality with people that she is close to.


Archery: Thanks to her Mom, Isabella has become a Proficient and Excellent Marksman and Archer. She shows proficiency with both string bows and crossbows alike. However, she prefers the use of Crossbows because they are easier to carry, pack and load up, even quick to fire.

Hunter & Tracker: Her Mother was also a Huntress, so Isabella has learned or inherited some tracking skills from her Mother. With this, she is able to track down fleeing targets through footprints and scent.

While Isabella has picked up most of her fighting traits from her Mother, she at least learned swordplay with her Father, who was trained and experienced knight. Due to being with child, she refuses to fight up close and personal due to the dangers it can possess for her unborn child.


Isabella was born into a Warrior Class Family, where her Father was a well-known Military Commander and her Mother was a renowned archer and huntress. She grew up as an only child, having no siblings and few relatives. Isabella also had the fortune of living within the city walls of Dunheim because of what her parents did for a living, or at least her Father. Her Childhood was a relaxing one since she got the chance to grow up in the Garden District. When she was thirteen, her Mother started teaching her how to hunt and track. Often, Isabella was praised for being a fast learner by her parents. She did not get to pick up on Archery until she was sixteen. At eighteen she got the chance to learn swordplay.

Her parents have since retired from their hard enduring occupations and are now living peacefully in the Garden District. Currently, Isabella is expecting her first child which midwives have predicted to be a baby girl. Despite being heavily pregnant, Isabella still goes out hunting and adventuring even though it makes her parents uncomfortable.


-Eight Months Pregnant

-Prefers to fight at a distance

-During fights, she will often hide behind cover and use terrain to protect herself

-For a pregnant girl, she is very brave

-The Paternity of her child is currently unknown (If you want to play the Father, that's fine, PM Me First)



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THE BABY MORGY :D <3 @Morgrim teh baby is teh answer to Eleniel's bitchiness

U uU
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Accepted. I am sure you read the last 2 or 3 pages so you will know that Dunheim, including the garden district are not in it's best shape, but it is getting better.
Name: Aradin Blint


Race: Human

Age: 26

Class: Assassin

Magic: He doesn't use much, just typical Illusion magic to confuse his targets, hide his presence, or silence his footsteps. (Wouldn't know what element that belongs too)

Starting equipment: A bow, a quiver stocked full of arrows, a sword, and the armor he wears.

Personality: A quiet, pragmatic individual. Aradin is a man whose loyalty likes with how much money he is making. He is reverent to his mistress, Death, to whom he sends many patrons.

Skills: Trained from birth and apprenticed to legendary assassin Kylar d'Deneith, Aradin has incredible skill in combat. He is in his physical prime, and his strikes are graceful and swift. His reflexes are at the top of their game, being able to dodge arrows with ease and parrying blades quickly. While apprenticed, he learned the arts of illusion magic. Illusion magic helps him muffle the senses of his prey as he stalks.

History: Swearing vengeance on the bandits that destroyed his village and killed his parents, Aradin sought out an apprenticeship from Kylar d'Deneith, a known assassin and combatant. With much reluctance, Kylar agreed, and the two spent most of their time together while he was growing up. Aradin finally achieved his vengeance, and eventually found out that his mentor was the leader of the attack on his village. After much heated arguing, it ended in a bloody duel with Aradin being the victor. He is now wondering around the lands, doing jobs for money.

Other: He has a soft spot for orphans and pretty women.
@FordtheKiller Accepted, and I all ready know where to place you. Wandering across Landfall there is a bandit clan that is only two days hold, but all ready organized, stocked well, armed and dangerous with a savage leader and a clear goal. Currently Isabelle is the first victim. Led by the thunder god which is an alias he is trying to steal orphans and babies whether unborn or only several years old he is trying to raise an army of soldiers manipulated and trained by the thunder god himself he is trying to rise an army that could decimate the Silver legion, and it's competition. So we could have Aradin recruited by a mercenary group tasked with prevent war and devastation.
Before I start typing my Bio I just wanted to say you all have some of the sickest (in a good way) bios that I've seen in any role-play and the picture thing is a really nice touch to help visualization. Also, this is my first bio and second post on RP Nation so go easy on the noob :3

Name: Sab'Haal

Race: Demon of Sorrow and Fear

Age: 583

Class: Mage

Element: Shadow / Fire

Starting equipment: The only physical item that Sab'Haal wields while in combat is a large and straight runed staff. It is pitch black with random and ancient looking symbols in glowing white font throughout the 6 foot length of the staff.

He wears a long black cape connected to black metal shoulder plates that have bony spikes shooting out in a downward direction. They are about 4-5 inches long. Over his torso he has a simple black robe that is split down the center but fastened together with a red string. The sleeves of the Robe are very large and when his fingers are interlocked together in front of him the sleeves conceal them completely. The bottom of the robe is very basic and made of a black silky material similar to his cape. He wears wooden sandals (Like Samurai Jack) on his feet. The robe has a hood which he doesn't wear very often.

Sab'Haal has a ring on every one of his fingers apart from the thumbs, and each one of them has a different color gem embedded within it.

Personality: Sab'Haal is a demon who enjoys all fear and sorrow from any form of life. Unlike a death seeking demon of eternal damnation, Sab'Haal seeks a deeper fright and longing from all those around him. He looks like a normal, stunning human man with a charismatic aura surrounding him. He likes to take the time and get to know people, so that he can figure out their deepest regrets and fears. After he discovers these he uses his persuasive abilities to try and geode people into making decisions that are detrimental to them. Taking pleasure in roaming around at night to find people to stalk, haunt and sometimes kill is something he thoroughly enjoys.

Skills: Sab'Haal is a master of fire magic, being able to use adept alteration of fire's shape and form as well as generate it from his finger tips and breath. He can launch fireballs about the size of dodgeballs at a speed slightly slower than the average arrow fired from a short bow.

His knowledge of shadow magic also allows him to conceal himself, make false noises in different locations around him, and even generate an aura of fear around him. This is more effective to those with weaker willpower, and who are more sensitive to magic. The longer he is in combat the more others are likely to become unsettled. People who are insecure of themselves might feel like there is someone else with them in their mind.

History: Sab'Haal is the creation of one of the first mages who tampered with dark energies and magic. There was once a wizard by the name of Amu'ur, who would perform twisted experiments on subjects and call upon dark spirits. A man who was taken away from his mother at a young age was a victim of these experiments. The wizard was attempting to create a spell of immortality, and thus after every attempt at creating it he would physically torture the boy for years. After one experiment failed, the boys eyes suddenly became pitch black and fire spewed from his mouth. The wizard was burned horrifically, and when he came to the demon known now as Sab'Haal was staring him in the eyes. The wizard began replaying all of the people he had hurt inside his mind, and was left in a paralyzed state in a vivid trance of what he had done until his body withered away. Sab'Haal has known only hatred since, and he finds himself unable to stop himself from exacting revenge on everyone around him.

Other: Sab'Haal actually looks like a very attractive, physically fit and charming human male within his 20's. Over his years he has had so much experience with smooth social interactions that he finds himself addicted to talking and persuading people in anyway. He takes an almost obsessive interest in their personal lives and can make himself out to seem like everything they are looking for in another person.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/shadow-demon-with-red-eyes-and-runed-staff.jpg.b72cd296204da23982b4fb967aec7c53.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109091" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/shadow-demon-with-red-eyes-and-runed-staff.jpg.b72cd296204da23982b4fb967aec7c53.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Minus the red face pant and all.



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I like the character, and am happy you have taken an interest in this rp. Indeed we are some of the best characters on RPN xD , do you have any preferences as to where you would like to start?

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Morgrim said:
@FordtheKiller Accepted, and I all ready know where to place you. Wandering across Landfall there is a bandit clan that is only two days hold, but all ready organized, stocked well, armed and dangerous with a savage leader and a clear goal. Currently Isabelle is the first victim. Led by the thunder god which is an alias he is trying to steal orphans and babies whether unborn or only several years old he is trying to raise an army of soldiers manipulated and trained by the thunder god himself he is trying to rise an army that could decimate the Silver legion, and it's competition. So we could have Aradin recruited by a mercenary group tasked with prevent war and devastation.
@Morgrim You'd have to have someone hire him first
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Morgrim said:
I like the character, and am happy you have taken an interest in this rp. Indeed we are some of the best characters on RPN xD , do you have any preferences as to where you would like to start?
Well I'd prefer to start anywhere somewhat populated with other roleplayers as to get to know people on this website. I didn't make my character bound to anywhere in particular through history so that I can just transition in without any problems. If there is anywhere that has action I guess would be nice :)
The best place to start would be Dunheim. I more people would like to join I can put them there, and there is all ready another recently added person there. @Pr0t0typ3str
Name: Korvox Voltix

Race: Half Lighting Elemental Half Demon

Age: 22

Appearance: 6'3/bone white skin/blue eyes/short black metallic hair that doesn't burn

Class: 'Glass Cannon' (Hyper offensive/little to no defensive capabilities)

Element: Lighting

Starting equipment: Metallic pants that can meld with his 'Lighting Form' (look at skills for details on that)

Personality: Always in a bright mood and energetic. He is also reckless and always willing to jump in a fight. Very protective of his friends.

Skills: Limited to hand-to-hand combat, capable of changing his whole body into his lighting form (though regardless of how 'disarrayed' his lighting form gets he can still be injured physically). His normal lighting is yellow; but his boosted lighting is red- his demon blood can boost his lighting powers or his physical strength; his lighting is black in bleed out mode. Using his lighting abilities slowly burns him alive and will cause self incineration if used to much.

-Red lighting: Boost his capabilities 3x but he burns 3x as fast

-Bleed out: Boost his power and speed by 25x/ Special conditions to 'Bleed Out'- 1) He has to be completely unharmed (not single bruise or small scratch, not even a sun burn) 2) Use of this ability kills him after 5 seconds

-Passive ability due to this ability is he cant bleed to death

-if looses 65% of his blood he becomes unable to use his lighting half and his strength is cut in half (exception when using Bleed Out)

-slow regeneration (he burns faster than he can regenerate)

-3x stronger than the average human

History: Grew in small hut somewhere within the Core (no father) till he was 8 when his mother disappeared without a trace or reason. He Wandered the Core looking for civilization by himself for 4 years till he found a small unnamed community while on the verge of death. The people luckily took him in and healed him and continue raising him till he chose to venture out to Landfall, and maybe Skyshard, at 17 in pursuit of an adventure, which he reached after 2 long years of traveling.

Other: Despite the fact he burns when he uses his power, has no burn scars but slash and stab scars litter his body from when he was wondering in the Core and on his travels to Landfall. Also he is unable of using weapons of any sort.



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P O W E R S / S K I L L S

Element: Fire


- Manipulate Fire

- Enhanced Strength

- Tough Skin

- Rage: Everything turns red, and Kaya is able to attack relentlessly with long-lasting endurance, but her rage can go out of control and cause her to hurt someone she cares about or cause her to get into a reckless situation.


- Lacks Speed

- Water = Opposite of Fire

- Overwhelming Rage

- Not Well-Educated


- Use of Sword and Axe

- Forging Weaponry


Dagger (1): In a sheath on her thigh.


Axe (1): No shield, is kept slung across her back in a harness (think Captain America's shield).


Sword (2): They rest on either hip.


Other: Special starting item is a gemstone located on her belt. It helps her harness her power, preventing her from randomly lighting things on fire.


"Enemy is burn, taste my blade. I not accept traitor."
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