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Fandom Naruto: the Will of fire (Private rp between myself and MorikoSenju)

Eventually the other teams arrived. However, because there weren't as many teams as in Canon, they skipped the preliminaries and announced that they were going to straight to the finals, which would take place in one month from now.
Naruto was a bit annoyed he would have to wait. But admitted it would be good to probably train He knew the skill of those from Kohona, but everyone else was an empty mark. Not to mention they would be training as well, so he wasn't sure. Frowning he wished Chiruka was here, as she would have helped him train. And probably till he passed out... He knew mom would help, but it would have been nice...
Naruto grinned and hugged Patorikku with a laugh. "Thanks, but I haven't actually faced any challenges yet. That was all the easy common sense stuff. Now I have to prove I'm Chunin material."
"hopefully they won't forfeit cause our dad's the fourth hokage." Patorikku said.

(Idea, what if Naruto has a nightmare where all his opponents forfeit because he's Minato's son, which in turn results in Naruto not being able to become a chunin because he wasn't able to show his stuff?)
Naruto frowns. "They wouldn't do that, would they?" Naruto questioned aloud with a slight frown.

The other leaf genin chuckled nervously as they tried to dodge the question.

That night after dinner, the Uzumaki household turned in for the night and went to sleep.
Except for Naruto who tossed and turned all night worried that someone would give him an easy win because of who he was. Eventually he managed to fall asleep. Only to have his dreams haunted by horrible thoughts of everyone giving him the win and him failing to become a Chunin since he never showed any qualities to become one.
"I'm sorry Naruto, but you didn't demonstrate any skills that could possibly justify promoting you to a chunin." Minato said. "in fact, I don't think your even cut out to be a ninja." Minato said, taking Naruto's headband. "Which means you'll have to get a job as a civilian, and civilians aren't allowed to use jutsu.." he said as Kushina placed a seal on Naruto, which took away his ability to use chakra or jutsu, and suppress all the knowledge he learned from the academy.

The dream then flash forward to an old Naruto left on the street as a beggar, unable to find any kind of work. All the while, his friends and family simply pretended like he didn't exist anymore. The dream ended with an old sick Naruto dying in a pile of garbage.
Suddenly, his parents rushed into the room. "Naruto, what happened, are you okay?" Minato asked with a concerned look on his face.
Naruto blinked before rushing to them and rambling. "You wouldn't deal my chakra away because win useless and weka right? Because everyone would refuse to fight me and let me win and I couldn't show my skills and never become Chunin and have to be a Genin forever and then a civilian and then I would die alone and you would leave me."

Kushina blinked slowly at her son tilting her head. " What is wrong with you?" She questioned with a blank expression.

Naruto almost sobbed as he explained everything.
"Naruto, even if people do forfeit against you, and you didn't have the chance to show what it takes to be a chunin, that doesn't mean we would just turn off backs on you and cast you out." Minato reassured his son, holding him close as he and Kushina comforted their oldest.
"Your an idiot for even thinking that!" Kushina scolded before hugging him tightly. "Your our previous little Naruto. We would never just leave it abandon you for something like that. Even if you decided you didn't want to be a Ninja, and decided to be a Civilian you would still be ours."

Naruto nodded with a sniffle.
"what's going on?" a half asleep Patorikku asked as he walked in, rubbing his eyes. " Your brother just had a bad dream, go back to sleep." Minato said. "Ok..what?!" Patorikku said as he ran over and hugged his big brother.
Naruto rolled his eyes, but hugged Patorikku back. "It's fine. I was just being stupid because you got me worried about what you said "

Kushina twitched patting Patorikku's head. "So you were teasing your brother again, eh?" She questioned.
"I was but I didn't think it would give him nightmares!" He said frantically, but truthfully. "I'm sorry about what I said to you Naruto, I feel horrible." Patorikku said, looking like he was about to cry.
Naruto was quick to nod. "He's right. It was just an offhand comment and I went kind of nuts about it." Naruto was quick to explain. "It's alright." He explained.

Kushina huffed chuffing both of them on the head then ruffling their hair. "What am I going to do with the two of you?" She questioned. "Minato your sons are trouble."
Minato laughed nervously as he sweat dropped. Meanwhile, Patorikku thought he caught of glimpse of a chakra signature outside the Uzumaki compound's grounds, but when he blinked, it was gone.

The next day, when Naruto met up with his teammates and Friends, they all shared similar, but equally terrifying nightmares.

"Yeah, I had a nightmare where my mom's tomato patch turned into monsters and tried to eat me." Sasuke said. "Well I had a nightmare that akamaru ran away." Kiba said. "Well I can't possibly be worse than mine was." Shikamaru said. "In my nightmare, I was married to that girl from The Sand village." He shuttered. "Who the one with the big fan?" Choji asked. "yep." Shikamaru said.

"Well I have a nightmare that my families flower shop burned down, with us in it!" Ino said. "This can't be coincidence." Shino pointed out.
Naruto frowned thoughtfully. Something had felt weird since last night. He wasn't quite sure why. He felt like something was missing, but he was also feeling weird about something. Naruto didn't really get scared that often. Unless there were ghosts. He hated ghosts.

"I dunno, that is super weird that we all had nightmares on the same night..." He said with a frown.

Kiba frowned as well. "Yea... More so because its stuff we've either already feared, or never even thought about before that's weird."
"you know the funny thing is, after I woke up. My dog was barking out the window like there was an intruder or something. "I also thought I saw someone outside my window after I woke up too, but I just thought I was being paranoid." Hinata added. "Kiba, didn't you say akamaru refused to stop stop barking last night?" Shino inquired, referring to a earlier comment that keep a made as to why he was so tired.
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"Yea." Kiba agreed with a frown.

"What about you Naruto, was anything weird with you?" Ino questioned.

Naruto paused and shook his head. "No, mom, dad and Patorikku came to check on me. I didn't notice anything strange." He admitted with a frown. It had taken them all a long time to get back to sleep.
"Actually Naruto, I think I saw someone or something outside your window last night." Patorikku said as he arrived. "But it vanished before I could get a good look at it." He explained.
Naruto frowned with an annoyed expression. "What the heck is going on here?" He questioned since a few people had seen someone or thought they had. "Is it some kind of Jutsu or something? But why would anyone do something like that?"
"during the finals of the chunin exam, there's a lot of money at stake because a lot of the wealthy potential clients wager on who will win and lose. Maybe someone doesn't want konaha to win or something." Neji said, arriving and explaining that his team also had nightmares last night.

"My money is on someone from The sound village. From what I could tell, no one from the Sand village team uses genjutsu." Sasuke added.

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