Naruto: From Enemies to Friends

Flame Demon

Autistic Ace Vampire
Roleplay Type(s)
It's a cold day and everyone in the Akatsuki base is either doing what they normally do or out on a mission, Hikari however is with Tobi since he had a mission for her "So go to the hidden Sand village, kill Gaara and come back" she sums up earning a nod "But take it easy, Itachi told me you weren't feeling well" Tobi says and Hikari smiles "I'll be fine, you'll hear from me as soon as possible" she says and disappears, now she just had to make her way to the village and kill her target, then go back before her slight fever gets worse.
A lady with blue hair and blue eye, yawned a little as she stared iff into space not paying attention to what the older ninja is saying. She then got hit on the head by Kakashi, " ow... can you please stop hitting my head?" She said to him politely with a frown.

" concentrate... you need to be able to hold Ice Age for at least 30 minute at this point" he said with a sigh. " You can barely hold it for 15..."

The lady sighed a little and nodded, "ok..." she said to him. She wasnt able to concentrate like she normally could. She had nightmares again last night and was sleepy.

Kakashi sighed seeing that they wont get anywhere today, " Alright, lets call it a day"

The lady looked at him, " really?" She asked and he nodded. " thank you" she said and gave him a politr bow before running off to get something to eat.
Yuko swore quietly to herself, the rogue she was tracking was becoming a nuisance, and leading her straight into unfriendly territory. Jumping swiftly from her perch a large tree she inspected the three trails carefully trying to discern which ones were fake. Extending her senses she locked onto her intended target and cursed once more.

'What the hell is this idiot thinking heading towards the hidden Sand village'  she asked. Taking to the trees once more she pushed more chakra to her legs and feet for a short speed boost, hoping to catch this pain before he reached the desert. Sand and Stone were not on the best of terms and she did not, did not, want to fight any more than was necessary. Feeling her prey boost himself she sighed.

Coming to an abrupt stop at the forest edge to stare at the rolling sand ahead. Pulling the hunters mask from her face she gave a sharp whistle that sounded much like a cicada, a large golden eagle came to land on the brach she was currently perched on. Writing out a quick letter to the Kazekage to alert him of the ninja she was hunting as well as her presence in Wind Country. Sending the messanger off she jumped from the branch to the soft sand below and began her hunt in hostile territory. 'I really hate my job sometimes,' she thought with a pout as she plplaced her mask back on her face.
Hikari runs towards the sand, Deidara following close behind since he was to keep an eye on her upon Tobi's request, she had given him her cloak and the dragon to look after "Almost" she says and jumps up reaching the office in one go and she lands on the roof "That was easier then I thought" she says and goes in, holding her poisonous dagger at ready, Sasori had given it to her when he heard of her mission "Damn this heat is annoying" she mumbles using the wall to move on.

Deidara is waiting in the air for Hikari to finish, sure she wouldn't draw attention, but the heat of the desert wasn't really helping her with her fever "I should probably notify the others we arrived" he mumbles sitting on his bird.

Hikari soon reaches the office and she opens the door a little to see Gaara alone and no one in the hallways, which was good for her, that meant they haven't noticed her or Deidara yet.


@Amara Redfox
((I am guessing this is from Shippuden xD and I am doing Gaara?))


Gaara was sitting in his office doing paperwork. He felt something off in the air and looked at the door and then of thr window. A lady with short raven hair and blue eyes then sudden appeared in the room, " Hey Kazekage. I am leaving in a bit. Is there a letter or aomething you want to give to the Leaf or Naruto?" She asked him as she leaned on the desk. She has stayed here for the past few months learning the puppet technique from Kankuro and how to make them too. It took a while bit ahe finally got it. 

Gaara looked back at the lady and nodded, " Yeah i actally have something for the Hokage and Naruto" he said as he started to looked through the his desk. A bird then came and peck the window, the lady walked over and opened it. The bird lady on the desk and the lady looked at the letter on it's ankle.

Gaara looked up and the lady showed him the letter. He sighed a little, " you better leave"

" No" the lady said seriously as she took the letters from him and put it in her pocket. 

" Suit yourself" he said and looked at the door, " come out" he said calmly and the lady looked at the door too. Sand started to swirl around Gaara


The blue haired lady, was with Sakura and Ino at the restaurant that all their friends hang out. She giggled a little amd then before mentally frowning  at thr bad dream she had. " Loreli you ok?" Ino asked her.

Loreli nodded, " yeah... just.. tired" she said to her softly.

" really? Why not come by the hospital today?" Sakura suggested.

Loreli shook her head, " I dont want to trouble you" she smiled. " I am fine..."


@Flame Demon

@Amara Redfox
Hikari sweatdrops, she couldn't take out two people in her condition "Good thing it's not that bad yet" she mumbles quietly and she makes some hands signs and a strong wind starts to blow in the office, she would have to blind them and then take her chance, if no one else came by. However her luck runs out and she hears footsteps "Alright I'll tell him that he has to be careful", it was Temari. Hikari quickly stops the hands signs and she runs of, she'd have to wait for a while, for now she had to leave quickly, someone told him about their presence, on the roof she whistles.

Deidara hears the whistle and heads her way, grabbing her arm while flying past "So they know" he says earning a nod, this was bad, they couldn't return without completing the task.

Hikari sighs putting on her cloak against "No worries, I left them with a surprise, if things go as I think they are then Gaara should be somewhere where we can finish him in a while"

Temari enters the office and she uses her fan to counter the wind to reveal a white dragon staring at Gaara with a glare "What the hell is going on? There already were reports about a strange white bird hovering somewhere" she says.


@Amara Redfox
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The raven head looked and showed Tenmari the letter that the bird gave them, " someone is after the Kazekage and what the heck is that?" She asked pointing to the dragon. 

" its looks like a dragon" a small white leopard said as it appeared on the desk.

Gaara was staring at the dragon, " why is a white dragon here?..."

" well obviously someone summoned it" the leopard said.


@Amara Redfox

@Flame Demon
It was just after sundown when Yuko reached the outskirts of the Sand village and she had yet to receive word back from the Kazekage giving her permission to continue her hunt into his home.She has wanted this job to be simple, a quick recovery and return, but no this ninja decided to leas her straight into unfriendly territory. Deciding that she would announce her presence to the Kage himself she quickly masked her chakra signature and bypassed the guard tower along the outer wall. 

Once in the village she took to the rooftops and made her way to the tower. She however noticed a flash of white out of the corrnor of her eye, yet when she looked to see what it was it was gone. Not wanting to be attacked by the Sand ninja however she continued to the tower instead of investigating. Taking a leap from the last roof she landed on a window ledge. Looking inside she smiles and removed her mask, clipping it to her gear belt, and pulled a white cloth from the pouchof her brown flack jacket and knocked to make herself known to the group inside.


@Flame Demon
The white dragon roars and a strong wind comes again, blinding everyone for a second and when the wind is gone so is the dragon along with Gaara "Dammit!" Temari says and she sighs "I'll look for him" she says and heads of adding "Deal with that person".

Deidara lands the bird and he hops of and helps Hikari of "In a few moments this job will be a lot easier" she says and Deidara looks at the girl "You look terrible to be honest, you should have said no to agreeing on the mission, you could have waited" he says and feels her head "Your fever got worse". Hikari glares and she says "If I hadn't accepted someone else would have taken this mission", she hated it when people tried killing her target.


@Amara Redfox (it's be helpful if you could do Sasori)

Gaara blinked and threw the dragon of him and to the ground with his sand hand. He sighed an looked around wondering where he was, ' have a bad feeling about this....."


The lady blinked, " hey! My leopard can help with the search" she said before summoning 5 more leopard. The leopards disappeared to look for Gaara. She then looked at the other nin, " and who are you?" She asked her.


@Flame Demon

@Amara Redfox
Deidara looks at the dragon as it disappears and in that moment Hikari vanished, appearing behind Gaara and holding her poisoned dagger against his throat, but not cutting him yet "You're really stupid aren't you?" she asks with a smirk "I'm surprised you didn't notice my presence earlier".

Deidara makes himself comfortable on the bird, this would either be over quickly or not, depending on how long Hikari could fight without her fever getting in the way.


@Amara Redfox
Gaara said nothing as the sand hand dropped to the ground. The girl's feet couldn't move due to the sand now trapping her feet. A clone then appeared behind her and grabbed the girl and slammed her into a wall. " what is and Akatsuki doing here....?" Gaara asked with a small glare as he glanced at Deidara.


@Flame Demon
"You know, on a mission" Hikari says and she adds "Which would be to kill you", she kicks him away and jumps away from him, she had to be careful, but she also didn't know how much longer she could continue.

Deidara smirks "You should be honored Kazekage, she came here to kill you in that condition" he says, but a glare from Hikari shuts him up.


@Amara Redfox
Quickly coming in through the window as the Kazekage and his sister disappeared from the room she flared out her senses to locate the Sand leaders chakra signature. Looking to the girl before her she bowed politely "I am a hunter ninja from Stone, but that isn't in portal right now," she said quickly as she took off back out the window to follow the strong signature of Garra. 

Once she was close enough she looked around and didn't see anyone. Checking once more for his signature she snapped her head to the sky spotting a large clay bird. After a moment of assessing the situation she spotted a blonde ninja that made her blood boil. "Deidara you pig, you are coming back with me to Stone," she yelled out, her temper getting the better of her.


Watching the scene beteween Hikari and Garra from within his puppet, Sasori sighed. Deidara was doing nothing, no surprise there, deciding it was time for him to step in when a Stone kunoichi and a few Sand shinobi made their appearance. "Looks like they are sending a rescue team," he said to the other two. Sending out his chakra strings he attached them to the yelling kunoichi and flung her into the air.


@Flame Demon
((She cant kill him. Then the one tail will die))


Gaara stared down at the girl and said nothing to her. Sand swirled around him as he waited for a bit, " I see..." he said not really surprised. He then shot several sand spikes at him.

A black full grown leopard then pounced on Deidara's bird and stabbed it in the neck with it armored tail and froze it. Another one the pounced on Deidara and pinned him making him fall and slamming him to the ground, " got you"

The lady with raven hair followed the mysterious kunoochi and caught her with ahe was flung into the air, " you idiot. You dont yell like that to the enemy" she said to her as she watched her leopards, " be careful!" She said to them.


Another leopard appeared near Tenmari, " We found him!" She said as she ran off, expecting the blonde to follow.


@Flame Demon

@Amara Redfox
Hikari dodges, but loses her balance and she stumbles, but she shakes her head "Time to help out" Deidara mumbles kicking the leopard of before making and new bird and he jumps on it flying off to a save distance, he had to get Hikari out of there, two Akatsuki members would kill him if he didn't bring her back.
The lady set the kunoichi down and she did several signs and shot several firepellets at Deidara. The two leopards then went to help Gaara. One pounced on the girl holding her down while Gaara wrapped sand around her to hold her in place.


@Flame Demon

@Amara Redfox
Zen was on a mission for the leaf, it was one of his first for the leaf given to him since the Hanshou clan sided with the leaf.  The mission was simple enough the Akatsuki was a shadow organization but even though they were very much a mystery they still had ties to the world. Zen although still a young shinobi was to find information on one in

particular about a Akatsuki member who had a fondness for money.  Sources informed the leaf that a pair of shinobi at times sometimes just one in black cloaks were

collecting bounties of powerful adversaries.

Zen was in the land of the mist tracking down a missing-nin with a high bounty as supposedly a monk was just captured in the land of the mist so then if this person is bounty hunting then they may be after a missing-nin named Yoshi who had a high bounty as well.

Zen was a fairly decent tracker coming from a line of assassins being able to track an enemy is a must... so he took to the highest point in the village that Yoshi was last      spotted by a leaf source in the mist and just surveyed the area.


Yoshi was hiding in the shadows with his katana on his back and throwing daggers ready as he was on the edge.


The ninja made his way to a residence that he had come across as a place to hide and upon entering he immediately took out his throwing daggers and threw them into the darkness but he never heard them make contact he just saw a tall dark figure in a black cloak move in the shadows. "You Akatsuki must be getting sloppy .... I thought a S-Class shinobi would be able to hide their presence better" he said forming hand seals as a pillar erupted from the ground and impaled the shadow figure. "Earth impalement jutsu should slow you down" he says approaching the figure with his katana ready but the figure disappeared and a log was in its place. "A SUBSTITUTION" he called out as he turned but felt a kunai to his back he dared not turn around any further... the figure spoke... "Yoshi Agara seems you amassed quite the bounty I expected a better effort from a skilled doton user as your rumored to be but this is your end" the figure says.

Yoshi began to panic... "What use is my bounty when you akatsuki want to tear down the world and bring about a new world order" he says.

"Hmmm what do you know about our plans... a worm such as yourself"

"Please Jinchuriki have gone missing you think villages don't try searching for their missing weapons, having all the jinchuriki you could burn the world down rule by force" he says.

"What makes you think we are responsible for those abductions worm humor me" he says

"You think there are no witnesses your dark cloaks with red clouds have been present at every abduction so far... look let me go and I can help you find the remaining jinchuriki"

"No Yoshi you'll be coming with me" he says and at that moment a column of fire hits the two causing a small explosion.

Yoshi was barely conscious as he looked over as the dark figure the had him was actually Zen in disguise... "A leaf shinobi... then who a...attacked us" he says

Looking at the source of the attack stood Kakuzu.....

Kakuzu - "Impersonating an Akatsuki member, that is very bold for a boy your age but you forgot the red clouds on the cloak" he says

Zen stands up as he was able to withstand the attack due to his exceptional reaction time... "Well wasn't expecting a real akatsuki to show up but I guess you won't let

me go with a stern warning" he says with a stoic expression on his face.

Tendrils erupted from the ground... all around them as a sign that running away was pointless...

Kakuzu - "A kid like you to have their fire extinguished so soon is a shame but at least I'll have Yoshi's bounty to console me for ending a young life"
Quickly thanking the other kunoichi once her feet were on the ground again she preformed a series of signs before disappearing with a small pop. Choosing not to engage the puppeteer she bypassed him while drawing a few kuni from her pouch and threw them at Deidara to keep him from aiding the female Akatsuki. The weapons landed in a circle around the blonde man before the explosive tags detonated blowing chunks of clay up at his face. "What a bang, huh," she mocked, malice dripping like venom in her tone.


Sasori was impressed that the other kunoichi was able to catch the one he had flung away. From his place within Hiruko he watched the fight silently. When the leopards appeared however his sights went to the kunoichi that had summoned them. Smirking slightly he decided that she would be his opponent. He made his way down and towards her while summoning one of his many puppet and sent it towards her at an alarmingly fast rate. 


@Flame Demon
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Hikari smirks and vanishes, she had made a clone from from herself just in time, the real one was rather close to Deidra, good thing she didn't need hand signs "Oh we go" she says and Deidara sighs "This was to be expected, got any other way to kill them?" "Poison dragon" she says and a large purple dragon appears as Deidara fixes the bird and heads of "Just don't fall off" he says.

Temari however appears on the bird and uses her fan against the two just as a cloud of poison appears, Sasori would be fine, as usual.

Hikari tries punching Temari, but the girl just grabs her arm and disappears along with her "Gaara, got her" she says and blocks a kick, she wondered where all that strength when the girl had earlier though.
The leopard the lead Tenmari to the area pounced on the puppet sent towards the lady. Then all five leaopard the she summon got in from of thr lady. The lady smiled slightly at them. She took out a scroll and did several hand signs but stopped. ' I just got the hand of it... I am not ready for combat' she thought and just took out a scroll and aummoned a short sword. 'Alright Frost and Axel help me. Thr rest wait for order' she said to them telepathically l since thats how they can communicate.

Three of the leopaeds disappeared and left a black and a red leopard with her.  The lady then did several hand signs and  shot a huge fireball at the puppet master.


Gaara looked at the girl then at Temari, " Lock her up. We'll question her later" he said before looking up at Deidara. He created a floating platfrom made of sand and flew to him. He grabbed Deidara and threw him towards Sasori to help the leaf kunoichi.


@Flame Demon

@Amara Redfox ((oo by the way if you are wondering. Winter (the raven head)) is with Itachi and Loreli (blue haired girl) is with Sasori :3 ))
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Hikari glares and she says "I will not let you" "You can't even do anything, I got your hands" Temari says, but a giant dragon made of stone appears and takes both Sasori and Deidara before flying away "I don't need hand sign" Hikari says and she kicks Temari before jumping backwards, at least her two comrades here going to be alright, she stumbles and adds "And since I don't have to worry about those two guys anymore", she summons a giant red dragon and she smirks "Blast them away", she was almost out of chakra, so this would be her last attack, the dragon explodes hitting everyone, including Hikari.


@Amara Redfox

The leopard sense danger and quickly grabbed Gaara and Temari along with the kunoichi and the lady and got on the high rooftop. " what happened?" The lady said when her leopard set her down next to Gaara. 

" the akatsuki tried to take us all out" Gaara said as he dusted himself off. 

The raven head then notices her 5th leopard isnt anywhere. " where is Sora?" She asked her leopards.

" here.." the male leopard said as he appeared with the akatsuki. Gaara sighed a little.


@Flame Demon

@Amara Redfox

"And she used up her chakra" Temari says taking the girl "No wonder her strength suddenly was different, she has a pretty bad fever, she must have had it when she arrived here as well" she says and looks at Gaara "We can't lock her up like this, but we can put her in a room and sometimes check on her while keeping the door locked from the outside" she says and sighs, even if the girl was an enemy it wasn't really fair to let her suffer like that, especially in the place where they were.

Deidara groans sitting on top of the dragon "We're gonna be so screwed if we get back, well I am" he says and looks back "But to think she did that to save us even if she has a fever" he says and crosses his arms while thinking.


@Amara Redfox
Gaara stared at the girl for a bit. He sighed a little and nodded, " alright. Put her in a room and get a doctor to trwat her fever" he said as he walked off. He looked at the lady who was checking her leopards for injuries. " Winter, I have a another message I want you to send to the hidden leave. I get the feeling I not only target..." he said to the raven head.

Winter looked up at Gaara, " Gaara... I am not leaving. I can send one of my leopards to send the message." She said to the red head.


@Flame Demon

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