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Fandom Naruto: Reminiscent


Bear With Me Here ?
(Alright, let's get things started shall we? Oh, and I'm currently working the details out on the Hokage and a few more characters.)


"Follow me. And come fourth, and I shall deliver my wisdom to you. But if you do not, then you shall remain in your state of ignorance."

Yuki's eyes opened wide, a sense of helplessness traveled down his spine as he was paralyzed with fear. He had no idea of where he was, this looked like his home but...the wallpaper was different, the windows had bars over them, and this man speaking to him was not his godfather....

This man was a larger man, bald, and looking middle aged at least, perhaps 50. He sat on a chair, glaring out the window as he spoke, wearing only a black robe. No forehead protector for affiliation to a village, no shoes or sandals, just a black Robe.

Slowly the man's head turned back to Yuki, staring him down. Yuki tried to speak up but...when glaring into this mans eye...it's as if it froze him in place even more. The eyes are the direct link to the soul, it's how one tells ones means, yet when Yuki looked into this man's eyes he saw nothing but his own reflection.

The bald man sighed, and stood up. "You are not yet ready. We shall meet again, in time. Until then..."

Then he opened up the barred window, and hopped out. Finally feelingn free from his paralyzation, Yuki chased after him. "Wait!" He yelled, extending out his arm to stop him. But he was gone, and everything outside the window was black. All but a dim candle in the distance, which Yuki gradually focused more and more on. The light of the candle got brighter and brighter, until it became an overwhelming light that blinded Yuki.

A few seconds passed by, Yuki forced open his eyes and sat straight up on his bed. Each breathe was a gasp for air in his startled state. His eyes traveled around his room. No signs of life other than him. He sighed, his godfather must be off at work again. Slowly he climbed out of bed and got his Shinobi gear on, and then grabbed his sword from atop his mantle. Then he exited his home, ready to start a new day.


A new day-A new burden. Katsuro slowly walked into the Jonin Complex at the edge of the meeting where all of the Jonin met and got their duties for the day, or just hung out.

Reaching into his pocket, Katsuro snatched out his lighter, and then opened one of his vest's pouches and brought out his Cigarettes. He put the Cigarette in his mouth, and then lit it with his lighter. Inhaling a puff of smoke immediately.

"Don't you think it's a little too early to be smoking? Especially inside of a building?" Another Jonin curiously asked.

Katsuro turned his head over and glared. Two fingers gripped the Cigarette as it escaped his mouth, he then exhaled a puff of smoke. He didn't say anything, he just glared.

The jonin cringed. "Hey...I was just joking..."

Katsuro just shook his head, and walked to the message board, examining anything that needs to be done today. "What's happening Katsuro?" A jonin sitting in the corner reading asked.

Katsuro exhaled his last puff of smoke from his nostrils. "You know. The usual. Cat gone missing." He then flipped over one of the papers. "Groceries need to be delivered to old ladies. That sort of thing."

The Jonin laughed. "And how are you this morning?"

Katsuro put his cigarette back in his mouth. "That's a loaded question."

"You tell me that every morning."

"Because you ask me the same question every morning."

"Allright. Forget I said anything."

Katsuro then walked away, outside of the Center. Time for another glorious day in Konoha.
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A convey of carriages currently made it's way through the land of fire, carrying several nobles alongside their families. One of interest being a noble from Konoha. The convey was making relatively good time and was more or less well protected, as to be expected for the protection of the nobles in such distraught times. However, along the way the convey encountered a field of sorts off the side of the path that was covered in the most elegant looking crystal flowers.

The nobles, astounded by their beauty, immediately ordered for the convey to stop so that they could better examine the crystal flowers and possible even take a few. For precautionary measures, the guards somewhat searched the fields first off before allowing the nobles off the carriages. They then stood guard off to the side as the nobles went to take a closer look at the flowers.

That was when all hell broke loose, as crystals shot up from the ground seemingly impaling all the guards through their stomachs. As well, a girl was finally seen appearing among the nobles having not even made a sound in doing so. However, one last remaining guard that had seemingly been out of her vision charged at her with his sword drawn.

He only made it so close before his head went flying off, as finally a man could be seen behind the now deceased guard wielding a massive blade by the name of the Executioner's Blade. He began to speak.

"You were doing so well my little Crystal, but you forgot one."

She verbally gives no reply to him, but she does tap to her heart. As Zabuza takes another look down at the deceased guard he now sees that the guard's heart had been completely crystallized and that he had already been dead when Zabuza cut off his head. Regardless, the man now walked over to the terrified nobles that were huddled together on the ground among the crystal flowers. He points at the noble from Konoha.

"He's the one we're being paid to kill, the contract also states that we bring back his right hand as conformation."

The noble from Konoha attempts desperately to make a run for it, only to have three large crystals shots impale him all the way though his back out the other side of his chest. The girl, Crystal, walks over to him as a crystal sword appears in her hand. In one slice she takes off his right hand, before completely encasing it in crystal to preserve it. She picks it up before walking back over to Zabuza.

Just as fast as they appeared, the two of them also made a seemingly immediate disappearance. As they left to turn in the bounty and collect their reward, leaving the remaining nobles out in the forest.
Hokage Mitsorugi

Paperwork, Paperwork, Paperwork.


Paperwork, Paperwork, Paperwork.

Mitsorugi sighed. It seemed all this job was becoming was just paperwork. Taking a break from the endless waves of paper, Mitsorugi stared out at his village. He wondered just how much longer he would remain in charge of this village, or if he would ever get the village opinion of him back up after the Great Shinobi Conflict...

"Sir." the door budged open, and Mitsorugi's secratary came in.

"Yes, Chojuro?"

"We...may have a problem. The convoy of Nobles that was scheduled to come to the village is hours late...we fear something may have went wrong."

Mitsorugi ran his fingers through his beard, and glared out the window thinking. "Then we need to send a team out right away to check up the road...se if something may have went wrong."

"Who should we get?"

"How about a mixed team. I want a chunin in it...as well as a Jonin. Perhaps even a genin."

Chojuro, Mitsorugi's started walking to the door immediately. "Then I will get a list of available Jonin, Chunin and Genin."

Within moments, Chojuro worked some computer magic and returned. "Here is a list of available Shinobi."

Mitsorugi glanced down. "I want Katsuro, Neji, and Yuki on it. Send notice for them right away."

"Yes Lord Hokage."

And with that, messengers were sent out for Katsuro, Neji, and Yuki to report to the Hokage.
Neji awoke to a bird outside his window. It was a messenger pigeon from the hokages office. Neji took the note from the pigeons foot and read it. He needed to go to the hokages office for a meeting with the hokage. Neji went and showered and then got dressed. He said goodbye to his parents and ran to the hokages office.

Neji knocked on the door to the hokages office, and walked in. "Hokage Mitsorugi, I came as soon as I got the message sir. What do you need from me?"

Neji stood there as he looked at the hokage. Something Neji wished to be someday.

Katsuro walked in behind Neji, followed by Yuki.

Katsuro put out his cigarette on the way in, he never smoked in the Hokage's office.

"What is it Lord Mitsorugi?" He asked.


Yuki was silent. "Um...what these guys have been saying."


"I thank you all for coming on such short notice."

Mitsorugi got up out of his chair, and stared out the large glass window overlooking the village, folding his hands behind his back.

"This is a rather serious task. I don't know what you will be walking into, and that is why I have such a mixture of ranks."

Mitsorugi then peered over his shoulder at them. "But with that being said, I will tell you what your mission is. Hours ago there was supposed to be a convoy of Nobles, from various villages and nations, but most importantly it had one from the Land of Fire with it. The Convoy has not arrived, and usually if convoys are going to be late their guards alert us with pigeons or radio in. We fear the worst may have happened. It is up to you three to head up the road, backtracking their route and finding the convoy. When you find the convoy return to me and await further orders."

Katsuro nodded his head. Mitsorugi nodded back, their way of saying to each other that he was game with the mission.

"Uh....I accept?" Yuki said awkardly.
Neji listened to the hokage intently. "Yes sir I accept." Neji then turned around and followed his old Sensai kztsuro our of the room. "Well katsuro Sensai looks like we are going on a mission together again."

Neji smiled as he thought that this could be the perfect mission to help him become a Jonin. Something he desperate wants to become.

"Looks like it." Katsuro said, though he was more focused on Yuki.

"Boy. You look about as green as they come. Do you have any mission experience?"


Yuki went silent from this, obviously nervous. "Well I uh...Really just do D and C class missions...Which are-"

"Yah yah, finding cats, getting groceries, all that crap. So you don't have any experience in the field?" Katsuro inched closer.

"No." Yuki simply replied.

"Great..." Katsuro said. "Allright, meet by the main gate of the village when you are ready...Don't pack anything too serious."
Neji looked over at the genin who was only a year younger than him, but Neji was a chunin and has been in plenty of missions like this before. Neji smiled at him. "Hey don't worry you will be fine. Just remember your training and you will be fine."

Neji looked at katsuro and yuki. "Okay I'll meet you guys at the main gate in half an hour." Neji ran home and packed a bag with sone supplies in it. His parents were gone probably on missions of their own, so Neji write a note and next it on the table. He was soon at the Main gate waiting for his former Sensai and yuki.

Neji stood there thinking about what this mission could hold for them and if he did well then this could help him go on to be a Jonin.

Katsuro arrived, with light gear as this would be a short trip. He casually lit a smoke, and looked over at Neji. He still had that look in his eyes, that look of ambition. That he would never quite be satisfied until he achieved his goals, and he would stop at nothing to get them. That's probably why he made chunin. "You ready to head out as soon as Yuki gets here?"


Yuki arrived, with barely any gear to speak of. Just his sword, kunias, and some food. That was all.

Katsuro didn't speak, just waited for Neji's response.
Neji looked over at his former Sensai. Neji had learned a lot about what it took to become a shinobi from him and he owed his life to Katsuro who saved his a few times when they had went on missions together. "Yes Katsuro Sensai let's head out. Your the jonin and leader of this squad so you take the lead." Neji smiled at his Sensai and looked over at Yuki who looked a little nervous. Neji put his arm around Yuki. "Hey don't worry everything will be fine Katsuro is one of the best jonin in our village, if you listen to him then you will be fine okay."

Yuki's nerves calmed down a bit when Neji said to him, but it also bothered him. As Katsuro took lead, Yuki couldn't help but think:

That hot headed, chain smoker is one of our villages finest jonin? If that's true then what the hell are the rest of the Jonin like?

"Thanks...I needed that." Yuki said.

Meanwhile Katsuro led up the path, smoke in his mouth, and his eyes skimming for anything unusual. They were far too close to the village as of right now to even find evidence of the convoy, as it would have been witnessed if so.

"Keep your eyes peeled, but don't expect to find anything. If the convoy was this close to the village the act that made them vanish would have been witnessed. It'll be an hour or so of walking before I think we find anything. In the mean time just watch your ass."
Hours had passed, and Zabuza and Crystal found themselves still sitting in a rather dark room waiting. Finally, after nearly considering he would be a no-show, their customer arrived. Zabuza never asked any questions about his customers, but from the sand the man tracked in Zabuza was certain he knew where his customer was from.

The man carried with him two briefcases, both of which he placed down on a table in front of Zabuza and Crystal. Zabuza nodded, and his apprentice brought out the crystal encased hand of the noble from Konoha. For on the fingers of the hand were rings that only that noble could of had, proving his death.

The customer then opened both briefcases, allowing Zabuza to personally count out the payment to ensure he wasn't being shorted. Afterwords they stood up, taking the briefcases with them and leaving behind the hand to the customer without ever saying a word.

Zabuza was rather proud of his apprentice, having let her assume control of almost the entire mission. With the money there would be plenty of partying tonight and later into the week to honor her.

Katsuro approached an opening in the forest after about an hour of walking. What took his sight marveled him. Flowers, covered in...crystal?

He spit out his nearly burnt out smoke, and turned to Neji and Yuki "Hold up. I'm going to check this out...be on your guard..."

Katsuro then went up and examined one of the crystals. He felt the flowers slowly with his fingers...these weren't natural crystals...if these were wouldn't they have been noticed by now? They were on a main road afterall. "I don't like the looks of this...."

Katsuro then glared slightly to his left. Something caught his eye, it was on one of the flowers. He got up, and walked over to whatever cuaght his glance. On one of the flowers was a bloodstain...then there were more...soon he found there were some of these flowers completely covered in blood. Troubled by this, as anyone would be Katsuro investigated further. It wasn't long before he found the remains of the convoy stashed away inside the trees. This definitely wasn't petty bandit work...(I just took the assumption that Zabuza and Crystal would go to some lengths to cover up the scene)

Katsuro found a few of the guard's bodies as well...but none of the other nobles. He saw what the thought might have been a noble's body but...it was too far in the brush. The ignorant thing to do would be to go blindly into the forest, someone could be watching them right now.

He reached up for his earpiece. "Konoha frequency, this is Katsuro. We found the convoy we were sent to find."

After a few seconds, everyone's earpiece in the group went off as they could hear the speaker on the other side. "What condition is the convoy in?"

"It's been ransacked...in a sense. All the guards are dead, and nobles are nowhere to be found."

Yuki listened to this silently...he had never really seen a sight like this before. There was a slight emptiness inside of him...the feeling that whatever did this had no good intentions...

"Katsuro do you feel that you could pick up on their trail?"

"Affirmative. Do I have permission to pursue?"

A few moments passed by...

"Roger that Katsuro, you and your squad have permission to pursue. Over and out."

"Over and out."

Katsuro then looked at Neji and Yuki. "Both of you stay right next to me. We're going into the forest. I'm going to try and pick up on a trail, as you already heard."
Neji followed behind Katsuro as they looked at the flowers covered in crystals. They then found the convoy completely destroyed, all the guards were dead and not a single noble was in sight. Neji looked around with his sharingan for any chakra but he could not find any. He then listened to what hq reported back to their group. Neji walked over to Katsuro. "Yuki get in between me and Katsuro, we need you to stay on your guard okay if you see anything out of the ordinary even if it turns out to be nothing you have to let us know okay. By the looks of what happened here these are going to be very strong shinobi we will be going up against okay. We need you to stay alert." Neji reactovated his sharingan as he followed behind Katsuro and Yuki. He was a little nervous but he had been on these type of missions before and he was ready for whatever lay ahead of them.
If they would of taken the time to further examine the flowers, they would of noticed that it was not flowers encased in crystals. However, they were purely made of crystal in the perfect and elegant shape of a flower.

Tracking the supposed attackers would of been nothing short of a miracle, as both attackers were seemingly extremely skilled at covering their tracks and their trail was already hours cold.

Listening closely however, just faint screams of help were audible in the distance.


As if irony was working at it's finest, just hours after killing a noble from Konoha, Zabuza and Crystal entered the village through one of the more shady entrances that asked no questions if the price was right. It was, after all, the closest village and Zabuza had promised Crystal that he would spend the money from the job on honoring her good work.

After buying a room for the night, they both headed towards the more shady restaurants in town. With the money they easily began to help themselves, in specific to the supposed world famous ramen of the village. They also both had Sake, Zabuza clearly having no problem with it despite her age and nobody was bothering to ask or stop her.

Crystal seemed happy, amused, and proud all rolled in one at her success at today's job. Even Zabuza, normally devoid of emotion, kept a smirk on his face and was proud of her.

Katusro's ears focused in on the sound, and he turned to it.

"Neji, keep your Sharingan on. We're heading in that direction, when you pick up chakra signatures stop me and take lead."

"Yuki...just watch your ass and stay in the middle."

Yuki nodded, he couldn't think of a better plan himself.

Kastsuro then headed off into the direction of the screams, waiting for Neji to signal when to stop.
Eventually Katsuro lead the group into the area where he thought he heard the screams from. It was getting dark, Katsuro didn't like the situation.

"Yuki, Neji, I want you both to search the area while I do the same. Don't leave each others side." (@Timv9 )

And with that said, Katsuro entered off into the brush and began searching the area for even the slightest clues.
It didn't take a master shinobi detective to search the area for even the slightest of clues, for the screams of help were still taking place and were even louder now that they were closer. If they went closer to investigate they would notice that the remaining living nobles had been pinned to trees by crystals.

In the center there was the corpse of a noble, three large crystals still impaling his chest. He was missing his right hand. He was in fact the noble from Konoha. Around the ground there was also small visible crystals in the shape of something the team didn't recognize.
Neji looked at Yuki. "Hey stay right behind me . I need you to stay alert okay" Neji with his sharnigan activated scanned the area and with it he could see where all the nobles were. "Yuki follow me come on!" Neji ran over to the area of the screams. There were 4 nobles still alive pinned to trees and one on the ground dead. They all had these same pink crystals attached to them. "Katsuro I found them." Neji yelled out to him.

"What the hell..." Yuki said, putting his hand back to his sword. "How...is this even possible?" Slowly he looked around, gazing at all of the Nobles still alive. How were they going to get them down?


Katsuro emerged from the brush behind them. He was silent for a few moments.

Katsuro cursed. "I knew it. These aren't petty bandits." Katsuro put his smokes away, not wanting to give away their position.

His eyes gazed over to the noble missing the hand. "That's our noble. Dead. We won't be able to get rid of these crystals either..."

Katsuro began to radio in the details, using specific code language.

He finished the radioing. "Alright. We're going to be getting another team out here to help get these nobles free. Until then let's gather what information we can from them."

Katsuro and Yuki then began gathering what information they could from the remaining Nobles.
As Katsuro & Yuki began to head towards the living nobles to discover what information they could, they made one of the most grave mistakes they could have. There were small crystal structures in the ground that were just barely visible the shape of which they did not know. When Katsuro/Yuki began to approach one of the nobles they got too close to one of the structures and it quickly raised up from the ground.

They realized all too late that they were set to go off like proximity landmines. For as soon as the crystal raised from the ground it shattered in an explosion of sorts that sent crystal shrapnel shooting out in all directions.

The crystals exploding in front of him, there was extremely little time to act. Who would have guessed there would have been this kind of Jutsu here though? Katsuro was never one for extreme logical planning. He heard Yuki scream as a reaction, and Katsuro's adrenaline kicked in...slowing everything down for him like anyone would. There was little time to weigh the decision...

Katsuro grabbed Yuki, and dove down shielding Yuki from the blast like any respectable Jonin would. Almost instantly he felt the pain from the crystal shrapnel entering into his back...good thing he wore his ballistics vest...it might not have helped much,, but it still helped.


Yuki was frozen, he just simply starred. What just happened? Slowly he slid out from under Katsuro, who wasn't moving.

"K...Katsuro Sansei?!"

Katsuro grunted in pain, trying his best not to move. That would make the bleeding worse. This wasn't the first time he had dealt with a shrapnel like bomb...though they had never quite been crystals.

"Don't. Move or try to move me."

"Then what should I do?"

"Radio in.." Katsuro was disrupted by pain, gasping for breathe. "Radio in a god damn medic with an ordinance team!" He screamed.

Yuki immediately went to his Radio and radioed in the situation.

"Alright Yuki, stay calm. We're sending a medic as well as ordinance personnel."

"Roger that..." Yuki said softly. "God damnit..." He grunted to himself, punching a tree in frustration.
Tobirama was in the rough side of konoha again he had stopped for some ramen before having a wonder about as usual, he had noticed some unfimiliar faces there Aswell, a man in a mask and a woman who couldn't be too much older than him.

He climbed up a roof and sat down to eat his ramen.

After he finished he threw the cup off the roof, it landed on the head of a teen in a group of friends, but they had no way of knowing it was him even though they were looking right at him.

Tobirama decided to go to the Hokages office to see if they were any more "fun" missions.

The "mask" was nothing more than bandages tied around the face of the unfamiliar man covering his mouth and nose. Even then, the bandages were loose so that he could partake in eating as well. He was clearly celebrating with the girl, who actually looked younger than him.

Crystal could tell the moment one of her crystal landmines had gone off, as she raised her glass of Sake in a toast with Zabuza before both of them downed their entire glasses. Only to ask for the waiter to pour them both more, something he was more than happy to do for he had noticed they both had a rather large amount of cash and would be able to tip him well.
Hokage Mitsorugi

Mitsorugi sat in his office, speaking with Harou Hyuga.

"Awh. Tobirama. Looks like you came in at just the right time."

"There's a squad out there in the forest, a few clicks north. I've sent out medical teams but I need an ordinance team. With Harou's byakugan he fits the bill well, and Harou you could learn from the experience. We also just need an extra pair of hands out there."

Mitsorugi then gazed at Tobirama "You need to depart with Harou right away, don't stop for anything."

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