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Fandom Naruto: Light in the Darkness OOC(A Missing Nin RP) (Accepting)

Meh, it's not like it'll change anything either way. It's not like I expect people to be pretty to the point of using meta knowledge just for the lulz anyway.
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Gm's are hammering out IC. We should be starting next few days, apologies for the delay starting this. While I'm on it, though, anyone got ideas for future missions? We got the first set, but beyond that I'm open to ideas. We've got 5 people, so first missions will be split up.
I'll make my character soon. Sorry for being tardy, I do plan on being a part of this RP.

Mission ideas... hmmmm...

Village being attacked by rogue ninjas hire us for help? A bit of an Akatsuki rips but fun. Can involve low level ninjas being ordered by higher level ninjas that arrive after fodder gets wasted.
I'll make my character soon. Sorry for being tardy, I do plan on being a part of this RP.

Mission ideas... hmmmm...

Village being attacked by rogue ninjas hire us for help? A bit of an Akatsuki rips but fun. Can involve low level ninjas being ordered by higher level ninjas that arrive after fodder gets wasted.

We are the rogue ninja! Still sounds fun. Could be a suppressing the noise of other rogue nin close to us.

"Uh, we really don't want villages thinking there are tons of rogue nin here, go kill them."
We are the rogue ninja! Still sounds fun. Could be a suppressing the noise of other rogue nin close to us.

"Uh, we really don't want villages thinking there are tons of rogue nin here, go kill them."

Oh yeah for sure we are rogues but we can be rogues doing good lol like early akatsuki, however my character is on the evil side of things so he won't complain if we are the ones doing the stealing.
Arne Arne Uncultured Uncultured Orikanyo Orikanyo KageYuuki KageYuuki AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy

Sorry for the brief bit of silence. Anyways, IC up tomorrow, I can guarantee that because I just wrote the thing in private workshop, and we're just need mission teams before I post it

The first two missions:

We're robbing a gold mine, blowing it up, and ruining a city. Reason why is guy is funding Leaf Daimyo.

And we're scaring other missing nin away from a non-nin city they are holding hostage. Being dead counts as being scared btw. We don't want lurking eyes around our home.

Freedom in both missions to be as good or evil as you want.

Anyone have any preference which of the two they'd like to be on?
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I'll do the one with the village. Also I need to get my character up lol. I've finished all the actual writing, all that's left is the techniques section but I'm a lazy bastard and hate fishing around the naruto wiki, but I will this weekend.
I'll do the one with the village. Also I need to get my character up lol. I've finished all the actual writing, all that's left is the techniques section but I'm a lazy bastard and hate fishing around the naruto wiki, but I will this weekend.
Not technically in until you get a character accepted. But we’ll try to keep it in mind.

If you need help with jutsu just ask

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