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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy/Open)

[QUOTE="Folk Tale]Will continue when phone is not dying.

You butt
Lol. Sorry for keeping you guys held back. I'll post for all three as soon as I can, just been overwhelmed as of late.
@Mister Veeeee

Yeah, kind of. I know many of us are dealing with school, such as projects, exams, etc., and then the other half are dealing with work and the like. Then again, getting distracted by gaming also occurs [cough]@Morgrim [cough] But ye. I'm sure we'll get back up to some sort of activity soon.
[QUOTE="Amaterasu Kawashima]I'm still waiting for a Reply from Aerith to Isabella.

Patience is a virtue. He's working on posts.
Now working on a new character to interact with the others, I also I understand busy for im also have stuff going on (in job corp as a resident) so im only able to get on in the evenings my time :P
Aleroth said:
ALRIGHTY, New bastard over here, hope ya don't mind me barging in. Gonna be a hobo musician.
I will notify the GM.
Anaxileah said:
I will notify the GM.
Righty, he here often?

Another thing I would like to ask would be if there are any restrictions as far as races and classes go?

One last thing would be "what in the everloving hell is elements?"

I apologize for asking so many questions.
Aleroth said:
Righty, he here often?
Another thing I would like to ask would be if there are any restrictions as far as races and classes go?

One last thing would be "what in the everloving hell is elements?"

I apologize for asking so many questions.
LOL. He's only ever on if someone in the group nags him on Skype.

As long as you aren't OP or messing with Morg's lore, I think you're fine. (I'm co-GM, so I think I'm allowed to say this stuff xD )

Elements: can be either one of the five original elements, such as earth, air, fire, water, and spirit, or another thing entirely that you associate your character with, such as shadow/darkness, light, nature (more plantlike, while earth is ground and rocks and dirt), etc. Something that your character relates with, y'know?

Don't apologize. :) You're good.
Anaxileah said:
LOL. He's only ever on if someone in the group nags him on Skype.
As long as you aren't OP or messing with Morg's lore, I think you're fine. (I'm co-GM, so I think I'm allowed to say this stuff xD )

Elements: can be either one of the five original elements, such as earth, air, fire, water, and spirit, or another thing entirely that you associate your character with, such as shadow/darkness, light, nature (more plantlike, while earth is ground and rocks and dirt), etc. Something that your character relates with, y'know?

Don't apologize. :) You're good.
Right, took Music as an element, think that could work like, i dunno, having music influence people in certain ways? Magic music basically?
Aleroth said:
Right, took Music as an element, think that could work like, i dunno, having music influence people in certain ways? Magic music basically?
Mm. It's a possibility. I think that associates with air, though, since music is a bunch of sound waves, which are carried on the air. :3
Anaxileah said:
Mm. It's a possibility. I think that associates with air, though, since music is a bunch of sound waves, which are carried on the air. :3
Aye, but i'm REALLY going for music. So yeah, mayhap the character only knows how to manipulate it in relation to music.
Aleroth said:
Aye, but i'm REALLY going for music. So yeah, mayhap the character only knows how to manipulate it in relation to music.
Sounds good. When you say your element, that doesn't necessarily mean you manipulate it. It only implies that the element you chose is the one you relate best to. Could give you qualities such as good hearing, being able to tell the weather within an hour or so, etc.
Anaxileah said:
Sounds good. When you say your element, that doesn't necessarily mean you manipulate it. It only implies that the element you chose is the one you relate best to. Could give you qualities such as good hearing, being able to tell the weather within an hour or so, etc.
Then I'll change it to air, since my character has good hearing/voice/AIRRELATEDTHINGIES

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