Naruto: Reminiscent


Bear With Me Here ?




Rank: (Genin, Chunin, Jonin, Rogue, etc.)

Chakra Afilliation: (What element, or elements your chakra is. Ex: Fire, Wind, Water, etc.)

Clan: (Optional, Wether your character was born into the various clans across the lands. If so state the clan, description, and of course the Kekki Genkai.)

Jutsu: (What kind of Shinobi is your character? Do they use mainly Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu, or a mixture?)

Subjutsu: (Other talents, such as weapon mastery, medical skills, tracking, etc.)

Village: (What village does your character hail from?)

Personality: (How your character thinks and acts. Effort should go into this section.)

Backstory: (Your character's story leading up to current times. This is also should have a lot of effort put into it.)


(Note: Anything you feel I left out that you want to put in, feel free to. I may add onto this later If I missed anything)
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Name: Zabuza Momochi II

Gender: Male

Age: 32, despite appearing in his early twenties



Rank: Rogue

Chakra Afilliation: Water, specifically Mist

Jutsu: Zabuza mostly uses Ninjutsu for his control over water and to create mist and then can also use Genjutsu in combination with the mist to distort the senses of those trapped within the mist.

Subjutsu: He's extremely skilled with the Executioner's Blade and tracking, from his job as a bounty hunter tracking down his targets

Village: The Village Hidden in the Mist

Personality: Most would try to sum up his personality as a psychopathic and sadistic bounty hunter that kills more for the joy of it than the profit and they would be correct to an extent. However, his personality is far more complex than this.

Despite his psychopathic tendencies, and the fact he can't stand most people, he still also can't stand to be alone. For this reason, while fighting in the most recent Great Ninja War he came across a child in the middle of a bloodbath and took her in.

For the child had a powerful and rare ability over crystal, and had used it to kill those war marauders who had murdered her parents and the rest of her family. Zabuza trained her to kill brutally without hesitation to the best of her abilities.

Backstory: Already at a young age himself he showed a powerful and extensive control over water, more specifically mist, and psychopathic tendencies. Whether accidental as he claimed or not he ended up murdering several of his peers while testing out his powers. When asking his parents where his power over mist came from, they told him stories of his great grandfather.

The stories of his great grandfather Zabuza Momochi, the Demon of the Mist, inspired him and caused him to change his name to Zabuza Momochi the Second to honor him. He ended up going rouge, taking the same path as his great grandfather.

Other: Zabuza has in his possession the real Executioner's Blade, that had been passed down through his family. It would seem his grandfather's lover, that bore his father, had taken the blade from his grave to remember him by and replaced it with a fake that would later be stolen and broken.


Name: She was too young to remember what her parents had named her, and even if she could, she couldn't tell. As such when Zabuza took her in he simply called her "Crystal", naming her after her power.

Gender: Female

Age: 17



Rank: Considered Rogue just like Zabuza

Chakra Afilliation: The rare power over Crystal that allows the user to create crystals from moisture in the air as weapons, crystallize objects, or manipulate already available crystals.

Jutsu: Mostly just Ninjutsu to create and manipulate crystals

Subjutsu: Over time she's picked up a good amount of medical skill and knowledge, having to heal herself and Zabuza. She's also a really skilled killer with weapons made of crystal.

Village: One of the small nameless villages entirely destroyed during the most recent Great Ninja War

Personality: It's hard to tell her personality, as she's mute. She's clearly extremely grateful to Zabuza for taking her in, as shown by how she does anything and everything he asks of her. She shows no trouble or conflict with taking the lives of those Zabuza and her target.

Backstory: As already detailed, at a very young age all of her family was killed by war marauders and she was forced to watch unable to even speak and scream for help. This was when she finally displayed her rare power over crystals, brutally murdering those ninja that had killed her parents.

She then sat covered head to toe in pools of their blood, unable to move until what she considered her savoir finally came and found her and what she'd done. Zabuza took her in, and taught her to be a brutal killer as she aged.

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Yes you may, thank you for asking.

Name: Yuki Azuma

Gender: Male

Age: 13

Appearance: (Sorry, no pictures) Yuki derives his name mainly from his appearance. He has fair skin, medium snow white hair, that stands out from the rest of his appearance. He stands at average height for his age, average build. He has very youthful facial characteristic, with solid blue eyes standing out from his white hair. No facial scarring either. For clothing, Yuki wears solid black pants and toeless ninja shoes. On his upper body he wears light ninja mail with a solid black jacket with red stripes going down the sleeves. Yuki wears his dark blue forehead protector on his forehead, which pushes the front of his hair up to two spiky points, going off the the right side.

Rank: Genin

Chakra Afilliation: Lightning

Clan: None

Jutsu: Yuki uses a mixture of Ninjutsu and Taijutsu.

Subjutsu: Weapon Mastery

Village: Konoha

Personality: Yuki is a very caring individual. He makes sure not to distort his image in front of others, and cares very dearly for his comrades as well as his village. This often effects many of his decisions, as well as the way he acts as he is very respectful, and kind to others. Though sometimes he is too straightforward, he often sights his opinions as well, so long as they are not offensive. Though the way he cares for others can be seen as weakness, Yuki also is very headstrong, being able to carry his own weight for the sake of the rest. His other flaw would have to be his stubbornness, not letting things go very easily, or admitting he is wrong. He will often argue till the very end to make his point.

Backstory: Yuki was a child born shortly after the Great Shinobi Conflict. He was born with a head of full Snow White Hair, and that's what got him the name. Ironic, isn't it? Growing up he never really knew his father or mother, as his father is missing in action, and his mother died due to complications at childbirth. Instead of being raised by parents, his godfather raised him. But this was an unusual parent figure. Yuki's Godfather served a special section of Konoha's ANBU noon as 'Root', and he was a very strict and elusive individual, being gone for days at a time. The days that his godfather was there, he was taught manners, and basic ninjas skills to help him through the academy. Though he would never answer any questions about Yuki's parents, and would never say anything about his job other than that he served the Root section of the ANBU.

Yuki eventually enrolled in the Academy, where he met his comrades, and made his friends and rivals. Though it was hard, as the Ninja Academy is never Easy, Yuki eventually passed. Though he needed much assistance from his godfather and mentor, he graduated with a B average. Not much of a story to tell, as he is a pretty young individual.

Other: FIRST

Name: Katsuro Katashi 'The Bulldog of Konoha'

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Appearance: Katsuro has a very rough, hard appearence. He is a very muscular individual, standing at a height of 6'2, fair skinned. For facial characteristics, he has a dark blonde buzzed head with a short Mohawk (A warrior stripe, you could call it) and a blonde rough beard. He has light green eyes, and on his right eye he has a kunai scar that has one slash that goes diagnally across to his nose, where it separates into two separate cuts a few inches away, ending at the other end of the nose. For clothing, Katsuro wears the standard Jonin outfit, but he wraps his forehad protector around his left sleeve, and he rolls his sleeve up. He also usually wears sunglasses, and can be seen with a Cigarette in his mouth.

Rank: Jonin

Chakra Afilliation: Fire, Wind.

Clan: None

Jutsu: Katsuro mainly uses Taijutsu mixed with Ninjutsu

Subjutsu: Demolitions Expert

Village: Konoha

Personality: A very angered individual. He did not get the nickname 'The Bulldog of Konoha' for no reason. Katsuro has extreme temper issues, getting angry very easily, and getting irritated very easily. The fact that he is a chain smoker does not help this. To make this worse, Katsuro suffers a troubling case of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, he has violent flashes about his experiences in the 5th Shinobi War, and is very emotionally unstable, either growing extremely sad about the events or growing extremely angry. Usually it is a combination of both. That being said though, Katsuro is no ill tempered fool. He is extremely head strong and stubborn, fearing no opponent. It was once said that any target he set his eyes on in the war he would never give up on destroying, much like how a bulldog never lets go when it bites something. Hence the name 'The Bulldog of Konoha', a name which has gained infamy across the land.

Backstory: Katsuro's troubling past all began when he was a child. He was the son of the Hokage, and his mother was the Hokage's secretary. What some would consider an honor, Katsuro considered a burden. He got to spend little time with his father, as his father was busy trying to keep the great nations in line, an attempt to prevent the bloodshed that would happen years later. As a result Katsuro acted out to get attention, and his father would discipline him with his fists rather than words. Beatings occurred more and more through the years, and Katsuro and his father's relationship grew bitter. Then when Katsuro was 16 the war began. Katsuro was sent to the front lines, and he experienced the horrors of war. It was in this war that he saw the horrors of what a man can do to another man.

Katsuro fought many battles, and never knew if he would ever live to see tomorrow. During the war his comrades described his as one of their bravest men. In fact many reported that it was because of him that they were able to push through enemy lines at the Land of Rain, and it was because of his experience in explosives that they were able to push back the enemy out of the land of Rain. He boosted Moral due to his harsh never surrender nature, and he would have been very well decorated after the war if he had not turned down every medal of bravery he would have been given.

The Great Shinobi Conflict may have been over, but it was never over for Katsuro. He had a troubling case of PTSD, and became a chain smoker as a result of it. He never spoke to his father unless it was for missions, and when his father passed away he never visited the funeral. Though one year after the war his skills as a shinobi were recognized and her served in the ANBU blackops for five years, before resigning and becoming a Jonin. While he was not the greatest role model, he knew much about being a shinobi and would probably be one of the best to lead a squad despite his temper. These days he spends most of his time either smoking, being an ass, or teaching genin important lessons.

Other: Nothing Really.
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Name: Neji Uchiha

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.1df79374aecc69d68d9ec61a2c1a5650.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34022" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.1df79374aecc69d68d9ec61a2c1a5650.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rank: Chunin, but is working to become a Jonin very soon.

Chakra elements: fire, lighting

Clan: The Uchiha clan. One of the most feared and respected clans of all time. His kekkei genkai is his sharnigan.

Jutsu: Neji uses a mixture of ninjutsu, taijutsu and genjutsu. He uses all 3 types.

Subjutsu: weapons

Village: konoha

Personality: Neji is a nice dedicated talented individual. He trains a lot as he is trying to be the best shinobi he can be. He loves his clan and his village and will do whatever he needs to defend the village and his clan. Neji does have friends and likes to relax and joke around with them at times, but most of the time he is training by him self with his father.

Backstory: Neji was born into the great Uchihs clan. His great grandfather being Sasuke Uchiha, one of the greatest shinobi of all time. Neji was born in the last year of the war, his father was on the front lines fighting while his mother was home with him. Once the war was over his father came home and was in awe to finally get to see his son. Once Neji started to grow up, his father Who is a great jonin in the village began to teach him how to become a shinobi. Neji caught on very quickly, and was able to learn a lot of jutsus and different skills at a very young age. Neji was considered a genius and prodigy growing up, people keep saying he is going to be the next great uchiha just like his great grand father. Once he entered the academy he excelled there. He ended up graduating at the top of his class. He ended up having Katsuro Katashi as his jonin instructor. Even though Katsuro was a very tough and demanding sensai, Neji liked and learned a lot about the ways of a shinobi from him. Neji took the Chunin exams and passed with flying colors. Since becoming a Chunin he has gone on quite a few dangerous missions including going on a few with his former sensai Katsuro. Neji has worked very hard and he hopes to become a jonin soon even though he is only 14.

Other: none.



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I apologize for the day-long delay. With the update they did for this website I was one of the computers that could not connect. But the issue has been resolved, so I thank you for your patience.

@Zabuzas Son Accepted!

@YukiUchiha Yes, you may, but understand how small the Uchiha clan is now.

By the way, posted the intro. We can begin now.

Name: Mitsorugi Toshiro 'The Fire Sage'

Gender: Male

Age: 48

Appearance: Mitsorugi looks very young for his age, some would even guess he was 30 or early 40's from it. he stands at 6'1, with tan caucasian skin. For facial characteristics, Mitsorugi has a reddish brown beard grown with medium length hair extending down to the top quarter of his neck. He has a few facial scars, but mostly age marks, and he also has Itatchi-like lines running down his eyes. For clothing he wears the Traditional Hokage Outfit.

Rank: Hokage

Chakra Afilliation: Fire, Earth, Water

Clan: None

Jutsu: Specializes in ninjutsu but also uses genjutsu and taijutsu.

Subjutsu: Rough Sage Mode (I had to give him Hokage like powers somehow.)

Village: Konoha

Personality: Mitsorugi is a very kind, and understanding individual, which fits his intellect very well and makes him ideal Hokage material. Yet despite this, Mitsorugi is a very stern individual, not very well swayed by others. This helps him keep his foreign policies in line as well as uphold the rules of the village. Of course he also has a deep spiritual understanding of himself and the world around him, and is very calm in nature, as well as philosophical.

Backstory: Mitsorugi's story is a very long story. It started out years ago when he graduated from the academy, rising up to the rank of Chunin within months, and within a year from that he was made an honorary Jonin. As a Jonin he was given much respect despite his age, all due to his understanding of others as well as his headstrong never surrender nature. Two years from that Mitsorugi served in the ANBU for eight years, until he finally left to go and seek out new powers in lands far, far away from his own. When he would return eight years later he would be a new man and would be elected as Hokage for his new powers in the art of Sage mode, though his was a much different variant from that of Naruto's. Sadly though Mitsorugi can lack a backbone in certain areas, and his stubbornness has made him a very controversial Hokage.

Mitsorugi has stood beside the village for many things, and the most recent event being the Fifth Shinobi War, where he inhibited much controversy for his actions on Konoha's role in the war, which he desperately tried to remain out of until he could no longer. From then on out the peace was broken. Mitsorugi currently is one of the most controversial Hokage's now, with 47% of the village disapproving of him, yet the elders do nothing because they see the potential in him.

Mind if I join in? Also I have a question about making up jutsus. I'll just on you though.

Name: Apollo Kosumosu

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.2007a5c267b634fefb566c25815c26c3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34336" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.2007a5c267b634fefb566c25815c26c3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rank: Jonin

Chakra Afilliation: Lightning and earth

Clan: Kosumosu clan. All have white hair and a red tattoo on their face. Their kekkei genkai is cosmic jutsu which is lightning and earth affinity. They live in Iwagakure and are a reserved clan. Although they do mingle with other clans and do have important jobs, they prefer to have a government system of their own.

Jutsu: Master of ninjutsu. Pretty good with taijutsu.

Subjutsu: Hand to hand combat.

Village: Iwagakure

Personality: Apollo is a laid back kind of guy. He prefers not to talk and hide his mouth from others with his scarf but once you get to know him, he likes to crack really bad jokes. He would prefer to fight out his problems even though it contradicts his usual personality. He is a fabulous leader and loves to be around people though.

Backstory: Apollo was raised in a very loving and caring family. When he was young he became very attuned to the clan's kekkei genkai and used the same jutsu over and over again. He continues to learn and has some trouble with the more advanced jutsu but he will get there. He trained all day and worked as hard as he could. He became very aloof due to this nature but he is very strong and good with his jutsu. His mother died when he was 10 and he had to move decided to get his life straightened out and he started to go to the academy in the Hidden Leaf Village and worked his way up being the top of his class. He went on a plentiful amount of missions and was asked to join the Anbu but he didnt want to. He became a jonin in honor of his father after he passed away. He continues to train all day, everyday.



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I have a few...complaints I'm afraid.

First off, this guy seems way too powerful to be just a genin...unless he just appears to be like that

Like for example 13 year old genins don't have two chakra affiliations...unless those have to be used for the kekkei genkai, which was not stated

Second off the Master of Ninjutsu thing kind of gave me a bad vibe for being a genin rank, I hope you understand.

Other than that though I just feel there is a general lacking of information, as of the current CS the character seems a little too strong almost. I'm not saying this was intentional or anything but I'm a guy who likes to pay attention to the details, and this is bothering me.

So either age him and give him a rank according to his power level I guess, or tone him down a bit to genin. That and please add some more general info all around the CS, mainly in the clan area, chakra affiliation, and backstory due to your character's strange clan that could use some clearing up.

I hope this satisfies for now.
Yes, as long as you don't go overboard with your character's power (Which applies to everyone) you are accepted!
Is there still room to sign up?

(Post will be edited/deleted depending on answer so do not expect fillers from me!)
I can easily speak for my friend, Gilzar, that this is still very much so still open.

I don't believe he ever has any intention of closing it off from more people joining.
[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]I can easily speak for my friend, Gilzar, that this is still very much so still open.
I don't believe he ever has any intention of closing it off from more people joining.

Thanks for helping me out! I am nearly done with my character sheet in that case and will delet this post after I feel the thanks have been expressed enough and edit the previous post into the character sheet. It's nice to see some kind people on a place that isn't the feel good subreddit.
Nyanyan this comment was original a question but that question is now irelivant.
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(Just going to put my character sheet up now, don't hold back on asking for changes if need be.)

Name: Tobirama Senju (Named after the legendary Second Hokage!)

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.828e8084a7918796fc6d8c26e54e1252.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34445" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.828e8084a7918796fc6d8c26e54e1252.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Had to be a thumbnail actual size is too big so soz)

Rank: Jounin

Chakra Affiliation: Water, Wind

Clan: Senju

Ninjutsu: Tobirama uses a mix of Ninjutsu and Taijutsu although he is more proficient in Ninjutsu.

Subjutsu: He is a master with the sword Aswell as shuriken, he is moderately good at stealth and sensing other chakras Aswell as knowing the basics of tracking.

Is also moderate with weapons such as kunai etc

Village: Konoha

Personality: He is a cold and calculated person who likes to keep to himself, he started to think like a Hokage from a very young age and it seemed like he was fated to succeed.

Although when he enrolled in the Ninja Academy he made a few friends who brought out another side of him, a loud mouth, proud guy who would always crack jokes when someone made a mistake.

He made sure nobody forgot his name and assumed he could get away with things just because of hit.

He really really has a dislike for the Uchiha clan.

This dislike spawned from his mothers story's, of how the Uchiha and Senju fought in what seemed like a never ending war, his mother also told him the story of Madara Uchiha who wouldn't stop untill he got what he wanted, the extinction of the Senjus!

Well that's what she told him atleast.

Backstory: Allthough Tobiramas father had been murdered in the previous war he grew up with a loving mother, she was a skilled shinobi at one time but was only able to teach him the basics, Tobirama had to train by himself from then on untill he enrolled into the academy, he was respected by classmates because of his name and his skill. He was arrogant and didn't like to rely on anyone but himself, this was untill the Hokage paired him with two other Genin and a Jounin team leader to change that, this worked well and it allowed him to pass the chuunin exam with ease, that team was the thing that shaped him into the ninja that he is today, as of now he is a Jounin who only takes S class missions or above, he has no interests in becoming an Anbu but instead focuses on becoming the Hokage.

He normally hangs about in the rougher side of konoha because he feels more comfortable there, and you get food cheap, although it's not very good and his mother shouts at him a lot for it.

His biggest weakness is his mother who is way to protective.

His Lifelong dream is to become Hokage like his Ancestors were.

Other: (I've never been good at making backstorys so pleas excuse me.)


Timv9 said:
I would if thought that you'd make an Uchiha lol
I was going to but that's what I normally do well uchiha or Namikaze, so I decided to try something different.



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I have...complaints...

Please tone down the power level of this character...and by that I mean give him way less chakra affiliations. While I will allow a Senju (Because I am allowing Uchiha...) I don't want them to be what I call an 'overboard' character.

I don't mean to be rude or offensive but this character is overboard. As I said before his power level is very high, yes there are high powered characters but they match a certain criteria and occur more frequently as the roleplay progresses, as the majority of characters will be able to handle them.

The age and rank I have a problem with as well, yes Kakashi was a Jonin at that age but I like to treat that as an outlier...I generally prefer Jonin character's to be at least 16...if not older. I also didn't like the bit about how the character was asked to join ANBU, let alone a ANBU squad leader...he seems very young for that to happen. I would also just like more general detail across the entire CS.

Don't let this all stop you from making a younger character if you want a younger character. Wether you keep the age or not though everything I have stated still applies. I don't mean for this at all to sound mean or ward you off but I'm afraid these have to be dealt with.
I will bump the age up to 16 and btw Itachii was an Anbu squad leader at 13 and Kakashi was also ordered into Anbu. As for chakra Affiliations I will narrow it down to two then, and remember I did say don't hold back lol.
And can you explain what you mean by more detail, I'm not that good at backstorys and personalities, and can my char be 15 then atleast?
If you want your character to be 15 that's fine since your going for the prodigy type. But what I mean for the backstory and personality is just go into a little more detail. For instance, why does he hate the Uchiha clan? For the back story I just want some more length to it.
I'll try my best then, can't promise it will be great though, might not even be good, but I'll put effort into it.

I have edited it now, its pretty bad in my opinion but I really tried, and could I have water, wind and Earth/Fire or just Water Wind?
Just keep it at two elements more now.

We'll see how this all works out though, accepted.
Yeah two elements should be suffice and I think I disregarded he's only 15 so there would be literally years even decades for him to prove.

And where will I jump In?
Just jump in wherever you think you can. There's only three pages currently so you can read that short amount and there should be a nopportunity for you to jump in.

(Time for another leaf Jonin...)

Name: Harou Hyuga

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Appearance: Harou has a very youthful appearence. He shares the common facial characteristics and build of a Hyuga. Standing at 5'9 Fair skin, similar facial structure, and of course dark brown hair. Harou has long hair, roughly down to his shoulders and he wears his forehead protector around his forehead. For clothing he wears the standard jonin outfit but with no Balistics vest.

Rank: Jonin

Chakra Afilliation: Wind and Earth.

Clan: Hyuga clan

Jutsu: Harou is heavily skilled in both Ninjutsu and Taijutsu, though heavily lacking in the Genjutsu area.

Subjutsu: Harou is a very skilled sensory ninja

Village: Konoha

Personality: Harou has a very kind, yet serious personality. While he may be respectful and joke around every now and then he is mainly business and is straight to the point. Along with keen intelligence, being a notorious thinker, he is also very battle keen and takes notes of various things of even the smallest significance (Something I probably won't display well.). With this Haru also has a brave personality, standing up to even those who outnumber him.

Backstory: A young child when the war started, Harou was just simply a member of the Hyuga clan, not of any of the important branches but rather just a common one. Despite this though he displayed excellence in his early years, as he got ahold of the Clan's ocular jutsu fairly quickly. He used this to his advantage, he became the quick pick for squads, and when the war started he was sent in. Not as a front line unit but rather a reconnaissance unit, and he strengthened his Byakugon throughout the course of the war. He was exposed to some of the war, but it was nothing compared to what others went though.

Years after the war would end Harou would advance onto Chunin, and then later to Genin. He was never in ANBU, nor was asked to join ANBU, unlike his famous Rival Katsuro. Harou became very involved in the academy and became quite fond of teaching the academy students, which is probably why he takes control of various teams under his control. With his knowledge he teaches them many things, and has a very high Chunin turnout rate among his students.


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