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Fandom Naruto: The Sixth Great Village

Like a enemy huh she thought to herself. "Hey guys I think I have a idea!" They huddle together "We need to attack together or we will never get those bells. So how about you two distract him. While I come in from behind and try to snatch the bells. Well what do you think want to give it a go?" she asked hopefully.
Justin heard her plan. But he stubbornly refused "I can do this alone trust me I'm strong enough to do this!" He makes a few hand signs "Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" A water dragon appears and he smirks as it goes to attack Bain Sensei.

He saw Justin once again make another Jutsu and he activates his kekkei genkai (the star village) and he made hand signs quickly. "Fire Style Flame Lotus Jutsu!" He breathes out fire and it shoots out multiple flames and it created steam. He snickered and kicked Justin in the chest and he gets launched backwards once again.
"Distracting won't work Yumi you know he's a Jounin for god sakes!" He says to her as he made a clone hand sign "Shadow clone jutsu!" He made five shadow clones. "Hmph I can do this with or without strategy." He also made another clone hand sign "Steam Clone Jutsu" he made a steam clone in the group.

Bain just watch Yumi try to convince to work her plan out but it seems like he's too stubborn to listen. "I have to admit Justin you know how to use multiple jutsu." He said to him smirking waiting for a stradegy.
"Ugh what's wrong with you at least try it!" She yelled as she watched him attack. "You do realize this is a group test"
"Fine lets do this stupid plan of your Yumi! Happy?" He said to her as all his clones surround Bain Sensei but with a distance away. "So what's the exact details?"
"Finally ok so Justin you attack from the top and Hayase will attack from the front. While you guys are dirtacting him I will sneak from behind and grab the bells ok?"
"I'll try it..." He sighed. "Although it seems rudimentary, and he will see through it... I have no other plans." He looked at Yumi. "On your orders."
Justin rolled his eyes as he did her orders, he made about twenty clones and started to attack the Sensei from the top trying to hit with all they got.

Bain smirked at the sight of teamwork no one has ever proven to be able to do it and cooperate. It seems like they passed but I want to see if they can grab my bells or not. He eventually gave up waiting as his kekkei genkai started to see through their plan. He breathed in and said "Steam Release: Steam Gust Jutsu!" a gust of strong wind hit all of them preventing them for being able to do their plan.
"Or it's just your too dumb for the plan to work out idiot!" He said to him throwing another punch at him. Justin never really liked this guy from the start, so he always was a little aggressive to him.
He blocked most of the punches thrown at him, dodging him if he could. "I'm not the brute with third-rate insults fighting his teammate!" He said with silent fury. He despised useless fighting.
"Would you guys stop fighting already! You know maybe if you guys took this seriously it would work! Mister debby downer over here keeps saying how it will never work and big shot doesn't want to work together how can any plan work if you guys are always fighting!" She yelled. She was not the the type to get angry but these guys were just irritating as hell.
He noticed Yumi was angry and he stopped because he didn't want to be taken down by her once again. "Plans like this will never work! We something more complex to think of!" He said to her.

Bain made a few hand signs "Meteor Release: Rain of Hell!" Meteors then started to shower down around the three Genins. Sure I was to see if they could pass high inch they did but I wanna see if they can even deflect a single attack.
"Watch out!!!" He yelled. "Fire style, fire bomb jutsu!" He shot a huge blast, destroying most of the meteors.
Justin yelled to the two "We should get some distance away from him!" He breathed in and said "Steam Release: Depths of fog Jutsu!" Fog appeared everywhere letting us have time to flee.

Bain watched them all try to save themselves but he just smirked and yelled to the three of them. "You three passed you need some more training to learn how to fight together but your team work can be a great thing that others do not have." He said to them smiling.
"Hmm..." He looked at the team again. "I guess I could work with then...." He looked and pointed at Justin. "Brawn." He then pointed at himself and the girl. "Brain."
"What did you just call me!" He was gonna throw another fist. The first day and he was already bugged by him. gee once I get my hands on him I'm gonna show no mercy the next time we fight. He just was tempted to beat him till there was nothing left of him but since we are comrades he guess he has to show mercy to him.
"Well, we will do our first mission tomorrow, so have your fun. For me I have to file a report, feel free to stop them from fighting all the time." He said to her as he walked off and started to file a quick report on the new group he has.
"cool! free time!" she said happily. Then she realized those two were still arguing. "Hey guys he said we have the rest of the day free let's do something fun in stead of fighting."

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