Naruto: Reminiscent


Name: Ikari Uzumaki

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Appearance: See above. It is the rightmost boy.

Rank: SS-Rank ninja, works as an Elite Jounin

Chakra Affiliation: Earth & Water

Clan: Uzumaki

Jutsu: Fuuinjutsu specialist.

Subjutsu: Exceptional at Ninjutsu, but with few offensive techniques; Above average taijutsu; Good at identifying and dispelling genjutsu, but horrible at using them; Holder of the Beetle summoning contract (Slow as all hell [unable to fly, too], but with extreme defense and growths that ac as 'bio-weapons' similar to modern artillery.

Village: Uzugakure

Personality: Taciturn and silent, he is a stark contrast to the average Uzumaki. He is analytical, always wary but never hostile without cause. He is generally amicable, and fiercely loyal, though he is not quick to trust.

Backstory: After the destruction of Uzi no Kuni, many of the survivors sought each other out. It took many years, but they managed to do so. Eventually, they managed to rebuild the clan, settling on an island off the coast of the Land of Waves. They trade with and through the Land of Waves, and, during it's early life, fortification was Uzugakure's focus. The few scouts sent by other nations never returned. Approximately 5 years before the fighting started, Uzugakure, a democracy, established itself as a ninja village, and a formidable one.

The son of the clan head, Ikari never interacted much, focusing on advancing his skills due to a slight inferiority complex. This led to him becoming introverted and quiet, though he still retained the usual friendliness often attributed to Uzumaki. Being rather isolated, he read up on psychology and social interaction. At age 16, he was classified as a seal master. Now, he has been sent to explore the land and gain experience. He also acts as an ambassador to Konoha, as Uzugakure wishes to rebuild it's old alliance.
Loved it, accepted.

I think you've read up enough as well to know not to go overboard so...yah.
Name: Quintus Naraku Tharion

Gender: Male

Age: ???



Quintus is a rather handsome individual, having the appearance of a wise young adult.He has an athletic/muscled build, and slightly pale skin. He has jet black, slightly untidy hair, a clean beard, and gray eyes. He generally changes his uniforms periodically, though his main outfit appears to have a long sleeved black shirt underneath a sleeveless shinobi flak-like jacket, with a hood attached to it. He wears a set of leather bracers, a pair of lightweight black pants, and armored gray boots. He also has on a pair of fingerless gloves. For intimidation purposes, he usually has a ghostly white mask on his face, giving his eyes a darker look.

Rank: Rogue

Chakra Affiliation: The styles of chakra that Quintus use have not been 100% defined, as it is rare to see him use elemental abilities in battle.

Jutsu: Quintus uses a clever combination of Ninjutsu and Taijutsu techniques. (However, one, just one of his techniques involves Genjutsu)

Subjutsu: Though extremely skilled with weapons, Quintus specializes in tracking, which allows him to seemingly appear unexpectedly, and know where others are, even of they are hidden from view. His martial arts capabilities have enable him to take down any opponent that has gone up against him..

Village: He generally doesn't disclose this information, so it is unknown to anyone apart from himself.


(Expect constant updates and revisions to this part of the CS)

Quintus has been called many things, a monster, a visionary, a demon, and a mastermind. He is all of these things… and so much more. In general, he displays great amounts of arrogance and pride in his own abilities and knowledge, yet he possesses a thirst to expand them as far as he can. His ruthlessness knows no bounds. He will slaughter anything and anyone, at any given moment, to achieve his unknown goals. Even if it is an ally, if his betrayal reaps some form of benefit, Quintus is prepared to betray that ally at any given moment. He is a manipulative anarchist, who possesses a very high form of cunning and intelligence. He does not tolerate failure, and cruel to his allies the same as he is to enemies.

He has a sociopathic edge to his personality, and a rather unpredictable air around him. In the face of battle, he keeps a composed and arrogant demeanor. Being one that can shift his appearance at will, he can adept to other personalities in order to fool or manipulate certain individuals to his will. He has displayed things such as snide sarcasm, skepticism, and otherwise, aloofness. To him, anyone that hinders him in any form will be cut out as soon as possible, friend or foe (With the exception of a select few). He is a master of spreading panic, terror, and discord among people. He looks for every opening, every weak point, and every humane emotion to exploit. He uses people’s deepest fears, regrets, and otherwise painful emotions against them. He is not at all above using eerily mysterious and Byronic tactics to get what he desires, which is an extension of using fear itself against others.

Backstory: A backstory? In Quintus' mind, such information is trivial to current matters that he is involved in. When asked about his past, he tends to amusingly make up different stories each time. His stories generally vary from being a child taken in by a corrupt group of mercenaries, to being born within a prison, and many others. His reasons for not telling people about his true history are unknown, though it is generally assumed he keeps this up to add to his already impressive air of unknowing. The fact that he has simply appeared, organizing unpredictable terrorist attacks utilizing the criminal underbelly of the lands, without any true past or backstory to tie him to, is one of his defining characteristics.


  • Ryotho, Quintus' personal sword that can be transformed into a wide array of sword forms.
  • Several assortments of daggers and knives.

(Note: Anything you feel I left out that you want to put in, feel free to. I may add onto this later If I missed anything)
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Name: Onyx Dakuraito

Gender: Male

Age: Twenty-four

Appearance: Onyx looks just under his age, with little facial hair and reasonably smooth features. He is 6 foot 1 tall, and is slightly thinner than usual. He has dark blonde hair, with small strands of grey following the windswept shape, going just below his collar at furthest. It has a few small spikes that sometimes stay down, but in combat usually stick up. Onyx has greyish-blue eyes, described as stormy grey, with a small ring of yellow at the center. He wears dark grey bottoms and a top, with a jounin vest over that, with the Hikagakure symbol on the back and the Dakuraito symbol on the shoulder. He wears his temporary headband on his right wrist, which has the Hikagakure logo overlapped with the Leaf's logo. He has several small metallic objects on his wrists and shoulders, and wears a normal combat belt and a few small pouches tightly attached to the jounin vest. He normally wears part or all of his folding mask, and when not wearing it puts on sunglasses to cover his eyes.

Rank: Formerly HASA (Hikagakure ANBU, Hikikagure Ansatsu to SAirento-ka), now employed as a temporary Special Jounin in the Leaf on loan from Hikagakure.

Chakra Afilliation: Strong affinity to Wind. After these, he finds Lightning, then Water jutsus the easiest to perform. His kekkai genkai grants him affinities to Dark and Light, both at a weak level.

Clan: His clan, the Dākuraito, originates from Hikagakure - The Village Hidden in the Shade, a small and very secretive village that guards The Land of Sunlight, an area which is a mixture of desert and mountains with small patches of vegetation, located next to the sea. They are the main clan within the village, famed for their 'Crash' techniques. They in themselves are a secretive and rather paranoid clan, although they like to flaunt their achievements quite a lot. Their kekkai genkai is actually having an affinity to Light and Dark chakra, allowing them to use those elements in their pure form rather than as components in jutsu. However, the Dakuraito don't use these even with access to them, and instead collide them together, which should in theory cancel each other out. Instead, it creates a wave of invisible force from the collision, which is much easier to manipulate, leading to the focus on it. Some odd features of the affinities are that they are closer to natural phenomena and disasters than usual, having a small sense of great evil or light around them, and can be affected by these forces more easier.

Jutsu: Focuses on Ninjutsu, and dabbles in Genjutsu. Weak in Taijutsu.

Subjutsu: Experienced and skilled at Kenjutsu and Fuinjutsu. Average theory level, training to further development (e.g jutsu crafting). Worse than average in the use of normal shinobi tools (e.g. kunai, shuriken), but better than average using abnormal tools (e.g. ninja wire).

Village: Konoha

Personality: Similar to his clan, Onyx can be a bit secretive at times. While he likes to think himself to be relaxed, he can often switch between thinking positively and negatively, and can be quite badly affected by personal events. However, he remains chilled out during large-scale events that simply involve him as part of a plan. He's not much of a leader but he's damn intelligent and can come up with some great strategies. He prefers to work by himself or in small groups over large forces. He likes to be around friends, and normally likes being directly involved in the conversation - however, he can have moments where he goes on the outskirts, listening in and humming a tune. He likes to think over his problems for a while before solving them, which can vary from a talk to full-out combat.

Backstory: Onyx, due to the nature of his clan, is rather quiet about his past not in the Hidden Leaf. He was considered a very skilled member of the clan, although not quite a progidy, as he chose to pursue other areas of study along with his kekkai genkai. His unusually strong affinity to dark and light - for his clan - and his reasonably good levels of chakra and chakra control lead to him having a greater control over the manipulation of Crash than the rest of his clan. He quickly rose through the ranks, a role model for his younger brother and sister, and got taken into the small HASA group. While not quite as effective as some of the other members when taken in, his strategic planning and the variety of small gadgets he produced made him a great support role on many teams - although he is working to improve his one on one combat still.

However, he was deemed unfit for duty after he repeatedly took harder and harder missions in exchange for an unknown driving force then even Onyx himself couldn't quite work out and collapsed from exhaustion in a mission. Hikagakure decided to kill two birds with one stone, and sent him as a temporary ninja to the Hidden Leaf for him to get some rest and show off his clan's, and therefore village's prowess, as well as to reinforce connections between the two villages.
Name:Iak Uchiha




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0d697ccf_AnbuMask.jpg.cca4a5bb1111a71092e876aea8d26ce1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34846" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0d697ccf_AnbuMask.jpg.cca4a5bb1111a71092e876aea8d26ce1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0d69b0d3_Iak(Ninja).jpg.131adedd15624ab70455e4f0c410e992.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34847" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0d69b0d3_Iak(Ninja).jpg.131adedd15624ab70455e4f0c410e992.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rank: Rougue Ninja

Chakra Afilliation: (What element, or elements your chakra is. Ex: Fire, Wind, Water, etc.)Lighting and Fire

Clan:Uchiha, and he has the Mangeky? Sharingan.

Jutsu: (What kind of Shinobi is your character? Do they use mainly Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu, or a mixture?)He using mostley Genjustsu but is very adept in Ninjutsu aswell.He also has his own Jutsu, The Arena Genjutsu,An arena around him is put in a Genjutsu that he can control.

Subjutsu: (Other talents, such as weapon mastery, medical skills, tracking, etc.)Thanks to his Kekki Genkai his tracking skills are high and also thanks to that his mastery of other jutsu is one of the fastest ever.

Village: (What village does your character hail from?)Leaf

Personality: (How your character thinks and acts. Effort should go into this section.)He is a smug arrogant Ninja, thinking himself better hten others (which is true in most cases). He thinks himself bigger hten most people and as such dosn't bother to learn names to ninja's who he deems havn't earned it.He still wears his anbu claok and mask from hte village when fighting, but why he does this is also a mystery

Backstory: (Your character's story leading up to current times. This is also should have a lot of effort put into it.)Iak grew up like any other kid, going to hte acadamy, learning about Naruto, the leafs saviour, the akatski , and soon grew up to be one of hte finest Black ops Ninja's ever trained...Then that day came were everything changed.He vanished one nightwithout a trace and was labled as a roudge...what really happened was that he murdered some members, his friends, from within Anbu and fled.What he did after he left the leaf was a complete Mystery, he has evaded capture from the Villages and anyone who has gone after him usually winds up dead

Other: @Gilzar I sent you a PM regarding this character if you could be so kind.



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Name: Sora Hatake

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.ac4672771c236964a95feddcd1ebd15d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34882" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.ac4672771c236964a95feddcd1ebd15d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rank: Anbu (Root)

Chakra Affiliation: Wind Release, Fire Release.

Clan: Hatake

Jutsu: Sora is a master in the art of Ninjutsu and Taijutsu but lacks in genjutsu.

He has little to non genjutsu skill but he has a lot of knowledge of it.

Sub jutsu: Sora is skilled in using both taboo and normal shinobi weaponry.

He has a brilliant sense of smell and hearing making him a great tracker.

Personality: Sora is a very humble and respectful man,

He does not enjoy boasting of his own abilities, but he enjoys encouraging others by boasting of theirs.

His motivations are his family, his wife and His son mean the world to him and he protects the village so that they can live safely.

He enjoys being kind to whomever he meets, and likes to think the best of people.

He hopes to one day live in a world with no conflict, so him and his family can live in peace.

Backstory: Sora grew up in the middle of konoha in an orphanage with other children, his mother and father had died from a rogue ninja attack.

By the time Sora got to the age where he could go to the academy he was at the same level as the other children.

This was an astonishing feat as the other children had been taught the basics by their parents, Sora ended up finishing 4th In his class and passed the chuunin exams with little difficulty, after the chuunin exams Sora trained and trained, getting stronger and stronger.

At the age of 18 he became a Jounin, this was the same year he found the love of his life Rin (couldn't think of another name LOL).

At 20 Sora had a child, a boy and he named him Kakashi, after the 6th Hokage.

After the birth of his son Sora went on a serious of missions that gained him fame and respect from the people of Konoha.

Sora became a member of the (Root) section of Anbu at the age of 25 and has been working with them since.

Other: Wields the White Light Chakra Sabre.

Sora is also able to summon nine ninken (NinjaDogs)

Will edit names in for them later.



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(Accepted, but for now can he have just two elements? he can get the third one later)
Okay thanks

Soras Ninken:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.cba4ec093db678d5c5fc8d7badd934be.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34891" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.cba4ec093db678d5c5fc8d7badd934be.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Pug: Pagu

Bulldog: Boro

Light brown and white: Supai

Light grey: Moho

Tanned with brown highlights: Yake

Tanned with sunglasses: Sangura

Reddish-Brown: Haundo

Tan fur white snout long ears: Nioi

White hound: Kiba



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Name: Aoi Uchiha

Gender: Female

Age: 29



Rank: Jonin/ Some times works as ANBU

Chakra Afilliation: Fire, Blaze, Lighting, Yin, Yang and wind

Clan:The Uchiha. A well know and feared clan which has seen a resent decline. Her Kekkei Genkai is the Sharingan, Mangeky? Sharingan and the Blaze release

Jutsu: Her main focus is in genjutsu which she has a very high level of mastery other while comparing her genjutsu to tai or ninjutsu it would make her taijutsu and ninjutsu pale in comparison and look rather weak but in general she could take on a strong ninja in taijutsu and ninjutsu without needing her genjutsu.

Subjutsu: She has high mastery of Kenjutsu and is a mastermind tactician.

Village: Konohagakure

Personality: Despite her conservative and quiet countenance, Aoi is a caring and gentle woman, especially towards those who are weak or cannot help themselves; however, she rarely has tolerance for laziness or excessiveness, and is quick to call out on it. She strongly believes in the importance of responsibility, but also knows when and how to rely on others. This way of thinking makes Aoi someone who always keeps her promises and someone others can depend on, making her a good ally.

Aoi would rather think before going into action, and is intelligent with her strategies and abides by proper conduct. Whenever possible, she seeks to reach quick, efficient, and decisive conclusions to conflicts, thinking that this is the best way to approach an issue. Her motivation lies in creating an era of peace, ultimately bringing the chaos of the war to an end; however, this drive can lead her to be a tacit enabler, which she realized was a fault in herself after Naoki death. This occurence changed Aoi to be less passive and more proactive, though she had issues in teetering between the two despite trying to change that part of herself.

She sees herself to be a simple but sophisticated woman with strong grace, who is polite and reserved around others. And, although she appears stoic, Aoi is gregarious enough to congratulate her comrades with an open smile, and has shown patience to those who are willing to learn and improve.

She can at times become very angry for the littlest of things that most would just think that its fine.

Backstory: Aoi was born into the famed Uchiha clan. If you backtracked all the way down her family tree you would be able to see that along the lines she was related to madara one of the most feared and well known ninjas of all times sadly she did not inherit any skill of him expect the Sharingan. From a young age she was deemed a failure and was told every day by teachers, other uchiha's and even her parents no one had any faith in her that all changed as soon as she reached nine when she unlocked her sharingen at such a young age it was shocking and since that happened she was looked at differently, weather it was a look of fear, admiration or jealous she didn't know but she liked it.

She began to notice her potential in genjutsu when she was able to perform it on nearly anyone with ease, however she did not share the same luck with ninjutsu which she could only do to a very low standard and her taijutsu was even worse. Told she couldn't only get by with genjutsu she trained and trained until she bled or passed out and with all that training her taijutsu and ninjutsu improved tremendously where she became one of the best in her class.

When she managed to pass the chunin exam with ease and go onto become a Jonin at age 18 and join ANBU at 22. During a mission working as ANBU she was order to receive a scroll containing the hidden clouds movements instead of a four man squad they could only spare two men well and man and a women at the time so it was her and the man she fell in love with during her time as a chunin but she never told him. The man's name was Naoki Senju, she was sure madara would have turned in his grave to know that one of his relatives fell in love with a Senju but she didn't care anymore. The mission went smoothly at first they got the scroll managed to got half way back to the village only to run into a bulk of hidden rock cloud ninja, throwing the scroll to Aoi Naoki quickly used his wood style and told Aoi to run away, but how could she just run the man she loved would die if she did that's when she saw it a tear in his eye and she heard the words quietly spoken "please" and that only made it harder to run but somehow she managed to. She returned to the leaf only to find out the scroll was a fake and instantly she set off to try and find Naoki Senju only to end up at his bloody and beaten corpse and that's when she gained her Mangeky? Sharingan.

Other: She has the Curse of Hatred inside of her but she doesn't let it show just lets it boil up more and more.
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(Loved it, thank you for putting so much effort into it! Accepted!)
Gilzar said:
(Loved it, thank you for putting so much effort into it! Accepted!)
Thank you I do like to try.

So any chace for a quick heads up on whats going on?
Name: Rey Masit

Gender: Male

Age: 18



Rank: Rouge

Chakra Afilliation: Wind and Earth

Clan: (Optional, Wether your character was born into the various clans across the lands. If so state the clan, description, and of course the Kekki Genkai.) None

Jutsu: Kenjutsu with some Ninjutsu

Subjutsu: Fast running, sword mastery

Village: None, looking for one to join.

Personality: He is a calm person who can analyze situations with ease. He almost never gets frustrated except during some occasions and when he is, he is prone to make mistakes in judgement. He is also particularly wise.

Backstory: As a child Rey had always like moving fast. He would run around his old home just for the thrill. His family thought there was something wrong with him and took him to some monks to be looked at. It was there that he learned how to harness his excess energy and to stay his hand. Many years later he returned to his home only to find that they had moved, while this angered him he understood that his family had lives of their own and calmed down before beginning his wanderings.


(Note: Anything you feel I left out that you want to put in, feel free to. I may add onto this later If I missed anything)
Alright then, feel free to jump in at any time!

(This is my first villain CS, and I'm going to gradually update information about him as the rp progresses, as I want to keep his background mysterious.)

Name: Yamamoto

Gender: Male

Age: 53

Appearance: (I apologize for the large photo. For any of you who have seen Apocalypse Now, my favorite movie, I'm basing my character significantly off of this character, Walter Kurtz.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/WalterKurtz.jpg.78333811ef5094b3b987f67d41b3d36e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35558" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/WalterKurtz.jpg.78333811ef5094b3b987f67d41b3d36e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rank: Rogue

Chakra Afilliation: Unknown

Clan: None

Jutsu: Believed to use ninjutsu and genjutsu, may use taijutsu as well.

Subjutsu: Is known to be very experienced in medical ninjutsu.

Village: Konoha

Personality: Yamamoto has a very philosophical personality, such a personality that at some times it is not clear what he is exactly stating. Other than that he is an extremely cold personality, and is very intelligent. Which probably explains how he rose to the power that he has today. Other than that not much is known, yet.

Backstory: Not much is known about Yamamoto's backstory. Yamamoto isn't even his real name, all that is currently known was that he was a medic during the Great Shinobi Conflict, and is the leader of a strange group known as 'Dark Horse'

Other: More information will come as storyline progresses, I want to keep this character mysterious.



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A disturbing page out of the bingo book.

Name: Has been given the Title of Akuma

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Appearance: (I'll be posting custom made artwork made by myself to show his appearance in a few months or so, until then here is an extremely detailed description.) Akuma's true appearance is not known. Akuma stands at a towering 6'5, average build or so it appears. Akuma wears an infamous mask, made of a golden-copper colored material. The mask looks mechanical in origin, but lacks gears of any sort or machinery, made of a strange metal allow with eye sockets covered in a strange glass as if the mask were air tight sealed, the mask does not conform to human shape and is a smooth shape, and at the area of the mask where the human mouth would be under it are six horizontal slots, in three horizontal rows with 2 vertical columns (3x2). The only physical characteristic of Akuma are his Hyuga eyes visible through the eye sockets, under a mask that looks to be the works of horror. There are no other physical characteristics of Akuma visible. His entire skin is covered by a skin tight black material, and he wears a black robe over it. Visible under the robe is a few protective plates of the same material used for his mask, which is extremely durable and unknown in origin. Akuma truly looks to be the stuff of nightmares. On his back he has his favored Dai-Katana in it's sheathe (A Dai-Katana is a two handed Katana, basically a Katana longsword)

Rank: Rogue

Chakra Afilliation: Unknown, believed to be steam and other natures.

Clan: Hyuga.

Jutsu: Akuma is a master of ninjutsu, and taijutsu, unknown if he has experience in genjutsu, as he has mastered the Hyuga Byakugon, able to track targets for upwards of miles away, and having a variety of his own Byakugon techniques as well as multiple devious ninjutsu to back it up.

Subjutsu: Akuma is truly a formidable oppenent. Akuma is a master with weapons and stealth, being able to pick up any weapon and use it as if he had wielded it for years, and being able to fade into the shadows virtually undetectable.

Village: Believed to have once come from Konoha.

Personality: Nothing is known about this as well. All that is known is that Akuma has no remorse, and is a stone cold killer. That mask hides little emotion, and Akuma barely speaks at all.

Backstory: Akuma is simply the talk of legends. He is a nightmare among the shinobi world, as stories of him have been told for over 65 years, various sightings and other escapades. Normally he wouldn't be in any bingo book since he is beleived to be a legend, but all reported sightings of Akuma always bear such striking resemblance, and the way he acts in each report is also extremely similar. So it raises the question: Is Akuma really a myth? The Hyuga clan will not speak of him, he is more of a nightmare to them then to any other Shinobi.

Other: IMPORTANT, READ!: Akuma is extremly odd. He is nearly impossible to track, he leaves absolutely no trail, and he has no chakra signature. Also every attempt to put him under genjutsu has failed due to unknown reasons. Through all the various reports of him, each one states that he has no chakra signature, not even a life force signature. This probably helps explains his ability to remain undetected. Akuma rarely speaks, and when he does it is usually in mysterious sorts with a strange mechanical like voice. All sightings of him have been reported at night, and each time Akuma is well aware that he is being watched, sometimes even making comments toward his witnesses, such as 'You are of no concern to me.".

(Note: Anything you feel I left out that you want to put in, feel free to. I may add onto this later If I missed anything)
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Name: Koga

Gender: Male

Age: 39

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.6d367d7385b53cb6cce9de7e6a95dd8b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35685" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.6d367d7385b53cb6cce9de7e6a95dd8b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Replace the swords with one 3-bladed scythe.

Rank: Rogue

Chakra Afilliation: Not known if he has one.

Clan: Believer in Jashin (not really clan but whatever.)

Jutsu: Master of taijutsu and extraordinary at ninjutsu

Subjutsu: Mastery of the scythe weapon (3-blades like his father's) and immortality

Village: Unknown

Personality: Koga is a very strategic thinker and may over think things. He is very funny and complains quite a bit like his father. He may never stop talking and annoys a lot of people but he is friendly. At first. If he finds out anything about someone he will destroy them from the inside. He is very diabolical. (I just wanted to use that word haha.)

Backstory: Koga was an only child and he was forced to believe in Jashin like his father. He was granted immortality by Jashin because of his loyalty to him/her. He always was bullied because of him trying to be the center of attention all the time. He slowly grew hatred for mankind and that corrupted him. He learned his jutsu (same one as his father) from a diary his father left him before he joine the akatsuki and left him forever. Koga studied the book religiously and prayed to Jashin religiously. His first kill was when he was 11. It was his bully and Koga grabbed his scythe that was a replica of his father's and sacrificed the bully to Jashin. Koga had changed forever. He is now a member of Dark Horse after years of illegal assassinations for money and being a mercenary.

Other: He is just like his father

(Note: Anything you feel I left out that you want to put in, feel free to. I may add onto this later If I missed anything)



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[Found on what was left of a spy. the spy's allegiance and identity are unconfirmed due to the state his body was found in.]

Name: Nagato [DATA EXPUNGED] Now known as either 'Yin' or 'Yang'

Nicknames: Godhand, Imbalance

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown


(Ignore the eyes)

Rank: Uncertain, but a flee on sight order is in effect for Kiri and Iwa.

Chakra Afilliation: N/A

Clan: None.

Jutsu: Some strange thing he calls 'the Six Paths'. References to the legendary Pein have been made, but the Preta Path seems to be absent. The man doesn't seem to have normal chakra. According to the scraps of intel available, it seems he has some kind of chakra, but an extremely volatile form. Most frightening is his possession of a pair of eyes frighteningly similar to the Rinnegan. A chakra imprint is attached to this document:


Subjutsu: Yin seems to be highly proficient in medical techniques and genjutsu, whereas Yang excels in kenjutsu and ninjutsu. They are both good at taijutsu, but Yin has a style emphasizing grace and finesse, whereas Yang seems to be a brawler, through and through.

Village: Otogakure

Personality: The man seems to switch between two personalities: Yin, the more peaceful of the two, and Yang. Somehow, his appearance changes when his personality does. Nobody who has seen Yang survived long enough to assume he... it... is anything but bloodthirsty. Yin is rather nice, but detests violence, to the point where he will settle any disputes by ending them... if they persist. However, Yang seems to be obsessed with finding a good fight. He never seems to use his full power, a scary thought given the scale of his battles... (If you know of Bleach, think Kenpachi Zaraki.)


It all began, as many stories do, in Konoha. In the time of the Sannin, Orochimaru was devoted to mastering every juts in existence. After a long string of failures he found a possible solution: The sharingan. Thus, he began attempting to replicate them. He might have succeeded. But at that very moment, after almost a year of work and millions of yen spent.. there was a surge of ambient nature energy. Nobody has found a way to explain it. But, in the end, the eyes that came out were not the sharingan. Orochimaru, in a blind rage, threw them into the swamp.

The eyes were one with nature, the rinnegan... but they had nothing to hold them, thus... they grew on their own. For almost 2 centuries, they gathered nature chakra, a body slowly forming around it... until a body fell into the lake. The eyes, now changed completely, granted the boy life, and had a body then.. but what of the body it had made? It fused the two, forming two beings that were separate, yet irreversively connected. The body was of a man who had used the eyes' predecessor in the past. Of course, he couldn't remember that, being revived.

"Every good story with a happy ending needs a villain. I'm happy to oblige. Peace will come...

No matter the cost."

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