Naruto: Contract for Outcasts OOC


Junior Member
It is the First Shinobi World War, the Clans are aflame, the land trembles with the force of countless Jutsu, and the five great Nations bleed each other in this all consuming war for conquest. Among the casualties of this war are others, deserters, traitors, cowards, and outcasts, who have been left stranded with nearly nothing in this time of war, a time where lack of unity almost certainly meant death. To these survivors, hope is a fleeting thing, and life is a battle all on its own.

But to a certain few of these Clan-less, allegiance-less shinobi, a chance will be presented, a chance for money, glory, and most importantly, amnesty. Each of these chosen shinobi has received a letter from a mysterious benefactor, one who proposes a job. The details on what the mission in question will be are vague at best, with the promise that more will be revealed soon after the initial meeting. The mission is almost unimportant anyway, after all, work for for rogue shinobi is hard enough to come by. No, what really grasps the attention of the Shinobi reading the letter, are the rewards promised.

The amount of Ryo (Currency in Naruto) to be paid to the Ninja accepting this contract would be no less than 50,000,000, 10,000,000 at the onset of the job, and 40,000,000 at its completion. This alone would be enough to buy the loyalty of almost any rogue shinobi, since rewards of that sum are usually reserved for A or S class missions for Kage level shinobi. The very sum could be daunting in fact, daunting enough to drive someone away from the job, except for that this was not the only reward.

A rogue ninja, be he a killer of his own comrades, a thief of some forbidden jutsu, a traitor to his village, a deserter from the army, or just a man framed for some misdoing, or less, will always have to watch their back for Ninja hunters, bounty hunters, and any official forces they run into. Life will simply never be safe for these people, and painful death is more of a certainty to these warriors than even their next breath. But the letter claims differently. It promises amnesty within an unnamed country, where the individual would be able to either retire peacefully, or continue to carry out missions from the relative safety of a "Village".

It could be a trap, but it could also be the job of a lifetime. Directions are given to a meeting place where the contract can be discussed more completely, along with a roll of 10,000 Ryo, and fifteen high yield explosive tags. How many of these messages were sent out is unknown, but one way or the other, several Shinobi (You), show up, either to listen to this so called "contract", or to kill those who would try to lure them into such a trap.

OK, so you will be playing high level Rogue Ninja. When I say High level, I dont mean quite Kage level, but more, high Jonin level, like Kakashi, who is powerful but balanced by his weakness of low chakara. You will be exiles from your clans and Villages for whatever reasons you can think up, though it has to be bad enough to get you kicked out of the village. You can be from whatever clan or village you want to be from, and I will allow custom clans so long as they are not over powered.

The Rules to the RP would be Simple.

No Godmoding, y'all should know that.

No Powerplaying

No less than four sentences a post.

Characters must be 100% original. Yes you can be a ninja from the Uchiha or Uzumaki Clans (They better be good if you do though), but you can not be, for example, the second Hokage or Sarutobi.

Post limit of 4 posts before you must wait for everyone else to post.

Character Sheet

Name:(What your parents or Clan originally called you)

Nickname/Alias: (Any names, titles, or Aliases you have earned, used, or otherwise gained)

Gender: (Male or Female?)

Age: (How old are you?)

Height: (How Tall are you?)

Sexuality: (Which Gender do you find attractive? Male, female, or both?)

Village of origin: (From which Ninja Village did you hail before you were turned Rogue?)

Former Clan/Bloodline: (What Clan did you formerly belong to, if any)

Former Position: (What Role did you play in your village prior to your exile? Were you a Regular Jonin who went out on missions? Were you part of an elite organization such as the Anbu? Did you yourself hunt rogue ninjas prior to turning rogue yourself?)

Chakra Nature: (What is your special chakra Element? This will affect the types of Jutsu you can manipulate. The choices are Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, and Lightning.)

Specialty: (What is your specialty? Genjutsu? Taijutsu? Are you a Sensor, are very perceptive? What is that niche that your character fills especially well?)

Appearance: (What do you look like? Either use a picture or Describe the character in detail including Eye color, Skin color and tan, hair color, hair style, body type, as well as any other distinguishing features such as unique clothes, scars, or tattoos and the like.

Personality: (How does your character behave? What are his or her quirks and traits when it comes to how they act and react to those around them? Should be at least a paragraph long)

History: (How did your character get to where they are now? What is your character's story to this point, with special emphasis on why you were exiled from your village and became a rogue ninja. This should be the longest part of your character sheet.)

Theme Song: (Whats your ninja's jam?)


Equipped Weapons/Items: (What items and weapons does your ninja have on him at the start of our journey)


Special Traits (Optional)

Name of Kekkei Genkai:

Type: ( Bloodline, Dual-Element, etc... )




Put any Jutsu from the Anime/Manga here. Here is a resource for finding Jutsu.

Name of Technique:

Type of Jutsu:



Nature Type:




^ Copy/Paste the above for additional Custom Jutsu

Character Sheet

Name: Tah'Moe Deel Amagiri

Nickname/Alias: Moe, The Medicine Man, The Strength Dealer

Gender: Male

Age: 36

Height: 5,8

Sexuality: Female oriented (Straight)

Village of origin: Village Hidden Among Dreams (Yumegakure)

Former Clan/Bloodline: Amagiri Clan

Former Position: Pre-Modern Medical Ninja/Stimulant and Drug creator

Chakra Nature: Wind

Specialty: Medical Ninjutsu with an emphasis on mental "enhancements"

Appearance: Moe may be 36, but he looks closer to 63, with tan, wrinkled skin covering his deceptively frail looking body. His eyes are a light gray, and he has a long pale beard which is banded in iron rings. His head is bald, and he has an intricate pinkish, red Tattoo across his face and forehead, most definable by the triangle in the middle of his forehead, pointing down. In his loose fitting clothes, leaning on his priests staff, he appears feeble and is easily over looked by others. In reality his body is toned and battle tested, though worn from years of tampering. He needs no crutch and walks with a fake limp.

Personality: Moe is a Survivor first and everything else second. He realizes that his body will only last him a few more years, and this has made his crafty, cheap, and all too willing to exploit his own medical knowledge for profit. Generally he acts in two ways, either as a Ninja, or he wears his mask. The mask is what people see most often, a kindly, feeble old man, willing to help and share his knowledge for a modest fee. While he wears his mask he is quite agreeable, and like any good ninja, he is a cunning liar.

What his true disposition is like is much colder and crueler. He cant stand incompetence, and would sooner experiment on you then let you get in his way if you prove to be an obstacle in place of an asset. He does, however, have a profound appreciation for powerful Ninja, and loves to observe them, and if they happen to die, always takes the time to study the body. It is the closest thing he has to affection, and he will not turn on a good ally.

History: Tah'Moe Deel Amagiri was born into the little known Amagiri clan, a noble ninja clan in a small country that shares a border with the Land of Fire. He grew up learning that traditional ninja arts in his clan, and battled the surrounding clans for most of his childhood. He was not the heir to the clan, rather he was sixteenth in line, and though his clan was comparatively poor, their proximity to the Village hidden in the leaves made them generally unattractive targets for attack.

Still, they had their wars, and Tah'Moe was sent out to do battle with many opponents. As he did, he noticed that some ninja seemed superior to others, as though nature had selected them for some greater purpose. These ninja were natural killers, despite what they may say about comradery and friendship, and through either their minds or bodies, they were simply better. Tah'Moe became fascinated by them, and began to study biology and science as a method of understanding their strength, and after years of study he was able to preform Surgery and provide medical aid through his tools and his chakra, becoming a medical ninja.

But his studies went beyond simply repairing the body, he wanted to learn how to make it preform better, how to draw out the hidden potentials found inside every ninja, but tapped by only a few. In his experiments he began to create specialized combat drugs, and sometimes poisons as byproduct of his research. His village eagerly made use of his creations, though they warned him to keep his experiments under control, and not to do anything that could endanger the clan.

Then the clan became part of a Village, a small one, composed of only three ninja clans, but a village none the less. The new alliance brought Moe within close proximity of those who were formerly enemy ninja, ninja he had only been able to study while dead...until now. He gained some apprentices, and with permission from their respective clans, began some minor tests on the other ninja, learning more, but it wasnt enough.

Soon Moe and his apprentices began to kidnap the children of powerful ninja in the night, blaming other villages for the disappearances once the youths were found missing. He experimented on them without restraint, and learned much from his forbidden actions. He tested all kinds of chakra enhanced chemicals and drugs on his subjects, all the while keeping his experimentation hidden from the village.

But what he didnt expect was that he would be so successful, and while he was away, some of the captives broke free using their enhanced bodies, and completely blew his operation wide open when they escaped. All his apprentices were hunted down and killed, and Moe barely escaped with his life. In the process of escaping he used many of his own drugs on himself, all at once, and still bears the scars, both mental and physical, for his actions.

Now, where before he sought to progress his knowledge, he seeks only to survive, traveling from village to village, hunted for his bounty of 2,000,000 Ryo. This message may be the last chance he has, and he intends to at least pursue it long enough to prove it false.

Theme Song: This


Equipped Weapons/Items: Priest's Iron staff, 20 Ninja Stars, 10 Kunai, 15 high yield explosive tags. Medical Back pack: 12 Strength Enhancement Pills, 8 Speed Enhancement Pills, 10 Pain Nullifier pills, 5 pounds of ingredients, Surgical tools.


Mist Servant Technique, Chakra Scalpel, Mystical Palm Technique, Poison Mist Technique, Smoke Clone, Multiple Smoke Clone, Wind Cutter Technique, Wind Release Slash, Vacuum Wave Technique, Wind Stream, Air Bullets, Dust Cloud Technique, Vacuum Blade, Vacuum Spheres.

Name of Technique: Exhaling Smoke Dragon Jutsu

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Rank: C Rank

Range: Close to mid Range

Nature Type: Wind

Handseals: Bird, Snake, Dragon

Description: Moe forms his hand signs and belches a continuous stream of smoke from his mouth and uses his chakra to mold and control it, shaping it into a Dragon. Works identically to This

Weakness: Moe can create many dragons, and sustain them, but only for a maximum of five minutes, after which he must stop to take a breath.

Name of Technique: Forbidden Dream Art: Mind Body Attunement

Type of Jutsu: Medical Ninjutsu

Rank: A Rank

Range: 3 meters or Self

Nature Type: N/A

Handseals: Bird, Rat, Monkey, Dragon, Forbidden Flesh sign, Forbidden Sight sign, Body Release Sign.

Description: Using advanced knowledge of chemical make up of a good ninja's brain, Moe exhales blue fumes which, when breathed in will cause a change in the chemical make up of the person's brain. The fumes cause the person to enter a peaceful, serene state where panic is impossible and every decision can be made calmly and clearly. But more than that, it attunes the mind and body so that the person affected has perfect bodily control, from being able to slow or stop their own heart beat, to calculating exactly how a movement should be produced, thus augmenting taijutsu quite well. Indeed, time seems to slow for the subject of the technique, allowing them enhanced grace and control on the battle field. This Jutsu greatly increases mental and physical capacity at the expense of a the Chakra used to create the effect.

Weakness: There is a large chakra drain on the user of this effect, and the subject will suffer terrible head aches and muscle cramps after the effect wears off. Taking a full dose of the technique will generally tend to make the effect last for a full ten minutes, after which it wears off and the side effects kick in.

Name of Technique: Forbidden Dream Art: Suicide Cloud Breath

Type of Jutsu: Chemical Genjutsu

Rank: A Rank

Range: 15 meters range, 5 meter even spread

Nature Type: N/A

Handseals: Bird, Serpent, Rat, Monkey, Dragon, Forbidden Flesh Sign, Forbidden Mind sign, Body Defilement Sign.

Description: Moe preforms his forbidden signs and exhales a stream of thick black smoke which is often confused for a smoke screen. The stream travels a fair distance and, wherever it hits, it expands into a large cloud. The smoke can be breathed in, but what makes it truly insidious is that all that needs to happen is for it to touch your skin, and it is absorbed all the same. Clothes can be tainted with the smoke, and though the effects will only be half as fast acting, ultimately the effects will remain the same.

Once the smoke has been absorbed into a victim, whether through inhalation or skin contact, it begins to take effect instantly, though invisibly to the victim. It should also be noted that food or water that has been tainted by the smoke will still be able to poison people. The Effects are simple, and mounting.

First, the Victim begins to ignore their wounds, which can seem to be a boon at first. But they begin to completely forget about them, going so far as to use injured legs, or swing broken arms. This effect grows worse with time.

Second, the affected victim begins to grow single minded, thinking only of attacking and gradually forgetting strategy and maneuvering as they favor increasingly direct, and often suicidal assaults. This effect also grows over time.

Lastly, the over all coordination and movement of the victim become impaired, causing shuriken throws to go wildly off target, wrong or incomplete hand-signs foil jutsu, and uncoordinated steps begin to trip the target up. Like the others, this effect begins small but grows over time.

Perhaps the most dangerous aspect of the smoke is that the victim will remain unaware of their own deteriorating condition as his or her mind is impaired by the jutsu. They perceive their own failures as skill on the enemies part, and can not make the connection between their decreasing rational actions and the possibility that they are acting abnormally.

Someone else, however, can warn the affected person and make them aware of their condition, though this will not stop the effects entirely. By the time an hour has passed, the victim is too impaired to do more than lie still or flail aimlessly. This lasts for two more hours, and then the effects suddenly wear off completely, leaving the ninja feeling refreshed and ready for action.

Weakness: This Jutsu consumes a fair amount of Chakra, and it is fairly easy to accidentally catch yourself or your allies in the cloud, which lingers for approximately 30 seconds.

Current Team Members

Beta-Kirino Takeda: Heavy Offensive Jutsu Specialist

Ineffectivd- Ikari Hanayoshi: Master Thief

Wisdom- Kurage Genzai: Defensive Combat Specialist

HaruAketchi- Yuki Aburame: Bug Jutsu Specialist

Humor- Kirato Uzumaki: Taijutsu Mixed Martial Arts/Weapon Specialist

TagochiRein- Ryuzoji Takadori: Taijutsu Ambush/Sensory Specialist

Ninbinz- Hogo Fukujin: Utility/Balanced Skill Set

SongBird- Sumire Nishimura: Genjutsu/Medical Nin Specialist

Sweet Revenge- Asuna Kaguya: Taijutsu/Endurance Specialist
Last edited by a moderator:
Name: Kirino Takeda

Nickname/Alias: Kirino the Tempest

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Age Appearance: Early Twenties

Sexuality: Bisexual

Village: Missing Nin ( Formerly from Kusagakure )

Birthplace: Kusagakure

Organization: Unknown

Clan/Bloodline: Takeda

Rank: Former Jounin, Now S-Rank Criminal

Chakra Nature: Fire, Wind, "Inferno" ( Fire/Wind Kekkei Genkai )



Personality: Kirino's troubled past is reflected in her behavior. She is cold and calculating, but not beyond politeness and manners when they serve a purpose. Outside of combat, she is generally even-tempered and easy to coexist with unless angered... which happens quickly, to her misfortune. In combat, she is unforgiving and remorseless. Also not surprising, thanks to her appearance, she is also rather flirty. Especially when behaving in such a way offers her an advantage.

History: Kirino grew up in a troubled home. Her stepfather was a drunkard, her mother was forced to be promiscuous and sleep with other men for money, and her two brothers were... abusive, to say the least. Often times, her stepfather would come home at night and beat on the two boys simply because they looked at him funny. The brothers would then take it out first on each other, then on Kirino. More than once they knocked her out, and she would wake up later on, tied to the bed and without clothing. She would cry out for someone, anyone, to just let her go or let her die. Every time, her mother would rush in and untie her from the bed, whispering comforts to the traumatized girl who cried in her arms.

As the years went on, the abuses got worse. Finally Kirino struck back. The now 13 year old girl was about to get hit on the head by her older brother and subjected to more 'bed games' as they called it, when the girl spun around and smashed a thick plate over her brother's head. The second young man rushed her and was met with a broken plate shard slicing into the flesh of his wrist and arm. Both boys were not fatally wounded, but the violence drew attention from the drunk father. The husky man grabbed the club-like object he used to use when he beat the boys, and brought it to bear against his daughter. That was when the despair ended for Kirino... when her mother took the heavy blow that was meant for her.

Her stepfather's powerful swing sent the club smashing into the torso of her mother. It was then that Kirino knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she needed to stop him. He'd kill them if she didn't. The anger built. No, not anger. Something... else. Righteous Fury was more like it. That bastard had forced her mother into prostitution, and allowed her brothers to beat and rape her. Enough was enough. Kirino screamed as loud as she could and took the broken shard she had cut her brother with in her hand. The big man she knew as her father gripped the club tightly. This would be it.


Kirino awoke in a medical facility, with her mother at her side. When the girl asked what happened, she was quickly brought up to speed. She had jumped at her father, who buried the blunt weapon in Kirino's ribcage. The man then walked over to her and was about to deliver the final blow, but the young girl had retaliated by crying out in anger and pain... somehow setting the drunken man ablaze, ending his life. Taken aback by this, Kirino thought for several minutes. Then realized that she and her mother were free.

But then a Ninja she recognized as a unit from the Military Police entered the room. Immediately, Kirino apologized for murdering her father and pleaded with the man to show her leniency. He waved his hands a few times and explained that she was in no trouble, and that even her two brothers were under arrest due to evidence they had found during her treatment, as well as testimony from Kirino's mother. Truly, they were free. But the ninja DID ask something of her. Willing to do nearly anything for the person she felt helped her get free of her nightmare. She instantly agreed to enter the Ninja Academy.


Nine years later...

Kirino was a talented Jounin-Rank Shinobi. Her skills in Ninjutsu and Taijutsu are fairly advanced, and she knows how to utilize more than one element. This allowed her to eventually create her own Kekkei Genkai that she has dubbed the "Inferno Style". But the peace in her life would not last. Her brothers were released from their imprisonment and immediately sought to find their 'beloved' sister once more. In time, they found her and begged her to help them get back on their feet. Reluctantly, Kirino agreed to assist her brothers despite her mother being against it. Helping the two men would alter Kirino's life drastically and permanently.

One day upon returning from a mission, Kirino found that her Mother was reported missing by a neighbor. Immediately, the Jounin questioned her brothers about their mother's whereabouts. They vehemently denied doing anything. A big red flag. Kirino hadn't accused them of anything yet. And so began the interrogations. After several hours of questioning and borderline torture, the brothers admitted to killing their mother. Kirino's mind snapped, and with a cheerful smile she slashed the throats of her siblings and watched their life drain from their bodies.

Normally a crime among civilians, the simple murder of two former criminals wasn't enough to slake Kirino's bloodlust. The neighbor that had told her of her missing mother happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Kirino unleashed one of her Kekkei Genkai techniques, the Flame Cyclone, on the poor man's home. But even then, her shattered mind was not satisfied. By the end of her rampage, the Jounin had destroyed nine homes and killed an estimated seventeen people. The number is likely higher, but since her Inferno Style has been known to reduce bodies to nothing but ash, the total kill count was never determined.

Once her rage subsided, Kirino knew she would not have much time before she would be brought to justice herself. So rather than submit, she created six Shadow Clones, and sent them all off in random directions to throw off her pursuers. Her gambit was successful, and she managed to escape Kusagakure. She could never return, but at this point, she didn't really care.


One Year Later...

After being on the run for a time and offering her skills to anyone who could afford them, Kirino was contacted via a messenger hawk. Seemed someone wanted to 'hire' her. Well, not so much hire... but not really anything else, either. With the message was 10,000 Ryo and 15 Highly Explosive tags. The message itself spoke of amnesty for her crimes and an immense payment

... The rest, as they say, is history.

Theme Song:

Non-Battle Theme: Epica - Storm the Sorrow

Battle Theme: Powerman 5000 - Bombshell



Kunai/Shuriken scrolls on wrists

Large Roll of Ninja Wire

Paper Bombs x20

Seal Tags x5

Tanto x2



Special Traits

Kekkei Genkai: Inferno-Style

Name of Kekkei Genkai: Inferno-Style

Type: Dual-Nature

Clan: N/A

Description: By combining Fire-Nature Chakra with Wind-Nature Chakra, the heat and force delivered by Inferno-Style Jutsu far exceed jutsu from either of the parent natures. Inferno-Nature Chakra is unrivaled in it's destructive capabilities, and can cause major damage to anything caught in one of the jutsu associated with it.


1. Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bomb

2. Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Technique

3. Fire Style: Flame Whirlwind

4. Fire Style: Blaze Ball

5. Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu

6. Wind Style: Air Cutter

7. Wind Style: Air Cannon

8. Wind Style: Dust Storm

9. Wind Style: Pressure Damage

10. Wind Style: Gale Palm

11. Wind Style: Spiraling Wind Ball

(( Limit two per post. One in each hand ))

12. Genjutsu: Death Mirage

13. Genjutsu: Smoky Distraction

(( Works as link, except it is ash and smoke instead of flower petals ))

14. Genjutsu: Mist Servant

15. Genjutsu: Blast Wave

(( Works as above, except it uses a small but incredibly bright explosion instead of a flash of lightning ))

16. Genjutsu: Descending Hell

17. Shadow Clone Jutsu

18. Taijutsu: Hellfire Insertion

(( Yeah... had to. But generally, if used in combat... Kirino will substitute fingers for an explosive tag. Gives new meaning to the term "Explosive Diarrhea" right? ))

Name of Technique: Inferno Style: Flame Cyclone

Type of Jutsu: Offensive

Rank: B-Rank

Range: Medium to Long

Nature Type: Inferno

Handseals: Horse -> Tiger -> Snake

Description: The user of this Jutsu inhales deeply, kneading their chakra into the air in their lungs. Upon exhaling, a massive ball of fire bursts from the user's mouth and rushes toward the target. At impact, be it with the ground, the target, a tree, etc... the blast erupts into a rotating pillar of intense flames and punishing wind

Weakness: None

Name of Technique: Inferno Style: Cataclysm

Type of Jutsu: Offensive

Rank: A-Rank, Possibly S-Rank

Range: Any Target the user can see

Nature Type: Inferno

Handseals: Horse -> Monkey -> Rat -> Ox -> Boar -> Bird -> Ox -> Hare -> Palm Thrust

Description: The user initiates the hand seals, focuses their chakra, and thrusts their palm at the target. Once the user thrusts their palm outward, an immense ball of whirling flames rockets in the direction of the thrust. If it misses, the user can control it's trajectory with hand movements. Upon impact, the hellish blast explodes violently and with a radius of several dozen meters. The damage is dealt in the form of terrible burns, numerous cuts caused by depressurization, and raw impact damage.

Weakness: The user of this jutsu is likely to suffer some damage if it is used in close quarters due to the blast radius of the technique.

Name: Inferno Style: Tempest Armor

Type: Defensive, Supplemental

Rank: A-Rank

Range: Self

Nature: Inferno

Handsigns: Clap Hands Together

Description: The user of this technique is enveloped by a swirling mass of flames and wind pressure similar to the Flame Cyclone Jutsu, but on a much smaller scale. The heat of the flames and the speed of the moving air around the user is a very effective armor as well as a weapon for offense, subjecting anyone who confronts them in melee combat to additional damage caused by the burning heat and biting wind. Though formidable-looking and potentially damaging to those unprepared for it... anyone with significant speed can attack the user (with a punch, kick, etc) and remove the attacking appendage (arm, leg, etc) quickly enough to only sustain minor scrapes and burns, while dealing significant damage to the user of this jutsu.

Weakness: If used in short bursts, there is no real weakness. The user's own "Inferno-Nature" chakra protects them. If... however... the user is forced into a defensive fight and relies on this technique too often, the effects of the armor begin to harm them as well as their foe. In time, the Tempest Armor will burn away the user beyond all hope of healing or survival. Therefore, the one using this technique must be careful to not overuse it.


Name: Shuriken

Species: It's a bunch of shuriken...

Age: N/A

Size: Tiny

Unique Traits: Kirino can summon shuriken as fast as she can tap the seals on her wrists

Jutsu: N/A

History: N/A

Let me know if any edits are needed.
Just a few things I would like addressed in the history.

1. I find it very unlikely that an untrained, poor, abused girl could find the strength of will and body to defeat not one but three men, or at least two stronger boys and one grown man. Had she been training in ninja arts secretly? Did her Kekkei Genkai activate under stress? Her father and mother both arent ninja, so she certainly didnt get her accuracy and killer instinct from them. Her mother was a prostitute, so perhaps Kirino's father was not actually her real father, and her real ninja father is somewhere out there? Just explain this a little better, because despite what we all wish, a 13 year old girl could not defeat three other determined women, much less three men who have been abusing her their entire life.

2.Unless a ninja was there to observe the event, it is very unlikely that they would recruit some poor, beaten girl into their elite ninja ranks. If she used her K.G., then that would easily be reason enough, and if a ninja happened to observe her killing skill himself, then that may be enough for a one year trial to see if she has what it takes. But the military police would hardly take interest in such a small case with a poor family.

3. What got Kirino kicked out of her village? She tortured and killed her brothers? But they were rapists, murders, and poor, while she is a high ranking official in the military, and a powerful Shinobi with a unique and ultra destructive bloodline trait. Ask yourself, if you were the Kage of that village, or even the leader of that country, and this case came to your attention, would you throw away a Queen for two pawns(Less than pawns even)? Especially when that Queen could burn her way out of your village? I think her crimes need to be more severe, not every village is as strictly honorable as Konoha, and besides, even Konoha wouldn't condemn one of their ninja for doing such a thing to two murderers. Some reprimands at best. Please make the crime worse.

Lets start by fixing the above mentioned stuff.
Edited. Better? It's now her stepfather, she set him on fire without any formal training, and she went on an arson rampage after killing her brothers.
I guess Beta is blackmailing me to join this.


Would you prefer an Eight Gates user descended from Sloths, a Hyuga with a sword, or a random Uchiha? I'm partial towards the Eight Gates myself, I never seem to be able to use those in RPs.
I vote for option one or option two. Though I know you can also make a badass Uchiha, as well.
Hyuga with a a sword sounds interesting, but please be whatever you want to be.

As for Beta, this is more acceptable. Just one more thing. She seems to have many of her bases covered, but a lot of her special techniques seem to use massive amounts of chakra, so dont be surprised if you get exhausted quickly if you try to fire off all your major attacks in one fight. Just a little warning, after all none of use are Kisame, and no one in this RP is a Jinchurikin, or however it us you spell it.

Aside from that, Your Golden, Character Accepted!
No I know that. I wasn't planning on firing of S-Rank after S-Rank and acting like it was fine. I'm not playing Nagato, Kisame, or Itachi.

And I've seen his Hyuga Swordsman. It's totally badass.
Don't wait on Sloth. He always takes his time. Honestly, if we have three people we can probably start IMO.
Beta said:
Don't wait on Sloth. He always takes his time. Honestly, if we have three people we can probably start IMO.
I'm terribly sorry that I have work.

I'm getting started on it, or maybe I'll just copy paste his original sheet from the guild....hmm....

Ahh, back when I sucked at sheets, I do feel the need to say that I'm virtually rewriting the entire sheet, especially the back-story and what not, as I just got an idea for how he could become a criminal and all. Not to mention he's generic as hell otherwise. Gosh, the old days.

Name: Hirotaka Hy?ga

Nickname/Alias: Konoha's All Seeing White Eye, Hiro.

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Age Appearance: 29

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Village: Konohagakure

Birthplace: Konohagakure

Organization: Hy?ga Main House

Clan/Bloodline: Hy?ga

Chakra Rank: A

Rank: J?nin

Chakra Nature: F?ton


Personality: Hirotaka, being the heir to the Hy?ga main house, was given alot of pressure from his father, Ichiro, to live up to the Hy?ga name, and as such, Hirotaka was bred to be a leader of villagers and shinobi alike, and has since then asserted himself into Konoha's society as a "friendly next door neighbor" sort of person, always helping out the elderly amongst the population, often being seen sharing a drink with his fellow man in the local restaurants, and volunteering for even the most menial tasks given to him by the Hokage, although, his recent exposure to the terrors of war have caused him to become a hard-nosed realist, and rather blunt with those that find themselves his subordinates, never fleeing from telling them that they might very well not come out alive, and that they must be prepared at all times.

History: Hirotaka Hy?ga was born the heir of the Hy?ga clan, and was raised by a rather strict father, who always micromanaged Hirotaka's life, from Hiro's training schedule to the amount of food he would eat, there was no doubt in anyone's mind that Ichiro Hy?ga was grooming, or rather forcing, his son to be the next great Hy?ga Patriarch.

During his years in the academy, Hirotaka showed himself to be one of the best of his generation, quickly mastering his clans Kekkei Genkai, the Byakugan, and the gentle fist style of fighting, and graduated the academy at the top of his class, with nothing less than an A in every single class, graduating the academy at the young age of 9.

During his years as a genin under Fujimoto Aburame, Hirotaka came to possess a long sword, crafted by Konoha's master blacksmith as a reward for retrieving the smith's beloved pet dog from the forest of death. Hiro quickly assimilated kenjutsu into his regular fighting style, developing a new fighting style which he has named the "Gentle Sword Tip", a style which he became famed for during his time as a Chunin during the most recent shinobi war.

Hiro saw many an atrocity during the recent konohagakure war, and it has somewhat changed his outlook on life, he now considers himself a realist and survivalist, and shows almost no mercy in combat, at least, in combat he does not purposefully initiate, always going "for the quick kill" as they say, rather than dealing with the trivialities of taking a person prisoner.

A few years ago, Hirotaka was promoted to the rank of J?nin, and has completed many a task for his village, from high-profile assassinations to reconnaissance missions, however, Hirotaka has stated his desire to retire from shinobi life, and has stepped down from full time mission taking, and has even accepted the prospect of leading a genin squad, the member's of which he is set to meet in a matter of hours.



Name of Weapon or Item: The Nameless Sword

Description: Hirotaka uses this blade in an odd fashion, not only is he generally renowned for his Kenjutsu, but he is able to lower himself into a stance with the sword akin to the eight trigrams technique, and, if he focuses hard enough, not only can he obviously cut people up, but he is able to "poke" their chakra points with the sword, increasing his range and rendering him unpredictable in combat.



Special Traits:

- Extraordinary reflexes and reaction timing while his Byakugan is activated.

- Unusual and effective Kenjutsu.

- If he were to focus hard enough, he could increase his Byakugan's telescopic vision to extend about a mile in one specific direction, the maximum he can view in all directions is upwards of 5 football fields.


- Although the majority of Hy?ga can use their Kekkei Genkai for upwards of an hour, Hirotaka can only use his for about thirty minutes before his eyesight becomes impaired.

- Due to the way he holds his sword when using the Eight Trigrams Sword Strike technique, he can easily be disarmed by a fellow swordsman with enough skill.

Kekkei Genkai:

Name of Kekkei Genkai: Byakugan

Clan: Hy?ga



[hider=Canon Jutsu]


[hider=Custom Jutsu]

Name of Technique: Eight Trigrams Sword Strike

Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu/Gentle Fist

Rank: B

Range: Close

Nature Type: N/A

Handseals: none

Description: Hirotaka draws his sword and drops into a stance akin to an eight trigrams formation, and then begins to "poke" the adversary with the tip of his sword while simultaneously charging chakra through it, unleashing it once it makes contact with a chakra point, akin to a regular gentle fist strike.

Weakness: Can easily be disarmed by a fellow swordsman, can also easily loose focus with enough of a distraction.[/hider]
Either one works, Sloth.

As far as work, you could always say "I'll be posting it in the next couple days. I'm going to be a little busy." or something to that effect.

Can't wait to see Hirotaka whoop some ass again.
Name: Ikari Hanayoshi

Nickname/Alias: Dai Tozoku, the Great Thief

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Height: 170 cm

Sexuality: Straight

Village of origin: Sunagakure

Former Clan/Bloodline: None.

Former Position: Tokubetsu Jonin

Chakra Nature: Wind

Specialty: Bukijutsu, mainly Shurikenjutsu, Kayakujutsu and Kendojutsu. He is especially trained in breaking and entering.



"Well, there's one thing about trying to kill me when I'm trying to tell you a story. It's extremely rude and frowned upon by others. By any chance, is this yours? You dropped it being an idiot. Here, have it back."

Ikari Hanayoshi is a master of diversion and misdirection, constantly chattering non-stop to drive his opponents into a rage or simply confusion. It is often theorized that Ikari sees everything else in a slower perspective than others, and hence possesses a rather over-confident view of his abilities to dodge any attacks his way and chatter on at the same time. He enjoys doing the most whimsical things to piss his opponent off. However, his fun-loving side belies one that relies on the human reaction of others, performing actions that cause others to react by reflex to reveal their true disposition.

He is seen to be a wannabe Casanova, never stopping his thoughts about attractive women. His mentality often involves women in his thinking in whatever he was originally pondering about. Added to this, he is an extremely money-minded man, taking into account about how much anything costs.

Ikari, for all of his flirting and money-mindedness, however, is one to sit back and plot his advancements. His lack of skill in being a ninja means that he has to out-think everyone in everything and is required to predict his opponent’s next move. As such, he bases his attacks, moves and actions on the opponent’s reflexes and human nature. He seems to love to do things beforehand, such as setting up explosive traps or escape routes and then detonating them later.

History: No family, no history, no home. That was the story of Ikari Hanayoshi. Imagine if Naruto hadn’t been born with extraordinary powers, just a kid without any sort of relation to one of the most badass characters ever created. Ikari Hanayoshi was that image. Never knowing his parents and whether they were alive or dead, Ikari grew up in an orphanage. It would seem misfortune followed him everywhere he went, as he was often framed for everything. When another child’s toy went missing, fingers were always pointed at Ikari, who tried to explain that he did not do it. More often than not, the evidence was always stacked against him, even if he wasn’t the culprit. At a certain point of time, it got to him that if they wanted him to be a thief, then why shouldn’t he oblige? On that day, Dai Tozoku, the Great Thief, was born. Now, things went missing more than ever, with a surprising lack of evidence this time. The victims, previously his instigators, were furious. At an age of 13, he was completely evacuated from the orphanage after he accidentally missed out a single evidence.

Once more, luck did not favour him. Branded as a child thief, Ikari faced constant torment through his days, being pelted by with rocks and insults as he walked the streets. Verging on starvation, Ikari fell back to his old crime, stealing. He pocketed food, Ryo, valuables, anything he could get his hands on. Swift and silent. That was how Ikari went. Of course, his reign did not last long, as the authorities soon caught him on one of his runs. Chunin, to be exact. However, Ikari pulled his natural ploy of ‘whatever rolls’ and slipped out of their grasp. He would have escaped if it wasn’t for the fact that he was soon restricted when a burst of sand. However, this case brought up the interest of other ninjas. A young boy evaded them for days on end and even managed to slip past Chunins, even when he lacked any prowess whatsoever. The makings of a thief was what built a ninja made of stealth and cunning. What if they mixed this natural thief with the abilities of a shinobi?

Ten years passed.

Ikari was now a Tokubetsu Jonin, specializing in entering areas inaccessible by normal means and retrieving information or items pertaining to a vital part of crime. Having made it past his Genin exams by retrieving the answers unseen, the Chunin exams by doing almost the same and pickpocketing his way through the entire outdoor exam and finally stunning the daimyos by taking his opponent out without a single use of actual ninjutsu and with just pure confusion instead, Ikari was a trained thief through and through, armed with very little extra abilities besides the basic ones. However, Ikari felt something missing. He was stealing, yes, technically, but he didn’t feel the essence of it. He needed something that sealed his ability as THE Dai Tozoku, the Great Thief. He was paid monthly, but that was righteous work. It wasn’t hard-earned purloining of cash.

It wasn’t long till he found a request. The obtaining of a forbidden jutsu locked in the annals of the Kage’s quarters. A hefty sum of a million Ryo was offered for it. Ikari was practically salivating at the mouth when he heard of the price. He was no less ecstatic when he met with his client bearing the scroll that kept the secret of the Jutsu he was supposed to retrieve.

What goes around, comes around. His colleagues were the ones that appeared out of the trees, ready to arrest him. Without as much as another thought, he ran off, still carrying the scroll with him. He disposed of the scroll much later, throwing it into a river.

For an entire year, Ikari went incognito, performing acts of thievery that only amounted in addition to his bounty, now totaling more than the scroll he was originally tasked to steal, numbering around a million and a half Ryo. However, no one can hide from fate forever. As Ikari sat down by the river that he threw the scroll in out of desperation, a bag floated down the stream. Out of curiosity, Ikari retrieved it and searched its contents. 10000 Ryo sat neatly in a coin purse inside, along with fifteen explosive tags, his own favourite weapons. Inside, a note in hasty writing, dictating that he would be absolved of all his doings, even his most recent ones. Only if he were to follow each and every instruction.

The payment, however, was what caught his interest. Fingers trembling with excitement, he set off to find his benefactor. If he or she could be called that.

Theme Song:

General Theme: Caravan Palace - Jolie Coquine

Battle Theme: Renard - SINISTERRRRRRRR


Equipped Weapons/Items:

-30 explosive tags + 15

- Normal steel longsword

-4 Kunais

-A single kunai with a twine of string attached to facilitate a swifter return of the weapon and ensuring the presence of an emergency weapon at all times.

-20 lockpicks

- 5 Shurikens


Canon Jutsu:

Vacuum Sword

Blade of Wind

Wind Release: Dust Cloud Technique

Powerful Wind Wave

Explosive Tag Technique

Sealed Bomb Square Release

Barrier Encampment Method

Name of Technique: Gale Slash

Type of Jutsu: Shurikenjutsu; Ninjutsu

Rank: D-Rank

Range: Short

Nature Type: Wind

Handseals: Ram, Boar, Ox, Dog, Snake (only when using the Misdirection version)

Description: Ikari begins the assault by stepping back and spinning his kunai with incredible speed in front of him, as if testing the weight, before shifting the spinning blade to his side, and then leaping in to deal a rather stylish, but damaging slash. The direction of the slash depends on whether he spins the blade upwards (therefore an uppercut), or downwards (the reverse). A shuriken version has him utilize his chakra to spin the shuriken. This version almost always has it come from different sides and is harder to anticipate due to him not physically spinning the weapon.

The danger comes with his usage of basic ninjutsu to outwit opponents who expect nothing much from a ninja lacking any apparent sort of skill. Another version of this attack has him pull a Body Replacement Technique just as he is about to strike the opponent and continuing to attack them from a random direction. Either that or he does this to dodge the opponent entirely and run away from them.

Weakness: Its rather obvious flaw is that it takes really long to deliver, and is mainly used for style more than anything else. If one can anticipate the attack and note where he started the spin from, then it is almost of no use. Only the shuriken version poses any threat, no matter how small. The misdirection version is just slightly higher on the danger scale if one does not expect him to pull such a stunt, but grows to be predictable after getting used to his technique. More or less, this technique relies entirely on unpredictability.

Name of Technique: The Distraction

Type of Jutsu: Kendojutsu

Rank: E-Rank

Range: Medium

Nature Type:


Description: Ikari only uses this in the rare occasions he’s wielding his sword. He starts off by leaping back to gauge the distance and, upon taking in the scene, he tosses the sword into the air, causing it to spin. On misdirecting his opponent, he either closes in for a stab with his kunai, then catching the sword to deliver another blow, or just leaps up to grab hold of the sword and bring it down on the opponent. The rare occasion has him hurl the sword over the target, missing entirely, and running around to pick up the sword before escaping. Oddly enough, he doesn’t pull the Body Replacement Technique in this one.

Weakness: Seeing as this relies once again on misdirection and complete surprise, the only thing one can do about it is to try and make out his telltale signs of which one he is going to pull out of his ass.

Name of Technique: Sword of Erasure: Gran Centurio

Type of Jutsu: Kendojutsu

Rank: C-Rank

Range: Short to Middle

Nature Type: None

Handseals: None

Description: Ikari draws a blade, either his own, or one he picked up earlier. The blade will always be pre-prepared with explosive tags running all over it. Ikari will then make an extravagant and lengthy announcement, before he slashes or throws the sword at the target. Upon contact, the tags will explode and deal massive amounts of damage wherever it hits. The recoil will send Ikari hurtling back, but otherwise unharmed.

Weakness: It’s a hit or miss attack. If he misses the first shot, then it’s good as useless, other than to cause a beautiful explosion. The massive explosion, however, guarantees a knock-back if one is too close to it.

Name of Technique: The Guessing Game

Type of Jutsu: Kayakujutsu(?)

Rank: None

Range: Short

Nature Type: None

Handseals: Random

Description: The most random move in his arsenal, which isn’t even considered much of a jutsu, since he just pulls it completely out of nowhere. He starts by just performing completely random handseals, though they resemble the ones to powerful jutsu moves, and then yells out a random jutsu name. At this point, he will either rush in and tag the target with an explosive seal and retreat, or completely high-tail it when his opponent is confused.

Weakness: It has gone from normal attacks to just full-on misdirection. Try to keep in tandem with his insanely random ass-pull and one would survive his onslaught of confusion-fu.
We seem to have a lot of wind nin. In any case, accepted, though I would suggest that you get a few more jutsu for yourself. You are supposed to be an experienced rogue ninja all, dont be afraid to grab a few more techniques if you want.


Status: Missing-Nin

Village: Uzushiogakure - "Village Hidden by Whirling Tides"

Specialties: F?injutsu "Sealing Techniques"

Style: Sens? Sutairu no Otoko (Man-o-War Style); a Storm Release style

! :Bingo Book: !

Name: Kurage(Jellyfish)

Nickname/Alias: "Sens? no Otoko" or "Man-of-War"

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Height: 6'0

Sexuality: Food... but mostly women.

Village of origin: Uzushiogakure - "Village Hidden by Whirling Tides"

Former Clan/Bloodline: Genzai "Current"

Former Position: Protector of Forbidden Techniques

Chakra Nature: Water & Lightning: Storm Release

Specialty: F?injutsu "Sealing Techniques"... and cooking

Ninjutsu: Kurage's trademark ninjutsu hails from the many combinations of his personal sens? no otoko, or "man-o-war" stance. Kurage developed this stance alongside his uncle Akaei, a prominaent member of the Genzai Clan Once the appropriate signs are made, Kurage envelopes himself in a protective bubble of electrically charged water with several various tentacles wiggling off of it which are used for offense. The stance is naturally defensive, though many other offensive and defensive techniques can be utilized from within it.

Taijutsu: In terms of Taijutsu, Kurage is prone to applying chakra to whatever physical attacks he lays out to compensate for his speed.

Genjutsu: Unfortunately, Kurage's pursuit of genjutsu mastery stops short of the effort it takes to hide his large presence.

Appearance:Kurage is rather robust for a shinobi, standing at 6'0 and weighing 280 pounds out of armor. He has a tan complexion and dons blue corn rows that reach below the back of his neck. He has three purple circles in a triangular formation tattooed on his forehead, a cross-shaped scar on the left side of his mouth and tends to have his eyes squinted closed. He is definately on the razor's edge of what would be considered physically appropriate for the situational shinobi warrior. The only compensation for his eating habits and large frame, are his outstanding sealing techniques and jutsu capabilities; being a natural big body, he also has a rather large chakra pool to draw from.

Personality: Kurage had been the recipient of humiliation and contempt from his own clan since adolescence. This plays a part in his incredibly low self-esteem, though Kurage masks it by being a "larger than life" individual. Most of Kurage's social experiences flop due to his obnoxiousness, as evidently he always tries too hard to impress or intimidate. It may be hard at time to reconcile whether Kurage is under an influence of sort, or is just acting overtly akwardly. What makes Kurage a hard case is how he'll lean between acts of kindness and acts of complete ignorance in one move.


Fat Boy; Slower Shinobi...

Kurage was considered to be the weakest of the estranged Genzai Clan of Uzushiogakure due to his size. Shinobi of the Genzai clan were born with the advance nature kekkei genkai of "Storm Release", which balanced both water and lightning elements to create devasting top-speed abilities. It was the nature of this release that led the majority of Genzai clansmen to glorify speed and agility. By age 12, Kurage was as tall as his father Onikasago (Scorpionfish) Genzai, and sixty pounds heavier. His size did not allow him to utilize the clan's mainstream training, and thus he could not reciprocate most of the techniques his peers had learned. Kurage's father at one time starved him for an entire two weeks to try and shrink him down, but to no avail, as it was then discovered that Kurage's diet was not to blame... he was just intended to be naturally big. Onikasago stood as the head of the clan, so the fact that his own son could not participate in the clan's lineage brought emmense shame to him. Many nights Kurage had fallen asleep to a cacophony of verbal abuse his mother would recieve from his father. It would start after several glasses of sake and end sometimes never, though Kurage learned to fall asleep before it could be determined. On the day of Kurage's 13th birthday, his mother Namigashira went missing and was never found; though Kurage could fathom one of the many outcomes of her fate.
The Genzai Clan

The Genzai clan bannered under

Uzushiogakure, like most other clans, for protection from the threats of the greater shinobi world. The clan swiftly acquired popularity, serving on a majority of missions and holding high esteem from their peers for their impressive kekkei genkai. Namazu (Catfish) Genzai was the first clan head and had four sons. When Namazu passed away from unknown afflictions, his first son Onikasago took the mantle of the clan. Under Onikasago, the Genzai clan had gone from one of notoriety to that of utter seclusion; their reputation degenerating into being caustic and thriving on the fringe of society. The second eldest son had died in the feild of battle, and the third eldest abandoned the village after the assignment of Onikasago. The Genzai clan's participation in village endeavors became rather exclusive and Onikasago at some points in time even made threats of seperating the clan from the village, seeing as he felt they were strong enough to run it and should be doing so. Onikasago's pride led him to fall out of favor with the village heads and his clan fell in suit. Despite the fact that Kurage was banished from participating in training with the clan, he had adopted much of his father's infamy. The village heads and other politically aware citizens grew contempt for Onikasago since he led his clan into a state of uncertainty with the village. It was this contempt that pushed Onikasago into a state of paranoia and instigated his plan to secretly turn the Genzai into the most prominent clan of Uzushiogakure.
Uncle Akaei

Namazu's 4th son was named Akaei (Stingray) Genzai, who in turn had a son name Unagi (Eel) Genzai. Akaei was far more tame and far less judgemental than his eldest brother Onikasago, though his own son Unagi reflected the tendencies of a sociopath. Onikasago had gathered nearly every able body of the entire clan for his secret mission, including Unagi despite the fact that Akaei had rejected the offer. When the clan had dispatched for its covert operation, it was specified that should the mission be a success they would all return within three weeks. Time seemed to drag, eluding the remnants of the clan who's breath had paused in waiting for the return of their kin. After three months of absence, the village heads had realized that the Genzai were not nearly as active as they had been, even with their stand-offish demeanor. The village heads made way to the Genzai clan dojo tucked away on the mountain face looking into the city. It was there that they had discovered the dissapearance of most of the Genzai, but also realized that the clan's redeeming hope was Akaei, for he was nothing like his brother Onikasago and instead sought to peaceably negotiate the terms of his clan in the context of the village. After reconciling with the thought that Onikasago and the Genzai with him were either dead or had abandoned the village, Akaei swallowed the duty of maintaining his clan.
Second Wind

Akaei around this time had perfected an alternate style of combat utilizing the clan's kekkei genkai in ways never before explored. He called this style the "Stingray Method", for the ninjutsu applied reciprocated the actions of a concealed stingray ready to strike. Instead of focusing on insane speeds, flexibility or destruction, this style preserved chakra and required fewer strikes since it was built for precision. This would mean that Akaei would usually lead his prey unto the radius of his ninjutsu like it were a trap, and once they had entered the radius they were slaves to his techniques. Kurage was now in luck. He had worked tirelessly on every other aspect of being a shinobi, yet still avoided applying his own kekkei genkai into his repetoir. Upon turning 15 Kurage was allowed to train again, though now under the tutelage of Akaei. Akaei in training Kurage learned that he actually had potential to be a noteworthy ninja, but it could not be realistic when in working against his self. After years of growth under Akaei, Kurage had developed into a potent shinobi. The "Stingray Method" that Akaei used was modified and tailored to his strengths, so thus Akaei would help Kurage develope a style that worked off of his own. This is what would eventually turn out to be the "Sens? Sutairu no Otoko" or the "Man-o-War Style."
Sens? no Otoko

Kurage had gown expodentially as a shinobi, so much so as to adopt the nickname "Sens? no Otoko" from his village peers after they saw his jutsu in action. While most of the village had grown to accept the new Genzai Clan and their most recent avatars, the village heads still held a primordial fear of Onikasago's legacy in Kurage. While Kurage was quite the opposite of his father in demeanor, (loud and obnoxious) he still was Onikasago's son in the eyes of the village leaders. Akaei was in wondeful standing with the village authority and may had been the only reason they avoided harassing Kurage. Akaei was even able to acquire the aid of masters off?injutsu (sealing techniques) so as to pass those skill sets along to Kurage as well. With all of these efforts combined, it was how Kurage sealed his place as an honorary j?nin of Uzushiogakure.

The heads of the village still had little trust for Kurage, yet were so relieved by Akaei being manageable that they would grant Kurage privelages in order to gain Akaei's favor. Akaei over time had grown a swelling pride for Kurage, and practically adopted him as a son. The village heads realized this and thus left Kurage alone, sometimes even honoring him in front of the village though tongue in cheek. The biggest show of this leniency was when the position of "Protector of Forbidden Techniques" was dubbed to Kurage; an honorable occupation that rarely invoked its own responsibility. In time, the position would serve to suit Kurage as he began to enjoy the effects of popularity tailored with it. It was this time in which Kurage had thought the rest of his days lay ahead in tranquility; as if finally, after an entire childhood of uncertainty, he would be granted the reward for his patience and dedication. He even met who would be his best friend Kaki (oyster) on the job, to which they in their free time would exchange powerful defensive techniques. At this time... all was well.
The Death of a Clan

The greatest loss of the Genzai clan was not when eighty percent of its members never returned from their mission... The night had rolled into a storm that had accumulated in umbral clouds throughout the entire day. Genzai was at his post, waiting in complete silence and secrecy just as every other night. Though oddly enough, as he peered out into the darkness of the storm, he felt a sensation he usually never felt on the job, and that was the sensation of another's presence. "Kaki?" Kurage uttered under his breath before immediately invoking his jutsu and attempting to expose all things within radius. Standing in the storm now in full stance, Kurage felt embarassed as nothing had resulted in his reaction. The feeling of being watched went away after seconds, but upon dropping his guard it rose once more. This time however, his awareness slowly faded into darkness. Everything within the reality of Kurage's consciousness had began to fade, and before Kurage could establish his bearings, he was out. The next thing Kurage knew, he had awoken on the floor of his own dojo drenched in liquid. The liquid was a mixture of water and blood, but not Kurage's own blood as he had assumed; it streamed from the lump of flesh that lay motionless a yard away from Kurage. Upon standing and acclimating his self to his surrounding, Kurage approached the corpse with growing dismay in that he had a strong feeling who lay slewn before him. "What is this?" was the only thing running through Kurage's mind. Before his thoughts could be recollected, Kurage was surrounded by shinobi of the village.

The trial of Kurage was swift and merciless. The village elders had finally gotten what they had anticipated from Kurage, and that was his father's resemblance. By the account of the council and display of evidence, the authority had reconciled that Kurage had not only slain the other protectors on duty, but stole some of the forbidden techniques and then killed his own uncle. Before executing Kurage, the council demanded they know where he took their secrets. The only issue was, was that Kurage was completely dumbfouned by all of this. The evidence pointed to Kurage since the scene of the murders were soaked and mark with electrical burns; trademark of the Genzai kekkei genkai. Kurage stuck to his story of not remembering anything, claiming he loved his uncle too much to slay and asked to investigate if an enemy jutsu had a role to play. The council decided to honor the request, but required that Kurage stay in imprisonment until the issue was rectified. Six months had passed before Kurage realized that they had given up on the effort. The only reason he was still alive, is because nearly every day for those six months, he would experience interrogation on multiple levels in order to extract the whereabouts of the forbidden techniques. Kurage endured the pain of it all in hope that it would show his dedication and truth to the village. But by the looks of how Kurage was being handled, it was safe to assume any respect or preservation for him left with the life of Akaei. So, it was on the first day of his seventh month of his incarceration that Kurage planned an escape. He waited for a time in which he'd be moved for interrogation, and chose to unleash the fury of his abilities upon his captors so as to escape. The endeavor was a success, granting Kurage freedom from his village and from his past, but also donning him the new title of Missing-Nin.
Theme Song: Washed Out - Feel It All Around


Equipped Weapons/Items:

-Traditional Genzai Clan battle armor (purple and blue serrated plates connected by yellow leather straps)

-Tanto (used as a lightining rod; tucked inside sash)

-8x Water Elemental Scrolls (tucked away in sash)

-Giant Water Elemental Scroll (vertically on back)

-10x Sealing Scrolls (tucked away in sash)


Special Traits (Optional)

Name of Kekkei Genkai: Storm Release- Sens? Sutairu no Otoko "Man-of-War Style"

Type: Dual Nature

Clan: Genzai

Description: Uses electrical currents to control and amplify the destructive capabilties of the water. Kurage's signature formation is to surround hisself in a globe of electrified liquid, to which he'll spawn offensive tentacle extentions from when in the heat of conflict.

Had to do this on the fly today, so I'll probably come back and edit certaint things. There was japanese text for a few names, but the site doesn't seem to be able to show it so when you see what appears to be giberrish...<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd98b8655_KurageGenzai.jpg.c34595056b49de9a7edf82babaeb144a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="496" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd98b8655_KurageGenzai.jpg.c34595056b49de9a7edf82babaeb144a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd98c15c0_OriginalKurage.jpg.4af2d41339df467f3754109b816050a8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="497" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd98c15c0_OriginalKurage.jpg.4af2d41339df467f3754109b816050a8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Lame as hell Personality section followed by massive History.

Not sure if lazy or just lazy.
I'mma just put this out there and say that to use Gentle Fist techniques, let alone the Byakugan, one needs a significant chakra pool to draw from.

Next, it's not MY place to nitpick, but I thought there was a stance on not involving Canon characters without GM approval. Your BRIEF history mentions the Hokage. Not sure if Gusta.

Third. We already have a Hyuga. This is MY opinion... I don't think having multiple people from the same clan/lineage is a good idea.
My apologies. Being a huge Naruto-buff makes me kinda jumpy and nitpicky concerning details like that.
its fine, i was kinda iffy about joining this because it seems like a serious rp. i wasnt sure if i was exp enough to create a character dynamic and with a large enough history to qualify.
@ Wisdom,I'm liking the history and the power, but you do still need your Jutsu section filled out, even if it is mostly custom Jutsu. Also, your personality section is severely lacking, though I wont hold it against you considering your not done. When you finish, do remember to add more in personality, and we should be awesome.

@Haru, did you put up a character sheet? I didn't even see it. O.o

Beta Stop insulting/scaring people away! Its hard enough to get this thing off the ground, be nice!

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