Naruto Rebirth: Kakureyami OOC

What Is Naruto Rebirth: Kakureyami's Most Glorious Ship!? (Multiple Votes Are Allowed!)

  • Dove Nokuma x Shinsei Fugita

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  • Kiyomi Uchiha x Ryuu Kato

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  • Akago Hideki x Shirokko of the Sand

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  • Orisas x Mekuto Meimiri

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  • Tsukiko Hanashi x Toshiro Toshino Toshimi Shi IV

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  • Chiaki Yoshinawa x Hanbungetsu Hozuki

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  • Ja Jankin x Machi Uchiha

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  • Roku Senju x Nana Uzumaki

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  • Dru Rinha x Romi Watanabe

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  • Jinan x Wunan

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  • Shinobu x Nanko

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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[QUOTE="White Masquerade]T_T
It looks like I'm the poor sucker who has to watch you today


Nobody else wants to pick up Eye from my house? Nobody? I have dishes to wash...sleep to catch up with...someone please...






The Suspicious Eye]Now that I have [URL=" said:
@Icy[/URL] I can do whatever with him. Hehehehehehe


No one will find the body...​
;`_______´; (I totally invented this smiley)
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]T_T
It looks like I'm the poor sucker who has to watch you today


Nobody else wants to pick up Eye from my house? Nobody? I have dishes to wash...sleep to catch up with...someone please...

I'll pick Eye up! Eye can party as hard as she wants at my place!
Sweet Jesus..... My feels....... FMA Brotherhood, why..... whyyyyyyy........ They are just throwing all the feels in my the first 5 episodes....


[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]



[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Sweet Jesus..... My feels....... FMA Brotherhood, why..... whyyyyyyy........ They are just throwing all the feels in my the first 5 episodes....

Dammit, I don't have any FMA Brotherhood gifs to put without spoiling part of the plot... >~<

[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]










Min is 5'6, with white hair and blood red eyes, just like her twin brother. She has long hair that goes to her hips. She has a slim frail build.


Min has a dual personality thanks to her regaining her memories. She usually shows her kind and shy self. In this personality she is generous and people are drawn to her because of her friendly and sympathetic nature. However, this is only one part of her life, she uses it to steer her enemies off her true intentions. Then she turns venomous, she is cruel and deceitful. She becomes jealous and possessive of those close to her. Often leading to a mental break and sudden outbursts.

Her feelings are so strong that she is inclined to build her life around certain individuals and becomes wrapped up in personal love rather than seeking into the deeper truths of life; thus she could suffer losses in her affections and shattered ideals. Which is why she hardly killed any students in the academy. They interested her too much. She lacks system and order in her life and will often leave her own duties if someone calls upon you for assistance. She is extremely idealistic and takes orders form very few people.


Min's parents, Astra (Azure Light) and Blane Johannas (Dark Matter) were famous superheroes in hundreds of dimensions. Astra has the power to control powers of others she was in contact with, while Blane has the power to move through space and control dark matter, creating wormholes, portals, dimensional rifts, ect. He needed Astra to help share the vast amount of power he held. One day the two of them were fighting a great and powerful dark dimensional creature that could control the darkness of everything from man to space, it could even create dimensions in their control. To destroy the creature, Astra used he control power to remove the creature from every plane of existence. The creature vanished, but instead of being removed, it entered into Astra's unborn twin children. Min was the one who was most influenced by the dark dimension. She became its vessel and considered the dimension monster her father. Ren, her twin brother, was also infected by the dark dimension causing him to have the power to open the dimensional monster. Ren showed his dark abilities at a much earlier age than his sister and it caused his parents worry. His parents believed that Ren may poison Min with his darkness. However, they didn't know that Min was also poisoned. The twins were separated. Min, was sent with her mother to another dimension while Ren stayed in their original dimension.

Min had been home schooled her entire life not because she wanted to, but because she accidentally "imprisoned her English teacher in a glass dimension (one move and all the glass shards break and come attack you). The teacher was fine when her mother pulled her out she just needed 132 stitches.... everywhere. Ever since she has been taught by her mother how to control her powers and now she's off to the big leagues to be helpful to a great hero. She is quiet and introverted but kind and welcoming to those who treat her well. However one day her twin brother came into her dimension. She didn't remember much of their past together until it was returned to her. She regained her memories and her darker personality. She was happy to have her memories back and determined to destroy

For the two years she was in prison, Min slowly lost herself. She had no connections in her prison, not to the dark monster or her family. She went insane for a time and then very sane. At the end of those two years Min was released temporally to help her former friends and classmates fight against a monster. They released her from prison and she was forced to be near her traitor of a brother. She hated her brother, he had cut off her arm and worse yet he had betrayed her. After a few battles she was able to connect with her brother again. He even was able to pull her out of the darkness and help her improve her powers. She now had the ability to control the realm around her and after ten years the earth.

Ten years later Min would be come a international superstar. She became world renowned and voted one of the most desirable women in the world. She would have a love, hate relationship with her brother. Due to damages from the destruction of dimensional monster, she could no longer have children. So she enjoys toying with her nephews and their classmates.


Portal Creation

User can open a hole in the universe connecting two non adjacent locations. This may be done in a very neat manner, such as connecting two doorways in the universe, or it may be done very sloppily like breaking a rift in the space time continuum. They may use Dimensional Manipulation to tear a tiny hole through two universes, use Spatial Manipulation to overlap two points in the universe or open a black hole or a worm hole connecting those two points. The user can manipulate dimensions, beginning with the physical 0-D, 1-D, 2-D, 3-D, and 4-D, changing their own dimensions. Advanced uses include manipulation and linking to alternate dimensions and dimensional energy to achieve a variety of feats, such as teleportation, portal generation, and pocket dimension creation.

Gravity control (only on self)

User can create, shape and manipulate gravitation, a natural phenomenon by which all physical bodies attract each other, and gravitons, hypothetical elementary particles that mediate the force of gravitation.

Dark Matter Manipulation

User can create, shape and manipulate Dark Matter, the material that is estimated to make up 84% of the universe's mass and 23% of it's mass-energy. They could potentially use it to manipulate gravity, magnetism and many other cosmic forces which exist throughout the universe, as well as Dark Matter itself, using it in the same way as regular matter or antimatter. The user can draw the cosmic energies from dark matter to achieve various feats, such as telekinesis, force-field projection, and energy production. By altering the properties of Dark Matter, one may be able to even rewrite laws of physics to a certain extent.


(Any other details about your character you wish to share with us!)


Name: Ren Johannas

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Superhuman

RP From:







Ren is 5'7 and has white hair and red eyes just like his twin sister. He has long layered hair that covers his ears. He has a slim athletic build perfect for modeling.


Insanely devoted to his sister, Ren is a driven, ruthless, and umempatheic individual. He doesn't care for the feeling of other, except for his sister and hates rules. He loves to cause trouble and bothers other students. He is dynamic, restless, independent, ready to accept challenges, and outspoken. He enjoys change, to travel, and new experiences. He is very creative and promotional, and work intensely to carry out your plans. Although he has limitless enthusiasm for new ventures, he loses interest quickly once things become dull. He tends to act recklessly and cause chaos wherever he goes. He is also very unstable, prone to suffer from drastic mood swings, and physical and mental tension.


Ren's parents, Astra (Azure Light) and Blane Johannas (Dark Matter) were famous superheroes in hundreds of dimensions. Astra has the power to control powers of others she was in contact with, while Blane has the power to move through space and control dark matter, creating wormholes, portals, dimensional rifts, ect. He needed Astra to help share the vast amount of power he held. One day the two of them were fighting a great and powerful dark dimensional creature that could control the darkness of everything from man to space, it could even create dimensions in their control. To destroy the creature, Astra used he control power to remove the creature from every plane of existence. The creature vanished, but instead of being removed, it entered into Astra's unborn twin children. Ren't twin sister, Min, was the one who was most influenced by the dark dimension. She became its vessel and considered the dimension monster her father. Ren was also infected by the dark dimension causing him to have the power to open the dimensional monster. Ren showed his dark abilities at a much earlier age than his sister and it caused his parents worry. His parents believed that Ren may poison Min with his darkness. Out of fear the twins were separated. Min, was sent with her mother to another dimension while Ren stayed in their original dimension.

Ren has been in school all his life. He is kind of a bad boy, but people usually let it slide. His dad was really busy with work so Ren spent most of his time walking through other worlds and dimensions. There was a time in their childhood when Ren and Min lived in the same dimension but seeing the problem with keeping them together their parents separated them. He and Min have a mental connection that is very strong when he is near her designated dimensions. He really loves his sister and she really hates him, but that doesn't stop Ren he will do everything in his power to tun his sister evil, so she can like him again.

Ren found his sister in the superpower school on a different dimension. He was so happy at first, but then he realized that she had no memory of their past together. Determined to unlock her memories he used a special item he received from a friend of theirs to unlock her past. When she finally remembered he became his twin's loving sidekick. Together they made trouble for everyone and began sacrificing others to their dark father. They created a dark plan to destroy the school that had kept Min from crossing dimensions. They took the school into a gigantic diminutional hole that his twin Min could control. They fought valiantly, however, Ren turned on his sister, realizing that the dark monster was behind her actions. He accidentally chopped of his sisters arm and took her down.

After a two years Ren became something of a hero. He learned how to help people and protect them from evil. However, another danger grew upon them and they needed the help of his twin sister. They released her from prison and Ren was forced to watch her. He felt so uncomfortable being near his sister who he had betrayed and injured. He couldn't help but feel guilty. After a few battles, he was able to connect with his sister and even turn her to good.

Ten years later Ren would create his own team of super heroes and protected various dimensions. He would have a love, hate relationship with his sister. He would also get married and have two energetic sons.


Portal Creation/Dimensional Movement

He can move between worlds, taking items and opening portals wherever. User can open a hole in the universe connecting two non adjacent locations. This may be done in a very neat manner, such as connecting two doorways in the universe, or it may be done very sloppily like breaking a rift in the space time continuum. They may use Dimensional Manipulation to tear a tiny hole through two universes, use Spatial Manipulation to overlap two points in the universe or open a black hole or a worm hole connecting those two points.

This ability may come in the form of a "Portable Portal", which allows users to make instant holes in anything the circle can be stuck to. Offensively, user can create vortexes to suck in objects.

Phantom Phasing

User is able to move through objects and ignore most physical effects in their way, exact means how this is done vary between slipping partially into other dimensions, being able to make their own particles move between other particles, being non-physical being of energy, vibrating their molecules into a new quantum frequency, etc. Regardless the user is able to ignore most attacks, physical dangers and gravity.

(Any skills or powers your character might have. Do they have magic, or super powers? Can they use a weapon? Are they good at solving puzzles, etc? Of all the sections, it is most important that this one is in-depth, as we need to make sure your character is not OP.)


He can summon two demon girls, Ena and Nuria, who control and mimic fire. Although he usually summons them for eye candy.

Given Name:



The China chick, China, but she prefers Natsu.








Natsu loves to play she has a large sense of curiosity. She is inclined to climb on top of people and chat your ear off. She is a very bubbly and energetic person. If she imprints on you (likes you) then you will never hear the end of it. She is extremely energetic and can hardly stay still. Sometimes she will literally bounce off the walls just to do something. When she's really bored she'll start singing random nonsense. Although she's always cheery she has a protective instinct. She cares greatly for those she trusts and will willingly lay down her life for the sake of her friends.


Has the ability to shift her own gravitational field and slightly expand it with her hands. This allows her to be super strong and have very strong skin (not impenetrable, just used to pressure).


Nightsticks and arm blades if she has to hurt people, but she usually sticks with hand to hand.

"Blood is just so....creepy."

Other equipment:

Control gloves, core stone and sticky shoes. The Control gloves help her release the gravity she has and the sticky shoes keep her on a surface. Core stone the core stone is part of the astral element Natsu was introduced to during the experimentation. It helps her find her core and rotate her gravity around it. It is the belt she wears in the picture above.


Natsu wasn't born like most people she was made in a test tube. Meshing human genes with some unknown DNA they found on a space rock. Not expecting it to work in the slightest they were surprised when the subject survived and turned out human. At a early age she showed signs of a gravity augmentation. At 4 she rose to the ceiling and began wall crawling ever since. The government thought they could use her for a spy experiment so they began to strictly train her. She never really liked the whole training thing, but she kept a positive attitude. As she got older and the doctors failed to replicate her, things became more intense. Her examinations became more like torture, her training became more like slave working. Then they gave up and moved her to E.S.C.A.P.E. hoping that they would have more success in replicating and weaponizing her. Natsu hated her new prison, but she liked to keep a positive attitude. Natsu's cell partner told her much of the outside word. What fascinated her most is the sky. She always wanted to see the sky.Her life became harder and harder she held the hope of seeing the sky. It has been her dream to see the real world, one without ceilings.


Theme Song:



If I could describe her in a gif:


Dannah Judge

Name: Dannah "Dani" Judge

Sobriquet: The Hinomaru "Circle of the Sun"

Age: 330 years

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Unknown, probably Bisexual

Regular or Irregular: Regular

Species: Living Ignition Weapon



Dani is a strong and independent girl. She is a hard worker, strong in material matters, determined and stubborn. She has a good head for business and a tactical mind. She is steady and practical, a builder who takes responsibility well. These qualities brought her to a position of authority and power in the tower. That along with the fact that she is Kin to Urek. She is a doer, down-to-earth, serious-minded, reliable, and self-disciplined. She has a good power of concentration and emulates it through her skills. She is bold, independent, inquisitive and interested. She knows what she wants and why she wants it.

Dani has a great sense of responsibility and duty which sometimes scares others. However, she is comforting, appreciative and affectionate. Her obligation in life is to hold justice and truth. She for some odd reasons does not like pockets although she has one, she doesn't use many of the functions.

Position: Wave Controller

Ranker: 400th

Affiliation: Her personal position is Neutral, but she has some affiliation with Wolhaiksong

Abilities and skills:

Extraordinary Speed:
People who have seen Dani in combat have evaluated his combat style as "aggressive, ferocious and fast, but very beautiful."

Sturdiness: Due to the testing done upon her along with her odd biogenetic makeup Dani is much sturdier than humans able to withstand things that may kill a human. Along with the fact that she cannot feel pain. She can certainly be injured, just not feel it.

Red Sun: The default form her "wings" take. It is a rather small red, orange and yellow ball. Which for a odd reason (not really odd, it's a small sphere of gravity that pulls her around) allows her to jump higher than normal and on occasion fly (depending on the size). It changes form according to her thoughts and emotions.


God Punch: It involves her punching the ground and then sending a strong wave of gold energy into the ground. At first it will waver, then shake like a earthquake in the end creating a huge crater. This attack can be used as a physical attack on people as well. It simply needs direction and then the wave of force pushes the opponent back. By blasting the ground, she can also use it to avoid attacks.

Complete Ignition: Igniting herself causes Dani's "wings" to increase in size, and her eye glows. She seems to become far stronger in this form.


Weapons (if any) +their capabilities:

: Sister to the "devil" inside of Dani, she is a C-rank Needle (B-rank when ignited) and Ignition weapon. She is called Shizuku, Shizu for short and is a blood thirsty crazy person. Shizu is a well known demon sword, the name meaning "dripping of crimson," because all that own it have spilt blood. It takes much form it's master requiring the sacrifice of one eye to even hold the sword. In this case the holder's left eye to match her own missing one. It is unknown why this is required, whether it is a personal preference of the blade or the need for blood is so great it desires it's handler's blood first.

Shizu is hard to control even for the ever disciplined Dani. Being a ignition weapon herself she hardly ever asked Shizu for help. Shizu being uncontrollable and being connected to Dani via her sister, on many occasions appears next to Dani and whispers dark thoughts to her ear. She loves to cause trouble in any way possible. She is manipulative, cold, dark and unempathetic. The only time she shows joy is when her blade is stained in blood. Usually failing at her attempts to manipulate Dani, Shizu does succeed at making her look crazy, by talking to herself. Thus allowing her to keep Dani somewhat dependent on her, for at the very least company.



Dani was bon inside the tower, she didn't know much about her parents or her family to say the least. Even her last name isn't real, she took it up because so many people kept saying she acted like a Judge. When she was sixty years old mentally, she along with many of the abandoned children from the Middle Area were taken to preform the living ignition experiment to their surprise, Dani was a big success. They were able to combine a sister "devil" to a human and were testing to see if the correlation would bring out any connection between Living Ignition Weapons in human form. Before they could continue further testing Urek Mazino came and rescued her and some of the other children that had been taken to the Workshop. Dani grateful to Urek would have stayed and repaid the kindness in anyway she could. However, she needed to find what was calling to her, it was all she desired in life. Finally released, the new living weapon Dani out into the tower to find her sister weapon.

The experience in finding the weapon was bizarre. The new abilities and knowledge was odd for her. But the weirdest thing was a odd tie she had to something hidden in this tower. Going from floor to floor she climbed nearly half the tower to find what was calling to her. During her travels she learned how to control her powers and became quite well known for her strength. She found what was calling to her hidden in the 66th floor. It was a dark black sword stuck in the ground sending off a dark yet familiar aura.

After taking the sword she made her way back down the floors. Her goal in life wasn't to reach the top of the tower, only to help in some way. On her way back she was trying to take the sword form her sheath, with little success. That is until she heard a voice whisper, "eye." The sword suddenly flew from the sheath and sliced out her left eye. After overcoming the pain of the her slashed eye, which she had to gouge out of her eye socket. She was able to connect with her sword Shizuku and from then on was able to use it somewhat. However, she hardly uses the swords ignited form. Shizu is very dark and dangerous even for her.

After returning to the lower levels she gained more annoyance towards her sword. Her constant whispers were such a menace. At one point Shizu got to Dani telling her to rescue her friends and kill the scientists that hurt her, Dani agreed. Returning back to where her friends are Dani attacked the Workshop. Dani and Shizu both furiously, one of the rare times they ever worked together, and killed a few scientist and helped her friends escape. She sent some of them to her previous rescuer Urek, who was a founding member of the Wolhaiksong. Afterwards Headon invited her to the Inner Tower and she has spent her time there becoming stronger. Overall Dani has kept to herself, taking the occasion odd challenge and helped in delivering justice where she saw fit. She never really thought about leaving the tower, or joining a team. She lived in the present not thinking about the past.

Character Sheet

Name: Rohan "Roa" Vandana

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Appearance: Long blond hair, with dark tan skin. She has piercing blue eyes and a strong shoulders and a thin waist. She is of average height around 5'8'' She usually wears her armor, (shown in picture) and makes sure to keep it clean. Otherwise she wars a white sleeveless top with a nice blue skirt.

Personality: Roa is a fearless free sprit. She goes wherever the wind takes her, free of responsibility. She is a calm and seemingly carefree individual who appears to have a liking for danger and bizarre adventures. She is fearless in the face of danger as shown when she took on several beasts without a sign of worry. While seemingly cheerful and humble at times, she is also an extremely determined, confident, and strict person. She has mood swings constantly and hated to be ignored.

Character Flaws: She's very serious about keep her armor clean and snaps when it gets dirty. She is also very arrogant and smug when she thinks she has the upperhand. She pouts like a child when things don't go her way, which is quite a sight to see.

Skills: Roa is a skilled acrobat and warrior. She has been trained by an elite class of swordmen and fencers. She can lift up to 378 pounds with little effort and has a tactical mind. Roa is a talented dancer and has preformed for various wealthy royals over the years. Her friends told her she should be a professional dancer, but her parents dissaproved. They didn't want her neat any royalty. She is also very charming to animals. She doesn't know why they like her so much but they do. Animals, big and small, wild or tame all seem to follow her and avoid harming her. Roa isn't a fan of animals, but she doesn't mind her odd afinity with animals. To her it makes them easier to eat.

History/Backstory: Roa comes from a distant tribal land from across the sea. She moved to Lithuain when she was four years old. Her family was considered royalty in their homeland, but we're forced to abandon their home during a cou. They took the first ship they could reach they arrived in Ashpor. However, being so close to the sea they were at risk of being identified, so Roa's parents continued further inland till they arrived to Lithuain. Roa only remembered bits and pieces of the whole event. She was curious about her past, but knew not to bothere her parents with painful memories of the past.

Movong to an entiely different county was hard on Roa. Living in Lithuain she had to learn how to be the strongest of the strong. Having missed the first four years of Lithuan culture and having parents who knew nothingabout the culture, Roa had to work hard. Having to tain harder than the other kids, Roa grew to be the strongest female of the plains. She won various competitiona and even defeated the strongest male at the time. By the age of 12 Roa was the undefeated warrior in Lithuain.

Roa had many people to credit to the success, her rivals, her friends and her family. However, there was only one person who truly helped her become such a sucess. When Roa was far behind the other kids, she was constantly bullied for being weak. One day bloody and beaten Roa went ran off into the grasslands to cry. She sat on a rock and cried, letting out all of her sadness. Then a wild animal jumped out of the grass and attacked her. Roa would have surely died if a young woman hadn't appeared out of nowhere and attacked the beast. The woman looked nothing like the others. She had long silver hair with clear empty eyes. The woman extended her hands and touched, Roa's fsce. It seemed that the woman was blind. Roa stood still as the woman inspected her face. When the woman finished she spoke "hmm, I thought you'd be taller."

It turned out that the woman was a powerful warrior who was exiled from her tribe when she went blind. During the years of her exile she continued on a spiritual path learning how to survive blind. She told Roa that she had a spiritual premonition that a young girl would come to this area and she would be the next great warrior. Roa didn't believe the woman, but agreed to be trained by her. The training was rigorous, from learning to move without disturbing the ground to learning how to read your enemies. Roa came back to her home covered in games and scrapes. Her parent's were relived when she came back with bruises, because at least she was improving. By the time she was 9 she was ready to take on full-grown men in combat.

She entered various triball battless and competitions,wiping our her enemies with amazing speed. Thus in a few years she became the strongest of her tribe. With that honor and responsibility she was accepted to be trained as a a royal knight. On the day she left Roa's master gave her a odd shaped pendant, that later she found was radiating with the power of air. Moving to Linsan she had to learn not only hoe to be a knight, but how to be a lady. It was hard at first, but then she began to lean much faster than the others. She was able to communicate with other royals and knights with the proper respect. It wasn't long that she was being taught by great fencers and swordsmasters. When she finally felt like she belonged she received news that her parents had died of an unknown disease. She was devastated by the news. Although, she was adopted by her mentors, she was in a dark place. She began to skip lessons and instead run off to cry or dance. It was them that she had met her future fiance Donovan.

Roa was in a flower garden she had snuck into and was dancing her pain away. Donovan was strolling the family garden what she found her. He was so captivated by her he begged for her to come again. She reluctantly did and they grew close. A few months had passed and Donovan had proposed to her. Roa overjoyed said yes and tge Teo were thud engaged.

(Woman who used to be a outsider as well became mentor and gave her pendant. Accepted into a knight position and adopted into family after parents died of a virus. New family were knight of sword and spear, son was a blacksmith. Got engaged, found fiancee cheating on her. Broke up, became a knight for hire. Now wandering around.)

(Where do you come from? How did you come to possess a pendant? What has your life been like up to this point? There is a 2 paragraph minimum.)

Possessions: Roa doesn't carry much on her, but she alays carries:

  • A embroidered handkerchief, to clean the dirt off her armor.

  • Her weapon a sword (shown in Armor picture). Also it has a detachable Chakraram to throw at enemies.

  • Various throwing knives (amount 10) for close up or distance kills.



Other information:




Name: Mina Hashimoto

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance Description: Pretty much what she looks like in the photograph. She usually wears orange and has her auburn hair in twin ponytails at the top of her head with the rest of her medium length hair down in the back. She is 5'5'' and has a slender hourglass figure which she spends at least a hour in the gym daily to keep it that way.

Personality: Mina is a excitable girl with a very promising career in being a idol. She loves to sing, dance and most importantly, be the center of attention. She loves to be the shining star, and is always the loudest person in the room. She doesn't care what others say or do as long as they think about her.

Mina is a narcissist, a sociopath and most certainly has some murderous tendencies. However, she wants to be adored by others. "Either through fear or admiration, one way one another they will love me!" She is very bold individual always speaking her mind and never afraid to tell someone the cold hard truth. Her instincts are a little weird, she doesn't run from a fight ever her instincts are fight or flirt. She loves to toy with others and is quite the dominatrix. She prefers to be the queen bee and likes to think she's in charge. She is skilled in hand to hand combat so she isn't afraid to beat some sense into someone.

She has goals and will not let herself fall to anyone. She loves to have have fun and wants to be the greatest of them all. She will be the most beloved idol, and have Academy city in the palm of her hand.

Likes: Guys, Sweets, pretty colors, cute things, being adored

Dislikes: Stick in the muds, downers, monochromatic colors, dull things aka: stuff not about her

General Skills: Singer, manipulator, model, actress, tactical mind.

Affiliated Group: Don't know

Esper Power:

Abiltiy: Automotive


Power: User can create, shape and manipulate kinetic energy, the energy possessed by any moving object, ie. the necessary work in order for an object with a given mass to move from its resting position. The kinetic energy gained during the acceleration process changes once the speed also changes, and when the object no longer contains the kinetic energy it has possessed as it accelerates it stops from moving. The work needed to make an object to stop accelerating is equivalent to the kinetic energy that it possesses during the initial stage.

User can transfer kinetic energy from one object to another, thus strengthening their attacks, or tearing holes in walls with a simple touch, turn an object's potential energy into kinetic energy, making it explosive, or cause target to be unable to move or unable to stop if in motion.


Ability: Sonata



User can create, shape and manipulate sound, a periodic disturbance of the medium (air, ground, water, etc) that radiates outward in straight lines in the form of a pressure wave. The effect these waves produce upon the ear is perceived as sound. From the point of view of physics, sound is considered to be the waves of vibratory motion themselves, whether or not they are heard by the human ear.

User can mimic, intensify, hush, and distort, as well warp, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound, using it as a powerful physical force and high-speed movement.

At low frequencies, sound is potentially fatal to living beings by causing internal damage, while high frequencies cannot be heard by normal humans but can be used for sonar-like effects. Since sound vibrations can travel through the air, ground, water and any form of medium, defense by using physical barriers is difficult. The vibrations can also affect at a molecular level.



Mina was born to a nice middle class family in beautiful France. They moved to Academy city district 23 when her dad got a job as a pilot for the airline companies there. Mina was 6 at the time, she had already made her mind up that she would become a famous singer and moving to Academy City suited her needs. Even as a child Mina loved to be in the lime light, whether it was coming in first in singing competitions or wiping the floor in Kendo and Karate championships. Always the star and center of attention she was nearly perfect (except for that personality).

Mina always emitted a lot of AIM even as a child. On multiple occasions she was told that she had a large chance of becoming a esper. However, Mina doubted, her older sister was a esper and to her it seemed boring. She didn't want to be one and was glad that she wasn't one. That is until she turned ten that her esper ability developed. At first she was another regular esper. That is until they heard her. Realizing that she was a Wave manipulator, Mina's parents decided that she should go to the best school possible to expand on her abilities. Mina disagreed. She wanted to spend time with her friends and continue along the path of a superstar. Hours of arguments and 3 walls replaced, the three of them came to a solution. With that Mina attended Tokiwadai Middle school and Nagatenjouki Academy.

Mina joined as many acting, singing and physical classes as she could. Not the most studious student, but certainly not the least, Mina enjoyed school. She excelled in her studies in theatre arts and music. She was also quite the athlete taking on various school sports activities and becoming a MVP in each. The amount of friends she had was very little. She would constantly bully or pester the other girls and flirt with all the boys. This made her inner circle very small, but very devoted to her. When she went to Nagatenjouki, she only had two very good friends, a boy name Gin and a girl named Junko. Both were her friends from kindergarden, and had followed her to whatever school she went to. Mina loves both of them and is happy that they are her friends. She loves that they are perfect for her and allow her to be as narcissistic as she needs to.

Mina started her career in music around the age of 13. She signed her rights to one of the top, modeling, acting, and performer companies in Japan. Four years later, Mina is on billboards, commercials and has a second album debuting. She still isn't as popular as some of the more famous singers and models. However, she does have a large fan base overseas and in Japan has a fan base of about fourteen hundred thousand people. She sometimes is noticed on the streets by fans, but usually is treated like any pretty girl is.

Writing Sample :


"And I will see you at the party." Mina winked at the boy as she sauntered down the hallway. She hummed a nice tune of a current pop song she liked. Her friend from school walked next to her. She had been waiting as Mina talked to the boy, but finally spoke up.

"Wow, what that the famous, Jake Todo from the band Banshee? You can just talk to him like that? You really are famous Mina. Like Hitotsui Hajime was."

She flipped her hair back as she passed some male models, in the halls. They looked at her for a moment and smiled. She paid them no mind and continued down the way to her manager's office.

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be? I might just be getting started, but I am already getting popular, especially overseas. But don't compare me to someone as small as Hitotsui Hajime, I'm going to be much bigger."

"Wow..." Her friend followed Mina but stared at the models blushing a little. She turned her head to Mina and leaned closer trying to whisper as she squealed. "Oh my god were those guys looking at us?! Shouldn't we go talk to them?"

Mina laughed a little and patted her friends head. "Oh heck no. Male models ares so conceited, I want someone who puts me in their number one spot, because that's where I belong. Wouldn't you?" She grinned at her friend and took her arm pulling her into the office. Mina didn't knock or call ahead she simply barged in.

"Good Afternoon Mr. Harimah!" She said with a glowing smile.

The young man, Mr. Harimah, was sitting at his desk hunched over leaning deep into his computer screen. He startled as Mina came in and he jumped out of his seat, falling to the floor.

"Ooooo, Are you alright Mr. Harimah? I didn't mean to startle you."Mina said walking closer to his desk. She liked Mr. Harimah, he was a good manager for both of her jobs, not to mention that underneath his thick glasses and terrible cothing choices, he was absolutely gorgeous.

"Ah, Mina. No, no you didn't startle me." He lied in a sorry attempt to save some face. He smiled up at her as he slowly got up. His long black hair somewhat disheveled, and his glasses were tilted. He looked at her and gave a halfcocked grin that could melt your heart.

Mina smiled at him, "Good."

He stood up and looked at her warmly. "Isn't today your free day? Did you need something? Or did you just come by to visit again?"

Mina flipped her hair back and smiled "Just a visit, it was a half day at school and my friend wanted to see where I worked." Mina walked over to her friend and pulled her closer to her manager's desk. "Mr. Harimah this is my dearest friend Junko. Junko this is my manager Mr. Harimah." Mina smiled at each of them as she introduced each other.

Junko bowed to the man somewhat embarrassed. "Umm, hello.... I'm Junko Tachibana it's nice to meet you."

Mr.Harimah scratched his head bashfully "Oh you don't have to bow, ha ha. I'm Ren Harimah, Mina's manager it is very nice to meet you as well."

Mina looked at the two curiously but brushed it off. She clapped her hands loudly and smiled "Alright! Now that introductions are out of the way, let's give you the grand tour Junko!"

Theme Song:



Laws are whatever works at the time

Current clothing choice for the northern mountains

Name: Tamara Wilden

Nickname (if applicable): The Taku Wind

Age: 21

Apparent Age: 18

Gender: Female

Class: Major Virus

Personality: Sassy would be a term to describe her. She knows she is strong and capable of handling herself, she doesn’t deny it. She is fearless, never afraid to plunge right into danger if it meant adventure. Tamara is a gambler, she will bet her life on her skills and never denies a good deal. If you ever want to reason with her she’s game for anything with a fair trade. She always keeps her bargains no matter how long they last.

Back Story: Tamara has been in Erith for almost 4 years now. Not one to stay in one place Tamara has lived in almost all of the various regions of Erith. That is with the exception of the wealthiest and the most populated area.

She first appeared in the western part of Erith in a small desert oasis. Baffled and confused of her sudden teleportation from the confines of her studio apartment in Alaska, into the middle of (what she thought was) the Sahara. Surprised that she was suddenly in a different world, It didn’t take long for her to be taken into slavery. Drugged and kidnapped, Tamara was in pure shock. The shock didn’t last long as it quickly turned into boiling anger. On the auction block Tamara fought back against her captors, taking out many men before being subdued. This outburst caught the attention of a buyer and he paid a small fortune for her. Tamara was not pleased to meet her new ‘master’ and fully intended to kill him when she had the chance. To her surprise it was an old woman who had purchased her. The woman was an elderly warrior whose granddaughter had been kidnapped and taken to Octren to be a concubine to some lord. The old woman wanted to train Tamara to infiltrate the lord’s home and bring back her granddaughter. In exchange for this Tamara would be granted her freedom.


Her time with the old woman was painfully hard. Tamara had to learn so much in so little time. Every day was full of rigorous training, sword, spear, staff, fan, dance, deception, and more. Eventually, Tamara was considered passible in the eyes of her master and was ready. She entered the castle as a new concubine and found her master’s granddaughter. To get the granddaughter out unnoticed Tamara’s goal was to distract the lord and guards letting the granddaughter escape. However after witnessing the murder of a dear comrade ordered by the lord Tamara went into a rage. In her rage, or rather ‘Psyc Glitch’, she killed the lord, many of the guards and set a large fire burning the building down. With all the confusion Tamara was not only successful in retrieving the granddaughter, but rescuing other concubines as well.

Escaping captivity, but being branded as a wanted terrorist, Tamara knew that she couldn’t stay with her master and granddaughter without putting them in danger with the law and herself. She left to the north where criminals went. It was there that her name the Taku Wind and the wind element became apart of her. After a long journey up to the northern mountains Tamara felt at home. Growing up in the cold of Alaska she couldn’t stand the heat of Octren. Once the cool breeze of fresh snow brushed across her face she knew that this place was perfect.

Knowing that she needed to find shelter she began to make her way up the mountain. On her way up she noticed a elderly man being beaten up by a group of thuggish men. Tamara rushed the men and let them run away with their tail between their legs. The elderly man turned out to be a criminal turned shaman who had been living in the mountains for over forty years. He told her about a ancient cave at the top of the mountain where a ancient artifact with untold power was held. Tamara informed the man that she didn’t want an artifact, but just a place to stay. The shaman made a deal with her, if she retrieved the artifact, he would allow her to stay in his hut for as long as she wanted. Tamara agreed and made her way up to the top of the mountain.

On the way, she had quite a few encounters with the thuggish men from earlier and their bandit friends. At first they were easy to defeat, however after time and constant barrage Tamara was worn out. Almost at the peak Tamara was out of weapons. in the last encounter with the bandits Tamara’s reserve weapon was shattered by a incoming axe. The weapons forged for the harsh wintery terrain are much more sturdy than the weapons that Tamara had. Tired, beaten, hungry and weakened Tamara stood surrounded by fifty bandits and in front of her a hulking man, who was the bandit leader. Tamara was flung into the side of the peak. As her head reverberated against the icy surface she heard a loud crack. Then another louder this time, CRACK! The ice behind Tamara shattered and she fell down into a dark cavern as rocks covered up the only entrance. Tamara walked the place in complete darkness, feeling the strange markings on the wall and air currents for direction. Tamara followed the flow of air, hoping that it would lead to an exit.

How weapon looks in the mountainous region

She spent days wandering around the empty cavern. She was about to give up hope when a strong gust of wind pushed her to her goal, a dead end. Tamara beat against the wall in exasperation and looked up to see a giant golden yellow chakram. Tamara reached up to touch it and it spun rapidly breaking the stone and ice and creating an exit. Stepping out Tamara watched the golden chakram as it twirled in front of her. As soon as she touched it golden light shattered off the weapon and onto her. She was adorned with golden yellow gems and her energy was renewed. She had the powers of the Air Stone.

Returning down the peak Tamara had some time to stop by the bandit hideout. The rest is a bit hazy for her, but her new men said that she came, she killed, she conquered and became the new bandit leader. Although occasionally she had a feeling that she had another ‘Psyc Glitch’. She didn’t think much about it, Tamara had a deal to finish. She left the bandits and trekked down to where the hut of the Shaman was. However the hut had mysteriously disappeared.

Tamara spent a year and a half as the bandit queen, pillaging, terrorizing, protecting and hunting. She became known as the Taku Wind, since her trademark power was to create powerful snow blizzards from the northeast. She was both admired and feared for her strength and beauty. However the daily life of a bandit queen became boring to her, she wanted more adventure. So she decided to go out east to improve her magic and combat skills. She lived in the forest, then the jungle and then the swamp, taking up odd jobs for the plains people. She improved her air powers and combat skills learning how to use them in both a practical and useful way. She also learned more about her weapon, it has the ability to alter its shape depending on the region adapting to the air quality and speed.


After 2 years Tamara is now returning back to the bandit hideout. She is excited to see how her men have done without her there.

Where they live: Tamara has lived in many locations, up in trees, bogs, huts, palaces, and temples alike. However, there is only one place that she calls home and that is the northern mountains. She has her own personal room in the bandit hideout along with a secret place she has found near the peak of the mountain. She spends most of her time in the bandit hideout, and only uses the secret location for things she can’t trust her men with.

Gear: Tamara is constantly in battle armor usually wearing a leather, metal combination. She constantly has on her pauldrons and poleyns and usually wears knee high boots, a battle skirt and breastplate. She occasionally wears a cloth covering over the armor. As for weapons Tamara carries multiple weapons at all times: A sword, 2 daggers, her giant chakram/throwing blade/glaive, several smaller collapsible glaives and throwing stars and a collapsible pole arm.

Skills: Tamara is passible in many fighting forms, although not a master in any except for her imbued weapon. Her greatest skill is her speed and strength allowing her to knock an opponent down enough to get the upper hand.

Magic (if any): Has the Air Stone. Thus has the power to control and manipulate air. These powers include flight, enhanced speed, air bending, air pressure alteration and so on.

Other: Unlike certain people, Tamara does not want to be caught and tries her best to hide her virus status. Also her eye color is generally clear blue unless she is in a life threatening positions or in a rage, then they turn red.

Her usual appearance Her older-ish appearance
Her younger appearance
Her usual battle appearance
Random pic cuz I liked the bubbles.

Name: Zoyechka "Zoe" Zolnerowich

(Note, she never refers to herself as Zoe, 1st person who does...well it depends on her mood.)

Hero/Villain Name: Queen

Hero Or Villain: Villian

Occupation: Heiress/ Test subject

Powers: Dark matter Manipulation

Skills: Has the ability to produce, manipulate and control, dark matter. Can turn Dark Matter into tools, objects, weapons and other items, create semi-living constructs and/or create structures/buildings of varying permanence. Another power is Disassembly. She can use this power in two ways: if used on a non-living object or energy, it will be separated into multiple pieces as if a net like laser slashed through it. If used on a living being, the being will be separated into smaller versions of themselves. The effects wear off as all parts of you leave her presence (outside the room. I want you all to know that I will ask first before using this power and you will be able to choose how many of you are. Just know that you will be shorter and shorter based on the amount you choose.) She can manipulate, shape and create the basic elements of nature, earth/metal, air, fire/lighting, and water. By manipulate I mean to "Change Molecules." Capabilities may include moving, altering, and mixing existing elements or pull atoms together and create one atom from many others. (Which I will mostly use for explosions of various kinds. But yeah this is where the gems come in, they really don't do anything just help her focus. I bet nobody is reading this anyway, this paragraph is so big.) She can also manipulate her age changing her appearance between the ages of 5-45 anything further in either direction and she risks loosing parts of her memory. However, she usually jumps between 10 to 30. She is also a semi capable swords-woman, using her dark matter powers to strengthen her.


Cruel, evil and manipulative, this girl knows how to get what she wants. Allowing her to cunningly manipulate and crush her enemies and friends alike. She is secretive and merciless to those who get on her bad side. As an adult her bloodthirsty attitude is amplified. Her subordinates call her the Zilant. She is a confident, dark individual. She claims what she wants and kills anyone in her way. However to gain trust she acts innocent and kind, just like any normal girl. But watch out this girl is a dangerous creature. She is overbearing, annoying and dauntless to those who know her well, which is few.

Inventory (Optional):

Nothing but spare ribbons and a purse full of trinkets and toys. But if you must know. The purse has a tracking device in it along with another in one of her many ribbons. Each item is a specific type of concentration object for Zoyechka.

  • 1- charm necklace (with various animals of the zodiac)= Animal constructs

  • Some extra buttons and ribbons all black= Attack constructs

  • A phone = Actually just a phone

  • Rare gems, of varying birthstones and such. =Elemental attacks

  • Needle and thread = Actually just a needle and thread

  • Mace = Mace

  • A whistle = Oh I love this one, I'm not gonna say.


Zoyechka was born a mere 10 years ago to two loving Russian billionaires. However she was born with a odd defect. She had wings on her back they weren't real, you could easily pass your hands through them but yet they were visible. Worried about their child her parents hired many scientists to uncover the phenomenon. With that she became a test subject for most of her life. She wasn't allowed to go outside or play with anyone. She was homeschooled and self taught. The only thing she could do is study, read and wander the mansion. It wasn't until she was 7 that she realized what her wings were. She was reading a book in the library over the universal matters when she came across a section over dark matter. She was curious if that is what her wings were made of. With the knowledge of knowing what her wings were made of she had control over them. She was able so absorb and release her wings with ease. After 'curing' Zoyechka of the disease, she was finally free of the constant testing, only needing check ups once a month. For the past 3 years Zoyechka has spent training leaning more about her powers. Although it was a struggle she leaned much about her power and learned much about corruption. Over the years her parents had become more distant. Her father had become entwined in the Russian mafia, while her mother had become a alcoholic. In the past 5 months her mother was sent to rehab and then her father has been taken by the mafia. Suddenly the young 1o year old was the head of a multi billionaire corporation. However it was a problem since a 10 year old couldn't run a corporation. Luckily Zoyechka learned a little aging trick and now her older 'cousin' is stepping in. Zoyechka truly cares little for her irresponsible parents and doesn't intent to save them from their situation. She plans to keep her newfound power and use it for one purpose only, to get whatever she wants.

That scary thing is a dark matter construct


Aww she almost looks sweet


Older version again, not much difference between them


I really like this picture!


Name: Isara Yistar

Age: 16 almost 17

New to Camp?: Yes

Godly Parent: Hecate

Personality: Isara is calm, she doesn't let things disturb her concentration and routine. She isn't good at adjusting to new environments, but she tries to make things work out. Isara likes to do what she wants, when she wants and is always ready to join up and bend the rules a little. She does feel insignificant compared to her siblings. Circe, Lou Ellen and Alabaster Torrington are all a hundred times stronger than she could ever be. She tries to hide it but she knows she is quite weak compared to the rest of her family. She has minimal magical capabilities, her necromancy is sub-par to her siblings and she has no precognitive abilities. However she makes up for it in her physical strength and mist control.

Bio/History: Living with her archaeologist father in the middle east. Isara had learned a lot about Egyptian, Roman and Greek history. She leaned to be a apothecary and then decided to dabble in the dark arts. To her surprise it actually worked. She continued her dark arts until she couldn't hide it from her father. She was then told her mother's secret and sent to Camp.

Powers: Necromancy (contact and raising of the dead and mild healing nothing major), Mist control, telekinesis

Other: She likes to make poisons and adds small amounts to her food to become immune. Also her choice weapons are daggers of varying size like her mother.



Jesus, this isn't even all of them....

I'll use Dani.....
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Mina, Dani, or Taku Wind. Thanks for taking me down memory lane by the way ^~^

Yeah.... that Rp was......


I can't use Mina cuz I never joined the Rp..... Man.....
WOW. Eye. Seriously where have you been all my RP life? Those characters are beautiful. My goodness. I'm kinda stunned. You do well with that.

My favorites are Chinatsu, then Dani, then Roa.
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Yeah.... that Rp was......

Haha... Took you long enough to figure it out, y'know. Also, you actually first met me way before then, Sukiyaki. ^~^


[QUOTE="White Masquerade]WOW. Eye. Seriously where have you been all my RP life? Those characters are beautiful. My goodness. I'm kinda stunned. You do well with that.
My favorites are Chinatsu, then Dani, then Roa.

I wanna show off a few of my characters... Can I show off a few even though I know they're bad? 3:
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]WOW. Eye. Seriously where have you been all my RP life? Those characters are beautiful. My goodness. I'm kinda stunned. You do well with that.
My favorites are Chinatsu, then Dani, then Roa.



Thank you.......



What do you mean, stunned?!

[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Haha... Took you long enough to figure it out, y'know. Also, you actually first met me way before then, Sukiyaki. ^~^

I wanna show off a few of my characters... Can I show off a few even though I know they're bad? 3:

I wanna see

Icy said:
There's Tower of God rps?



[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Haha... Took you long enough to figure it out, y'know. Also, you actually first met me way before then, Sukiyaki. ^~^

I wanna show off a few of my characters... Can I show off a few even though I know they're bad? 3:


You know you can always call me Suki.
Alright, I'll get some characters up in a little while. Right now though, RpN's going extremely slow for me so it'll take a little while... >~<

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