Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC


Explain these Ultra Beasts to me.


=( They're not going to go to the Exam bearing good news??? What!?? That sucks!!! But I want to finish the exam! Come on Quirk, don't do that =/.


Haha. In due time, Gaidens will be gotten to! Someone replied?
Haha, I was hoping you'd NPC Rei and make a child for the exam. I can already see some interesting matchups. It's the afterstory! Come on and play some kids!

*Stares shrewdly*










I could do that. That could be a thing. Mayhaps one of the many orphans from the war, no doubt Rei would have welcomed them with open arms.

Rei would be shifted over into the NPCs, of course she'd be my NPC cos she's awesome. She'd no doubt still accompany everyone to the Chunin Exams, and would likely still be up to a lot. 

That is my worry actually. I thought about making Rei an NPC, but I'm worried she'd be a very active NPC, borderlining if not crossing the line to PC at times, somewhat like the Shirotaiyo were basically PCs, you know? If you'd be okay with that as a possibility I'd be more than happy to shift Rei to being an NPC and making a student of Hato no Tochi.
25 minutes ago, White Masquerade said:


Explain these Ultra Beasts to me.


=( They're not going to go to the Exam bearing good news??? What!?? That sucks!!! But I want to finish the exam! Come on Quirk, don't do that =/.


Haha. In due time, Gaidens will be gotten to! Someone replied?


Ill take over for Gas...

Ultra beasts are new pokemon/monsters that are said to be so powerful that both humans and pokemons are can be threatened by them. That isall the offical information we know...

 We do know however, that they appear to be humanoid. The main theory is... they are humans.


Ill take over for Gas...

Ultra beasts are new pokemon/monsters that are said to be so powerful that both humans and pokemons are can be threatened by them. That isall the offical information we know...

 We do know however, that they appear to be humanoid. The main theory is... they are humans.



I think Pokemon needs to chill the fuck out and stop going full Digimon on us xD
1 minute ago, GasMaskie said:


Eaters were cool as fuck. Those black and white patterns constantly moved too.


If it wern't for that final bastard I would have beaten the game at 30 hours @_@

That long walk down...
@Pequeno BurraidhYeah I have no problem with Rei being that.

Ill take over for Gas...

Ultra beasts are new pokemon/monsters that are said to be so powerful that both humans and pokemons are can be threatened by them. That isall the offical information we know...

 We do know however, that they appear to be humanoid. The main theory is... they are humans.



Thank you Hudhouse! That seems interesting. I was wondering when they'd fuse with Humans xD
1 minute ago, White Masquerade said:

@Pequeno BurraidhYeah I have no problem with Rei being that.

Thank you Hudhouse! That seems interesting. I was wondering when they'd fuse with Humans xD


Maybe its some genetic pokemon (like Mewtwo or something) that can't fight by itself, so it's put in a burst heart, giving off a horrific mutation?


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