Naruto: Reminiscent

(This is for after Timeskip, when Kakashi will be introduced.)

Kakashi Hatake (Nickname: The White Devil/The White Devil of the Sharingan/The Stranger/The Bloody Fang/ The Windrunner/.)

These are all nicknames given to him by a variety of shinobi and villagers.

Although none of these people have properly seen Kakashi and almost all of them are dead.

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.03704a3cfef28bd71415be95e4876ddc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36600" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.03704a3cfef28bd71415be95e4876ddc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.41919915cb08f01fe9f7a9b74caa26da.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36393" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.41919915cb08f01fe9f7a9b74caa26da.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.a7423c99707d718ca6406971e00336ac.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36394" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.a7423c99707d718ca6406971e00336ac.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.c6455ccc4cb08290847d895482ebe561.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36396" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.c6455ccc4cb08290847d895482ebe561.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Kakashis Sharingan.)

(Kakashi will have a cloak like this, but it would be black.)

Rank: Rogue

Chakra Affiliation: Wind, Water, Fire (Because the Nibi.) and Ice (Wind + Water).

No one but he knows he has Ice Release or that he is the Nibi Jinchuriki.

Clan: Hatake

Jutsu: Kakashi is a master with Ninjutsu and is almost as good with Taijutsu, he does not have much experience with using Genjutsu but he has a vast knowledge of it.

It also helps that he has a EMS in his left eye, but he regularly covers his left eye.

Subjutsu: Kakashi is skilled in using basic shinobi tools, but he has little practice in the more taboo or advanced tools.

Kakashi like his father is a brilliant tracker, his sense of smell and hearing even surpasses his fathers, he also has the nine ninken, whom his father passed down to him.

He also uses the White Light Chakra Saber, he has also surpassed his dad in the ability to wield this.

There is one Genjutsu that Kakashi has completely mastered, this genjutsu puts the victim in a deep sleep, it also allows them to manipulate their short term memory, allowing him to partially or completely remove or add things such as himself from someone's memory.

Village: Konoha

Personality: Kakashi has been described as a demon or even a devil, which pretty much sums him up.

He does not care much for others life's and he has killed many people, he has even destroyed villages.

But he does have a lighter side, a side that wants to bring peace to the world.

But the methods of obtaining said peace could mean utter destruction for all he cares.

He does have a personal grudge with Konoha and Kumoga.

So to sum it up Kakashi is bitter and Hateful, he dislikes people and enjoys killing and bringing pain to others, but on the other hand he is loyal and honest, he can be surprisingly kind and generous to those he thinks deserve it.

Backstory: Kakashi grew up like a regular kid, well as regularly a kid could be when his parents were famous shinobi, his mother a well respected Jounin and his father who had climbed the ranks to an Anbu member.

But this all changed when his father was murdered.

The Ninken made a pact with Kakashi to follow him no matter what path he takes and once he was ready he would retrieve his fathers eye.

But his mother became depressed, and something snapped in her head, she began to lose her mind.

She was insane and upset and began to attack Kakashi.

Kakashi was defenceless, he would never harm his mother not in a million years and the truth was even if he wanted to he couldn't when he was at that level, his mother was a well respected Jounin and he wasn't even genin.

But after several years of torture his mother took him away to Kumogakure.

This is where his mother commited suicide to forcefully seal the Nibi ( two tails) within Kakashi.

By this time Kakashi was a completely different person. He retrieved his fathers eye from his ninken and obtained the EMS.

And since then Kakashi has not been seen, but there has been several murders related to the White Devil, which is the name that the people Kumogakure gave him.

Other: Kakashi would not hesitate to kill anyone.

And his ninken are still with him.

He has complete control over his tailed beast, although it wouldn't be considered control because the tailed beast actually helps him.

In other words he has befriended his tailed beast.

Also at a young age he went through the waterfall, so he has a lot of experience with the Nibis powers.

Although like his Sharingan and Ice Release he almost never uses this simply because he dosent need to.



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(Alright. Just finish up the rest of the stuff for after the timeskip and everything will be fine!)
(Going to appear when the rest of the jinchuriki appear.)

Name: Iymai Lydec

Gender: Male

Age: 36



Rank: Rogue

Chakra Afilliation: Fire release, Earth release, Lava release.

Clan: None

Jutsu: He is a master of ninjutsu and taijutsu but a complete rookie at genjutsu with his knowledge only going on how to release himself from genjutsu.

Subjutsu: Son Gok? or more commonly known as the Four-Tails jinch?riki

Village: Iwagakure (Hidden Stone Village)

Personality: Iymai is light hearted, casual, and fun loving. He was known to have been impatient with the antics of the new ninja's. However, he has changed his personality in his older years, becoming much more relaxed. Though he often has a serious air, Iymai enjoys going with the flow and appearing in unexpected places and in unexpected ways, especially given his status and age. He often comments on his age and how his body "does not work the way it used to". Iymai is not often headstrong, looking before he leaps and taking time to plan ahead before taking action, although he does not hesitate to act if needs be. Even when entering into an unfortunate or unplanned situation. Iymai remains completely calm, pushing forward through adversity with no hesitation if the need arises.

Backstory: Iymai was a masterful shinobi even at a young age and was a great asset to Iwagakure until being pushed away again and again by the whole village finally took its toll.

Iymai was a man of greatness even during his early days. He learned the earth release as in he was born with full knowledge. What took people days to master even while just starting out as a student he master in a few tries which brought on early hatred of him by his fellow students as he was always the teachers favorite and normally the top of the class by a lone shot. As he aged older he only continued to get stronger and stronger which most he fought him not getting a chance to find his weakness as that would be his undoing that weakness was Genjutsu.

As a shinobi he was expected to know genjutsu but he could never grasp it. It took him a full year just to learn how to release one never mind try and use one and he still has not. He gained a great reputation within his village and one that proves he was not to be fought by the average shinobi outside of his village. However that all changed when he was fifteen.

The current Tsuchikage was trying to decided what to do with the four tails, with the last jinch?riki slowly dying after only a few months of having the beast they had to decided what to do and fast but it was a hard choice since whoever had it would be wished dead by the rest of the ninjas and villages and would be forced to try and keep all that hatred in. Not wanting to make anyone else go through such pain he guessed he would be able to take it. So he rushed into the Tsuchikage office and requested to become the four-tails jinch?riki and the Tsuchikage accepted.

As the four-tails jinch?riki he never knew what it would feel like everyone staying away from you no one wishing to talk to you only you and your tailed beast which in this case was Son Gok? who did make for good conversation sadly it was not human conversation but Iymai didn't let it bother him. He asked permission to take leave from the village for a year at age 23 after being the jinch?riki for eight years Iymai decided it was time to become stronger and to team up more with the four-tails. He learned each of its jinch?riki forms and even the full form he also began to train in the lava style brought on by the four-tails.

Iymai returned to the stone only to be more shunned than when he left. It all became to much for him and he left the stone becoming a rogue in the process.

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(Sorry I didn't see this sooner, but accepted! Also, where do you find these cool character pictures?)
(Can't remember where I got the Sharingan and the one to show his cloak but I got the firs to from

I normally search quite a bit for pics.)
(I could see it was from deviant art, that was obvious xD , I was just wondering how you end up finding them. Photobucket and Diviant Art are good sights though. But anyway, I'll be introducing two CS's soon anyway, one for my jinchuriki and one just for another character.)

Name: Mizu Kimura

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Appearance: Mizu has a very youthful, attractive appearance. She stands at 5'9, with an average female build. She has caucasian skin, and has long shoulder length yellow blonde hair (Similar to Naruto's color of hair) that she consistently dyes different colors to remain unidentified. Going with this she has very little facial scars, and blue eyes, and attractive facial characteristics. She wears various outfits as she is on the road much, though she sticks to Shinobi affiliated gear often, and she is consistently changing contacts to change eye color, dying hair, etc. (Still debating on weather or not she'll have the whisker markings on her face...). Mostly though for an outfit she wears a dark red sleeveless with a white and red sash skirt wrapped around her waist and short black shorts under them, with ninja pouches and various other tools.

Rank: Like most Jinchuriki these days, Rogue.

Chakra Afilliation: Wind, water.

Clan: None.

Jutsu: Mizu specializes in Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, often mixing the two together in deadly succession, though she heavily lacks in genjutsu.

Subjutsu: Mizu is also a very experienced medical ninja, rivaling even the best doctors in the shinobi world. She also is a Jinchuriki: Containing the infamous Nine Tailed Fox. Also she has a weapon of choice: Her staff, she specializes in pole arms.

Village: Konoha

Personality: A rather estranged personality. Deep down Mizu has a lot of anger, and a lot of grudges. Grudges for what her village did to her, how they just up and abandoned her, outcasting her. She's become a very cold individual, one who was kind and affectionate for other, and this personality still shows but her anger covers it up, as she is short tempered and very stubborn...probably because she grew up outcasted and knowing that she was a bastard child (Meaning that neither of her parents were married, an accident mostly.) one does not grow up well knowing that.

Backstory: An actual descendant of Naruto Uzumaki, though not very proud descendant. Her mother was a shinobi, much like her father. Her mother went by the last name of Kimura, a family name that is related to more famous names then you'd think, and her father...she never met her father. All that she knows about her father is that he was a direct descendant of Naruto that made her related to him as put things simply, she is what is called a bastard child, meaning that neither parents were married, and she was somewhat of an accident. However unexpected she may have been, her village had plans for her...plans that would change her life forever. Mizu grew up a semi-normal life, her mother was once a shinobi so growing up she learned some of the skills of the trade...never knowing why as she hadn't decided she wanted to be a shinobi. Her mother was always over-protective of her, and over reacted to even just the slightest of scrapes. Mizu had friends, she played outside, all normal childhood things. Then on her 8th birthday it all changed. Her mother agreed to something that had been in planning for years, ignorant of the consequences that it would have. Mizu was brought away from the village, and into a special compound, surrounded by ANBU, which she had never seen before. She was led into a room where her mother stood, along with Hokage Mitsorugi, and roughly 8 other ninja. Before she knew it she was strapped down surrounded by seals, ignorant to what was happening she was scared, yet her mother calmed her by grabbing her hand.

Then Hokage Mitsorugi, and all the other Shinobi set fourth, and sealed the Kyubi inside of her. She was the perfect candidate, young, enduring due to her family heritage, and most importantly she had the blood like her famous ancestor that could support the nine tails. Life from then on out wasn't easy. The Shinobi conflict escalated, and her mother went off to war where she would face her inevitable death, killed in a barrage of explosives, Katsuro infact witnessed the death and testified for it as well.

Things got even worse: None of Mizu's family wanted anything to do with her due to her Jinchuriki, as due to current times and conflict the relations between the villages and Jinchuriki went to a horrible state after the war after the people witnessed what awe shocking power they had, and what the hands who control them can do. Mizu went from a modest home to the streets of Konoha. Not even the lowest scum in the village would touch her, as for fear of their life. The transition from a spoiled daughter to a meager homeless street person was not easy, but due to Hokage insight she was able to be given a home...of...unmodest conditions, but it was better than none. No children talked to her, even when she enrolled in the Academy, which she showed much promise in. Even the instructors tormented her and treated her like an outcast, one even went as far as to throw a stone at her during the balance exam, the scar is still on the left side of her head which her hair now covers.

Yet she graduated, and learned the trade of the Shinobi well. There were a few shinobi who were kind to her, but it was outshined by the influence of the rest. She learned to be a well-rounded shinobi, one who could have very well been used in ANBU or Jonin operations, but by that time she had reached her breaking point like most of the world's jinchuriki. One can only be treated like an outcast by a village they would bleed for, for so long. Mizu severed her ties with the village, and left. Nobody missed her as was, which probably explained why Mitsorugi made little effort to find her, only sending out a few ANBU who weren't even sensory ninja.

Now a days, Mizu just travels the land, wandering place to place. She constantly dyes her hair, and wears various contacts, though when she is in her natural appearence her heritage to Naruto is undoubted by her skin tone, hair, and eyes, though of course there are many different appearance details (I'll try drawing her sometime.) she changes her appearance for a reason. These days she is tormented by her past and by the Kyubi inside of her.

Other: In case I did not make it clear in the Bio, she is related to Naruto Uzumaki, which is how she's able to carry the Kyubi, as she shares the special Kekke Genkai.
Yes. I just get...wrapped up in thought, as they so both things in the manga and Anime, but I'll edit that out. Thank you for the correction.
It's fine.

I assume you meant to put bloodline limit, as it's referred to In the English dub. Both are fine.
Name: Riku Iseya

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Appearance: Riku stands at roughly 5'8 to 5'9 and has a young appearance, looking to be in his teens roughly. He has amber colored eyes, and medium long black hair that he ties into a pony tail, and has several long bangs on the front of his head, the farthest left one at the left side of his forehead has beads on it. Riku has a few scars across his body, and one under his chin. For clothing, Riku usually wears a blue long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up, with Mist camo pants and blue toeless ninja shoes. On his hands he wears fingerless gloves, and ocassionally he'll wear his old Mist headband.

Rank: Rogue.

Chakra Afilliation: Scorch affiliated (Fire and Wind)

Clan: The Iseya clan, a clan once thriving in the blood mist that had separated due to political differences, made solely for the killing of Uchiha's and Hyugas during wartime, due to their special Kekkei Genkai that allows them to harvest the hellfires of scorch style, a flame so hot it can scorch things that don't even touch it.

Jutsu: Ninjutsu and Taijutsu

Subjutsu: Riku is a master swordsmen, like anyone in his clan. He is also very talented in stealth, trained by the hidden mist to kill off entire squadrons without detection.

Village: Mist

Personality: Riku has a very angered and remorseful personality, all due to the deeds of his past that he now bitterly regrets. He is quite serious, and whenever he is joking around it is usually an act: Riku is a very good actor and liar, often acting out various personalities to confuse those he deals with so he always remains with the upper hand.

Backstory: A child destined for a war that was bound to happen. Riku was born to the Burning Iseya clan, under the guardian branch which was a specialized combat branched made specifically for offensive and defensive purposes of the clan. Riku grew up being trained for what the soul purpose of the clan was for: To kill Uchiha's and Hyugas, by exploiting their weaknesses and attacking them with an extremely strong ninjutsu known as Scorch style that only the Iseya's can wield. He grew up a harsh childhood, and at the age of 15 was sent off to the front lines of the war to do his duty: To combat regiments containing both the Uchiha and Hyuga clan. While he was not the only Iseya out on the front lines, Riku became the most dastardly infamous, as his body count of his favored targets soared above his clan members, his name traveled through the Konoha ranks striking fear into the Uchiha and Hyuga, coining him the nickname 'The Demon Iseya", which has stuck with him for what he feels is now a century.

After the war, Riku's s blade was stained with blood, and he deteriorated to a life of crime due to his inner troubles. He left the village, and joined an underground criminal organization that some would compare to Orochimaru's where his power grew and he committed horrors that not even he could speak of. For Years he served under them, until his consciousness had enough. An inner awakening some may call, Riku took a look into the mirror and hated what he saw. He turned his back on his former ties to the organization, and left to return to the mist. From then on out, he served his years as a mercenary, living about his days in the lesser parts of the hidden mist.

-The following was recovered from a decaying lab in Fire Country-

Orochimaru's Log, Entry 335682-A

I will be dead, soon... but I have no legacy. I've helped the Leaf, redeemed myself... but I can't help but wonder what will happen once I have died. Naruto... I've made something great. Raise him. Keep him away from the path I took, and show him my lab when he is ready. Please. I don't have much time left...

Entry 335682-B

Hebi-teme... No, Orochimaru... I don't know where to go from here. I raised him as best I could, but I am old, and he's still young. I'm leaving him to Bolt. Hehe... You always were a genius, but I have to say that this takes the cake. Your... kid... he has a lot ahead of him.


Chisikigakure Registry, Entry 0000001


Name: None. Identifies as 'Hebi', or 'White Blink'

Gender: Male

Age: 70

Rank: Chisikage

Chakra Afilliation: Orochimaru removed any affinities, and made Hebi’s chakra suited for any element, though not nearly as well as an affinity would allow.

Clan: N/A

Jutsu: Ninjutsu/Taijutsu specialist, but skilled in Kenjutsu

Subjutsu: Non-Combat Fuuinjutsu/Trapping expert, Iryoninjutsu expert, and, of course…

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-19_10-27-53.jpeg.a4a29046a8bc8c9afe64127cfaa380e2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37211" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-19_10-27-53.jpeg.a4a29046a8bc8c9afe64127cfaa380e2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



‘Science Stuff’, as Naruto has called it, as well as a multitude of labs, etc. scattered throughout the elemental nations.

Clothing lined with chakra metal, allowing for him to reduce the effect of many ninjutsu by a large degree.

Storage scrolls, explosive tags, ninja wire, other basic ninja equipment.

Several seals with huge amounts of chakra stored in them.

Village: Konohagakure, resides in Chisikigakure (Hidden Knowledge Village)

Personality: While amicable and talkative, he is playfully manipulative, with a devious smile that scared the Shinigami himself, if the stories are to be believed. Despite this, his being raised by Naruto Uzumaki and, subsequently, Bolt Uzumaki, has made a rather large difference. He is genuinely friendly, loyal, and charitable… but old habits die hard, and his cheerful mask hides a sadistic, murderous persona… though it is only unleashed when Hebi is sufficiently provoked. Regardless, he is loyal and steadfast, especially when protecting someone precious. However, he is paranoid by nature, and not exactly quick to trust.

Backstory: 50 years after the defeat of Kaguya, Orochimaru came upon some of the Juubi’s skin. Being unmarried and old, he decided that if he can’t have a legacy through the female gender, he’d make one with his own two hands. It took years, but he succeeded- he had a son. He raised the boy with care and, to his own surprise, love. However, his body was giving out even before crafting the masterpiece that was his… his son. Thus, he sent for Naruto and got the boy- no, a man, now- to take over, raising the snake’s son.

The younger snake got passed down to Bolt later on… then war began. It began with small skirmishes, then open fights… Hebi was known as Tayo then, and he couldn’t take the violence. Thus, he went rogue, founding a new, better Otogakure and naming it Chisikigakure, a democracy focused on the advancement of knowledge and the like. However, after years of being the leader of the village-no matter how many times he said the people had the power, they refuted him, so he eventually gave up on telling them that-he began to grow wary, as it seemed like the skirmishes got closer and closer to his village with every bout. 50 years before the current events, Iwa’s Tsuchikage, Kurotsuchi, attempted an invasion.

They were demolished before they got past the gates.

Since then, Chisikigakure has been recognized-and feared, no matter how reluctant some are to admit it- as a major ninja village. ‘Hebi’, as Tayo christened himself long ago, was given a flee-on-sight order in almost bingo book. However, as time passed Chisikigakure faded into legend, and the order was revoked. Now, reports of the village have been cropping up, but are largely ignored.

Other: Due to his physiology, he does not age, and is slightly better in the physical sense than the average ninja.

He is a genius on par with-or better- than Shikamaru Nara himself.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-19_10-26-58.jpeg.1c9ec25f5f69e1e81d8436c370925ab4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37210" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-19_10-26-58.jpeg.1c9ec25f5f69e1e81d8436c370925ab4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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How so? Which parts seem so the most?

Also, I removed the 'chakra reserves' part. His chakra is average for a kage now (which makes sense, considering he is one...).
Ok, that was really the only my only complaint. Accepted!

So this is Orichimaru's son?
Kind of. He's more like a semi-clone that was raised by Orochimaru. They're related by blood, but Hebi has no 'mother'.
Name: His true name is unknown, but there has been many names he is called by (If anyone reads over the CS you can call him by any name you thinks suits him.)

Gender: Male

Age: He appears to be in his mid twenties but in reality he is (400+ years old.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.0026ed8edfe445a5bfc09b33f9ed4839.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37385" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.0026ed8edfe445a5bfc09b33f9ed4839.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.e4b6a1c93185030c5d2c46c99f1f60cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37386" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.e4b6a1c93185030c5d2c46c99f1f60cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.ea1969f331e580e3644556621d1f477d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37387" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.ea1969f331e580e3644556621d1f477d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(The cloak will be a black/navy blue colour.)


Chakra Affiliation: Lightning and Dark

Clan: As his name is unknown it is unknown what clan he is from, it is also noted he does not have any of the main shinobis clans defining features.

Jutsu: He is a master of both Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, he does not see Genjutsu of any use to him and he refuses to use it, although he does have a vast knowledge of it so it's not easy to use against him.

Subjutsu: He is a master of stealth, he has remained hidden to the shinobi lands for hundreds of years and has only showed himself when he feels like it, he mostly works from the shadows as he is not very fond of dragged out battles.

He is a master thief and has experience In murdering.

He is a master tracker and has enhanced senses (e.g sight,smell,hearing.)

He is also an experienced hunter, he has a vast knowledge of traps.

Village: It is unknown what village he hails from.

Personality: He is silent, cold and calculated.

He prefers to isolate himself from the rest of the world and avoid as much contact with other life as possible.

He has stolen and continues to steal from nobles that belong to a variety of villages.

He can kill without hesitation, and can even sometimes find it enjoyable.

He has never been one to take orders and only does what he feels likes he wants to.

A rare few people have spoken to him (the majority of these people are dead.)

and even rarer there is a few people

who have been his friend.

Although even to them he was reserved, he never told anyone much about him and didn't speak to them much.

But he is loyal to the ones he calls friends and looks out for them.

Backstory: Little to none is known of his history, but it is known that he has spent the past couple of hundred years completely isolated from life, well for the most part.

In this time he stole from and murdered many rich nobles and common folk.

The stories of him are infamous throughout the lands but they are now viewed more as legends.

But there has been a few people recentelly who have claimed they have seen him. Most of them are lies but a few are true, they are all victims that He had felt there was no need to kill.

Feared throughout the land he normally has to settle in caves and in woods.




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(A little powerful but...after the timeskip everyone will be stronger so....accepted!)
(That immortal character though...

Created his own chakra affliction and is immune to ALL Genjutsu...

Just how powerful are all the characters going to get after the timeskip? How much am I going to have to buff Zabuza after the time-skip just for him to be able to keep up...)
He is not immune to all genjutsu, he is resilient to it, he can still be put under a genjutsu but it would be harder to get him in the first place and even harder to keep him.
(Hm. Zabuza you make some valid points. I'm going to have to think some of those things over.)
Name: Lee Sin

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.8a56ad327c6449e0c431fa93c53977a8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37441" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.8a56ad327c6449e0c431fa93c53977a8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rank: Traveler

Chakra Afilliation: Fire and Water. Making Boil Release. It comes with the 5-Tails.

Clan: Lee lost his memory as a teen so he doesn't remember where he is from. His kekkei genkai is Boil Release.

Jutsu: Master of Ninjutsu and taijutsu. He doesn't use genjutsu because he can't.

Subjutsu: He is a master at hand to hand combat.

Village: He doesn't remember but he was found in Konha.

Personality: Lee is a very quiet and kind of guy. He does what he wants and always walks away with his hands behind his head. He usually thinks about everything at the same time proving his intelligence and-SQUIRREL!- and is easily distracted. He gets along with Kokuo but not in perfect sync. He is very intelligent and a very strategic thinker.

Backstory: Lee has no memory of the first thirteen years of his life and was found walking aimlessly in Konoha. He was found by a team of genin on a training mission and they captured him and took him in immediately. He was interrogated the second he got into the village. The ANBU had seen that he bore the mark of a jinchuriki on his stomach, similar to that of Naruto's and they kept a special eye on him to make sure he was to be a good guy and not fall in the wrong hands. Then Lee's old personality started to come back to him. He started to think of a way out of Konoha and he went through with his plan and He escaped and lived under a waterfall by himself, living off of fish and fresh water, also becoming one with nature. He found out that he was a jinchuriki when he heard a vice calling his name from under the waterfall. He thought it was a person but Kokuo, the five-tails, explained everything. Lee liked the fact he would never be alone so he tries to bond with Kokuo whenever he tried to talk to him.




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