Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

@White Masquerade

Ne ne Masqy-tan is my gaiden getting a post next?


Ohoho, I won't be covering anything that's at the time period of the Knights, nope. I'm covering Shinobu's life, from birth to the start of Knights. Though I will need a lot of you, since you are the one who plays the Shirotaiyo characters, and they're kinda the friend group as well as one of them the lover of my dear Shinobu. 

Sure thing of course. I am mostly done with the main RP parts and should have more time for Gaidens soon.


You know it. I'm waiting for the kickflip-heel-indie-dindie-grind-nose-stone-flip-360-twist-and-jerk right over the bush.


Nope. It's Nana's Gaiden. I am going in the most recently updated order.
Sure thing of course. I am mostly done with the main RP parts and should have more time for Gaidens soon.


You know it. I'm waiting for the kickflip-heel-indie-dindie-grind-nose-stone-flip-360-twist-and-jerk right over the bush.


Nope. It's Nana's Gaiden. I am going in the most recently updated order.

Mother-Son Bonding time is go. 


If you look closely, you can almost see Kamen Rider Specter's pained expression under the helmet as he takes the full force of GENM's radical riding.
No I have not yet.

Yes, Quirky is correct. I tagged you to let you know where Shinobu is if you decided to post in that GAiden.

No, no. It's because there's nobody Rei's age in the roleplay. I don't ship kids and adults. 

@Lucem Tenebris

Lol. You don't like it Lucem Tenebris?


Have you pre-ordered Extella?


Lol. There's nothing bad about Chunin Exams. I don't see your point =D

Don't worry about it, just write and see what happens. Don't blame me for pairings. You have the right to deny them if you want!

I'll probably put some money down in October when I don't really have anything I need to buy. Playable Karna will be great.
1 hour ago, White Masquerade said:

GAS. OMFG! Trying to quote more than 1 thing at once is a pain. Holy ****. If I didn't love you guys so much I would have been out of here.


I just read it. Mizu is too creepy =/. 

@Kiyoko Tomoe

But how will you know she's going to survive Knights...?


If you truly are a Savant....*trails off*


I thought you loved just how creepy she was because of how creative the situations are? When will your character EVER react to something like that again?!
It's Pun Pun White! From Oyasumi Pun Pun!

WOW. It's rated really high. No wonder you liked the last RP. You're into suffering just like Gas. =/. You are lucky I guess then. I've watched a lot of Seinin recently.


Lol. I see. I hope you enjoy the RP.

I will be now working on Characters + Gaidens tomorrow everybody. We are getting closer to a Knights start.
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WOW. It's rated really high. No wonder you liked the last RP. You're into suffering just like Gas. =/. You are lucky I guess then. I've watched a lot of Seinin recently.


Lol. I see. I hope you enjoy the RP.

Suffering is a natural human experience, and Oyasumi Pun Pun was absolutely excellent at depicting the human nature, though parts were exaggerated and twisted. I'm not into it, boooo. 

I am excited for this new arc, nevertheless. owo I want a chance to make An pan break and shatter. 
I should have my Knights character posted shortly.

Gotcha. I would hope they're not crazy but. Eh. I would lose that bet =)

Suffering is a natural human experience, and Oyasumi Pun Pun was absolutely excellent at depicting the human nature, though parts were exaggerated and twisted. I'm not into it, boooo. 

I am excited for this new arc, nevertheless. owo I want a chance to make An pan break and shatter. 

Ah haha. Okay then. *erases comment* no suffering, no suffering!
Suffering is a natural human experience, and Oyasumi Pun Pun was absolutely excellent at depicting the human nature, though parts were exaggerated and twisted. I'm not into it, boooo. 

I am excited for this new arc, nevertheless. owo I want a chance to make An pan break and shatter. 

I enjoyed Oyasumi Pun Pun, though it's definitely the bleakest Coming of Age story I've ever read. I kinda prefer Aku no Hana because at least that didn't come close to approaching the same dark depths as Pun Pun and his life.

@White Masquerade

Decided to start prepping a RWBY Quest, honestly the hardest part are the characters because of the Naming Rules and Semblances I have to churn out. I feel like a Quest is the only way to get a RWBY story going since RPs tend to stagnate and die off quickly because Academy RP is boring and a slog to get through. 
I briefly ran a RWBY RP two years ago, but it didn't last very long after I kept getting sent to the hospital. I think it can work outside of a Quest format, as long as you can avoid getting stuck inside Beacon.
8 seconds of hell....

The amount of time it takes your brain to catch up with the fact that you've been gored through the stomach and out the back by a bull.

I briefly ran a RWBY RP two years ago, but it didn't last very long after I kept getting sent to the hospital. I think it can work outside of a Quest format, as long as you can avoid getting stuck inside Beacon.

Tell him Luce!


Never would have pegged you as a RWBYer. You have to inject life into academies. I will tell you the special secret if grant me 1 wish.

@Pequeno Burraidh

What are you watching..
I briefly ran a RWBY RP two years ago, but it didn't last very long after I kept getting sent to the hospital. I think it can work outside of a Quest format, as long as you can avoid getting stuck inside Beacon.

The three biggest hang ups I've found for RWBY RPs is keeping people vaguely on topic, making sure non of the characters are ridiculous, and in line with point two, making sure you have proper Roleplayers that have some experience under their belt joining.

It may sound mean, but I've seen more RWBY rps fall because somebody can't understand that their character isn't magically exceptional at everything and they just try to skip their way through anything and everything like it's a field of daisies. 

I think it's because RWBY counts as one of those series that isn't actually bad, and has potential, but like Tokyo Ghoul, or SAO, and a few others who have a sizeable, caustically immature fan sub-group.

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