Naruto Rebirth: Kakureyami OOC

What Is Naruto Rebirth: Kakureyami's Most Glorious Ship!? (Multiple Votes Are Allowed!)

  • Dove Nokuma x Shinsei Fugita

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  • Kiyomi Uchiha x Ryuu Kato

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  • Akago Hideki x Shirokko of the Sand

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  • Orisas x Mekuto Meimiri

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  • Tsukiko Hanashi x Toshiro Toshino Toshimi Shi IV

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  • Chiaki Yoshinawa x Hanbungetsu Hozuki

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  • Ja Jankin x Machi Uchiha

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  • Roku Senju x Nana Uzumaki

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  • Dru Rinha x Romi Watanabe

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  • Jinan x Wunan

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  • Shinobu x Nanko

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[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Oh just take the compliment you Tsun Tsun



You know you can always call me Suki.

Okay okay, miss Odessa "Orange". From now on, I'll call you Suki.

Also, forgive the delayed response... It literally takes more than a minute just to load a single page right now >~<
Icy said:
Great, thanks! You're the best.
Poor guy. I'd be pretty bummed too if my name was like a thousand syllables.

How acceptable are the safe havens of shinobi from foreign countries? And how does the RP deal with all the new technology?
Don't feel sorry for Kuro. He's evil.

@QuirkyAngel[/URL] ) he has a shred of humanity now. Hopefully.
Soooo NOT happening.
QuirkyAngel said:
Don't feel sorry for Kuro. He's evil.
Soooo NOT happening.
Quirk, you make me want to pull out my hair. =/ We used to be so close. Now you don't even want to indulge my characters. What happened with us? What changed?
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Quirk, you make me want to pull out my hair. =/ We used to be so close. Now you don't even want to indulge my characters. What happened with us? What changed?

Nothing changed White.

Absolutely nothing. -.-
Just a few that I was able to find... A few are probably a bit bad, but oh well... Still worth sharing, since they're my lovely memories... They're what led me to where I am now, made me who I am here on RpN.

  • 15324996640_a075c1bb0f.jpg

    Name: Kiyomi Kotone


    Kiyomi has a small body, seeming quite fragile and weak. Despite this, she's actually quite strong for her age, though her smile that almost seems glued on doesn't at all reflect that of a strong girl. Her hair, a pure and bright blonde, is generally kept straight in the back, though put with long twin-tails at the sides. Her hair reaches down a little past her waist, though it straightened would reach a little close to her ankles. Her eyes are almost the exact same color as her hair, though often times some sort of slight changing towards red or brown may be seen around the edges or middle.

    If Kiyomi uses her magic enough though, her eyes may temporarily become fully red or brown, possibly one eye of each, as her mana is of such high level it takes actual colorization where it flows. Rarely, and very rarely, her hair may turn red or brown should she use enough of her magic, depending on which type of elemental magic she uses. Just like her eyes, it is possible to become both colors, though extremely rare compared to one color, which is already quite rare as it is. One may on slightly rare occasion believe to see her hair turn just slightly darker or lighter as though going brown or red, though it's generally quite unnoticeable.

    Age: 10

    " I-I'm just a little girl... "

    Gender: Female

    " I-I can still do this... "

    Nationality: Sadon

    " It's nice and quiet... I heard terrible things happened here a long time ago though... "

    Nickname: Nanako

    " I don't like it much... "

Name: Yuri Minami

Age: 16 (If possible, 15)

Role: Patient


  • I hold control of strings. I can create and weave strings wherever I wish, allowing for ensnaring, trapping, and controlling various people and objects. My primary use of the strings is to control puppets, which I've been creating since I was a child...

I have six puppets... There's a seventh, though I refuse to tell anybody that seventh... Here's a list of my six puppets. I will include a picture and short description with them here in a moment... First of all though, they all happen to be the preservation of dead bodies... They still hold blood, as well as a heart that beats, though they themselves, are no longer alive... This is what makes them the perfect puppets for me to use...

The way I control them isn't with strings attached on the outside... Rather, they're attached on the inside of their bodies. This gives me control over them without the possibility of strings being cut through or getting tangled. You are... going to keep this secret from everybody I might end up using my powers against, right, Dr. Drakos...?


Kimiyo is my oldest puppet, in terms of having been a puppet. Kimiyo is sixteen, and has light purple hair. Her eyes are blue, it getting a little darker towards the center.

Kimiyo is skilled in hand-to-hand combat. She has great speed with her hands and feet, as well as is quite strong. Most people have limitations as to what they can do due to the existence of pain, though as Kimiyo's now a puppet, she can use the full strength that she couldn't when she was alive.

Kimiyo's weakness is that she's incapable of dodging while fighting close-up, though she usually covers for it with her strength by blocking. The back of her shoulders and her neck are her weakest points. If hit hard enough in that area, her body becomes useless, as that's where the strings in her body were initially wound, unwinding them causing me to lose most control of the girl's body.


Amaya is my newest puppet. She has pure white hair, and and her eyes, a dark blue that can't really be told apart from black. She's fourteen, making her one of the youngest, in addition to being the newest.

Amaya specializes in silent movement and blending in with the surroundings. She's very hard to find in a crowd of around fifteen people or more, even though one would expect somebody that looks like her to stand out. She's the second one that can actually talk, though unlike the first to be able to talk, kept her original voice completely.

Amaya's weakness is that none of her attacks are very strong, meaning that she's only good for support attacking. Just like the others, she has a weak point of which can unwind her strings and make her body immobile. This point is the back of her head, which when hit hard, like the rest, can unwind her strings.

Kiriyu is my third newest puppet. She's seventeen, and like Kimiyo, has purple hair and blue eyes, though her hair is a lot darker then Kimiyo's.

Kiriyu is, like Kimiyo, skilled in hand-to-hand combat, though rather than strong, she's fast on her hands, and quite skilled in acrobatic movements. She can pull off just about any kind of flip, as well as can bend her body in ways a normal person can't, thanks to her human limitations caused by pain to no longer exist.

Kiriyu's weakness is the center of her lower back. Her stomach is protected by strings through it in a light defensive barrier, making it so that hitting the stomach can't unwind her strings. Hitting the back hard enough though, and she can be rendered useless, as the strings that are wound through her body may be knocked out of place. Please note that this may or may not be possible with her sides.


Makoto's my second newest puppet. She was the first one to be able to talk. Her natural voice was a bit different, though unless the person she speaks to can tell the voice isn't hers, then she can be used to fool anybody, even her own family, that she's really herself and alive, especially having a beating heart like all six of these special puppets.

Makoto specializes in deception. She's often the one that plays initial distraction to confuse the opponent as to what's even going to happen. She often uses a scythe, which she'll some times pass to the others in the middle of fighting, to allow even more confusion from what's happening with the scythe. She's quite a tricky girl, and is also extremely good at escaping.

Makoto's weakness is that when she's all alone, her tricks are useless, as there's nobody to come in and suddenly take over when she fakes a hit. This makes for her to resort to her regular combat with her scythe, which she's still pretty good at, though isn't as good as the skills the other five puppets possess when her scythe skills are transferred to the respective form of the other puppets' skills. Her weak point is her right arm, which is where her strings are wound at. Given it's the arm she uses her scythe in, it makes it difficult to go after in the sense she protects the arm.

Makoto is, despite being my second newest, the strongest of my puppets in terms of skill, as she can produce more combat skills than the rest. She would be my second or third strongest, in terms of actual battle performance.

Asuna's my third oldest puppet, in terms of having been a puppet. She has black hair, as well as blue eyes that are similar to Kimiyo and Kiriyu. She's around fifteen or sixteen years old.

Asuna is skilled in defensive combat. She can block almost any kind of attack. She can mimic enemy movements within a sixth of a second of the action being performed, allowing for practical mirroring of the opponent. She's always the one taking hits for the others when they can't avoid it, or block it like Kimiyo can.

Asuna's weakness is her inability to actually strike at the opponent without some kind of distraction that makes it guaranteed to hit. All she can do in one-on-one is mimic the enemy's actions to make the fight last on until either she gets her strings unwound, or the opponent gets tired out. The point to hit her hard at to unwind her strings is her upper left arm, though that usually requires two people in order to do due to her mimicking.


Kotori is my second oldest puppet, in terms of having had as a puppet. She's around fourteen or fifteen, and has red hair. Her right eye is blue, while her left is red with a pink heart in the center. My second favorite.

Kotori is skilled in speedy combat. She moves extremely fast, using small, concealed weapons such as throwing knives and needles to her advantage. They usually have strings attached to allow for extra control of the field, as well as multiple use of the same weapon.

Kotori's weakness is her small body. It's easy to knock her down if you can keep up and get a hit. Her stomach, is her weakest point. While the puppets may be impossible to just break through due to their being preserved human bodies, hitting Kotori's stomach hard enough can unwind my strings and leave the body motionless, as it's the location of which the strings initially wound to keep control.

Yuri's seventh puppet is actually something very unexpected. Yuri herself is the seventh puppet. She only uses herself when absolutely necessary. She has all of the skills the other six puppets have, making for her to be proficient in every aspect of combat. Her entire body's wound with strings on the inside like the other puppets, except for they don't have a point of centering that can easily be knocked out. There is one spot on her that can be used to stop her without killing, and that's the very core of her strings; stabbing through it will completely, though only temporarily, disable all use of her powers.

There are actually four cores. One in each of her knees, and one in each palm of her hands.

Taking out one core makes her body get damaged faster through using her powers. On top of that, her powers become a little less under her control, making for the strings to sometimes move puppets on their own, as well as potential strings shooting out of her body on occasion in a defensively offensive manner.

Taking out two of her cores means further damaging of her body. She'll lose control of more use of her strings, causing some puppets to act of their own 'will'. The puppets that move on their own from her powers no longer under her conscious control become more powerful, as they have no restriction to their actions such as Yuri's conscious mind having to process what the target does before moving her puppets, or hesitation to try and kill or harm something.

Taking out three cores is where she goes out of it. She'll lose conscious limitations on her actions. This also puts heavy strain on her body, meaning she may cough up blood a lot, and even have random bleeding. This is when she truly has no control over herself.

Taking out all four cores is the worst, yet best thing that can be done to her. She'll temporarily lose all use of her powers, thus rendering her lower body immobile like it normally is. This though, won't have any extra harm towards her body. Rather, the damage caused by her use of powers will actually start to heal, as the cause of her body being unable to heal from the damage is the strings being wound through her body, unwinding allowing for healing.

One temporary of her powers occurs, she returns to a personality that was long lost since the day those closest to her died. She'll know of all the things she's done, but will feel as though they weren't her own doing, but rather, her powers. She'll become a sweet and caring girl, who one would find incapable of harming others.

Sub-Level?: (I will assign this)

Did they go crazy?: Yuri has gone crazy, though it wasn't because of her powers, becoming an experiment, or anything. She's been crazy ever since the day she, Nana, Maya, and Sera were attacked. Nana was brutally murdered right before Kurome's eyes, Maya was shot in the chest, and Sera was beaten half-dead. This caused Kurome's powers to first come to light. She used her strings for the first time, stretching the bodies of the two that attacked them with the most pain ever felt by human. She'd then proceeded to kill one by weaving the strings in their body and crushing their heart, while the other, was torn in pieces.

Sera died just shortly after from blood loss, and Yuri, who couldn't accept these facts, created puppets that looked exactly like the three close to her, controlling them with her powers and thinking that they're real. She can even hear their voices and holds conversations with them, though she always writes down her words on paper, rather than speaking. She does speak to her puppets when she's convinced that she's alone with them. She uses her powers to control various puppets as well, though none of them are as well-made as those three, as the miscellaneous puppets have no addition other than the body, the joints can be seen, and other details that completely show they're puppets.

Quick Personality: Yuri is a quiet girl, who never speaks. She seems friendly by her appearance, as she always has a gentle smile upon her face, but she's actually one to harm others. She can be creepy (as shown in the appearance picture), and is rather insane; no, traumatized beyond mental repair. She'll act fine and normal around you so long as you stay away from her three favorite puppets, and keep from calling them puppets. There's one exception to her never speaking, and that's when you anger her enough that she'll yell at you, which can only come from trying to get near her sister's puppet, or insulting her puppets.

Looks Description:

Yuri has white hair. She's always seen in a wheelchair, with the same white dress. Her eyes are a light blue, her skin matching the blue with the level of white coloring to it.



"You can just call me Kira Thorne, 'cause I'm a thorn that'll kill ya.

Don't go actin' like we're pals or anything 'cause I gave you my name!"

Her real name's Ellie Berry


"What's it to ya? Can't you see I'm too busy killin' you to tell you my age?

And for the record, I'm nineteen, so quit callin' me a hag!"












"Why would ya want to know about some'n like me?

If you wanna know what I'm like, just c'mere and find out!"

Kira's above all psychotic and murderous. She practically hates the world, but doesn't hold the means to destroy it; at least, she doesn't yet. She's always coming up with new ways to torture every living soul she comes in contact with, though where she got her sudden anger and hatred towards the world is beyond all others. Kira was initially a kind and gentle person who looked nothing like she does now, her entire appearance once more normal and without piercings. She hates almost everything alive, and will kill without a second's notice if she knows there's nothing around to stop her.

Ellie herself, when not playing the role of Kira Thorne, Right Hand of God, is actually a genuinely kind person. There isn't any faking in her kindness and friendliness. It's basically her real personality, the one that she tries to cover up with her job as Right Hand of God to protect herself from her weaknesses that leave room for abuse on her trust. She just can't seem to bring herself to act like Kira Thorne without changing her appearance completely though, and more than anything, she wants to just regain all her lost memories. she knows she's missing something, and will stop at (almost) nothing to get those memories back.


"Heh, a boring tale as usual. I've seen the world's best and worst moments; trust me, there's no such thing as good in this world.

It's better if I just destroy it all, y'know. Won't have t' deal with anything bad then."

When Kira was thirteen, she was involved in an unfortunate accident. This resulted in amnesia, and one that was fairly irreversible for some reason. Kira's permanently lost those previous thirteen years, having nothing but the current years to go by. She doesn't know her family, friends, anything. Those two years after her case of amnesia were pretty strange and out of place. She felt like she didn't belong or something; like she didn't have much of a place in where she was currently at. When she became fifteen, she met a girl with long black hair, and red eyes. It felt like the girl had stared directly into her soul, those red eyes having pierced her mind as she felt some change in herself.

The next year went by without her knowing what had happened. She'd begun finding out the darker aspects of life, such as finding out about the world's murderous and trash-filled ways.She'd seen the world at its best, and seen the world at its worst; neither of which were pretty sights. This started to develop a hatred towards the world within her, having been a victim of the world's ways numerous times that year. The next time that came around with her being attacked by the world's bloodied hands, she found herself with blood on her hands; and the source of the blood, buried completely.

A year later, she decided to change her appearance. Not in a way that would completely change who she was, but she added piercings, a change of clothes, and began thinking of herself as god's hands. The cross on her tongue was an addition a short time after discovering how her powers actually worked, which gave her even more control of her powers, as well as a wider range of ways to use her powers. For the next two years, she would work in the background, killing the trash that kill, rape, and harm others intentionally where nobody would see them, their deaths being too inexplicable for her to even be suspected by the world.


"You think I'm gonna tell ya? Why don't you come n' find out first-hand!"

Kira can manipulate the very earth itself. It's essentially a control of seismic waves in order to bend, break, control, destroy, float, move, and shape earth, as well as various connected materials such as steel. Her primary way of using this is actually to create a natural steel within the ground, and basically use the steel as giant stakes to pierce her enemy. She also carries around a metal hammer made with her powers that's wrapped by metal vines, covered in thorns that she can use as weapons. These vines can be used to shape the weapon, as well as become a second weapon atop her metal hammer.

One thing Kira discovered is that her powers allow for an interesting and odd vibrating of metal that produces an almost barrier-like effect. By vibrating metal, she can produce sound energy from the metal vibrations that acts almost like a protective barrier. This isn't the most effective of powers, but with her cross that she keeps attached to her tongue by a metal string, she can create a small shield-like object a small distance away from herself. This is more or less the defensive aspect of her power that extends out to metal, with using earth as a shield or her hammer to block usually being more effective if she has the time to do so, metal vibrations being quite faster, but weaker and with less range.


"Like I'd tell anyone my weakness, ya fool!"

Kira's first weakness is anything able to produce a high electric current, as it renders her metal useless, with the exception of her cross that's attached to her tongue and the hammer in her hand, though the hammer can't be molded or anything at that point without issues. Her second weakness is water, as it softens and weighs down her earth materials, making them virtually useless as well. Kira's third and final weakness, is actually the cross itself. The cross is constantly releasing a small and almost completely unnoticeable vibration as she uses her powers, sending it through the metal string to her tongue, and from her tongue, into her body.

These vibrations eventually causes her body to be disrupted in such a way she'll start coughing up blood, weakening her body and making fighting more difficult. This is when she'll usually run, or just shortly before she knows it's going to happen. These vibrations don't effect her if all she's doing is using her metal hammer, or if she's using those vibrations of the cross to create her little barrier effect, though can only use her vibrations of the cross while not using her power for other tasks. She isn't aware of the vibrations created being from her cross, but she is aware of the vibrations.


"A group? Heh, I don't work in groups."


"You wanna know even more? Sheesh, you're an idiot to be askin' questions when you'll be dead anyway."

Ellie had an almost irreversible case of amnesia around six years ago, which still hasn't been fixed

Ellie's real appearance and Kira appearance are impossible to compare

Ellie is Ada's sister, but doesn't know it because of her amnesia

Ellie has an unusually flexible and slightly long tongue

Kira's teeth almost resemble that of a vampire

Just getting this up so I can edit it later, as well as to let you know I'll be makin' a character.

Name: Haru Krest

Age: 662

(If it were possible to translate her age to the equivalent of a human being, which can actually die from time, she would be approximately 14.9099099 years old, as she physically ages one human year for approximately every 44.4 years, with her physical aging ending upon hitting age 666 (exact human physical aging of 15 years old), and death can only come from being killed or killing herself, exception being things like bleeding out, etc.)

Species of Spirit: Scientifically Self-Mutated Demon-Born Human

(In other words, Half Demon, Half Human, Pure Science xD )



Haru is a bit of an oddball. She tends to seem creepy and insane, though she's actually very calm. Her appearance tends to make people think she's some creepy monster that doesn't have any care for feelings and emotions, but she doesn't really bother with getting frustrated, angry, of feeling insulted over that, because she herself would think the same thing if she were still her original self and someone else was like her.

Haru can often be portrayed as weird and not in this world in description by those who've gotten somewhat close and talked to her a bit, this being sort of a more accurate description, and like the previous, she doesn't really mind it all that much. She actually admits that she has a few tendencies, while working with her chemicals and other scientific tools, that could portray herself as weird and not part of this world.

Haru's actual self is very friendly and easy to talk to. When she's not focused on burning her left eye with cyanide by mistake, and making a bloody mess with extracting blood from her body without a syringe, she'll pay fair attention to what attention needs to be paid to, and will participate in a conversation like she were a normal person or being, even showing that she has pretty much all the same emotions as other beings as well.

Haru's favorite three colors are purple, black, and red. She also likes white as a close fourth, it actually being her natural hair color. Red is the color of blood, purple is the color of shadows, and black is the color of death. That's how she sees her favorite three colors, and it shows how weird and creepy she can actually be on the inside, but that's only just a small thing that comes from her basic nature, nothing more.


Haru was born into a world of many wonders. She lived on the borders of science and magic, learning about both, experiencing both, living as both, and using both. Haru absolutely loved both magic and science, devoting her whole time to studying both subjects of the world. In one hand she had science, and in the other, she had magic.

Sadness is love, love is pain, pain is hate, hate is happiness, and happiness is sadness. That was the most basic fact she'd learned through science, which she's proven to hold true through her own self, as well as the way others emotions are. She's found science to be a mighty weapon of which can be used to back up just about any words through this basic fact and a few others.

To be burned is to be shocked, to be shocked is to be cut, to be cut is to be hit hard, to be hit hard is to be frozen, and to be frozen is to be burned. This was the most basic principle of magic she'd learned, as the pain that each element tied to the type of action gave off the pain of a different action when put into normal elements of such. She learned she could also counter these pains by inflicting herself with the element's type of pain that comes before the element hitting her's type of pain, thus neutralizing the pain, though still leaving the actual injury to her body.

Haru lived this secluded life of science and magic for two hundred years before deciding to do something that had been previously proven impossible; mix magic and science. Science was purely logical, while magic was purely illogical, two things that seem like they could never be mixed together. She knew the dangers of such a task being attempted, though she decided she would attempt it anyway.

When she was in the middle of an experiment involving blood about four hundred years later, she accidentally mixed in a vial of basic magical essence into the blood, so when she went to use flame magic to heat the scientifically-modified blood, the magical energy in the magic fire was absorbed by the magical essence, creating the first ever successful mixture of science and magic that's ever truly been, with the closest thing to it done so far was creating things and using magical energy like a source of energy, which wasn't anywhere near true mixing of science and magic.

Haru, with her great memory, reviewed her actions that created the blood which created a blood portal to a special type of realm, figuring out what she'd done and repeating the process carefully, to see if it was actually a mixture of science and magic, and not just magic ending up used with the blood itself a simple liquid used by accident for a liquid portal, which was purely magic. She found out, it was in fact, a mixture of science and magic, not just some simple mistaking of a liquid portal as a mixing of the two.

About fifty years later, she decided she would take her studies of science and magic further and learn more to science and magic than freelance science and basic magic, so she could further attempt the combination of science and magic, which would, if successful, be one of the greatest feats that the world has ever seen, especially seeing as the previous millions of attempts ended in utter failure, or utter chaos, that proved the mixture of both in a stable way as near impossible, though her blood portals were proof that it is possible to mix science and magic in a stable way.

Grade/Year: Third

Subjects(Please refer to Overview):

Third Year, thus not to put a list of classes/subjects.


  • Versatile Blood Realm
    Portable Medicine Lab (For making her various medications)
  • Various Chemicals (For making medication and experimenting)
  • Scientific Books (Various medium-small piles and one decent-sized shelf)Scientific Magic Table (For combining science and magic, though she's yet to really do much in the subject of magic with science)
  • Artificial Blood Machine (For creating and replenishing blood if injured in any way, or bleeding due to body modifications or something; the blood machine's made to be compatible with virtually any being's blood; blood is mixed together with another liquid, creating twice as much liquid to go inside the body, but only half of the liquid is truly blood, with the blood not lasting all too long)
  • DNA Collection (Two collections of basic structured DNA vials with labels, that includes DNA samples of every type of species known to exist, allowing for her to figure out what species a DNA belongs to if out of DNA Analysis Liquid or something; she has another identical collection in her dormitory.)

  • Inner Jacket Pockets
    Insanity Control Medicine (Vial x4)
  • Hydrogen Peroxide (Vial x3)
  • Mutation Suppressor (Vial x2)
  • Basic Scientific Element (Basic magical compound made through science, Vial x4)
  • Magic Tome (Book containing various types of magic, Book x1)
  • Scientific Magic Blood (A special mixture of magic, science, and blood, that can be used to enter a special realm, Vial x3)

  • Dormitory
    Liquid Cyanide (Vials, Unknown Number)
  • Hydrogen Peroxide (Bottles, Unknown Number)
  • Death Mark Field (On the door and all her possessions, marks a person with a 'Death Mark' if they try to open the door to her room forcefully or touch her possessions. Only she can remove these death marks easily, they don't actually kill or anything but are quite easy to locate, and they wear off after three days.)
  • Microwave (Simple; a microwave for her to cook her food in; modified to allow for more instant heating of food, and can be powered by solar radiation)
  • Insanity Control Medicine (Vials, Unknown Number; to carry with her to prevent herself from going insane in the event any of her experiments on herself start digging at her mind in some way; please note she's not actually insane, though her creepy personality may make one think she's insane at times)
  • DNA Analysis Liquid (Vials that contain the liquid for identifying what species and everything a DNA type belongs to, as well as a list of what each color of the liquid becoming upon mixing in DNA in stands for, such as dark red would represent demons, bright red representing red fire dragons, etc. and can also be then placed under a microscope to compare it to another DNA to see if they belong to the same person/being)
  • DNA Collection (A collection of basic structured DNA vials with labels, that includes DNA samples of every type of species known to exist, allowing for her to figure out what species a DNA belongs to if out of DNA Analysis Liquid or something; she has two more identical collections in her blood realm)
  • Various Metal/Electronic Parts (For if she needs to repair and/or create scientific machines, tools, or other things, such as if she requires melted metal for one of her experiments.)


As a being who was partially constructed by science, her body isn't very much of a natural occurrence. Her regular body was made of pure dark emotions and urges such as hatred, an urge to kill, an urge to cause chaos, etc., which created a being who's basic instincts are more of focus on killing everything in the way, rather than focus on their own survival like most beings do. This makes for an extremely high compatibility with dark and negative-based magic, though she can control her basic instincts fairly well.

Haru is also a freelance scientist. She's very capable with what she does, though about half the time it turns into one huge mess that's quite difficult to clean up. She's had one particularly successful accident though, where she accidentally mixed in magic with one of her experiments with blood, which created portals between each other and a small 'blood realm' which is always existent.

Haru can use three elements of magic; dark, water/ice, and fire. These are more of basic-intermediate level, and she doesn't have much actual strength with these types of elemental magic like those with high skill and training do. These do tie in quite nicely with her scientific magic goals though, since it gives her a good bit of magic to attempt her science-magic mixtures with.

Haru's also, due to experimentation on herself, able to regenerate her wounds a good bit faster than a human. Wounds dealt to her usually end up healed up within half a day or less, unless they're major injuries, which will still take less time than a human's recovery rate, though it's still at least half or more of the time that a human takes, since the damage being severe enough also destroys the regenerative compounds in that section of her body, making her body have to produce more off of those in other parts of her body.

Haru's final set of abilities, involve her bodily structure. Her bone claws are capable of extending out a decent distance and can move quite swiftly, with them hard enough to block things, such as bullets, with ease. Her tail is capable of powerful attacks that can cut through quite a bit, as well as the tip capable of cutting straight through magic that has some kind of actual form (fire, lightning, water, etc.), meaning it can't really cut through things like gravity.

Haru has full control over these body parts, as well as her drill fingers are able to shoot out a small distance as well, with each drill finger just as strong in material as her bone claws, with enough force to actually break her bone claws if she wanted to. The giant drill on her left hand is capable of doing through just about any physical surface, though doesn't have any reach past where it rests on her arm when the arm is extended outward.

She has some good limits on the use of her drill hand though, due to having to be careful not to harm herself in the process of using it with how big it is compared to a hand. Her actual body's strength is a bit higher than most around because of all the experimentation she's done on herself, though it isn't anything special, since there are a good few with bodies as durable as, or more durable than, her own body.


Yamai Keiyaku





Place of Origin


Human Appearance


Monster Name

Snake Yokai

(A Yokai is a type of Japanese demon. Not specifically snakes.)

Monster Appearance

Yamai's monster appearance is basically the same as her human appearance, with the exception of occasional black and white snake scales on various points of her body, as well as often times gaining snake fangs. She's also capable of transforming any part of her body, or even her entire body, into a snake or snakes. This could include things like her hair becoming two snakes (black half black snake, white half white snake), her legs becoming the body/tail of a snake, and various other transformations, even as far as having a snake that's attached to her body such as to her stomach, but not with her transforming anything all that much. She can also fully become a white and/or black snake, her choice as to if she's one or the other on color, as well as can make herself both black and white.


Full Powers

(May seem like a lot, but it's simply more detail on the snake-related powers than usually put.)

Yamai has light and dark magic, with those two highly concentrated energies of light and dark the reason for her half black, half white hair. Her light and dark magic have a fairly wide range, though it deals primarily with positive/negative energies such as white and black fire/lightning, and single-goal magic such as holy magic for healing and protecting, then unholy magic which can do things such as tear the mind inside-out and attack the soul directly.

Her light magic is powerful enough that it could play the role of dark magic though, as well as her dark magic is powerful enough it could play the role of light magic. The ability for the magic to swap roles though, comes in part from her mind not categorizing light and dark magic as good and bad, thus allowing for them to not be specifically harmful and non-harmful.

Yamai also holds control over various different snakes that she creates, basically her entire fighting abilities revolving around her snakes. Without exception, all of her snakes are white, black, or half white an half black, which once again comes from the flowing light and dark energies within her body, and the snakes themselves are also containers of light and dark energy alongside being created in part by the energy. These snakes can do things normal snakes can't do, such as she can make snakes that are basically like spirits, able to pass through anything and everything.

The non-solid ones can't solidify, meaning all they can really be used for is things like spying, raising her chances slightly of blocking some sort of magic attack, and a few other things that depend on situation. These non-solid snakes can be destroyed by magic. The solid snakes can endure a good bit more than a normal snake can, and have fangs twice as sharp as a normal snake. The snakes can't inject any kind of venom into a person though, with the exception of ones she creates that are slower than the rest, as well as smaller and less enduring.

The poison she can inject through those snakes are pretty strong, but don't have much effect unless she gets them with two or more snakes. They cause quite some hallucination, and if it misses its target when it tries to bite, one will be able to see the venom dripping from the snake's mouth. The small snakes are quite easy to know you need to avoid after that, though depending on how Yamai uses them, they can be easy or hard to avoid due to the way that they might blend in with the other snakes and become hidden from sight, or they might just be right there attacking alone.

Yamai can also see through her snakes, both actual use of the eyes of the snakes, and through their natural ability to see through heat. It takes a good bit of her focus to use the natural ability of snakes to see through heat though, so she rarely uses it due to often getting bad headaches. She also can't see through more than three snakes at a time, and seeing through three takes a bit of energy from her. She's able to see through all of her snakes she creates though, making for her incorporeal snakes to be quite useful when it comes to some tasks.

Starting Point

Yamai hasn't exactly discovered her light and dark energy reserve yet, and her elemental control is at a very basic level. She can still create snakes and control them, though they're not as big as they can become. She can also create the poisonous snakes still, though they're even slower. Her incorporeal snakes are really easy to destroy when she uses them, as well as they have more of a limit to how far she can send them out away from herself. She's still capable of seeing through the eyes of her snakes, but only one at a time, and can't use their natural abilities to see with heat at all.


Yamai is a very quiet and kind person. She has a somewhat short attention span, and is quite unpredictable with what she does. On the rare times she speaks, most people tend to leave her because of the fact that almost everything she says and does is what one would consider 'weird'. She's often times seen sleeping or relaxing when she's not doing something she deems important, though what she deems important, most people don't understand how important it really is unless they actually speak to her about it and see what it is she's actually doing.

Yamai is actually quite friendly, though she doesn't really have many friends. She's quite the spacey person, often times blanking out right while in the middle of a sentence or while doing something. She's aware that she spaces out a lot, but she doesn't really know how to keep herself from doing so. It doesn't happen too often to the point she can't do normal things, though it may seem concerning in the eyes of some people. Yamai doesn't really care too much about it herself anyways, so she wouldn't care if she failed to figure it out.


Yamai has a photographic memory, which makes for everything and anything she hears, sees, tastes, smells, and touches to be recorded in her memory for all her life. She could easily recognize a person and their name just by seeing one of their eyes or something that has uniqueness to them, such as their fingerprint.

Yamai has a large white snake and a large black snake as pets, usually having them with her at all times. The two snakes are rather passive though, and Yamai refrains from using them at all because she prefers them as pets over tools for fighting. They were created in part by her powers though. The snakes are both about as thick as the largest part of her arm, and can wrap around her about three to five times each.

Yamai has an eyesight of about 20/5. This basically puts her as able to see things four times as far away as a person with 20/20 vision, 20/20 being the normal "perfect" vision of humans. Yamai suspects that her high vision was supported in part by the fact of being half snake yokai, though she's not sure if it had anything to do with being part yokai or not. This also ties in quite well with her photographic memory, as it allows her to know virtually every detail of things around her.


Real Name

"Ah man- I mean, uh... *flustered* I-I'm Kiyoko... Kiyoko Tomoe..."


"Uhm... M-my name...? Kiy- I-I mean... Tomo...ko...?"


"Ah ma- I mean... Why are you... asking me all of these questions..." S-sixteen..."


"Uhm... I-I'm female..."



Kiyoko's a kind and friendly, but shy and quiet girl. She has difficulty speaking to others at times because of her quirky and boyish manner of speech causing her to feel out of place, and may sometimes panic over it. She'll usually start calming down if she finds out that she doesn't stick out in an odd way among a group, and can start becoming more friendly towards you after calming down. She tends to be a bit clumsy, regardless of how comfortable she is around those nearby.


"Uhm... I- I like... I like cute and cuddly things..." *embarrassed look*

"I-I also like sports... L-like tennis...! N-not rough things like football...!" *flustered*


"Uhm... Man, it's so hard to- Ah...! I-I spoke like that again... I-I don't like that about myself..." *awkward and embarrassed*

"I-I also... don't like scary things..."


Kiyoko was born to a very "normal" family. Just her, a younger sister, and a father who was always drowning in alcohol. They lived in an almost unlivable house, without any money, and very little food to top it off. Kiyoko's father was constantly in debt, with almost every low-life constantly beating on him for more money. Kiyoko had to start doing all the work she could just to get a small amount of the money that her father owed, and almost all of that just went to alcohol instead of payment on his debts.

Because of these jobs, Kiyoko almost never had time for school, and even less so with her taking care of her sister, who was two years younger than her. One day, Kiyoko's father failed to return home, which left her to deal with three of her father's men that he owed money to. Kiyoko was beaten up quite badly by them, but had managed to at least keep them away from her younger sister, who was the only reason for Kiyoko to really keep living through such a hard life.

The next day, Kiyoko found out her father had been killed in a car accident, with her and her sister finally escaping her father's abusiveness and debt by being taken to an orphanage. Kiyoko was finally able to enjoy more than rushing between jobs and getting beaten up every time her father failed to pay off debt. She could actually start going to school and meeting people, making friends and everything. At least, that's what she thought. Things didn't go all too smooth for the first three years.

After three years, when she was now fourteen, she began getting used to her new life. She was quite shy because of the past experiences that were caused by her father's debt, but still held the quirky and boyish manner of speech she'd picked up from living in that life, which was something she would never really lose or be able to get rid of. Kiyoko was now getting really good grades, and was quite well-known at her school for her athletic abilities, but she still felt out of place to the point she had no friends.

Last Thing You Remember Before Going to Sleep

"I-I remember... being in a gym at night... all alone at the school while I was covered in sweat... still in my gym uniform..."

Handmade Weapon

"U-um... A-a weapon...!? I-I can't...I-I'd rather just run than make a weapon and fight...! O-okay, I'll put together something..."

"H-here... I put together a little sniper rifle... using the skills I learned in the model guns club..."

PGM Ultima Ratio Hecate II

A high-power .50 caliber sniper rifle that weighs approximately 14.4 kg while loaded. It's length is 138 cm, making it an extremely large weapon. Not many people would be capable of firing it while standing up without falling to the ground, as it has a really powerful recoil, as well as is really heavy, making aiming while standing quite difficult in itself. Kiyoko's surprisingly able to hold such a weapon with ease, and can shoot quite accurately while standing up, though has a huge increase in accuracy while laying or crouching. While standing up, Kiyoko's able to fire the weapon without falling back, but usually will end up forced a good step or two to keep her balance.



"I-I'm hoping... as many people as possible... I-I probably won't... get the right words out though..."


"I-I don't want enemies..."


"I-I think... I have a sister...?"


Real Name

"I'm Hitomi Tomoe, Kiyoko's younger sister."


"Just call me Himi. All my friends nicknamed me it because I was born in Himi, Japan, and it's sort of a short version of my name."


"Two years younger than my sister, so fourteen. I'm actually only a year and a half younger though, which puts me at the same high school as my sister this year."


"I'm a girl, if you couldn't tell."



Hitomi's a friendly and energetic person. She's always one to play games, and she just loves to mess around with her friends. Like her older sister, she can be clumsy at times, but when it comes down to it, she can be as serious as she needs to be. Hitomi's not really as shy as her older sister is, which made for her to easily make friends, though she'll always pick her sister over her friends any day. Hitomi can also be quite straight forward and rude, though she never intends to be rude when she is, and is only really rude when what she says is either true, or something she believes to be true.


"I'm always up for a good little competition. What sport? Perhaps you want to race around the track?"

"I also like science and reading, believe it or not."


"The one thing I can't stand is history... Too many things to remember."

"I'm not a very big fan of sticky things... I surprisingly like extremely cheesy pizza though, even though it's all sticky and greasy..."


Hitomi was born to the same life as her older sister. Just her, her older sister Kiyoko, and a drunk father with overwhelming amounts of debt. Hitomi would often find her sister protecting her every time the "debt collectors" would come by, and every time her sister would be beaten up, she would cry. It was a scary thing, seeing her older sister getting beaten up like she was every time they came. Hitomi really hated her father because of various reasons, but Kiyoko being involved in beatings because of her father's debt was what really made her hate him the most.

Kiyoko was always going out and working, so Hitomi was often left alone at home while her father was who knows where doing who knows what. Hitomi was always alone at home, so she often would leave the house and walk around town, spending most of her time at the park alone, while other kids her age were mostly at school. This wasn't actually the best choice for her though, as she was actually one to easily get sick. Hitomi was always sick in some way, her body usually weak as well.

When Hitomi and Kiyoko found out that their father had died in a car crash, Hitomi had an inexplicable feeling of sadness in her heart, even though she should be happy that she no longer had to live with her father's debts and other problems that were the reason she hated him. It was like she lost something precious and dear to her, and with how she hated her father, she forced herself to forget the fact that her father was the first thing that came to her mind when she felt that way, and decided to believe it was just that she was going to miss the house she grew up in with Kiyoko.

Hitomi easily started making friends when she went to school, but she was still easily sick, and so she missed a lot of days of school. She didn't like it, but she had to stay home when she got sick, so she wouldn't get worse. Thankfully, she had both the orphanage taking care of her, as well as Kiyomi, who cared for her so much and would always make her a nice little breakfast every morning when she was sick. Eventually, she became well enough to go to school more often and start participating in P.E, something she really loved after seeing her own sister so active and full of energy every time she would go and see her sister race around the field during school races and other track & field events.

Last Thing You Remember Before Going to Sleep

"My sister was at the school gym in the middle of the night to get ready for next week's little race, and I decided to go join her. I put on my grade's gym uniform, grabbed my gym bag, and made my way there, but when I got there, she wasn't there. Next thing I knew, I found myself falling asleep while I waited for her to return, because I thought she was just out running to the store or something like she usually did during breaks in her nightly training."

Handmade Weapon

"A... weapon...? Well, I did join the model gun club with Kiyoko, and she did teach me about guns, so I managed to put together a sniper rifle of my own..."

Accuracy International L115A3

A high-accuracy .338 caliber sniper rifle that weighs approximately 6.9 kg. Its length is 123 cm, a little shorter than PGM Ultima Ratio Hecate II. The weapon itself is extremely light compared to PGM Ultima Ratio Hecate II, and was designed for speed and accuracy. Hitomi's able to easily hold the weapon because of how light it is, even if it's about as long as she is tall. Hitomi can easily fire this weapon, and since it has basically no recoil and makes no sound, it becomes the best weapon for her, somebody who isn't the strongest with their upper body, as well as is somebody who isn't the fastest runner and would be in huge trouble if found by making a loud noise.



"I hope Kiyoko isn't trapped in this place with me, but if she is... she's definitely my ally..."


"I hope that I don't have any enemies... I just want us all to live..."


"I clearly have an older sister by the name Kiyoko, but I said that earlier."

"I'm Ryo. It's nice to meet you, I guess." -Ryo

"I'm Kyo. A pleasure to meet you." -Kyo

Race: "We're supposed to be human, but... We're either humans with magical powers, or I'm a demon and Kyo's an angel. I'm sorta hoping the first is true, but... Fate might've chosen to make us a demon and an angel in one body." -Ryo

Age: 15

Birthday: August 3rd


"I suppose I shall side with Hell. There is nothing else I see to really side with..."

"I know Kyo actually wants to side with Heaven, but sides with Hell because I side with Hell. I don't want to take away Kyo's love for Heaven and angels, but she won't let me tell her to side with what she feels is right to side with, and keeps siding with Hell just to keep us from being torn over two sides." -Ryo


Kyo's a kind girl who cares about everybody. She'll help anybody that's hurt, even if they seem like a bad guy. The only exception would be if they're trying to hurt somebody close to her. She doesn't really care much about herself compared to others. She's a bit childish, but can be extremely serious and bossy when she needs to be; so much so that one might mistake her for some kind of royalty while she's in her most serious state.

Ryo's probably the opposite of Kyo, but in a good way. He's more of the one to protect those who need protecting, and treat like shit, those that deserve it. He doesn't really care all too much about other people, but he'll still be there for his friends when he's needed.




Kyo's always wearing a blue and white dress. Her eyes are a beautiful violet, and her hair's a very bright blue-green. She's always with two ribbons in her hair, with two bells on each, as well as a bell on her neck. The bells don't seem to ring at all, but Kyo says that they produce the most amazing sound.



Ryo's more of a simplistic guy. He's always wearing baggy and loose black jeans, along with a white shirt. His eyes are a dark to crimson red, with the bottom of the eyes lined by yellow where naturally there'd be red because of the actual eye color. His hair's mostly white, except for two thick portions that stick out behind him, which he'd permanently dyed in a light purple.


Both Ryo and Kyo have the ability to manifest their most desired forms and become them. They've both decided to rarely use these forms because of a few reasons. In these forms, they gain an older appearance. It's strange to them, as they both seem to get a bit taller than their normal selves. Along with this, they both gain some kind of new personality that includes a trait that they really wish to have that's not actually included in what their idea of their perfect selves do have.

Pure Impurity

"I cannot stand this form... I hurt too many people while in this form... I wish it could be something else... At least I have control over when I enter this form, and I choose not to be in it right now..."


Kyo's desired form is one in which she can leave behind all weakness and become a perfect being that can protect everything she so cares for. She can use various types of magic, in addition to physical strength that's almost impossible to beat. She can move extremely fast as well, but she has quite a few flaws in this form.

The first flaw is her inability to stay under her own control for too long. The form comes with a nasty and horrid desire to obliterate anything that's not in her line of sight as something to protect. This means that if you're not what she went into the form to protect, you might end up her target to kill. This is why Kyo refuses to go in this form unless completely necessary, as what she might do in that form scares her.

Another problem with the form is that she can't keep up with herself. She can't do more than one thing at a time, meaning she's quite vulnerable in fights that involve more than three other people. She's able to do things like use magic as she moves or as she's physically attacking, but only light magic that can't do more than distract or just barely hurt somebody. She can't block or dodge all that well when using magic, and can't dodge at all when doing physical attacks, but can still slightly block.

Kyo's named her form Impurity because of the way the form affects her and the things that can happen while she's in the form. The trait that's added in with this form that's not initially part of Kyo's desire for this form is a sense of pride and self-importance.

Impure Purity

"If only I could be in this form right now, and forever... So many things I can do while I'm in this form... Sadly, Kyo doesn't feel the same way about her form, and I can understand her... She got the form that's impossible to live with, while I got the form that's perfect to live in."


Ryo's desired form is quite the opposite of Kyo's. Rather than gain physical strength and speed beyond most comprehension, he gains the mental capacity he's been lacking, and more. He's able to evaluate and process any situation in seconds, and determine the best way to proceed. He also can use magic just like Kyo, but he keeps his physical strength as it normally is.

In his desired form, his first weakness is that his physical abilities are limited. He can't do well in combat that's hand-to-hand when he doesn't have time to think his actions over. Given time to evaluate the enemy's combat abilities though, he'll be able to fight hand-to-hand with strategy that makes him almost equivalent to Kyo in overall performance, but not because of strength or speed.

His worst weakness is that he can't block anything, especially while thinking heavily. His heavy thinking time's quite short, but it leaves him completely open. He can't react in any way until he's done with major thinking processes, which is why he's the worst when it comes to one-on-one combat. He's also unable to think all too well while he's avoiding attacks or running away, but can still think enough to create decent strategies and get enough information for his heavy thinking to be effective.

He's named his form Pure Impurity, the inverse of Kyo's form name, because he's utterly evil with what he comes up with in his plans to deal with people in his way, and's quite ruthless. He'll, the opposite of Kyo, have no control for a while, then gain control back, becoming his normal self that won't just take out whatever's in his way. The trait that's added in with this form is an overwhelmingly cruel confidence in himself and his abilities.

Their first forms are actually quite incomplete. They both have a second form, but the forms have even greater negative effects than the first forms. Their second forms have both mental and physical effects on them, as well as just one of them going in second form can affect both of them afterwards. They've literally banned themselves from ever using their second forms because of this.


"'May this form purge the world of everything. Nothing but that which is destined to be shall remain. I am Akatharsia, goddess of impurity.' Every time I enter this form, those words are exactly what I say... I really dislike this form for using those words... Almost as much as I hate how the form hurts Ryo..."


Akatharsia is the inner true self of Kyo. Kyo denies it as her true self because of the great suffering she brings about while in her true form. This form is a more perfected version of Pure Impurity in terms of capabilities. She practically gains the strength of a goddess, at the loss of any control of her actions and emotions. She practically becomes a puppet controlled by herself, as it's her own actions, just not her own will.

This form can only last a short time, and when she leaves the form, she loses all strength in her body, becomes unable to think, and eventually, comes to temporary death. When she recovers from the temporary death state, she'll be back with her strength and ability to think, but will still hold all of the evil thoughts and emotions that were poured in from her true form.

She can't stand the thoughts and emotions she's left with, as well as the physical and mental effects last twice as long for Ryo. Ryo doesn't suffer the near death state any longer than Kyo, and he doesn't suffer the thoughts and emotions like Kyo does from her going in true form.


"'Lay to waste in the shadows of the void, while I bring upon the true chaos this world has yet to see. I am Erebos, god of darkness.' Such strange words... They have an interesting feel of... power to them. I like the sense of power this form holds, but I honestly can't stand how it hurts Kyo."


Erebos is the inner true self of Ryo. Ryo doesn't deny it being his true self, but he doesn't confirm it, either. Erebos is a more perfected form of Impure Purity in terms of his capabilities. Like Kyo, Ryo practically gains the strength of a god, at the loss of any control of his own actions and emotions. Like Kyo, he becomes a puppet controlled by himself.

Similar to Kyo, this form only lasts a short time, and upon leaving this form called Erebos, he loses all strength and ability to think. The effects on Ryo are exactly the same as what they are with Kyo's Akatharsia form, including the temporary death state that leaves him with dark thoughts and emotions.

Ryo can stand the thoughts and emotions he's left with, but can't stand that Kyo suffers twice as long of the physical and mental effects that his form leaves the two of them with. He's glad that Kyo doesn't have to suffer the thoughts and emotions though, as if he's ever forced to use this form, he'd kill himself if he gave Kyo any more suffering than what Kyo gets from him going in the form.


"Kyo and I... We don't know anything about our past... You see, the last thing either of us can remember's what we had for breakfast this morning." -Ryo

"I remember more than that... I remember all the way back eleven years ago... Are you telling me you forgot all about the life we shared together...? You're such an idiot... I enjoyed our life together..." -Kyo

"Alright, alright... It was a joke... No need to cry about it..." -Ryo

"That was mean Ryo... Since you were mean, I get to tell everybody about our past instead of you Here I go..." -Kyo

"Ryo and I were originally meant to be twins. Back when we were born, some kind of energy merged our bodies as our mother was in the middle of giving birth to us. At first, our mother had no idea about it. When we turned four, for the first time, I got to see the world with my own eyes. Ryo and I were able to talk to each other in our minds from that point on." -Kyo

"At first, our mother had no clue of it. Neither of us knew how to control the changing of our positions, thought it had some weirdly good timing. We would always change while nobody was nearby, as well as we would change back to Ryo every time our mother would come to check on Ryo, whether we were at the park, or at home in Ryo's room." -Kyo

"When Ryo turned five, Ryo decided to give me a name. I was glad to finally have a name like Ryo did. It was always a lot of fun being with Ryo, though I wanted to try playing with other people whenever I was out. Having a name made it possible, as I would no longer have to see the situations where the other kids asked me for my name, and I had nothing to give them." -Kyo

"Ryo and I went to school just a few weeks after I was given a name. Ryo and I had some fun there at school. Sadly, the only time I would come out was during recess, and that was only a few days of the week, all at random times. I was fine though, as I still had Ryo right there to talk to whenever I wanted. Even when Ryo and I were alone with nothing to do, we would never get bored." -Kyo

"Six years go by without anybody knowing about me. Ryo and I were starting to switch places at weird times. This made it quite difficult to keep our secret hidden. Eventually, we found out a way to tell just before it would happen. That way to know only lasted us the next year, sadly. After we turned eleven, things became worse." -Kyo

"Ryo and I were changing places at even worse times. Once, I came out just as Ryo was stepping out of the shower at school... Sadly, I will never be able to forget that day... For some reason, I felt like I was being stared at by all of them... It was the weirdest feeling ever, and my heart was pounding the entire time. My head felt extremely hot, and for whatever reason, I ran somewhere to hide... I still am unable to understand that feeling that came over me that day..." -Kyo

"I'm sorry, but Ryo... Can you please continue...? I keep thinking about that feeling, and it just makes me unable to think of anything else..." -Kyo

"Alright Kyo. I'll take over from here. When me and Kyo became fourteen, we'd learned a way to at least change who's present at will. We can't change back and forth all the time, but we can at least switch a few times on our own. We couldn't switch back on our own for a good while whenever we were forced to switch, but we could switch back and forth a few times on our own, though probably six switches at most in one hour. Six switches meaning I can come out once, then Kyo once, which counts as two switches." -Ryo

"Just a little bit later, our mother found out about our little secret. She'd clearly thought it was some weird dream at first, but once we proved it wasn't, she was both overjoyed, and panicked. She couldn't believe that there were supernatural things like that, but at the same time, was happy that the second child she'd been supposed to give birth to fourteen years before hadn't completely vanished." -Ryo

"I believe that about sums up our lives. Pretty much everything after that's nothing special." -Ryo


"Let me see... I like sweet things like chocolate and lollipops, I like the beautiful moon, and I like cuddly animals, like cats. Can I have a cat Ryo? I want a cat!" -Kyo

"Sorry, but remember what happened last time we got a cat, Kyo? Anyway, I'm a big weirdo when it comes to clouds. I'll just lay there for hours and hours staring at them. I also like the dark, as well as I'm quite the guy for peace and quiet. Of course, you can talk to me whenever, Kyo." -Ryo


"Aw, no cat? Fine... I can settle for a koala. I dislike dogs though, as they always try and bite me... I also dislike spicy food, because it burns my tongue. Lightning really scares me, so please weather, no lightning."

"You can settle for a koala!? That's asking for more than a cat! You know I hate cats and koalas! I also quite hate the sun... I can never go outside in the day without my eyes hurting. I clearly don't like being around too many people either, because it means too much noise, and I'm more of a quiet and peaceful kind of guy, I guess you could say." -Ryo


It must be cause' I call you Quirkstar? I'm sorry. I'll change it back to the regular name. Is it the rankings? The plot? Anything you want, I'll give it to you, if it will help correct my mistake
Rofl. Gotcha! :5/5:

Kiyo, it's super cool. I can tell how you are by the characters you make xD . Eye is obvious. Yours....(>u>)

There's no such thing as a mistake from white! White's the most perfect person in the world! I've decided! She's my Senpai, she's my Chan my San my Kun my Kohai my Sama, she's my Sekai! Such beauty exists at the bottom of her profile's information tab that I can't deny her perfection! She's so beautiful...

I-I can't help it, but I mustn't...


Ah, it's too late... I'm already crying.



[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Rofl. Gotcha! :5/5:
Kiyo, it's super cool. I can tell how you are by the characters you make xD . Eye is obvious. Yours....(>u>)

Ahaha... I hope you've found me to be a good person, because otherwise I wouldn't even understand my own tears.
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]

There's no such thing as a mistake from white! White's the most perfect person in the world! I've decided! She's my Senpai, she's my Chan my San my Kun my Kohai my Sama, she's my Sekai! Such beauty exists at the bottom of her profile's information tab that I can't deny her perfection! She's so beautiful...

I-I can't help it, but I mustn't...


Ah, it's too late... I'm already crying.



Ahaha... I hope you've found me to be a good person, because otherwise I wouldn't even understand my own tears.

Did you say...Sekai? O.o
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Yes, I said Sekai ^~^




Kira Blackthorn

White Masquerade










[QUOTE="White Masquerade]LOL.


Kira Blackthorn

White Masquerade











Huh...? o~o No clue what that list is, but what I was saying was that you're my world. Sekai mans world o~o
Ah, never-mind the list then. And I'm sorry, but there's only one person I'm falling for, and that's Chiaki (<3)
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Ah, never-mind the list then. And I'm sorry, but there's only one person I'm falling for, and that's Chiaki (<3)

Everybody seems to fall in love with Chiaki xD

(I'm one to talk though, given I have as well... x.x)
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Ah, never-mind the list then. And I'm sorry, but there's only one person I'm falling for, and that's Chiaki (<3)

At least this means he'll probably survive the war:)


[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Everybody seems to fall in love with Chiaki xD
(I'm one to talk though, given I have as well... x.x)

[/QUOTE] it because he's really nice?
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Probably... That, and his amazing pink hair...

I's the pink:)

[QUOTE="White Masquerade]You don't want to know Quirk (o'v'o)

[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Okay okay, miss Odessa "Orange". From now on, I'll call you Suki.
Also, forgive the delayed response... It literally takes more than a minute just to load a single page right now >~<

AWWWWWW SNAP!! You were there too?

[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Rofl. Gotcha! :5/5:
Kiyo, it's super cool. I can tell how you are by the characters you make xD . Eye is obvious. Yours....(>u>)


[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Everybody seems to fall in love with Chiaki xD
(I'm one to talk though, given I have as well... x.x)

Not me!!

QuirkyAngel said:
At least this means he'll probably survive the war:) it because he's really nice?
I'lll hate him, I'll make a CS just to hate him. xD .

[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]AWWWWWW SNAP!! You were there too?

Yes, I was. I was also at Shog's Element Academy, and then I've seen you a few other places as well...

I'm everywhere, watching you and waiting to take you apart...


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